magic eye doctor

Chapter 2909 Crisis Resolved

Le Yun was waiting for the little Qi-refining monk to come out with God's cub, and when he rushed to the old Qi-refining monk with his arms in his arms, he could clearly see the cub's appearance.

The child is seven years old and eight months old. According to Yi Yunlan's child's height ratio, his height is between 1.3 meters and 1.5 meters, which is a normal value. However, he is only in his [-]s.

The child was skinny and skinny. Due to leprosy, there were large and small brown spots on his body, many limb joints were deformed or had nodules, his lips were abnormally blue, and his hair was dry and grey. color.

For a child who has just passed away, his upper body has "sat" up, the part below the waist has not yet left the body, and the spirit has not yet completely come out of the body, which is a state of being about to leave.

Le Yun asked someone to pick up the child, but the little Qi Lian took him and sent him to his ancestor. She was... so angry, that young man's mind is so dull!
Little Qi Lian is not clever, and she can't be angry with others, can she? She stepped forward, took out a talisman and pressed it on the heart of the child's sitting spirit: "Go back to this fairy, the soul returns to the body, and the body and soul are one!"

The child sat up and the upper body was pressed down by a talisman, and the spirit slowly merged with the body.

The patriarch Youbai couldn't see the spirit, and guessed from the fairy's actions that the fairy must have seen Youbai's quiet spirit coming out of his body, and forcibly sent the soul back to the shell.

Others don't understand and are all at a loss.

Pressing the child's soul back into its shell, Le Yun stretched out his hand and picked the child up from the young man's hands, took out a piano case and placed it on the ground, and laid the baby on the desk.

She didn't care what others thought, she turned her spirit energy into a knife and cut the child's clothes, leaving only a fig leaf, quickly took out three jade needles for life extension and pierced them on the child's eyebrows and chest points respectively.

Three life-saving needles were inserted, and a Nine-Turn Huanyang Pill and a Nine-Turn Hunhun Pill were taken out, cut into small pieces, and each one was picked and stuffed in the child's mouth.

Children are too young and their bones are too weak to bear too many pills. A small piece of Jiuzhuan Huanyang Pill and Jiuzhuan Huanhun Pill is enough.

Le Yun put the extra pills in jade boxes and put them away again. She took out the jade needles again and added six needles, making nine needles.

Nine needles were pierced in the palms of both hands, the soles of the feet, one in the center of the eyebrows, and the other four were pierced on the main points on the chest. The last needle settled, and her finger touched the Baihui point on the top of the child's head. Reiki guides the circulation of Qi and blood.

With spiritual guidance, the needles on the child's body trembled one after another. After a few breaths, the child's heart that had stopped beating started beating again.

The fairy snatched the child from Youbai Qiji, and the patriarch Youbai kept staring at the fairy, and was shocked when he saw the fairy giving Xiao Tranquility an injection. The she still a great doctor?

When she saw Xiao Anjing's heart tremble, she almost cried with joy, alive, Xiao Anjing came back to life again!

You Bai Qiji was stunned, he naturally knew that Ning Jing had indeed passed away, and his body was already a little stiff when he hugged Ning Ning!
Xiao Tranquility, who was originally out of breath, was actually rescued? !
Can bring the dead back to life, is this the ability of a high-ranking monk?

Witnessing the means shown by the monk with his own eyes, Bai Qiji's heart became hot. He must work hard and strive to become a fairy with such great power one day!
Although the child's heartbeat was relatively weak, as the drug's force reached all the limbs and bones, activating the stiff meridians, muscles, and blood that had begun to freeze, the heartbeat became faster and faster.

What's even more miraculous is that the nine needles on the child's body also jumped up and down, as if there were springs under its feet, jumping up and down.

After the life-renewing needle activated the nerves of the child's whole body, Le Yun took out three pills and stuffed them into the child's mouth.

The life-extending needles became active again, and after about half a lamp, the nine needles came to a standstill, wisps of white smoke came out from the needle holes, and then a faint flame the size of a pea diced flashed out.

There was a blue halo around the edge of the flame.

At the same time, everyone smelled a strong rotten smell like rot in the sewer.

The smell pierces people's nostrils, making people... vomit.

Someone couldn't help retching.

Everyone who was close directly covered their noses with their hands, including Bai Qiji.

A smoky stench escaped from the needle holes on the child's body, and the plaques on his body faded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the swollen tumor that seemed to be stung by a bee was also shrinking.

The stench was so strong that the others didn't notice it for a while. Ancestor You Bai stared at Xiao Tranquility. He could see clearly, and his old eyes widened.

As the flame in the pinhole continued to burn, the plaques on the child's body changed from light to none, and the nodules formed by thick nerves also continued to shrink and then disappeared.

The plaques and nodules disappeared, and the deformed limbs of the child returned to their normal appearance.

The flame in the pinhole also changed from strong to weak. When the last bit of virus was wiped out, the flame went out, leaving only a faint trace of smoke, and finally even the white gas disappeared.

The child who had been cured of the plague had dark and dull skin, and still looked skinny, but compared to the previous appearance, it could be said to be a world of difference.

The crisis was resolved and the little boy's life was saved. Le Yun pulled out the needle and used the needle, packed up her medical tools, found a child's clothes to wrap the little boy, and fed a pill.

"Fairy, Ning Jing... is he alright?" Patriarch You Bai finally came to his senses, and threw himself to the desk with excitement, wanting to reach out to touch the child but didn't dare.

"Okay." Le Yun gave an affirmative answer: "This child has a good spiritual root and is suitable for cultivating immortals. Although your family is also a monk, you can't teach him, and staying in your family will miss him instead.

Fairy Ben is too busy to take care of the child. For the time being, this child will be taken care of by your family. After Fairy Ben is done with work, I will take him away and find a master to teach him.

The exercises you are practicing are not suitable for him, so don't teach your child to practice the exercises when he stays at your house. "

"Tranquility can cultivate?" Patriarch Youbai's heart beat faster in joy, and he stroked his little great-great-grandson's face with his big hand, rubbing back and forth like touching a treasure.

"Yes, his spiritual root net worth is at least seventy-five percent, and his journey to immortality is boundless." Le Yun cleared up the old monk's doubts, looked over the faces of a group of people, and asked, "Where is the county of Wangzhu County?"

The people who were with Patriarch Youbai also recovered from their stupefied state, and were hit by the news that the young master Youbai could practice cultivation. They were dizzy for a moment, and they couldn't tell where they were.

"The county magistrate... the county magistrate..." Everyone who was brought back to their senses by the voice stuttered, unable to explain why for a long time.

"Because of the disaster at Mt. Tombs, there were too many casualties among the people, and the plague was rampant. The county magistrate... knew he was incompetent, so he left two years ago with his seal." Ancestor You Bai answered the words, his tone full of sarcasm.

"Did he abscond in fear of crime? When this fairy came, he passed by Wangzhu Town. The town was doing nothing to relieve the disaster. He was ignorant of human lives. He even kept the victims out of the city. When he saw this fairy, he still made excuses. Such a person is not worthy of the title. As a human being, this Fairy has already beheaded him by the sword."

Le Yun understood in seconds that Wangzhu County was just like the Zhenzheng of Wangzhu Town. He was also afraid of the power of his ministers, and chose to stand by and let the people in the area of ​​Fengtou Mountain fend for themselves.

"?" A group of people opened their mouths wide in shock, the fairy...beheaded a court official?
"It's just beheading a stupid official. There's nothing to be surprised about." Le Yun didn't care about everyone's surprise, and said: "This plague can be cured. We need to find the source and obliterate the source to make the plague completely stop. , the source is endless, and the plague is endless.

The medicine for the plague is in the hands of fairies, but the vital medicine is special. The medicine for the plague needs to be boiled and drunk immediately. If the medicine is boiled for more than a certain period of time, the efficacy will be lost, and the effect will be greatly reduced.

This fairy still has to find the source of the plague, so you should make some preparations first, and then return to make medicine after I find the source. "

"Fairy, please tell me what we need to do." Hearing that the plague could be cured, everyone looked excited, and they all stood upright with their ears pricked up, regardless of other things.

"You go to each meeting point to spread the message..." Le Yun was not polite, and directly arranged the prerequisite work that needed to be done.

The prerequisite work is nothing more than setting aside a space at each meeting point for her to boil medicine, and also needs an open space that can accommodate enough people for people to line up to get the medicine soup on the spot.

The people themselves need to prepare enough water to scald a few clean clothes with boiling water for later use.

After drinking the medicine, everyone has to take a bath with boiling hot water, boil clothes and bedding and other items in boiling water, and those who are infected with plague and pus or have pustules need to prepare items and knives for dealing with pustules, etc. .

Although it is a little thing to prepare in advance.

But there is one more important thing. Le Yun specifically mentioned the victims of the disaster in the shacks outside Wangzhu Town. She meant to transfer those people to the county town for resettlement and treatment together.

The people in Wangzhu Township were also infected with the plague, but they were rescued first and foremost.

Wangzhu County is abandoning the city and fleeing, even the adjutant county magistrate also fled, and those who stayed were the native Zhu Bo and the yamen servants.

Those people couldn't decide, they invited the monk family, the Bai family to preside over it, and the Bai family united with several big families in the county to discuss the big plan.

The other big families followed Youbai's ancestor, Ma, and led the whole city to save themselves. The best way they came up with was to gather people together and live in groups to facilitate unified management and division of labor.

In this way, the medicinal materials only need to be divided into certain portions. The medicinal materials distributed to each gathering point are cooked in one pot, and each person has a bowl. Everyone has a share.

If the medicinal materials are distributed to households, the amount of each medicinal material is small, and it is not enough at all.

There are many benefits of living in a centralized place. For example, if someone dies in a family, someone collects and buries the corpse, so that the corpse will not be left in the wild or at home, and there will be no cases where someone dies and no one finds it and rots or is eaten by insects and beasts. Phenomenon;

Women and weaker people are responsible for cooking, fetching water for washing, and taking care of the elderly and children with disabilities, while young and middle-aged people go out to do work and collect.

Reasonable arrangements and effective use of available labor force have taken care of the young and old in every household.

Also because the Bai family and several major families in the city came forward to organize self-help, and the medicinal materials provided by several major families for prevention and control, even if they could not stop the spread of the plague, it also played a certain preventive effect and greatly reduced the death rate.

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