magic eye doctor

Chapter 2903 The Disaster of Three Devils 3

The disaster on Mt. Fendou has lasted for more than a hundred years. Chu Jizheng and everyone in Chu Jiaji did not know how many casualties there were, but they did not see many people who had lived in the depths of Mt. Mt. Mt.

There were as many as 50 to [-] people who passed by and fled from them one after another, but that number was just a drop in the bucket compared to the people living in the depths of Tomb Mountain.

There are a limited number of roads from Fengtou Mountain to Shangtou Town and the county government, only eight in total, and the road passing through their Chujiaji is one of them.

For more than a hundred years, only hundreds of thousands of victims passed through one of the eight escape routes. From this, it can be seen that a large number of people must have been buried under the rock flow of the volcano.

Reminiscent of the countless people buried in the tomb mountain, the men and women of Chujiaji also think of themselves who are now wandering for their lives, and the sadness comes from it, and they can't help but choke.

Chu Jizheng was in tears all the time, ants were greedy for life, not to mention human beings, if they could live, who would want to die?

For those people living in the depths of Mt. Tomb, if the officials arranged for the officials to treat or relocate in time, as long as they did not die in the volcanic earthquake at that time, most of the others should have a chance to survive.

Because her words aroused everyone's sympathy, Le Yun stopped bringing up the sad topic and asked the old man: "Old man, where are you going to move to?"

Chu Jizheng was grieving in his heart, when he heard the immortal call himself "Old Man", he was startled, recovered from his grief, and hurriedly respected himself: "If you go back to the fairy, there is a medium-sized city about 500 miles ahead. The old man and the people in the group want to join them in order to find a safe place."

"Inappropriate." Le Yun shook her head when she heard it: "It's not that this fairy deliberately scares you with alarmist words. It is still within the coverage of the Huomai ground network.

Although the current underground fire vein is still stable, no one can accurately determine when the underground fire vein will erupt, just like no one expected that there will be a volcanic earthquake on the other side of the grave head mountain.

It is not a long-term solution to live here within a thousand miles. In order that your descendants will not experience the pain of being away from home, you should not simply move to a farther place. It is better to settle down three thousand miles away. "

The adult men and women in Chujiaji heard that it was not a livable place within a thousand miles, and many middle-aged and elderly people burst into tears.

"Oh my god, how can people live like this!"

"Is it true that God wants to kill us?"

Chu Jizheng burst into tears again: "I'm just an ordinary citizen, my strength is weak, and it's my limit to be able to travel thousands of miles. Now I'll take one step at a time. I'll go to a big city five hundred miles away and find a shelter to find a way to survive this winter." , and then make another plan.”

"Heaven is merciful, it will never stop the way of others, it depends on whether each person has the desire to save himself, only those who are willing to save themselves will be saved by heaven.

If you walk like this, it is inevitable that there will be some damage on the road. If you are willing to go to a safer place and trust the practitioner, this fairy will help you move three thousand miles away. "

The physique of ordinary people is far inferior to that of monks. If they are allowed to walk by themselves, some old and young people will not be able to reach their goal. At the same time, there will be wild animals or natural disasters on the way, which will inevitably lead to loss of personnel.

The people in Chujiaji were divided into several groups, and some people were far away and couldn't see the appearance of the immortal, but no matter where they were, everyone could hear the voice of the immortal.

The men and women who were sobbing in grief heard that the fairy wished them to move, they stopped crying in shock, and looked up in unison.

Chu Jizheng exclaimed in surprise: " help us?"

"Although my generation of monks say that they want to live forever, they must have a heart of compassion. I have traveled hundreds of millions of miles to see the suffering of the people, how can I stand by and watch."

Le Yun expressed his stance righteously: "I am watching this side. The farther north is full of life and death. There must be a catastrophe. I need to go to the north for emergency treatment, so I can't personally escort you to transfer. I arranged for the two Nascent Souls who are traveling together to be real." I will take you to a safe place."

At the same time, she moved Yan Shuai and Xuan Shao in the spirit boat to her side, and let them face the crowd: "These two are Nascent Soul cultivators, and there are Mahayana guards by their side, you can rest assured."

Yan Shaoxuan was suddenly "lifted" out of the spirit boat by a mysterious and unstoppable force, he lost his mind for a moment, and then became as steady as an old dog.

Chu Jizheng and a group of men and women stared blankly at the immortal, first in a daze, then crying and laughing.

"We are saved!"

"It's saved, we're saved!"

The men and women talked about those families who lost their relatives on the road, and those who had experienced the rest of their lives after the catastrophe, and couldn't help crying bitterly.

They had only traveled more than [-] miles, but they had already experienced several dangers on the way, that is, they encountered fierce beast attacks, sudden landslides and road breaks, or sudden mountain torrents, causing dozens of casualties.

Chu Jizheng was agitated at first, then plopped down on his knees, and made a big salute: "Little old man, on behalf of Jiren, thank the immortal for saving his life!"

"Old man, you don't need to be too polite. This fairy and my companions are also mortal bodies. From now on, you can just call the two who escorted you 'True Monarchs'."

Le Yun helped the old man up again with her spiritual sense, and told everyone in the Chu family: "You cook more food tonight and tomorrow morning, and take them with you as dry food. Tomorrow, these two true kings will collect you into the magic weapon, and look for them along the way." If there are any other victims of the disaster, take them with you, it may be delayed for a day or two on the way, and you will not go hungry if you have dry food."

"We can save it!" The men and women of Chujiaji responded in unison.

Chu Jizheng even stated repeatedly that he would definitely supervise the Jiren and listen to the arrangements of the immortals.

There were no thorns among the victims, and Le Yun was relieved, and handed over three stone-shaped spiritual plant spaces of [-], [-], and [-] feet wide and two storage containers with a width of [-] feet to handsome Xuan Shaoyan.

"These three stones are small spiritual plant spaces. You use them to carry people and store animals or supplies. Within hundreds of thousands of miles to the north, there should be many victims still fleeing.

As long as there is a team willing to go to a safer place for the victims within a thousand miles from the edge of the volcano, you can escort them for a ride. If you don't want to, you don't have to force it.

If the team of victims found on the road is willing to send them to the same place for resettlement, it will be safer if more people live together, and it will be safer if they can build a city together. "

"Okay, we know how to do it." Yan Shaoxuan took over the escort mission without any hesitation. Little Lolita is a doctor, she joined the world to save lives, of course they fully support her.

Le Yun also instructed the general direction of the best location for the disaster to choose a place to live in, and "slid away" the two handsome men back to the spirit boat.

The seven beasts stared at Little Fairy with their star-like eyes, full of expectation: "Little Fairy, what about us? What shall we do?"

The two brothers have missions, and they also want to be assigned missions.

"You all have tasks too." A group of beasts and beasts actively participated in doing good deeds, and Le Yun immediately arranged for them: "The big ape, the little ape and the little bear take turns to work as escorts for the buddies, and the little fruit water escapes the white sound of the eagle to collect wood and bamboo. Build simple houses for the victims.

The other two, who were not on duty for my brother, also went to help collect wood, collecting as much cedar, pine, and bamboo as possible, and collecting some small hardwoods to make pillars.

You also go to the places where the victims of the disaster have settled down, but when ordinary people go to the places where the buildings are empty, you will also harvest the crops that are confiscated.

The collected crops should be divided into half to help the victims, and only half of them can be kept at most. "

"Understood." The seven beasts happily accepted the task.

Le Yun took out a small spirit boat with a speed of a million miles, and let the beasts who collected wood act as a means of transportation. The little spirit boat does not need a contract, as long as the spirit is strong enough, it can be manipulated to fly. No matter which of the seven beasts Animals can drive.

"Xuan Shao and Handsome Yan, you must advance and retreat together, even if sometimes you have to act separately to save time, try to maintain a distance of less than [-] miles."


"Don't worry, little beauty."

The two handsome guys smiled and nodded, and little Lolita was worried about their safety.

Yan Xing took out his own spirit boat, and when little Lolita finished giving her instructions, they entered the little spirit boat and then flew out in the little spirit boat.

The little spirit boat flew out of the spirit boat, which was traveling at a speed of hundreds of millions of miles. Yan Xing opened the defensive mask again, flew away, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived at the forest at the foot of the mountain behind the team of victims.

The man and the beast ran out of the spirit boat and rushed into the forest to cut wood.

The handsome guys and the beasts went to work, Le Yun took off in the spirit boat, flew to mid-air, and then galloped northward.

The men and women in Chujiaji were still overwhelmed with excitement when they saw the fairy returning to the flying boat, and soon saw an air boat flying out of the spirit boat and went to the foot of the mountain, and then the fairy's spirit boat also took off.

They saw the spirit boat rise to a very high place, and the next moment, the golden light flashed and disappeared.

The men and women who looked up at the sky were stunned.

After a while, Chu Ji came back to his senses, and immediately shouted, telling people to hurry up to gather firewood and cook.

The spirit boat with a speed of 1000 million miles is faster than lightning, reaching more than 6 miles per second. Le Yun turned on the extreme speed sailing mode of the spirit boat, and in less than 10,000 minutes, it has reached a distance of [-]+ miles from the disaster victims in Chujiaji. north side.

That area is still a hilly landform, but the height of the hills has increased, the height of the peaks exceeds [-] feet, the valleys are wider, and the terrain is more undulating.

With the skill of gazing, Le Yun found a city built in a wide valley between hills and peaks. The city stretches for about [-] miles and encloses several small and medium-sized peaks.

The human settlements in the city are scattered everywhere like a market town. The stone, brick and wooden houses are like houses, and the fields and human houses are distributed in an orderly manner.

Depending on the size of the city, it has a population of at least [-].

In the small town that was supposed to be full of people, there was not a single living thing, and human and animal skeletons were scattered everywhere, leaving no bones or dogs.

The houses in the city are still in good condition and have not been damaged by any foreign objects or forces.

Looking at the skeleton and the color of the peeled fur, many people and beasts had died within a few days, but the flesh and blood disappeared, and there was no flesh and blood residue on the ground, only clean bones and hair remained.

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