magic eye doctor

Chapter 2908 God's cub

The resentful demon repeatedly said that he died unjustly, and he chanted for a long time, seeing that the human race was still unmoved, he could only fly desperately, hoping to get rid of the flames and burn himself.

But no matter how hard it tried, it was useless, even if it was woven with demonic energy or resentment, it could not block the flames. Those flames seemed to be stuck to its demonic heart, tightly adhered to its body, and could not be shaken off. Indestructible.

The purple halo and golden light were too bright, illuminating the sky, like a golden sun hanging in the sky.

Residents in the central district often look at the sky and discover the golden and purple light in the sky, and exclaim in surprise: "Look, the sky is bright!"

The old ancestor of Youbai had great virtue, and when the whole city was in danger, he led the Youbai family and several big families in the city to take out medicinal materials and lead the whole city to save themselves. The ancestor of the Youbai family was highly respected.

He was old, and everyone refused to let him work, so he was asked to sit. He was always paying attention to the sky, saw the light in the sky, and guessed that it was a powerful magic weapon. He was so nervous that he refused to blink his eyes.

The brilliant light in the sky has been blazing.

But the purple-gold light of the talisman ball is not extinguished, and the flame on the grudge is not extinguished.

Suffering from the flames, the grudge also thought about burning the demon heart, but it was suppressed by the power that suppressed the soul, and its demon heart power could not be used.

The fire of the technique was raging, and the evil energy, resentment energy, and death energy in the resentful demon's body became thinner and thinner.

After about a stick of incense, the resentful demon was left with a cloud of gray gas less than a foot in size.

The flame burned for about half a stick of incense again, and the last cloud of resentment from the resentful demon also disappeared, leaving only a gray-white round bead about the size of a fruit shell.

The resentment was refined by the magic fire. Le Yun put away the big knife and picked up the round beads to study carefully. The devil is a soul creature, and its magic heart is a crystal made of ore material, which is really magical.

The magic capital was refined by the magic fire, but the magic heart was not only not melted, it was still cold.

The world is big, full of surprises, and it really is.

After analyzing the material composition of the magic heart, Le Yun found a jade box and put it in, threw it back into the space, and returned to the spirit boat by herself.

She didn't recover the Talisman Ball and let it continue to shine in the sky.

The resentment is dead, but there is still a lot of resentment and death in the air, as well as demonic energy, and the light of the talisman ball can eliminate part of the resentment and demonic energy.

A teleportation technique moved her back to the spirit boat. Le Yun originally wanted to leave, but suddenly she seemed to have a feeling. She glanced down a few times, and suddenly felt that something was wrong—she fully understood that God did not let her sleep a few years ago, It was the reason why she had nightmares every day!

The reason why God frequently showed her dreams, causing her to dream of various natural disasters, was to urge her to come to Zhuzhou's bitter bamboo collar as soon as possible.

Don't ask God why she came to Kuzhuling.

To ask is to save lives.

save who?

Of course, it is to save innocent civilians, as well as——Yunlan's cubs protected by God!

She even dared to guess boldly - when leaving the ancient secret realm of the Great Desolation through the teleportation array, God stepped in and reversed the direction of the teleportation with the mighty power of heaven and earth, making her land in the secret realm of Guanxing Pavilion.

Because the secret realm of Guanxing Pavilion is in Jinzhuling, which is close to Kuzhuling.

She has been digging mines in the secret place of Guanxing Pavilion for several years without strong telepathy, and God has not urged her to do so frequently, and it is also because she has already arrived at Zhuzhou, so close to the cub guarded by the old man.

Besides, if you want the horse to run, you have to feed the horse.

God has to give some benefits to people running errands, so she was asked to dig some mines in the secret place of Guanxing Pavilion as travel expenses.

To put it bluntly, she is just a worker who has no right to choose!
The soul of a migrant worker, other people become masters by making fishes, but it is impossible to make fishes with her. After all, her temporary boss is Yunlan Tiandao, who is always watching her.

She had nightmares when she closed her eyes when she was in the ancient secret realm, and she never slept again. If she didn't follow God's arrangement, it is estimated that sparks and lightning would come from the top of her head from time to time with the two oil bottles she brought.

God told Yunlan to save someone, not only did she have to travel thousands of miles to the emergency destination, but she also had to post all kinds of resources for free. She is simply the most pitiful tool person in the world!
As long as anyone judges the annual grievance award, she will definitely win the award of the century.

There was grievance in her heart, but Le Yun couldn't tell, who told her to bring two small oil bottles.

People with weaknesses are always passive.

Even if there are ten thousand words of NNP in her heart that she wants to scold, and there are ten thousand impulses to overthrow the table, Le Xiaoluoli is... a big man who is able to bend and stretch, and has the backbone to suppress her thoughts of wanting to put down the pick.

Under the blue sky of clouds, people had to bow their heads.

Besides, she is a medical trainee, and saving people is her job.

What's more, didn't the ancients say "save a life and a seven-level pagoda", whether you are ordered to save someone or you voluntarily save someone, as long as you save someone, you are doing good deeds and accumulating virtue.

Saving Yunlan's ordinary people is saving people from fire and water, and saving God's baby is also saving people from fire and water. They are both saving people, so it doesn't matter who they are saving.

As earthlings, we have to be more generous!
As a person on earth, it is enough to save people, but don't ask about the cause when you do good deeds.

The tool man, Le Yun, once again used the spirit of Ah Q to convince himself to be grand and organized, and to be broad-minded, so that his mind would calm down and cool down naturally, and he lifted his feet and walked towards the ground.

The cub that Yunlan Tiandao named to protect is below, so he can't ignore it.

God's cub is in trouble, at this time the tool man has to send warmth.

Le Xiaoluoli, who had a clear position on herself, stepped down into the air, her heart was already calm.

Patriarch Youbai watched the sky, seeing the bright light, his heart fluttered and his heart gradually fell to the ground. The monk's magic weapon was intact, which showed that the monk had the upper hand.

When he raised his head so that his neck was stiff, he finally saw a little blue flying downwards in the air, and jumped up excitedly.

After arranging the team to do the work, the chief staff who followed Patriarch Youbai, sitting and doing calculations and discussing some affairs, saw Patriarch Youbai jumping up, he was startled, and he jumped up like a monkey jumping into the sky. jumped up.

They saw Patriarch Youba stretching his neck and looking up, stretching his neck too, and soon a cloud of blue appeared in his vision, and that blue was flying towards the ground.

"There is Patriarch Bai, is that powerful?"

"Qi Ji, did that bluish light in the sky come from that True Monarch?"

Those who cannot practice have limited eyesight, so they are afraid of being wrong, so they eagerly seek advice from the two cultivators of Youbai's family.

Even Bai Qiji couldn't see clearly, sweating anxiously: "I don't know either, the blue light moves too fast, I can't see clearly."

Everyone stared straight at Patriarch You Bai, expecting to hear good news.

Old Ancestor You Bai focused all his attention on the sky, selectively ignoring the voices around him, and stared at Lan with all his attention. Finally, he saw that Lan Guang was a person!

Can vaguely distinguish the human form, Patriarch You Bai was overjoyed immediately: "The Almighty True Monarch has come down!"

The people who were waiting for the result of the news were full of energy and looked forward to it.

The blue in the sky was getting closer and closer, and soon his true face appeared. It was a monk in blue clothes, flying slowly, his clothes not moving at all.

Some people who were not busy on the school field also looked at the sky from time to time, and saw the fairy descending one after another, and immediately shouted. The busy men and women heard that the fairy had come down, dropped their work, and ran to the open field.

Patriarch You Bai's gaze is the best, he has long seen clearly whether it is a female cultivator, or a little female cultivator with a small head and a body shape like a half-grown child!

He didn't dare to think that he was a child because of the size of the Almighty True Monarch, and bowed respectfully: "Welcome to the fairy!"

His voice can be heard throughout the school grounds.

All the men, women and children on the school grounds knelt down and shouted in unison: "Welcome to the Fairy!"

The school grounds in Wangzhu County are used to inspect soldiers or hold large-scale gatherings. They are more than one mile in length and width, and can accommodate more than [-] people in terms of people.

The wide school grounds are covered with bamboo sheds, all of which are hook-up and of the same style, but differ in size, and are arranged in an orderly manner.

The school yard is connected to the county government office, and the houses in and around the county government office are also arranged for people to live in.

Because there were too many people, Le Yun didn't use his spiritual sense or spiritual power to help, and responded softly: "Everyone get up, there is no need to be polite."

The men, women and children kneeling on the ground all said "Xie Xianzi" in unison, but they just changed from kneeling to kneeling, and did not stand up.

The same is true for You Bai Qiji, he and the people around him only straightened their waists.

Because the blue-clothed fairy floated towards the gate of the county government office, only those who were far away dared to get up when the fairy was no longer in sight, and those who had jobs hurried to work.

Le Yun had already analyzed the area around the county government office and the square when she fell, so she didn't take a closer look, and floated in front of a group of people who were obviously in charge.

Ancestor Youbo lived in the county government office with the family members of the person in charge. Except for the rest time when they went back to the county government office, they spent the rest of their time with the city residents on the school yard opposite the Yamen gate. land.

As soon as the blue-clothed fairy landed on the ground, the ancestor Youbai once again saluted respectfully: "The Youbai family welcomes the fairy on behalf of all the people! Wangzhu County and several neighboring counties first suffered from natural disasters, and the people were displaced. The plague is rampant, and the double disaster has caused bones to spread everywhere, and there are devastation everywhere. At such a time, the fairy is still willing to set foot on the border of mortals, and come to Wangzhu County to eliminate harm for the people. It is our blessing, and we will always remember it in our hearts!"

The surrounding men and women fell down again, and some old people sobbed softly.

"You don't need to salute anymore, everyone get up and answer." Le Yun stretched out his right hand and helped the elderly monk.

Patriarch You Bai didn't dare to let the fairy help him a second time, so he quickly stood up straight and asked everyone to get up.

The men and women got up and stood up according to the words, still clasping their hands in front of their chests.

"I'll talk about other things later. The fifth son born to the tenth youngest son in my husband's family has a posthumous son, but?" Le Yun didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point.

When she saw an old monk looking down in the air, she was inexplicably terrified. The feeling told her that a certain cub protected by God was related to a certain old man, and that cub was dying.

"Yes... yes." Patriarch You Bai was full of astonishment, but he didn't understand why.

"Someone immediately bring the child to this fairy to have a look." Le Yun said, pointing to the little Qi-refining cultivator next to the old man: "You are walking fast, hurry up and bring the child here."

"I..." You Baiqiji was in a daze.

"Go!" Le Yun raised his hand, and a spiritual force "grabbed" the little Qi Refining Cultivator and threw it out.

You Bai Qiji flew out, and flew into the backyard of the county government office, which was originally the courtyard where the family of the county official lived, and landed in the central courtyard.

He didn't fall when he fell, but landed lightly and completely unharmed.

As soon as he landed, he heard the suppressed cry of the woman, and he shuddered immediately, and immediately raised his feet and ran towards the podium behind the west wing.

He ran to the podium in one breath, heard crying from the last room on the south side, turned around and ran over, rushed through the corridor, and looked inward at the door.

There were several bamboo couches in the room, and on one bamboo couch lay a thin and thin boy. The boy had his eyes closed tightly, his face was like gold paper, and he was already out of breath.

An old nanny was lying in front of the bamboo couch, weeping softly while stroking the boy's head.

The child on the bamboo couch was exactly the person the fairy wanted to meet by name, the posthumous son of one of his cousins, and his little nephew You Bai Ningjing.

Xiao Tranquility's mother was his cousin's concubine, and the child was still in the womb. His cousin passed away unexpectedly, and the little cousin's sister-in-law was overwhelmed with grief and almost had a miscarriage. Later, the child was saved, because it was not well-raised in the mother's womb. The back bones are extremely weak.

Because Xiao Anjing is the only blood of his cousin, the family has worked hard to support them. The plague has been rampant in the past few years, and the family has been worried that Xiao Anjing will also be infected with the plague.

After all, she was afraid of whatever would come. Xiao Anjing had been hiding for more than three years, but she still couldn't escape this year. She was also unfortunately infected with the plague in the past few months, and she was dangerous several times.

He never thought that when the fairy came to ask about his nephew Bai Ningjing, he thought that Xiao Ningjing would be able to keep the clouds open to see the sun, but who would have thought...he went before seeing the fairy.

There was a throbbing pain in Bai Qiji's heart, thinking of the fairy urging him to take the man quickly, regardless of whether the man was saved, he rushed into the house, picked up the lifeless child, turned around and ran out.

The nanny who was taking care of the child, seeing the little prince Ning Jing swallowed his last breath, was so sad that he couldn't help but didn't pay attention to the surroundings. When he saw the little prince being carried away, he hurriedly got up and chased after him.

The old mother ran a few steps, and recognized that the person who carried the young master away was Mr. Qi Ji, and did not chase after him. Mr. Tranquility has been in bed for a long time. The old ancestor and several masters saw the child a few days ago and knew the child Not long after his death, he also confessed to his family in heartache, and let him go if Xiao Anjing couldn't stand it any day, so as not to suffer again.

This afternoon, the young master has been not well. The old lady and the wives also came to visit, and they knew that the child might not be able to stay, so they did not report to the ancestor for medical treatment.

The old mammy guessed that Mr. Qi Ji was holding Mr. Ning Jing and sent him to the ancestor for another look, and then arranged for the embalming. Her tears came down again, and she went back to the house to pack Mr. Ning's clothes and supplies while wiping off her sweat.

You Bai Qiji hugged his little nephew, without changing his tone all the way, ran out of the county office and rushed to the old ancestor in front of the council shed on the school grounds, and sadly reported the funeral letter: "Ancestor, little tranquility...he...he... went……"

When the fairy threw Qi Ji back to the county government, the ancestor You Bai followed him back to the backyard with his spiritual consciousness, and he knew from the sound that the great-great-grandson of Ning Jing was gone.

He glanced at the lifeless child in Qi Ji's arms, his old eyes were filled with sadness: "It's fine to save yourself from suffering."

Everyone nearby heard that Mr. Tranquility of the Bai family was gone, and they couldn't help but look sad. Mr. Tranquility's father was seriously injured by a monster and died in order to protect the team delivering rice to the victims. The childe's posthumous child can grow up safely, but who knows that he still died young.

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