magic eye doctor

Chapter 2907 The Disaster of Three Devils 3

The cloud pressing towards the human monk retreated sharply when the machete glowed with golden light and purple halo, and flowed in all directions.

The rushing cloud shrank as it drifted away.

The cloud was very large, covering the sky about three miles wide, and it shrank quickly, shrinking around in the blink of an eye.

Le Yun swung the machete out, and the machete sank into the flowing clouds.

As soon as the knife and light arrived, the dark clouds within ten feet were instantly cleared.

Yin Yun, who was rapidly shrinking in size, let out a miserable scream.

A small piece of demonic energy was emptied with one knife, and Le Yun kept swinging the knife after chasing the cloud, and every knife would wipe out a piece of cloud.

Yin Yun's figure shrank sharply, shrinking to the size of a mile in a blink of an eye, and the color became thicker and thicker, correspondingly faster.

Le Yun keeps moving, one knife left and one knife right, the knife sees the cloud.

Some of the cloud group was eliminated, and the loss of that bit of power didn't have much effect on its huge size, and it was still shrinking.

Soon, the cloud shrank to about thirty feet in size, as thick as ink, like a cotton ball dyed black with ink, and the black color was full of demonic energy, death energy, and resentment energy.

A black cloud is the body of the grudge.

The resentful demon returned to its original body and turned into a skull-faced appearance. While floating, it was furious: "Ah, ah, I want revenge, I want revenge! Why do you want to stop me from taking revenge...why don't you let me take revenge..."

"There is an injustice and a debtor. If you die unjustly, you can seek revenge from the person or beast who killed you, but you don't know right from wrong. It is your fault to kill innocent people."

Le Yun holds a machete in his hand and continues to hunt down the grudge. The body of the grudge is a grudge, and the grudge is a soul-body creature. It has a nemesis. Special talismans and special fire can restrain it or directly destroy it.

"Ah, ah, I died unjustly, I want revenge! Why should I die, they live well, die, die, die..." The resentful demon yelled and fled downwards. .

Le Yun didn't understand its intention, the grievance demon wanted to run into the crowd to make trouble, or wanted to possess someone and threaten her. After all, she was also a human being, so she couldn't directly kill the person possessed by the grievance demon.

Want to harm people, have you asked her what she means?
One moved to the front of the grudge, and slashed wildly with a knife.

The resentful demon is a demon with a resentful spirit body, can she still deal with it?
If the resentment is a strange creature like wind and fog, it will be a headache. After all, wind and fog creatures can be integrated into all things at any time, and can also be transformed into billions of copies. recover.

Besides, the level of the grievances that appeared in Zhuzhou was not too high, roughly equivalent to that of Nascent Soul cultivators.

According to visual inspection, it is not a local product of Demon Realm, it should be a local resentful spirit, who was infected by a demon's demon energy and completely lost its nature and became a demon.

For such a little devil, Le Yun has many methods to make it disappear. The reason why she didn't use other methods is because she wants an item raised by the devil with the devil's energy--the devil's heart.

Demons are not good things, but demon hearts are good materials for refining weapons.

The bones of high-level monsters can be used to refine weapons, and so can the devil's heart. Similarly, bones are also good materials for humans who have cultivated to a certain level.

The demon dragon of the silver dragon demon was taken away by the soul of the demon dragon, so it has no demon heart.

The Wraith was intercepted, he was hacked dozens of times in the blink of an eye, and consumed some strength, his body was distorted in anger, and he frantically drifted left and right, looking for a way to escape.

No matter where it goes, Le Yun can always get ahead of it, forcing it to float upwards.

One demon and one person, one running and the other chasing, you come and go in the air, going around in circles repeatedly.

Ordinary people on the ground couldn't see the fight between the monk and a certain cloud at all. They only knew that the immortal was coming, and they rushed to tell each other, expecting the immortal to show up.

The surviving residents of the central city district have been gathered together by the big family organizations with high prestige, and have a big meal. They live in their own simple huts, cook in groups, and divide the labor.

Each district has a large population, tens of thousands or tens of thousands as a unit, and they live together in spacious, ventilated places with water sources. Many leaders of the organizers and their teams choose to live in tents in the wilderness outside the village.

The survivors in the central city area were also divided into countless groups, and a group settlement was opened up. The original yamen and the county military academy in the central city area were one of these points, and it was also the largest gathering point for urban residents.

When the spirit boat flew to the center of the city, the people in the city school found the spirit boat and bowed excitedly.

The organizers who managed the people in the school also bowed to the ground. Because there was no response, they felt strange. A young man from a monk family flew into the sky in a leaf-shaped aircraft.

He flew to the front of the spirit boat, knelt down far away, and saluted reverently: "There is Bai Qiji, a descendant of the Bai family in Wangzhu County, who has seen the real king! The real king has come from a long way, and the people in the city are respectful and kneel to welcome the real king!"

He bowed down, but heard a distant voice from the top of his head: "I am chasing vengeful spirits, I have no time to pay attention to you for now, you go back and explain the situation to the people, what should you do."

Baishi Qiji, who went to the sky to pay respects to the immortal, raised his head when he heard the sound, and vaguely saw light flickering high in the sky, and seemed to be able to hear faint screams.

He was so excited that he hastily saluted: "Xie Zhenjun came to eliminate harm for Wangzhu City! The villain will go down and spread the word!"

He saluted respectfully, and immediately let the aircraft run downwards.

You Bai Qiji's cultivation base is not high, he has almost exhausted his true energy just by flying the aircraft up and down, and he is still more than ten feet away from the ground when he returns to the ground. He can't control the aircraft, and the leaf-shaped aircraft bangs The ground hit the ground, and he was shocked to the point of staring.

As soon as he landed, dozens of people surrounded him and grabbed him, asking the immortal what to say.

There was Bai Qiji who was almost shaken so that he could see the stars in the daytime. After he breathed a sigh of relief, he climbed down from the aircraft with his throbbing head, and crawled in front of an old man. He was so excited that he said, "Old ancestor, old ancestor , We are saved, we are saved!
It should be a very powerful power who came, he caught the spirits in the sky, let the boy come back first and tell everyone what to do. "

The patriarch of You Bai family was also a monk, but unfortunately, with only the seventh level of Qi refining, he is only a few decades longer than ordinary people. He is already more than 160 years old, and his lifespan is nearing the end of his life.

The old man was walking on a cane, his beard and hair were snow-white, and his face had as many folds as pine bark. Hearing that there was a great power to catch the spirits, he was so excited that his beard trembled: "As long as it can be saved, it will be great if it can be saved!"

The young and old of the Bai family, as well as the small captains who led the people in various groups to survive, were also red-eyed with excitement. Thank God, finally a high-ranking monk came to save the world!

The patriarch Youbai yelled twice excitedly, and then his eyes widened: "You said, the Almighty True Monarch... is he catching vengeful spirits in the sky? Do we have vengeful spirits here?"

" should be." You Bai Qiji was in a daze, he didn't see Zhenjun's person, nor did he see any resentful spirits, Zhenjun said there should be, right?
"Resentful spirit...resentful spirit..., so many people have died, how can there be no resentment, and it is not strange to become a resentful spirit..." Patriarch You Bai murmured a few words to himself, feeling relieved.

Some people could have survived.

If, if the county, prefecture, and county officials actively provide relief and arrange for the people to move out, many lives will surely be saved.

However, for such a big disaster, the superiors did not care about it, and the people had to save themselves.

The people present couldn't help but mourn when they heard it. The volcanic earthquake and the natural disaster have lasted for more than a hundred years, and the plague was prevalent. How many people died unwillingly, how can there be no complaints?
Ancestor You Bai felt desolate, but fortunately he did not forget about the important event, so he calmed down quickly and let the captains pass on the words, let everyone perform their duties, and those who should cook make dinner.

The people in the schoolyard heard that the immortal caught a resentful spirit in the sky, and they didn't show up for a while, but they had hope in their hearts, and they also became more energetic, and they worked harder.

Le Yun really didn't have time to distract the people in the city. In order to prevent the resentment from escaping, she stared at it and slashed around it.

The level is slightly lower, and the speed is not as fast as that of the human race, and it is suppressed and beaten.

Having lost a lot of power, the resentful demon was furious: "Human race, if you force this demon again, this demon will die with you!"

"Don't scare this fairy, are you scared of being a fairy?" Le Yun sneered, swung the knife non-stop, and died together?It still wants to blow itself up.

"Ah—" The resentful demon was hacked several times, and was extremely angry, and suddenly shrank again.

Le Yun glanced at it and saw that the center of the black ball was a little bright, guessing that the resentment was trying to burn the power of the devil's heart, and threw a handful of talismans.

Hundreds of talismans moved against the wind, turning into a golden ball of light and hanging in the air.

The talisman ball was hanging in the air, Le Yun put the knife into the storage container, and made fingerprints on the talisman ball.

One is accumulating strength and wants to burn the devil's heart, and the other is making handprints against the golden ball. The two sides have temporarily ceased fighting.

Le Yun made dozens of handprints, then held the talisman ball with both hands, injected a spirit energy into it, and threw the ball towards the grudge.

The golden light of the talisman ball suddenly blazed, and then burst into dazzling purple light and moon-white brilliance.

The Resentful Demon saw a ball of light flying towards it, and it floated quickly, but the ball of light suddenly exploded, turning into thousands of brilliant purple awns.

As soon as the light hit the grudge, the flame landed on the oiled straw and burned instantly. A ball of golden flames appeared on the surface of the grudge.

"You... what kind of magic technique are you using? Ah me, save me...I was wrong and I will never harm anyone again...I never thought of harming anyone, someone told me to do it Yes, I can't control myself, I died unjustly, I am unwilling, I just want revenge..."

The magic death energy and resentment on Grudge's body disappeared in pieces, and it rolled in pain, screaming terribly.

"This is a talisman drawn by this fairy. I really need to choose a name. It should be called 'Wrath'. It is designed to burn evil monsters like you."

Le Yun took the knife again and stared at the resentful demon. Wherever the resentful demon was going, she ran over and chopped a few knives.

Surrounded by golden flames, the Grudge doubled in size in a blink of an eye. It begged: "Let me go, I promise I will never harm anyone again... I don't want to harm anyone, I was forced... "

The resentful demon kept saying that he was innocent, and Le Yun didn't even lift his eyelids, let alone be sympathetic. A demon that had devoured tens of millions of souls actually said it was innocent?

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