magic eye doctor

Chapter 2910 Another devil found

Chapter 2910 Found Another Demon
The Bai family and the big families in the county led the whole city to try their best to save themselves. Even if they couldn't save the whole city from the plague, the hard work was not in vain. The situation in the county was much better than other cities.

Several cities not far from Wangzhu County were ravaged by the plague, and there was no one to organize them, so they could only help themselves. Some young and middle-aged people who could work at home disappeared, and the elderly and children who could not work at home naturally died without food. Light.

Some households have only one laborer. If they stay at home to take care of their family members, there will be no one to work. Sooner or later they will starve to death.

Also because there is no prestigious family to come out to organize arrangements, if someone dies of illness, those who are able to collect the body will collect the body themselves, and those who are unable to collect the body will have to let the body be violent at home or throw the body nearby/shallow burial.

Unburied corpses or shallow buried corpses, or being eaten by animals and insects, or rotting in piles, also made the plague spread faster.

It is said that many small towns and markets are already empty.

Some small and medium-sized families in the county were reluctant to live together at first. They felt that living together, eating together, and working together would be a disadvantage for them, so they insisted on self-reliance.

Later, when a disaster victim who fled from another city talked about the situation in their city, he was so frightened that he immediately became honest, moved to the gathering point by himself, and joined the collective family.

For those who fled, the Youbai family and several major families took them in, and temporarily arranged a place to live. After the plague passed, they allocated land and housing bases.

Patriarch Youbai and the stewards of several families heard from Fairy that she promised that a group of victims who were rejected by Wangzhu Town would go back to rescue them, and wanted to transfer them to the county town for treatment together. There is no way they disagreed.

The fairy wants to transfer the victims to the county for resettlement. Doesn't this mean that they trust them?
It's just a group of victims, the county is so big, can't they resettle them?
Furthermore, even if there is no place to resettle the disaster victims in the county, they can still be resettled outside the city, and a small town can be built in the future.

Le Yun was still in a hurry to find the Plague Demon, explained the trivial matters, and without wasting time, hurriedly drove the spirit boat to the northwest of Wangzhu County.

The fairy went to search for the source of the plague, and Patriarch Youbai hurriedly used a message talisman to contact the little monks in several other big gathering spots in the city, notifying that there were fairy great powers coming to save the world, and asked the stewards to pass on the word and make preparations in advance.

At each meeting point, there are small qi refiners from the Youbai family, as well as the principals of several major families. When they learned that a fairy came to save the world, and that the fairy can cure the plague, their spirits were lifted.

The principals of each meeting point passed on the words of the old ancestor You Bai, and the townspeople almost wept with joy, and because they had hope, they seemed to have taken a panacea, and they immediately became energetic.

Patriarch Youbai had finished arranging official duties before contacting the team of family monks who went out to collect medicinal materials and went to Fucheng to purchase medicinal materials, wanting to urge them to come back.

He only got in touch with the collection team, and the team that went out to purchase and seek help from fellow clansmen in other provinces might be too far away to get in touch.

After finishing his important work, Patriarch Youbai turned his gaze to his little great-great-grandson, and couldn't hide his excitement. He immediately picked up his little great-great-great-grandson who seemed to be asleep, and felt that he couldn't get enough of it.

Bai Qiji also came up and squeezed his little nephew's hand and face, very surprised.

The people around also gathered around and congratulated the old ancestor Youbai one after another. The peaceful young master of the Youbai family fell into Da Neng's eyes. The fairy said that the young master's spiritual root value is high, and promised to find a master for the young master. Great opportunity!
To be able to win the favor of the fairy, the master of the little prince Tranquility must be the Yuanying Zhenjun after all!
The principals of the various families who followed the ancestor You Bai to assist in the management were extremely envious, and they were just envious. After all, the spirit root is innate. Some people are born with it, and some don't. .

Patriarch Youbai was also happy, talked with everyone for a while, and returned to the county government office with his little great-great-great-grandson in his arms.

The daughters-in-law, maids, and nuns of the Bai family also had to work, some went out to work, and some who were not on duty stayed in the yamen to do the work arranged by the family.

There is a daughter-in-law of the Bai family, and the oldest is also the daughter-in-law of the ancestor You Bai.

Youbai's daughters-in-law also knew that Youbai had gone peacefully, so they were inevitably sad. When they saw the ancestor coming back with a person in his arms, with a smile on his face, they couldn't help but look at each other.

The daughters-in-law who were suspicious in their hearts came forward to greet the ancestor, and looked at You Baiqiji who was following the ancestor. Seeing his happy face, everyone was even more puzzled.

Ancestor You Bai sat in the central hall of the main room in the backyard of the county government office with his little great-grandson in his arms, grinning from ear to ear: "Our Little Tranquility originally went, but was rescued by the fairy who came to save the world, and entered the fairy With Fayan, he will take Xiao Ningjing to cultivate immortals in the future.

We have the Bai family who have been looking forward to it for many years, and finally a good seedling has arrived. Maybe Xiao Anjing can become a true king of the way in the future. This is the hope of the Bai family. You take good care of Xiao Anjing these days when she lives at home he. "

All the daughters-in-law were surprised and delighted, and they all agreed.

Patriarch You Bai was worried about letting Xiao Tranquility go too far away from him, he thought it would be reassuring to bring him by his side, so he asked someone to prepare clean clothes for Xiao Tranquility, and put a couch outside his bedroom for Xiao Tranquility to live in.

The ancestor wanted to move Xiao Tranquility to him, and the daughters-in-law naturally didn't raise any objections, so they hurried to make arrangements.

The women of the Youbai family were busy moving places for Xiao Jing, looking for a new bamboo couch, sewing new clothes, etc., and they were also very busy.

Le Xiaoluoli was busy looking for the plague demon.

Plague Demon is an intelligent demon, and its target should be Wangzhu County. After all, there is a cub protected by God in the county, and that cub's soul is a great tonic for the demon.

That cub was protected by luck, and the plague demon eroded his body, temporarily unable to do anything to his soul, and the people of Wangzhu County actively saved themselves, blocking its plan to devour the entire city.

Wen Mo failed to swallow the creatures in Wangzhu County in a short period of time, so he changed his plan and made a big move of "surrounding the city from the countryside", attacking the creatures in other places first.

Its plan in Wangzhu County was blocked, but its operations in other places went smoothly, and several small towns and collections located in the west and northwest of Wangzhu County have been emptied.

Little Lolita found several empty cities and towns one after another, and tracked them all the way to a city called "Wangzhi Town" located 29 miles away from Wangzhu County.

Wangzhi Town is also one of the ten towns under the jurisdiction of Wangzhu County. It is located in a small plain among the hills and mountains. The town is more than 130 miles in length and width. It is a big town larger than Wangzhu Town.

The big town is about [-] miles away from the volcano on the edge of the volcanic mountains, and it is currently in a safe zone.

Little Loli spent some time saving the children in Wangzhu County. On the way, she also went down to check the situation in several small towns. When she reached Wangzhi County, it was completely dark.

It was supposed to be the time when the lanterns were first lit. During the Taiping period, when the lights of the entire county were lit, from a distance, the end of the city was connected to the sky, making it hard to tell which were the lights on the ground and which were the stars in the sky.

Now, most of the huge Wangzhi County is in darkness, only a few places have faint light.

After watching from a distance outside the city, Le Yun drove the spirit boat straight to the northwest of the town.

In order to increase the speed, after she left Wangzhu County, she reduced the shape of the spirit boat to about ten feet, and when she flew it, the sound of breaking through the air was extremely weak.

The spirit boat pierced through the night and arrived at the west side of the town.

The western part of the town has dense houses and criss-cross streets, which shows that it was once very prosperous.

Today, in a district that covers an area of ​​tens of miles, only four places are illuminated, proving that there are still living people there, and the rest of the place is completely dark.

Le Yun put away the aircraft, moved a few times, and arrived at Yizhuang in the south of Zhenxi District without a sound.

Yizhuang means to park the unclaimed dead on weekdays, or to place some dead who died violently or died unclearly.

On weekdays, the Yi Zhuang took in relatively few dead people. Due to the raging plague, too many people died in the city, and there was no time to bury them, so many of them were placed in Yi Zhuang.

Yizhuang is a courtyard with two entrances. The first entrance is for the guards of Yizhuang. The main room and left and right side rooms of the second entrance are used to store the coffins of the deceased and some empty coffins.

Plague has been rampant throughout the city in recent years, and those who died of the plague and could not be buried in time were also sent to Yizhuang, so that the second hospital was overcrowded with coffins, and later there was no place to put them, and even the coffins under the eaves were crowded.

Later, even the yard was filled with coffins.

Over time, too many people died in the city, and there were not enough coffins. The collectors often failed to collect the corpses. In the end, they had no choice but to dig a big hole in the first yard of Yizhuang. All the corpses that died of the plague were transported to Yizhuang Zhuang, thrown into the big pit.

In the early days, when the corpse was thrown into the pit, a large amount of lime was poured in. When the lime was exhausted, the corpse was thrown into the pit and it was over.

Yizhuang at night is filled with gloom.

The pit in the courtyard is twenty feet wide and more than ten feet deep. In the dark night, it looks like a ferocious beast opening its mouth, as if it wants to devour all living beings.

The stench in the pit was overwhelming.

Le Yun stood above the edge of the pit and looked down, and saw a huge ball of carrion that seemed to be rotten.

There are tubes on the surface of the carrion ball, which are connected to the balls, and there are clusters of soft-haired tentacles on the ball, and the surface of the carrion ball also has countless fine hairs.

The large carrion ball is like a large color library, with almost every color that can be named, colorful and dazzling.

That carrion ball was the plague demon that emitted leprosy bacillus and magic fungus.

It carries viruses all over its body, and it has the pathogens of a thousand kinds of diseases.

During the day, someone came to dump the corpses, and there were dozens of newly dead corpses in the pit.

The body of the Plague Demon almost filled the big pit, quite like the rotten body of the devil fish on the earth, spread out in the big pit.

Its fluff can elongate, like a pair of hands wrapped around the corpse and attached to the body, the fluff and tentacles turned into suckers, inserted into the muscles of the corpse, greedily sucking the flesh and blood of the corpse.

When it sucks blood, it makes a sound similar to that of people drinking porridge and sucking soup.

There was a stench of rotting corpses exuding from the corpse pit, and the stench of rotting flesh was unbearable.

Because she smelled the stench from far away, Le Yun closed her senses with spiritual power early on, so she couldn't smell the stench in the air, but her consciousness still felt the stench.

The smell in her consciousness reminded her of the scene when she was thrown into the rotten mud pond by Wu Lingling that year. The rotten mud pond in the village is a waste pond. People often throw dead chickens, ducks, rats and other dead things into it. The mud in the pond is very special. Smelly.

Her nose is more sensitive than others, and she usually takes a detour.

That time she was caught by Zhang Jing's mother and thrown into the rotten mud pond. She was forced to swallow the bad breath mud. The smell was unforgettable for her life. She still remembers the smell of putrid mud until now.

After being rescued that time, she has always had a wish that in the future when she is able to take revenge, she will definitely retaliate with an eye, and throw Wu Lingling into the muddy pond, so that the person can taste the mud.

It's a pity that because the rotten mud pond in Meizijing is too dangerous, a child accidentally fell into the rotten mud pond when she was studying abroad. Grandpa Zhou Man called an excavator to fill it up, and it became a secluded place. vegetable garden.

Moreover, her Aunt Feng remembered that she had fallen into the pond when she was young, and she was afraid that she would not be able to get over that hurdle, so she also went to the village head Zhou and bought half of the pond land garden.

In the words of her Aunt Feng, it is precisely because of her childhood that she has a psychological shadow on the pond, so now she holds half of the filled garden in her hand, and stepping on that garden means that she has left her childhood. shadows.

To tell the truth, when she found out, she manually clicked a hundred praises for Aunt Feng's behavior. Aunt Feng's brain circuit is simply too powerful, and this kind of reverse thinking suits her appetite too!
To be honest, after she was thrown into the pond, she did have a shadow of the rotten mud pond for a while, but she was no longer afraid when she grew up.

Now, she feels very regretful that the pond has been filled up, and her dream of throwing Wu Lingling into that pond to get a few mouthfuls of mud is too late to come true.

Le Yun associates the smell with the rotten mud pond, and she is also a little homesick. In other words, she has been in Yunlan for more than 100 years. According to the time, the earth has passed about a year. I don’t know if her father, aunt Feng and younger brother have I miss her so much that I can't eat the chopsticks or swallow the bowl.

The plague demon lying in the big pit was eating very comfortably, when he suddenly smelled a fresh smell, his fur and tentacles all shook with excitement, the smell of flesh and blood from the food delivered to his door was so sweet!
Plaguemould suddenly felt that the food in his hand was no longer fragrant.

The Plague Demon threw down the food that was no longer fragrant, flew out of the big pit with a whiz, and saw clearly the shape of the food delivered to the door in the air.

The food looks like a human being, and it looks like a human cub.

The human race in the city is almost dead, and at this time, only the cubs of the human race who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth have the courage to sneak to the place where the corpses are thrown.

The flesh and blood of the little cub is very fragrant, but it is too small, such a small one is not enough for a full meal.

However, at any rate, it can relieve hunger.

Staring at the incomparably tempting food, the Plague Demon salivated.

It was hungry, and a layer of sticky plague venom juice was released from its body, and the smell in the air became stronger.

The plague demon was so greedy that his huge body flew from above the pit and rushed towards the food.

It's very fast.

Le Yun, who had turned his mind a thousand times, saw a ball of carrion flying towards him, retreated tens of feet away, and then moved to a higher place, away from the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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