magic eye doctor

Chapter 2902 The Disaster of Three Devils 3

The fleeing team is preparing to camp overnight in a valley among the mountains. The valley is flat, open and close to the water source.

A natural dirt road made by cattle and horse-drawn carts shuttles between the high mountains. If a person stands on the road, he has no idea where the road comes from and where it leads to.

It is probably because people and beasts rarely come and go, and there is no frequent trampling, so weeds growing half a person's height grow in the middle and on both sides of the road.

There were nearly 5000 people in the disaster relief team, divided into several groups, with a distance of about [-] to [-] feet between each group. Among the people in each group, there were strong young and middle-aged people, as well as old and frail old people and young people. Children and women and children.

There are a large number of livestock in the fleeing team, mostly poultry, sheep, cattle, cattle and animals, stag antler horses for transportation, and domestic dogs for guarding the house.

Goats are gray-white or brown-coated, and there are big-tailed sheep, small-tailed sheep and horned sheep.

The rams of big-tailed sheep and small-tailed sheep have horns, while ewes have no horns, and horned sheep are similar to silver-horned sheep. Both male and female have horns, and the horns are curved forward. The horns are also their weapons against enemies.

The victims put harnesses on the antler horses, cattle, and big rams, and pulled horse-drawn carts or self-made simple carts to carry their belongings.

Their household belongings are mainly food and some necessities of life, such as cooking pots, pots, bowls, clothes, bedding, rain gear and farm tools.

Probably in order to reduce the weight of the luggage, each family only brought one or two wooden or bamboo buckets and basins. The bamboo tube was used as a kettle, the pot was made of iron, and the bowls were bamboo or wooden bowls, which were not fragile.

They must have experienced long-distance travel and are very tired. When choosing a place to camp, even children have little energy to play.

When little Lolita looked for it, the sun was hanging on the peak of the highest mountain in the west, and the afterglow shone obliquely on the halfway up the mountain in the east, and the light in the valley was a little dark.

Young and middle-aged people are unloading horse-drawn carts and carts to let the antler horses, cattle, and sheep graze after a hard day. The herds that do not pull carts have dispersed, and the valley is full of cattle and sheep.

The women in the team are also busy setting up a pot to make a fire for cooking, or fetching water and collecting firewood. The elderly take care of the children, and the half-grown children look for wild vegetables that can be eaten.

With a team of tens of thousands of people, each team divides the work and cooperates with each other, and they are busy but not chaotic. It can be seen that there must be an outstanding leader in the team.

When the spirit boat with the golden mask crossed the mountain peak and appeared above the valley, the domestic dog with keen hearing heard the sound of the wind and barked with its head raised to the sky.

When the victims heard the sound, they looked up and saw a glittering golden airship descending from the sky. They were shocked at first, and then panicked.

After a short period of panic, everyone put down their work and stood respectfully. When the golden flying boat was still hundreds of feet away from the ground, men, women and children knelt down.

"Xiaomin pays homage to the immortal!"

There are also Xiuxian families in Yunlan's county, prefecture, or some counties with excellent geographical location. Ordinary people can also see practitioners flying around in the air with magic weapons. Most of the mortals in remote and barren small towns, their ancestors Dozens of generations may not have the opportunity to meet practitioners.

People who have never eaten pork have always seen pigs running, and those who have never seen monks always know that there are immortal cultivators and immortals. Seeing a practitioner flying in the air, it is absolutely correct to call them "immortals".

The men and women prostrated themselves on the ground, and when viewed from a height, they could only see arched backs and dark heads.

Although I don't know if those people are sincere, judging from their behavior, ordinary people in Yunlan still have a very respectful attitude towards practitioners.

Yan Shaoxuan said nothing, and neither did the beasts.

Le Yun flew the spirit boat to a group of people at the back of the team, stopped the boat in the air, and walked out by herself.

Neither the two young masters nor the beast friend went out to join in the fun.

The reason why the beasts didn't show up was because they were monsters, and they were afraid that they would scare the poultry if they went out. If they frightened the beasts raised by the human race, it would be a disaster if the little fairy was unhappy and wouldn't let them out of the animal bags.

After stepping out of the spirit boat, Le Yun landed in the air less than three feet above the ground, dispersed her consciousness, and "helped" the men, women and children who were lying on the ground: "Get up, you don't need to panic, my fairy Traveling to Jinzhuling, I heard that the tomb mountain in Kuzhuling has become a volcano. The disaster has lasted for more than a hundred years, so I took a detour to see how the situation is.

Fairy Ben passed by the border of the Dayue Kingdom, and saw that they had moved the towns and prefectures around the tomb mountain to a safe place, and now there are no people stranded more than a thousand miles away from the edge of the tomb mountain.

The place where you are staying now is less than five hundred miles away from the edge of the Mt. Tomb Mountain. It can be seen that the place where you live is closer to the volcano. Why did you not move until now? "

The newly formed volcanic hills, probably because the hills look like graves from the air, have been called Mound Head Mountains since ancient times.

Graves are the resting place of the dead. The place name of Mt. Tomb is very unlucky. Most people don't like it, and the locals don't want to admit that it is called "Mt. Mt. Tomb".

In order to avoid the taboo, the monks in the secret realm of Guanxing Pavilion called "Fengtou Mountain" directly, and they always referred to it as "a place surrounded by a large area of ​​hills".

The men and women who knelt down were lifted to their feet by invisible forces, but they still did not dare to raise their heads.

Hearing the fairy's voice is a female voice, the voice is soft and clear, bold people raised their heads, people who are far away can't see the appearance of the fairy, but those who are close can see the fairy is a half-grown child, He opened his mouth wide in shock.

The fairy asked, and an old man in green robes in the crowd pushed away the person who was holding him, and replied respectfully and tremblingly: "In the words of the fairy, the little old man and the men and women here are all from the Chu family. The old man was fortunate to be Jizheng, and Chujiaji is about 460 miles away.

Bao... During the years when Mt. Tomb became a volcano, Huanjiaji and the surrounding area were also affected by the volcano. Fortunately, as long as you work hard, you can get [-]% to [-]% of the harvest in one season, which is enough to support your family.

What's more, it is not easy to move the whole family, and I have seen the hardships of the refugees, and I don't want to abandon the place of birth unless I have to.

Over the years, the volcano on the Mt. Tomb has continued to expand. Although the little old man and the people who led the past few episodes lived in fear, they survived in the end.

Just last month, a mountain less than 4 miles away from Chujiaji suddenly turned into a volcano in the middle of the night, and the flames poured down and engulfed a large village at the foot of the mountain. There were more than [-] people there. Only more than a hundred escaped.

The volcano expanded to the door of the house, and people in the nearby villages fled one after another. The little old man and the people in the Xuanjiaji bravely stayed for more than ten days, grabbed a little food, and then hurriedly embarked on the road of escape. "

Yunlan Spiritual World used to be divided into continents, collars, prefectures, prefectures, counties, and towns from top to bottom when it was divided into lands and governed. Towns are the lowest jurisdiction units.

Subdivided into one continent with ten territories, one territory with ten counties, one county with ten prefectures, one prefecture with ten counties, one county with ten towns, the towns are composed of large and small cities and towns.

A continent is 1000 billion miles wide, a county is also a million miles wide, and a town is [-] miles wide. Of course, it refers to the average value. Some prefectures, counties, prefectures or counties have land areas that exceed the average value, and some are less than the average value. On average, only the area and boundaries of continents never change.

Cities and collections are not established according to the size of the site. In terms of population, a city with a population of more than [-] can be called a city, and a population of less than [-] can be called a "ji".

The collection of the Yunlan world is equivalent to a village on the earth. There is no limit to the villages on the earth. Even if a single family lives, it is a "natural village". It is not counted in Yunlan. The population is not enough, so it can only be counted. A place for practicing or traveling in the wild.

The territory of Yunlan is vast and full of dangers. Hundreds of thousands of mortals live in remote places. Only monsters in the foundation stage can destroy them. It is safer for thousands of people to live together, so only monks Families or monks dare to live alone, and mortals hug each other to keep warm.

After the Tianhuo Calamity, the width of the territory remained unchanged, while the counties and towns were divided due to the disintegration and division of the former empire or tribe, and the area also changed.

The old man said that Chujiaji has more than 2 people. In terms of population alone, the Huaxia Kingdom on Earth already meets the conditions for establishing a township.

Yan Shaoxuan, who was a bystander in the spirit boat, was dumbfounded when he heard it. Little Loli found the head of a village by finding someone at random.

Don't ask the little loli why she can find it so accurately, if you ask, it's just a matter of observation.

A certain aura of an old man is stronger than other old men, which means that he belongs to the kind of people with high morals and prestige in the crowd, or is the leader.

Whether you want to find someone to do business with or to show your loyalty to your boss, the most important point is to find the right person. It is also a reason to find someone to understand the situation or talk about things. Naturally, you also need to find a leader who can call the shots.

Chu Ji was an old man in his seventies, still in good health, and his voice was a little choked up when he talked about the reason why he had to leave his hometown.

When people in the market heard that tens of thousands of people were swallowed up by a volcano in a certain place, they couldn't help but feel sad when they felt lingering fear.

Le Yun frowned straightly: "According to this, you are only a hundred miles away from the grave head mountain, which belongs to dangerous land and is not suitable for living. Didn't your lord and mansion lord send officials to rescue the disaster? No one advised you to move, nor did you Arrange practitioners to come and treat them, or help you move?"

"No, no officials came to tell people to relocate in the Hujiaji and the nearby Jizi. The little old man heard that the same is true in the neighboring counties and prefectures. Whoever wants to survive escapes by himself.

Even... I heard that some disaster victims fled to Fucheng through untold hardships, but were refused outside the city..."

While Chu Ji was talking, he couldn't continue. Thinking of what the victims in the disaster had suffered in the rumors, he was also worried that the future of himself and the people in Yiji was uncertain. Sadness came from his heart, and two lines of muddy tears came out of his eyes.

"It's no wonder that Fairy from a distance sees that the Zhenqi Kingdom is full of bad luck and full of resentment. Presumably not only the volcanic and earthquake disasters caused countless deaths and injuries to the people, but also many innocent souls have been added in the following years."

Le Yun knew in her heart that the prosperity of the country on the side of the Dayue Empire must be that the monarch took effective measures to save the people immediately after the disaster, thus gaining the love and faith of the people.

Zhen Qiguo's side is the opposite, full of bad luck and lifeless.

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