magic eye doctor

Chapter 2911 Qi Demon

Chapter 2911 Qi Demon
The plague demon who pounced on the food was not angry even if he lost his hand. Of course the food has feet and will run away, and the food that can run is more delicious!
The little cub ran away, and the Plague Demon also turned around, and easily chased after the little human cub, its long tentacles constantly curling and unwinding.

"Little cub, you can't run away, just be food obediently."

The Plague Devil is greedy for the little cub's flesh and blood, but he is not in a hurry. Now the creatures with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles are his own stored rations, and the little cub can't run away.

"You want to eat this fairy, and this fairy also wants to hack you to death." Le Yun pretended not to know the real body of the plague demon, and asked innocently: "What kind of monster are you? Why has this fairy never seen a monster like you?" , could it be that you are a Zerg Zerg?"

There are all kinds of races in the spirit world. Humanoid corpses include corpses, zombies, ghosts, and skeletons. Beasts also include corpses, zombies, and ghosts.

There are two kinds of Zerg Zerg, one is the Zerg monster/worm is dead, some kind of creature snatches the body of the Zerg before it decays or parasitizes on it and makes the Zerg "live" again, Existences like humans can be attributed to the zombie race or the corpse race.

The other is that the body of the worm/worm has cut off its vitality, but has not lost its consciousness. Its body consciousness does not leave the body with a certain survival instinct, and for some reason the corpse does not rot, and it is the same as a living insect. survival in the world.

The body of the Plague Devil was very much like a creature that was "lived" by bacteria that occupied the body of some kind of big insect after death before it completely decomposed.

"This demon is a demon! It is a plague demon that gathers the origin of all viruses in the world, do you understand?"

The Plague Demon raised its tentacles proudly, and the ball on its body trembled happily.

It felt that as soon as it registered its number, the cub would scream and run away in fright. Who knows, the little cub of the human race shook his head: "I haven't heard of it. I think you must be very weak in your demon race. It is impossible for the elders not to mention your demon.

My elders said that among the demons, only those born in the Demon Realm belong to the level of spiritual objects, such as fire demons, earth demons, gold demons, heart demons, succubus demons, and crying demons. These demons are the most powerful. The highest combat power.

Other demons, fallen demons like monsters, are unworthy and not worth mentioning. You are not on the list of my parents and elders. You are the lowest level of little demons in your demon clan. "

"Ahhh, you little cubs! You haven't even heard of the most noble plague demon among the demons? As soon as this demon came out, the plague raged. Didn't you see all the people with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles? Got the plague?"

The Plague Demon was so angry that he was a majestic Plague Demon, and he was well-known in the Demon World, but in the eyes of a human cub, he became a nameless little demon!
This cannot be tolerated.

"If you say you are powerful, you are really powerful? I have never seen you spreading the plague. Maybe it was done by other big demons. You have the credit for picking it up. You have to be capable so that this fairy can also get the plague." .”

Le Yun rolled her eyes in disdain, and slowly took out a middle-grade magic sword: "I heard that the shell of the insect-shaped demons has a high defense, so let me try it."

The dignified demon was despised by a human cub. Wen Mo was so angry that he swung his tentacles and rushed towards the cub. He wanted to grab the cub, tie him up, and slowly suck the flesh!

The beard of the plague demon swung over, and Le Yun quickly ran towards the higher sky, swinging his sword as he retreated.

The medium-grade magic weapon chopped on a tentacle with the magic light. Obviously the tentacle looked like a thin tube like soft meat, but the magic weapon made a "boring" sound when it was chopped on the hard forged steel surface. Loud.

The tentacles of the Plague Demon were unscathed, and the medium-grade magic weapon was not damaged yet.

"You know how powerful this demon is! You want to get the plague, and this demon will definitely satisfy your wish." The plague demon suddenly felt that he had regained the face he had just lost, and was extraordinarily proud.

"Come again!" Le Yun rose several feet into the sky and swung his sword again.

The plague demon waved its tentacles and pressed forward step by step.

After dozens of sword cuts in a row, the plague demon's tentacles were intact, but the magic weapon was wounded.

"It looks a bit hard, try this magic weapon again." Le Yun threw away the mouth-rolled magic weapon, and then changed to a medium-grade magic weapon to continue chopping, moving to a higher sky while attacking.

She has a lot of medium-grade magic weapons, so don't feel bad if they break!
The little cub was stupid, knowing that the magic weapon would not hurt him, he still hacked and slashed foolishly. The plague demon was even happier, and kept chasing the little cub, playing with its tentacles.

One keeps attacking, if a magical weapon is not working, then replace it with another one, there is a stance that will not break the demon's defense, and the other is purely intentional to make people play. The ground is getting further and further away.

Humans and demons chasing after each other, after the human cubs destroyed 26 middle-grade artifacts in a row, they also moved to a height about a hundred feet higher than the highest mountain in the city.

Without a trace, he lured the plague demon away from the ground, and Le Yun took out a magic weapon in the shape of a mountain and threw it down.

The Yamagata magic weapon blazed golden light in the air, instantly magnified countless times, covering the top of "Wangzhi Town", completely covering the entire city.

The Yamagata magic weapon fell to the ground with a buzzing sound, and the town was no longer visible in the sky, only a big blue mountain surrounded by stars.

The stars are jumping and twinkling, and the brilliance is bright.

When the magic weapon was magnified, the golden light was so bright that the Plague Demon couldn't see the little human cub. When the light faded away and he saw the magic weapon covering the entire city, he knew he had been fooled!

That magic weapon can isolate the consciousness, making him unable to control the magic fungus in the human race in the city.

The little cub of the human race used the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain, lured it to a high altitude, and then protected the city and the people in the city with magic weapons. invisible.

The Plague Demon reacted furiously: "You despicable little cub! This demon will eat you a hundred times!"

"You don't have that ability." Le Yun shook the magic weapon with a gap in her hand: "Your leather shell is really hard, and more than [-] magic weapons have been destroyed. This fairy can only peel your skin to make up for it. Lost."

"Damn little cub, this demon will not spare you!"

Being tricked by a little cub, Plague Demon's Demon Venerable was wounded and furious, waving his tentacles and rushed over.

Before, he deliberately teased the little cub to play, and he was not too slow, but now he got angry and showed his true speed, and the huge body flew to the top of the little cub in an instant.

The plague demon's tentacles grew to tens of feet long without a sound, turning into a big net, blocking the cub's way in all directions, and the tentacles of the small ball on its body also sprayed out colorful mist.

Plague Demon's advantage is plague virus and speed.

It showed the real speed, and Le Yun also analyzed the data. If she didn't comprehend the law of light, she would be slightly inferior in speed compared to the Plague Demon only with the speed of a Mahayana monk.

The reason why the plague is terrible is also because it spreads fast, and it is normal for the plague to be fast.

The plague demon was furious, but Le Yun was not afraid of it, nor was it afraid of its spraying poison. Seeing its body as the ceiling, some small balls sprayed out colorful mist, and immediately activated the magic robe defense.

The protective mask of the immortal magic robe was propped up to protect her.

The colorful mist exploded, filling a small space woven by the plague demon with its tentacles.

The poisonous mist also dyed the night sky with colorful colors, like the sunset clouds in the summer evening, the colors are gorgeous and dazzling.

If another person is present, as long as one inhales a little, not to mention standing upright, poisoning is an inevitable result.

Little Lolita has a special physique. As long as those poisonous germs are not directly injected into the blood vessels, even if they inhale a little bit, it's okay, and her body can decompose automatically.

The poisonous mist stuck to the mask of the magic weapon, which had a certain corrosive effect.

After observing the composition of the poisonous mist, Le Yun threw the waste magic weapon into the garbage magic weapon pile in the storage container, took out the mountain machete, and took a talisman to press the knife on his body.

Her machete was originally a kitchen utensil, it was made to cut the bones of high-level monsters, but because she didn't have a talisman, in order to restrain the attributes of some messy objects, the kitchen knife was used as a weapon.

The mountain machete has been in contact with messy objects, so naturally it can no longer be used to cut meat and bones.

With the blessing of the talisman, the big knife is even sharper.

Holding the knife, Le Yun leaped upwards and slashed at the plague demon's body above her head.

When the human cub sacrificed the magic weapon, the plague demon also felt a breath that made the devil's heart tremble. Instead of retreating, it contracted its tentacles and sprayed the plague poison again.

A colorful mist sprayed out from more than a dozen small balls at the same time, and the concentration of viruses in the small space increased by more than ten times.

The color mold is too thick, and the mask of the robe seems to be covered with a layer of color film, which still has a certain impact on eyesight. Fortunately, Le Yun's eyes also have a plug-in, which can tell which is poison and which is plague body.

The second artifact, the mountain-opening machete, passed through the colorful fog with an indomitable momentum, and slashed on a small sphere of the plague demon's body.

Most of the little ball was cut off, leaving only the connecting hose and a small piece of sphere still connected to the parent body.

The broken balls are full of thick poisonous juice, the color is so dark that it is black.

After cutting off a small ball with a knife, Le Yun didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue it, and ran over immediately, took out a bottle to catch a little body that fell from the Plague Demon, and quickly sealed it for storage.

The ball on Plague Demon's body is equivalent to a small virus bank. It is a good thing, and it can be stored as a research specimen in the future.

After getting a specimen of plague poison, Le Yun's eyes lit up, staring at the entire body of the plague demon.

Limbs were injured, the plague demon's body shrank a bit, and its tentacles quickly shrank again.

Le Yun, who was staring at the plague demon, was about to swing his knife, but found that the dense tentacles were about to wrap his defense mask, and he didn't want to fight anymore. A teleportation technique broke away from the plague demon's blockade.

He got out, and when he appeared in the air, he quickly shook off the venom sticking to the mask. Without saying a word, he raised his knife and slashed at the plague demon.

The Plague Demon discovered that the little cub had come out of his poisonous net, and his body floated away to avoid an attack. He was furious: "Do you have an immortal robe?"

"Yes." Le Yun kept swinging the saber, the first saber was missed, and continued to swing the saber persistently.

"Little cub, even if you have an immortal robe, you still have to die!" The plague demon was furious, surrounded himself, and spread the plague poison again.

This time, what he spread was the plague virus hidden in his huge body.

A large area of ​​tentacles sprayed the poisonous mist at the same time, and a large area of ​​moldy mist dispersed, and in a blink of an eye, the entire area was covered with plague viruses.

"You have quite a lot of types of plague. How many more are there? Why don't you throw them out together so that this fairy can learn a lot." Le Yun's eyes brightened.

Ouch, so many viruses!

The plagues of the Plague Demon are so fucking rich, far more than the viruses on Earth. If they were all collected, a museum of viruses could be built properly.

The little cub of the human race is too... angry, and the plague demon was so angry that he sprayed dozens of plague sources.

"Great!" Le Yun's eyes were brighter than the stars, and she quickly threw out a few pieces of cloth.

The soft cloth stretched out into the air, caught a large cloud of mist juice, then rolled up some poisonous juice, and then disappeared.

The plague demon kindly sent the source of the plague poison, and Le Yun was very happy. He threw the cloth stained with the plague poison into a small storage container and sealed it with a box.

"'re fine!" The plague demon was so angry that his body swelled up, and countless tentacles swung at the cub.

Its tentacles are made up of countless hair-like threads, and when they spread out, they look like the hair of a goddess, and the tentacle tentacles slide in the air, extremely silky.

It's hard for a good man to fight four hands, the plague demon has countless tentacles, Le Yun will not hold it hard, while using spiritual power to shake off the source of the plague toxin on the mask, while moving dozens of feet away, avoiding the filament-like tentacles.

As soon as she stood still, the Plague Demon chased after her.

Le Yun spread her feet and ran again, and she only ran further away, and she would never appear within a hundred feet of the place where she stayed before.

Because, wherever she stayed, it was also the place where the plague demon stayed. Wherever the plague demon passed, there was plague poison and a kind of magic fungus as fine as dust.

She didn't want the magic fungus to have the opportunity to adhere to the mask of her robe, thus continuously corroding the protective mask of the robe.

The Plague Demon chased after it for a while, and also discovered the secret of the human cub's moving traces.

Before he could come up with a good solution, the human cub ran for a while, stopped, stuck out his tongue three times at him with a smile, and rolled his eyes again.

The plague demon was furious, this is a humiliation!

The plague demon rushed over and spewed out thousands of mouthfuls of plague poison.

Countless viruses were sprayed all over, and dots of blue and purple flames burst out in the air.

"This is so powerful, this fairy can't bear it." Seeing the blue-purple flame, Le Yun turned around and ran away, moving a few hundred feet away.

That kind of poison is specifically aimed at the soul, and she would not be so stupid as to experiment on herself, even if she wanted to do the experiment, she had to live on her own territory, and it had to be in an absolutely safe place.

The little cub was cunning and quick-witted. Seeing that the situation was not good, he ran faster than the wind. The plague demon was so angry that he almost exploded, and chased after him again.

He was fast enough to catch up to the cub, but he could only catch up to people, but he couldn't trap her in a certain place and let the plague eat her away.

The only thing that reassured the Plague Demon was that there was a human town below, and the little cub's magic weapon was also there. She didn't run far, but just went around in circles.

Le Yun, who was being chased by the Plague Demon, ran dozens of laps and wanted to scold the country, but the Plague Demon's speed was getting faster and faster!
If he breaks through a root limit again, his speed can reach the speed of a high-level mortal.

After running around again, Le Yun silently took out a magic weapon and hid it in her sleeve, and secretly channeled spiritual power into the magic weapon. After running half a circle, she stopped her foot suddenly, and aimed the activated magic weapon at the plague demon.

The activated handle mirror emitted a dazzling golden light beam.

The Plague Demon, who was chasing the human cub, saw the human cub slow down, and rushed over to catch her, but was suddenly covered by the golden light, and his body seemed to be burned by a flame, with a sharp pain.

The Plague Demon sensed something that frightened him, and immediately turned into Fengdun.

But the golden light followed like a shadow, and firmly bound the soul and body, it could no longer move.

"Despicable little cub, let go of this demon! Let go..." The terrified Plague Demon struggled desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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