magic eye doctor

Chapter 2904 The Disaster of Three Devils 3

In the Mingyue Kingdom of Dongchen Continent, due to the disaster of monks, several cities were turned into empty cities. The residents of those cities had their souls taken away, and only their bodies remained.

In the small town in front of me, no human soul can be found either.

Le Yun walked half a circle above the city and found a place to shelter the fleeing victims.

The small town not only took in the victims of the disaster, but also set aside a residential area about five miles wide to resettle the victims. The refugees have already settled down in the city and built houses.

The houses of the disasters are also neatly arranged, and there is an obvious pattern—the house is from the inside to the outside, and the age of the house is from old to new.

There are a small number of houses in the outermost periphery that are relatively simple and relatively new. It can be seen at a glance that they have only been newly added in the past three to five years.

From the changes in the houses, it can be seen that the victims of the disaster have fled to the small town to settle down one after another.

Turning around in the air, Le Yun didn't go down to collect the body of the deceased, turned the spirit boat, and flew to the northeast.

In less than two breaths, the spirit boat flew over another small town. The gates of that small town stretching for about two and a half miles were closed, and there were no living creatures but only bones.

This time, Le Yun flew away without taking a closer look, circled around thousands of miles around, and found two small towns and three towns, all with only bones left.

Several small cities and towns are all within a thousand miles of the edge of the volcano that erupted from Tomb Mountain.

The spirit boat continued to search, flew about [-] miles, and landed above a small city about [-] miles wide.

Its city gates are open, a large number of houses in the city have their doors closed, and a few doors are open. Most of the human bones are inside the houses, and the Yizhuang in the corner of the city has the most bones.

According to the color analysis of the bones, some people had just died for a day or two.

After checking the bones in the city, Le Yun didn't stay any longer, and flew in a direction in the spirit boat, and found a big city after about 3 minutes.

That big city stretched for more than a hundred miles and was the seat of a town.

The town is built on a small plain, and the town is very wide. It has undergone several expansions as the population has increased, and several city walls can be seen in the distance.

Outside the south gate of the town, there was originally a plain with a width of about [-] miles. The residents of the city sheltered more than ten miles from the city wall and used it as a crop field. .

The shack is the simplest bamboo shed, that is, a few pillars are supported on the ground, and then bamboo mats are used to cover the roof and surround it. If the bamboo mats are weathered and old, they will be replaced with new ones.

There is a lot of bamboo in Zhuzhou, also known locally as bitter bamboo collar, and there is no shortage of bamboo, so it only takes manpower and no money to build a bamboo shed.

The shacks are crowded together, more than five miles wide.

The shack area is like a slum in some parts of the world, and even the road left has ropes across it to dry clothes.

In addition to the piece of land occupied by the shack, the original field was also reclaimed and crops were planted.

Le Yun looked from a distance, and saw the thick dead air and the very faint devilish air permeating the city and above the shack.

At the same time, there are still about fifty miles away, and the faint smell of carrion and a trace of turbid smell can also be smelled in the air.

After finding the ground, Le Yun enlarged the spirit boat that had shrunk to a length of one zhang, and made it more than a hundred zhang long, before moving forward slowly.

No matter how slow it was, the spirit boat passed two small hills less than [-] feet high in an instant, and arrived at the top of the crop field outside a certain county town.

The gate of a certain town is closed tightly, and the words "Wangzhu Town" are engraved on a horizontal plaque above the gate.

At that time, the sun had not completely set, and there was still a small piece the size of a palm hanging on the top of the mountain. From a distance, it looked like someone hung a piece of orange-red orange peel on a bamboo pole.

The afterglow of Yu Yang is still reflected on the city tower and the city wall, showing a yellow-red color, which is originally a warm color, but it can't drive away the decay and desolation of the town.

The season is the end of July, and the golden millet, yellow millet and grains planted early can be harvested.

The crop land outside the town is a bit barren, some land is unmanaged and overgrown with weeds, and some land is often managed by people, and the crops grow quite well.

Those who harvested grain in the field also finished their work, or carried the cut crops home, or pushed the carts tied with grain seedlings. People on the road were not too far from the shacks, and some had already entered the shack area.

There are still some people in the crop field very close to the shack to start tidying up.

The workers include middle-aged and elderly men and women, as well as half-grown children, and even three- and two-year-old children go to the fields to collect grain.

There was also cooking smoke from the shack area, and occasionally there were two or three barking dogs, or one or two suppressed cries.

The golden spirit boat is a colossal monster to ordinary people.

The huge spirit boat appeared in the sky with a golden light, as bright as the sun at noon. When the light fell, men and women everywhere looked up at the light. When they saw the golden flying boat in the sky, they were stunned first, and then turned to the people on the road. Throwing down the load or the car, ran to the middle of the road.

Those who were still in the crop fields ran towards the official road. Some people even forgot to feel sorry for the crops that they would trip over the grains when they walked on weekdays, and ran across the field.

"The immortal is here The immortal is here!"

"We are saved!"

"The fairy save us!"

When people on the official road saw the spirit boat flying, they knelt down and howled.

The people in the hut also heard the shouts, and rushed out of the hut to look around. When they saw the flying boat in the air, they also ran towards the official road.

The men and women who were closest to the official road ran to the official road first, crying and kneeling down.

The cry came, the sound was sad and filled with endless begging.

The spirit boat flew slowly through the air, and stopped above the official road facing the shack area, hundreds of feet above the ground, even if it would make people feel oppressed, it would not be too great.

Le Yun stepped out of the spirit boat, descended slowly, about three or four feet away from the ground, and then waited and watched.

Men and women, near and far, were dressed in rough linen clothes. Nine out of ten were sick, with deformed limbs, rashes and spots, or lumps of tumors. Some of the more serious ones had skin ulcers. , pus.

No matter men, women, old or young, the skin color may turn blue and white, or purple red, or red, or blue green, and the color of the skin is even weirder than that dyed with pigments.

"?" Looking around, Le Yun's heart trembled, leprosy? !

Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by the bacillus leprae, and the main lesions are in the skin and peripheral nerves.

In the past, leprosy was widely spread around the world. With the gradual maturity of medical technology, it was effectively controlled in the middle of the [-]th century, and the incidence rate was extremely rare.

Babies in various countries are given various vaccines from birth, including leprosy vaccine.

Le Yun has never encountered pure leprosy patients on earth. When she was studying in country Y, she saw the virus source of Bacillus leprae in the laboratories of her tutors and professors.

In comparison, the Bacillus leprae strains she had seen before were all strains that had been transmitted for countless N generations, and the pathogens in the patients here were the ancestors of Bacillus leprae.

Moreover, there are many types of bacillus leprae, far exceeding the classification types studied by earthlings.

Leprosy was once rumored to be terminally ill on the earth, and the talk changed. For quite a long time, people in some countries feared leprosy because they did not understand it. They were so afraid that they sent the sick people to a certain place. Isolate them and let them fend for themselves.

Leprosy is a curable or manageable disease.

And the leprosy patients in front of them... don't just suffer from leprosy, they also have another kind of thing on them - magic fungus.

The magic fungus is a part of the body of the plague demon in the demon clan. It eats flesh and blood for a living.

There is a scary disease on the earth called "man-eating fungus". The flesh-eating fungus will cause the loss of muscle tissue of the infected person, and the infection is strong. The condition of the infected person will increase rapidly and the mortality rate is extremely high.

Magic fungus is more terrifying than flesh-eating fungus. It does not necrosis the infected person's muscle tissue, but eats all kinds of tissues such as muscle tissue and blood cells.

Magic bacteria eat flesh and blood, just like humans and monsters eat meat and spiritual plants and spiritual fruits.

Leprosy is easy to cure, but it is more troublesome to eliminate the magic fungus.

At this moment, Le Yun finally knew why there were only bones in the cities she passed through before, and the flesh and blood of those people and beasts were all eaten by magic fungus!
The emergence of magic fungus in the border of the human race also shows that there is a plague demon of the demon race nearby.

Plague Demon is a virus body. Its magic fungus can divide into countless parts and disperse to feed. When the magic fungus absorbs nutrients, it will be taken back and fused to strengthen its body.

The more types of food the magic fungus devours, the stronger the body's power will be.

The magic fungus of the Plague Devil is its body tissue. It also carries various plague seeds and spreads the plague seeds and magic fungus to make flesh and blood creatures sick. The magic fungus decomposes new magic fungi in the organism again, Devour its flesh and blood together.

The magic fungus is associated with the plague, and the magic energy is relatively weak. When a creature is sick, the body will emit a different smell from the usual body odor—commonly known as sickness, the magic energy of the magic fungus is mixed with the sickness, and the doctor with a low level of cultivation He and Danxiu might not be able to detect it either.

The spread of the plague is the best way to cover up the magic fungus.

There is a fire demon hidden deep in the underground of the volcano, where there are magic fungi left by the plague demon, and there are two monsters in a small bitter bamboo collar.

The two demons rebelled and harmed the human race, and those who suffered were unarmed and innocent people.

The Zhenqi Empire has a national teacher, the national teacher comes from the sect of cultivating immortals, and there are also many practice families in the country. There are monsters in the country who make trouble. Don't you have any special feelings?

Le Yun looked at Wangzhu Town, frowning slightly. No matter what kind of monsters they are, they like to eat souls. It is also possible that the plague demons ate the souls of the dead.

However, if the souls of the dead were eaten, it would be impossible for the resentment in the vicinity to remain so strong.

Could it be... Could it be that there is another grudge, or a grudge?

Thinking of that possibility, Le Yun suddenly felt that she was the truth.

No ghosts were found in the Mt. Tombs area under the jurisdiction of Zhenqi State, even the victims who had died less than three days ago had no souls, but there was resentment everywhere.

Guessing the reason, little Lolita immediately had an idea, and looked at the crying victims: "Your illness can be cured, and you should put away your sorrow first, who can tell me why you Will it be outside the city? Why didn't the town send any doctors to treat you when so many of you got sick?"

The mourning and crying person heard the sound and looked at the immortal. The immortal has a small body, but she... is obviously different from other practitioners. She cares about the lives of these ants-like pariahs!

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