magic eye doctor

Chapter 2906 The Disaster of Three Devils 3

Le Yun doesn't like people who eat vegetarian meals with corpses, not to mention that a certain town is a scum with unforgivable crimes, so there is no need to be lenient.

She had already said why he was damned, and stopped talking nonsense, she turned her wrist, and the Yuehua Sword slid forward, gently sweeping across someone's neck.

The sword swung across, extremely smooth, and even the sound of cutting bones was slight.

He Zhenzheng's head flew out, his eyes were still wide open, he didn't understand until his death why a certain monk knew that he was a powerful official.

The head flew into the air, landed again, and hit the green bricks on the wall with a thud, blood drops flying.

At the same time, He Zhenzheng's body also fell down, with blood gushing from his neck.

The staff who came with He Zhenzheng originally thought that a certain female cultivator was at most advising the governor or the county guard to cut off He Zhenzheng's officials. The immortal cultivators don't care about the government affairs of various countries on other continents, which is already an unwritten agreement of Yunlan.

Unexpectedly, the female cultivator not only took care of the affairs of the victims outside the city, but also beheaded He Zhenzheng by the sword at the slightest disagreement.

He Zhenzheng's head fell to the ground, and all the town officers and staff were terrified. The two sides were fighting, and they were on the verge of falling.

After completing the task of eradicating harm for the people, Le Yun didn't even blink her eyes, but the blood splashed when He Zhenzheng's body was separated and flew to her was blocked by an invisible air current, and all of it was sprayed on the ground.

After the head and corpse fell to the ground, she put away the unbloody Yuehua Sword, took out a pair of gloves and put them on, took a step forward, avoided the blood stains, and grabbed the corpse out of thin air to touch it.

A gold bracelet inlaid with gemstones on the wrist of a certain mayor and a ring inlaid with spiritual jade between his fingers are storage devices, and there is also a storage bag hanging around his waist.

Little Loli took away the three storage containers politely, then slapped a soul-killing talisman on the back of the headless corpse, and knocked it to the ground.

That kind of human moth can't get rid of his crime even if he kills him ten times. It's better to let his soul fly away. If a scum like him can be reincarnated, it's so unfair to those victims who died and even swallowed their souls.

A certain town is not a good bird. Le Yun thought the objects he touched were dirty, so he cleaned the storage and gloves several times with the dust removal technique, and then put away the gloves and checked the storage.

The three storage devices are all small space devices. The widest space of the bracelet is only fifty feet wide, the ring is ten feet wide, and the area of ​​the storage bag is even smaller, only one foot wide.

The storage container contains some spiritual jade for cultivation and more than [-] pieces of spiritual stones, dozens of ores of acceptable grades that can be used to refine magic weapons, a small amount of low-level spiritual plants and fruits, and spiritual fruits that are slightly lower in level. , but some plant fruits are more aura than ordinary fruits.

There are also some miscellaneous things, including the lowest-level magic swords and weapons that are sharp weapons for ordinary people, as well as the four treasures of the study he used, several boxes of clothes and dozens of excellent brocades.

Among the miscellaneous items are some raw materials for making talismans, and more than a dozen pieces of high-grade stone materials for making inkstones. Those few pieces are more than enough to carve inkstones such as magic weapons for monks.

Apart from this, there is nothing else of value.

The space device of a certain town has no useful things that can be used for disaster relief.

Le Yun cursed angrily: "As the lord of a town, he has a storage device in his hand, but he didn't store any emergency relief items. It's too little for such a bureaucrat to die a hundred times. It's time to throw it out and feed it to the dogs. Ash."

Seeing a female cultivator taking away He Zhen's storage device, the town servants and staff all dared not breathe loudly, let alone grab the storage device back.

Hearing her swearing, I was terrified, and my legs trembled even more.

Le Yun, who was filled with anger, threw three pieces of storage into a space device that only collects broken copper and rotten iron. Her eyes were like knives, and she stared at the trembling group of people: "The sword in this fairy's hand does not kill innocent people, die!" Those who fall under the sword are unforgivable sinners.

It is true that this fairy is a monk, but first of all, this fairy is a human being, and her humanity is still there. There is no saying that a monk cannot kill ordinary people, nor that a monk cannot kill a king or an official of the court.

This person is an official of the court, and he cannot help the monarch at the top, and it will not benefit the people at the bottom.

In the future, if people come to ask questions, you can just answer them truthfully. Tell the visitor, if you see injustice on the road, someone will shovel it, and if you see injustice, someone will take care of it. man of. "

A certain female cultivator pointed at herself, dozens of people were so frightened that they couldn't breathe.

Their legs seemed to be swinging, and the muscles on their faces trembled. They couldn't make a sound when they wanted to answer, and they just nodded stiffly.

There are more important things to do at present, Le Yun doesn't care how a group of bureaucrats manage their work after the Zhenzheng is gone, she moves back to the spirit boat and drives the spirit boat to set sail.

The golden spirit boat flashed across the town, until it could no longer be seen, and the people who followed He Zhenzheng dared to take a breath.

When he saw He Zhenzheng's body, he panicked again, and finally negotiated for a while, and collected He Zhenzheng's body, brought it back to the town office, and handed it over to He Zhenzheng's family.

He Zhenzheng's family members knew that he was beheaded by monks and why he was beheaded, so they packed up their bags in fright, drove out of the city overnight.

The victims in Jinzhong didn't know that He Zhenzheng, who had rejected them outside the city, was dead, and they just recovered from their daze.

The victims who had breathed a sigh of relief were ecstatic because they had received the favor of the gods. Many people even gave up their food, and ran back to the shack to share the great news with their families.

Soon, weeping came from the crowded huts, and then laughter, and the sorrow on everyone's faces was replaced by smiles.

Le Xiaoluoli drove the spirit boat non-stop, flew 13 miles north, and arrived at the immediate boss of Wangzhu Town—the county seat of Wangzhu County just as the sun just slipped down the mountain.

The county seat of Wangzhu County is about [-] miles away from the present-day most marginal volcano in the volcanic zone of Fendou Mountain.

The county seat spans more than 300 miles and is divided into nine districts, which is equivalent to being composed of multiple cities with a population of about 150 million.

The traffic in the county extends in all directions, fields, fields, jungle hills and manor houses overlap each other, it is hard to tell if there is a scene in the city or a city in the scene.

Chengzhong District, where the county government is located, is also the most populous district, with a permanent population of more than 300 million.

Many manors have also been opened on the plains outside the county seat, either for planting or breeding. Each manor has villas for the helpers hired by the owner to live in.

When the city wall of the county was built, it was built according to the situation of some small hills. The due west is a series of interlocking digital peaks. In the southeast, southwest, northwest, and northeast.

Wangzhu County took in a lot of victims, some of them were resettled outside the city, and built complexes, all of which were simple houses, and there were several resettlement places for victims in the city.

The county towns of Wangzhu County did not escape the plague either. They were all infected with Leprosy bacillus and also planted with magic fungus.

No matter in the resettlement area for the disaster victims or everywhere in the city, almost every house has white banners, some of which are old due to the wind and rain, and some of which are newer.

Due to the plague, people continue to die. Even if the living do not know when death will come, they must live even if they live every day.

If you want to survive, you have to eat, and if you want to eat, you have to grow food.

Therefore, even though the plague is rampant, people living inside and outside the city still plant and breed.

There is also desolation, bad luck, and death inside and outside the city, but generally speaking, the vigor and vitality in Wangzhu County is stronger than that in Wangzhu Town.

Le Yun, who arrived on a spirit boat, aimed at a dark cloud in the sky in the middle of the county town.

Overcast clouds covered Wangzhu County, and the thick clouds almost covered the entire sky. Even in the daytime, the city seemed cloudy.

There is a demon hidden in the cloud.

That demon, as little Loli had expected, was a grudge.

There are grievances in the body of grievances, and there are also monks of various races who lose their true nature due to excessive grievances, and then become grievances after being tempted by heart demons or infected by demonic energy.

The resentful demon above Wangzhu County is actually a resentful spirit, that is, the resentful spirit has entered the demon barrier.

My guess was confirmed, Le Yun was very calm, there was a resentment demon, a plague demon, and a fire demon, but I don't know whether it was the bitter bamboo collar's magic power that attracted them, or someone kept the three in the bitter bamboo collar.

The three demons gathered at Kuzhuling, and it was basically certain that the so-called volcanic and earthquake natural disasters in Kuzhuling were not natural disasters, but disasters created by the three demons.

I found the grudge, what are you waiting for?

Le Yun drove the spirit boat straight to Wangzhu County.

It was the harvest season. During the daytime, there were people picking crops outside the city and inside the city. After the sun set, almost all the workers had finished their work. Only a small number of people were still on their way back to the city or the village.

The size of the spirit boat is huge, not to mention that little Lolita intended to be seen by others, and she didn't fly too high. If such a huge object appeared in the sky, people on the ground would naturally find it.

Someone spotted the flying boat in the sky and immediately rushed to tell everyone—"A fairy is coming!"

The spirit boat with a circle of golden light mask crossed the plain at low altitude and entered the city from the city wall, slowly traveling all the way to the central area of ​​the city.

The spirit boat stopped when it flew above the center of the city, Le Yun stepped out of the spirit boat, soared into the sky, and went straight to the clouds in the sky.

Like a flash of light, she rode the wind up from the low altitude, and rushed into the continuous cloud cluster in a flash. When the residents on the ground saw the spirit boat flying, they looked up and no one saw her figure.

As soon as Le Yun flew to the cloud layer, the surrounding clouds quickly gathered towards her, and a strong squeezing force with resentment squeezed her from all directions, as if trying to squeeze her into a pulp alive.

She didn't activate the defense of the magic robe, and took out the mountain-opening machete, a sub-divine weapon, with one hand, and grabbed a talisman with the other hand and pressed it on the blade and handle of the machete.

The machete suddenly grew to a length of more than ten feet, emitting a dazzling golden light.

Outside the golden light is a layer of purple light.

The purple light was so intense that it was almost black.

With the talisman in place, Le Yun held the knife with both hands and slashed at Yin Yun.

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