magic eye doctor

Chapter 2905 The Disaster of Three Devils 3

The victims were more fond of the fairy who cared about the life and death of the people, and they all wanted to reply, but they couldn't cooperate with each other, and they were trembling and couldn't speak.

A middle-aged man plucked up his courage and replied tremblingly: "Fairy, we... the people here all escaped from Mt. After living for a few years, the volcano expanded again and had to flee again.

My partner and I were a group of victims who fled in the middle of the Mt. Tombs Disaster. We were forced to relocate four times in a row. We finally came to Zhenzhi in the early winter before the eleventh day. Who knows, Zhenzheng...he..."

He said "he" a few times in a row, but it was hard to say, another younger young man said angrily: "Zhouzheng him and the people in the yamen closed the city gate, we are not allowed to enter the city, and we are allowed to live outside the city." self-destruct.

It was winter at that time, and we had fled for more than ten years. We had no money, no food left, and no power to go further. The only way was to wait for death.

Fortunately, there was a big family in the city who showed compassion and sent us some food and cold protection from the city wall. Only half of the victims survived, and those who were weak and some old children could not survive. that winter.

We can't enter the city, so we can only build a shed outside the city, open up wasteland and grow some food by ourselves. The first year's food seeds are donated by big households in the city.

The residents in the shacks are all victims of disasters who have fled for more than ten years. Because the township is not allowed to enter the city, they can only support themselves and struggle to survive.

The land here is fertile, so we work harder and save food by planting a year's worth of food. Although life is hard, we can still survive by gritting our teeth.

Unexpectedly, misfortunes never come singly. Since last year, for some reason, we, men, women, young and old, have been sick one after another.

We have also begged the people in the town, begged someone to tell Zhenzheng, please let a doctor come out to see me, but Zhenzheng has never paid any attention to it, we untouchables... low life, live every day... woo... ..."

As the young man spoke, his heart ached, and a grown man cried with his head in his arms.

"Being a human being, no one in the human race has the right to call those who are based on agriculture a pariah. It is necessary to know that the human race in ancient times was based on farming. If there is no farming technique, how can the human race survive and how can they survive to this day?
You are not cheap, and your lives are not cheap, don't underestimate yourself.

The town here is not allowing you to enter the city. He knows that there are disasters everywhere under the township, and he is in vain as a parent official. "

The victims outside the city were all dressed in rough clothes, and many of them had patched and patched clothes, which showed the difficulty of surviving. Le Yun couldn't help but think of her grandfather, and couldn't help but feel sore that she wanted to cry.

My great-grandfather was also forced to be displaced back then, and had nowhere to turn for help. Fortunately, there are many good people in the world. After going through untold hardships and traveling to many places, my great-grandfather finally found a place to live and gave birth to descendants.

Le Yun has not experienced the suffering of the victims, but because of her own reasons, she can empathize with her.

Aroused by the words of the immortal, the victims on the official road were all in grief, crying with their heads in their arms, or crying uncontrollably.

"He...he called us untouchables..."

"As a town's parent officer, he doesn't care about life or death, woo..."

The men and women who ran from afar also knelt down one after another, tears falling like rain.

"Get up, I know what kind of disease you are suffering from. This disease can be cured, but the source of the disease must be solved first. If you don't solve the source, it will recur soon after it is cured.

The source of your illness is not here. This fairy will first find the source of the disease and kill it before returning to treat you. If there is no accident, I will be able to return tomorrow at the earliest, and seven or eight days at the latest.

This fairy will do what she says, and she will come back to save you if she says she will come back to save you. Please relax, I will leave a magic weapon here, and then burn some pills to disinfect the filthy atmosphere here.

Don't be afraid of hard work. Boil the water every day and let it cool down before drinking it. Use warm water to scrub your body and affected areas. If you are seriously ill, don't work for a while, and you will recover for a few days. "


The fairy's voice is gentle and can soothe all the pain in people's hearts. Similarly, it can also arouse the deepest emotions in the soul. The victims couldn't help crying.

Le Yun sighed, took out a golden bell and was about to throw it out, when he saw aircraft and monks appearing in the sky behind the south gate tower of the town.

The aircraft is in the shape of a blue feather, about three feet wide, and there are more than thirty people standing on it. The one in front of it is wearing a blue-blue tunic-style court robe with a dark green pheasant embroidered on the chest, and a hat behind his head. A brown official hat with a square ear.

That person is undoubtedly Zhenzheng, and most of the people behind him are government officials, wearing uniforms, there are more than a dozen government servants who are like policemen, equipped with uniform knives, and the others should be Zhenzheng's think tanks and staff.

Seeing the aircraft appearing, Le Yun guessed the identity of the person who heard the news, and threw the golden bell out regardless of them.

The golden bell flew into the air, and the golden light appeared, soaring countless times in an instant, and then landed with a bang. Starting from the patrol road around the wall from the outside of the city wall, all the land outside the south city gate, as well as several hills facing the city were also covered. All covered.

He Zhenzheng, who was flying towards the city wall in the aircraft, was startled when he saw the sudden appearance of the bell-shaped magic weapon, but was stunned by the golden light from the golden bell so that he couldn't open his eyes.

He covered his face with his sleeve, waited for the golden light to fade, and looked over again, there was no golden bell in the sky, only a small golden dome like a small hill appeared outside the city.

He Zhenzheng immediately flew the aircraft to the top of the city wall and waited and watched. There was a big spirit boat parked in the air outside the city. Under the spirit boat, there was only a big golden bell, and there was no more soil and vegetation, let alone a The figure of the untouchables.

A magic weapon that can protect the width of tens of miles is definitely not something that is taken lightly.

He Zhenzheng felt uneasy, he couldn't figure out which sect's true monarch it was, and he didn't know why he wanted to meddle in his own business.

The one is within the Admiralty, so he can only wait for someone to show up, and then slowly figure it out.

He Zhenzheng greeted the people who came with him, got off the aircraft, stood on the city wall and looked ahead, waiting for the master of the spirit boat to appear.

The golden bell covered the ground, making the light dim, and then brightened again. The golden metal light of the golden bell illuminated the crops and the surrounding area into pale gold.

When a golden light suddenly fell, the victims looked up in amazement, only to see a golden light, and the eyes of a group of men and women stared like copper bells.

Throwing the golden bell to protect a piece of land, Le Yun took out a big tripod and placed it on the side of the official road, added enough charcoal, and then ignited it with magic fire.

When the charcoal is so hot that it will not go out, take a few pills and put them in the ball inside the lid, and close the lid.

To be on the safe side, I summoned the puppet Jin Huo, gave him a bag of charcoal and a few pills, and asked him to guard the cauldron. If she failed to return within a day, he could add charcoal to the cauldron, and add more charcoal to the cauldron. Put the pills into the furnace and burn incense.

After explaining something, Le Yun moved away from Jin Zhong's defensive space and appeared outside the city wall. With a slight step, she was already standing in front of a group of people who were looking forward to it.

She didn't even say a word of nonsense, and her eyes fell on the face of the male cultivator in the golden pheasant suit: "Are you the Zhengzheng of Wangzhu Town?"

The town of Wangzhu Town is a monk with a triple foundation.

This kind of cultivation is a small shrimp in the monk world, which is at the basic level, but in the empire built by the human race, it already has a place and an extraordinary status.

He Zhenzheng and others didn't see how a certain monk came over. They didn't realize until he stood in front of them, and they were so scared that the hairs stood on end.

A certain monk was not angry but mighty. He Zhenzheng couldn't even stand, and knelt down as soon as his legs softened. He found that he had knelt down. He wanted to stand up, but his legs seemed to be stuck to the bricks of the city wall, and he couldn't pull them out. move.

He was unable to move under the invisible coercion, and He Zhenzheng was so shocked that his face was sweating like beans, his heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly lowered his head: "I have seen the real king! I am the town's Zhenzheng, I don't know how far the real king is coming to the town Welcome, it is my fault, I will prepare a table of thin wine later to apologize to Zhenjun."

"You really should make amends, but not to this fairy, but to those innocent people who died in the disaster on the grave head mountain."

Le Yun raised her hand and took out the Yuehua Sword, and put the long sword around the neck of a town official: "If you are not in your position, you will not seek his own government. If you are in his position, you should do your duty. You eat the king's salary and serve as a town for this side." Zheng, it is right to protect the safety of the people here, but what about you, what have you done?
You don't care about the disaster at the Mt. Tombs, and the victims are rushing for thousands of miles. If you don't give them a way to survive, you say, what's the use of keeping you? "

The people who came with He Zhenzheng only knew that it was a female cultivator, but they didn't know whether the female cultivator was round or flat. The next moment she pointed her sword at the lord of the town, they were all scared to death.

"Wronged! Wronged! I'm wronged!" With the sword hanging across his neck, He Zhenzheng was so frightened that half of his souls and seven souls flew away, and he said in a trembling voice, "It's not that I didn't rescue the disaster, it's that the Shangguan... I don't dare to act rashly without orders." host……"

"Whether you are wronged or not, you know in your heart, if this fairy wants to know what you have done, all he needs to do is look at you.

This fairy doesn't care about the rise and fall of the empires in the world, and doesn't care about the intrigue among officials, but this fairy can't see that some court officials are so disregarding human life for their own interests.

Zhenqi's foreign relatives interfere with power and coerce power to gain power. This is the true king's incompetence. As a local parent official, you choose to stand in line with your relatives, regardless of the lives of the people. You are not qualified to sit on this golden chair. "

What a certain Zhenzheng did, Le Yun already knew clearly, the disaster at the Tomb Mountain had actually been reported to the police, but the foreign relatives of the Zhenqi Empire took power and manipulated the government, the national teachers were greedy, and powerful officials colluded to deceive Concealing the truth from top to bottom, fooling the monarch, and ambiguously avoiding the most serious disasters of the bitter bamboo collar.

The reason why the foreign relatives concealed the disaster at Mt. Tombs was because one of the mansions was the place where a certain prince lived, and a certain foreign relative in power did not get along with him. While he was not in the capital, he deliberately suppressed the official document from the leader of Kuzhu, so that no one could issue it. The command ordered disaster relief from all over the world.

Zhenqi's foreign relatives are in power, and the mayor of Wangzhu Town belongs to the faction of foreign relatives. Emperor Tiangao is far away from him. Naturally, he turned a blind eye to the disaster at Mt.

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