magic eye doctor

Chapter 2912 Demon Cutting

The plague demon was so terrified that his heart was about to crack, and he wanted to split his body to escape, but he tried his best and couldn't break free, let alone split his body, but he was sucked into a dark world by the powerful suction in the blink of an eye.

Falling into the gloomy world, the feeling of restraint was stronger, and he couldn't even move. The plague demon let out a desperate roar.

"The magic weapon is still reliable." Using the mirror to catch the plague demon back, Le Yun smiled happily, Huoyun Jinxian really deserves to be a generation of arrogance, and the magic weapon he left is too convenient.

The Zhuxian Baojian is powerful enough to make people choose it as a talisman.

It's a pity that the ray of flame in the Soul Execution Book is the avatar of Huoyun Jinxian's natal fire, and because of this, he successfully persuaded little Lolita to leave.

The plague demon has fallen into the French net, and the plague virus it spreads is still there, and it is still spreading around at a certain speed.

Le Yun ignored the plague monster in the mirror, and continued to study with great interest whether the spread speed of the plague virus in the air was inversely or directly proportional to the time after the plague virus left the plague demon, as well as the viability of the virus in a new environment and Whether the reproductive ability will change with the distance of transmission.

There is a free clinical trial of the plague virus in front of you. If you don't know how to use it, you will lose the great opportunity for research.

The little loli turned on the plug-in function of the eyes. The eyes are like scanners and searchlights, constantly scanning around to observe the changes of the plague virus in the air.

She studied it for a long time, and when there was no new change in the plague virus, she took out the talisman, circled around the active area of ​​the virus, and placed the talisman under the active area of ​​the virus according to the formation.

After setting up the talisman array, Le Xiaoluoli inspired another talisman and threw it out. Then, she smeared oil on the soles of her feet, and ran away in a hurry, and pointed the mirror at the poisonous fog area with super love.

The talisman she threw landed in the center of the virus-filled area and turned into a ray of flame.

When the talisman burns, the talisman array is also opened, and the talisman paper at the foot of the talisman array turns into streaks of golden light, interweaving into a beautiful pattern.

The next moment, thunder rumbled in the cloud house in the sky, and then the sky seemed to be torn apart, and dozens of bucket-thick golden thunderbolts poured down.

The golden thunder and lightning illuminated the night sky into gold.

The dense thunder and lightning struck the talisman formation area, and the scorching thunder and lightning power burned the air, and incinerated large swaths of colored poisonous mist.

The little loli, who attracted thunder and fire to incinerate the poisonous plague, clings to the mirror and lets the plague demon in the mirror observe how Tianlei incinerates the poisonous plague.

The plague demon, who was locked in the gray world by the invisible force, was in despair. Through a thin layer of light curtain, he saw the colorful light of the plague poison he spread and a special light array below him. At first, he didn't know why. .

When the sky thunder poured down like a galaxy pouring down, seeing the plague poison disappearing little by little in the sky thunder, the devil's heart was almost broken in fright.

There are two nemesis of the demons, namely the sky thunder and the special fire.

Among the ten thousand races, apart from the demons, other races may have the attribute of thunder, and the demons are demons without the attribute of thunder. There are countless types of demons.

Among the fire demons of the demon clan, only those with special bodies are not afraid of fire, and ordinary fire demons among the fire demons are also afraid of sky thunder fire and heaven and earth spirit fire.

The Plague Demon is also afraid of the thunder of heaven and the spiritual fire of heaven and earth. It has also tried countless times to confirm that the way of heaven is letting go of all the tribes affected by the disaster, and the monks of all tribes also turn a blind eye to no one's meddling, so it moves.

In the beginning, the Plague Demon was also cautious, hiding in hiding. After several years, it felt absolutely safe, and then it divided its body openly, spread its avatars, and ate food wantonly.

It is also because it is too safe that the Plague Demon's body is unscrupulous, and it moves without scruples in Wangzhi Town, and sometimes even forages in the city during the day.

If you walk too much at night, you will always meet ghosts. The rampant Plague Demon was lucky not to meet ghosts, but it was also very unfortunate. He met Le Xiaoluoli, a native of Earth.

Classmate Le Xiao, who is born on earth, was born to suppress evil spirits, and also to suppress demons. The resentful demon died in her hands, and the plague demon also fell into her hands.

The plague demon still doesn't know what the origin of the human cub is, looking at the light of the sky thunder through the light curtain of the gray world, his soul trembles.

The golden sky thunder was as dense as raindrops, and it took a full cup of tea before the golden thunder pillar returned to the sea of ​​clouds.

In the sky above the blue Magic Treasure Mountain covering Wangzhi City, there was no trace of the plague gas.

When Tianlei incinerated the plague poison, it also incinerated the aura of the air. The air became turbulent, and the aura rushed to the place where the thunder flame gas remained, filling the gap.

After scanning the night sky with plug-in eyes, it was confirmed that the plague virus did not slip through the net. Le Yun was immediately relieved and had time to deal with the plague demon.

It will take some time to deal with the Plague Devil, and it also needs a relatively safe environment.

Little Loli released the spirit boat, boarded the boat and sat on the bow of the spirit boat, then neatly picked out a few pots in the form of magical artifacts and threw them into the mirror space, and then shrunk the machete to its normal size and sent it in.

The tools are ready to poison and peel the plague demon.

With her divine sense, she manipulated the machete, picked a gap in the small tentacles on the Plague Demon's body, and stabbed it down without hesitation.

The knife was fast and hard.

The Plague Demon couldn't use it due to the suppression of his consciousness, and he could only move consciously. After watching the sky thunder, he was terribly devastated. He was so frightened that he lost his mind and didn't sense the approach of the Kaishan Machete.

Until it was stabbed and the pain increased, its divergent consciousness was pulled back, and it saw a magic weapon shining with a golden and purple halo at a glance, and screamed terribly in fright.

It felt that the blood in its body was draining, and it couldn't struggle, so it could only scream desperately.

The cry of the plague demon is a real magic sound.

Since her body didn't go to the mirror space, Le Yun was naturally not affected by the magic sound penetrating her brain, so she calmly operated the knife to expand the wound and let the blood out.

Most of the blood of the Plague Demon is the source of the plague poison it worked so hard to accumulate.

After working hard for countless years, the plague collected most of the viruses from Moyu and Yunlan. Once caught, they became meat on other people's chopping boards, only to be slaughtered.

A large amount of blood was lost, making the Plague Demon cry with grief and anger.

Zhan Fanxian didn't have a little loli who didn't blink, so she wouldn't be soft when poking the devil. Even if the devil screamed and broke her throat, she didn't even move her eyebrows and continued to bleed.

Blood gushed out of the plague demon's body like a fountain and poured into the jar, filling one after another.

The body of the Plague Demon is a soft ball with a diameter of a little more than [-] feet, but less than [-] feet. It actually also has meat, which is like a sponge layer and can store water super.

The small Plague Demon has a lot of blood containing the Plague Virus.

After filling five full jars, less than one-fifth of the Plague Demon's blood remained.

The plague demon's cry also changed from high-pitched to soft, from grief and indignation to despair, from despair to giving up the useless struggle, tremblingly waiting to be slaughtered.

A large amount of blood was drained from the Plague Demon, and its size shrank a lot, becoming a soft meat ball with a diameter of about ten feet.

Le Yun sealed the jar where the virus was collected, then transferred a large furnace for refining equipment and placed it under the Plague Demon, and then used the knife again to formally peel it.

The bloodletting was real, and of course the skinning was real.

The machete pierced forward, pierced deeply into the demon's body, made another big cut, and then continued to stab forward. The tip of the knife was less than three and a half feet away from the demon's heart, and then circled around like peeling an apple. Cut the meat with a round heart.

A layer of the Plague Devil's meat was cut off, and the capillaries all over the muscle layer automatically overflowed the plague virus, and the source juice of the virus coagulated, as if a layer of glue had been coated on the surface of the meat.

The Kaishan machete is super sharp, and it is not afraid of the corrosion of the plague poison source. It took about two sticks of incense to successfully cut off a large layer of the plague demon's flesh.

The skin of the Plague Demon, together with the thick meat and the small balls on the surface of the skin, fell into the refining furnace as a whole, making the belly of a refining furnace [-]% full.

The skin of the Plague Demon is a good thing. After refining, it is the best anti-virus material. It can be used to make magic robes and gas masks.

Le Xiao was so happy that he closed the lid of the refining furnace and transferred it into a storage container that stored the jar containing the blood of the plague demon.

The Plague Demon, with its skin and flesh removed, looked like a spoiled and moldy meatball.

After putting away the smelting furnace, and doing detoxification work for the Kaishan Machete, Le Yun lit the Thunderbolt Purple Fireworks to burn the Plague Demon's meatball.

Thunderbolt purple fireworks wrapped a big meatball, and the flames were burning fiercely, making crackling noises.

The plague demon that was burned by the fire let out a burst of ghostly crying and wolf howling.

It will not die if it loses its skin. As long as there are enough plague viruses, it can grow another layer of skin after hundreds of years of cultivation.

When the fire burns its body, its body will automatically seep out the source of plague poison, forming layers of protection.

What the flame burns is actually the source of the plague.

The Plague Demon's body was protected by the source of the plague poison, but its soul was not protected, especially the little loli was targeting the Plague Demon's spirit, and it had nowhere to escape.

The spirit of the plague demon had nowhere to escape in the thunderbolt purple flame, and its soul power disappeared bit by bit.

No matter how miserable the plague demon roared, Le Xiaoluoli turned a deaf ear to it, remained unmoved, and continued to burn the meatballs.

The purple fire continued to burn, and the plague demon's body that had been cut into meatballs continuously seeped the source of the plague virus. As the source of the virus was consumed more and more, the amount of virus it accumulated naturally became less and less.

Its soul power has also been greatly weakened.

After a stick of incense lasted for a while, the source of the plague demon's virus was running out, and the color of the meat faded, turning into a gray meatball with a hint of green.

Its soul has fallen all the way from the original late Mahayana Dzogchen, to the strength of the soul of a monk at the Nascent Soul level.

When the heat was almost ready, Le Yun moved the Thunderbolt Purple Flame away, put on gloves, and moved the Plague Demon out of the mirror space and held it in his hands.

The incinerated Plague Demon shrank in size again, about the size of a football.

Little Loli grabbed a soft meatball, wrapped it with her spiritual consciousness, and forcibly invaded the plague demon's soul to search for it.

The purpose of the soul search is to know the way it spreads and recycles the magic fungus, as well as why it, the grudge, and the fire demon appear in the bitter bamboo collar, and where they used to hide.

If you want to know the secrets of the three demons, the best way is to search for the soul of the Plague Demon. The results obtained by searching for the soul are the most authentic.

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