magic eye doctor

Chapter 2913 The second cub

Chapter 2913 The second cub
Le Yun didn't search for the demon of the grudge, because the body of the grudge is a grudge, and she didn't want to be contaminated with resentment and unnecessary trouble.

If she searched the soul of the resentful demon and knew the reason why the resentful spirit became a resentful spirit, if it had a big grievance, she would not bear to not help it to relieve its grievance after knowing it.

Help it get rid of its grievances, it devoured so many souls after falling into the devil, and it was too unfair to those souls that were swallowed by it.

Regardless of whether the vengeful spirit is wronged or not, it has devoured so many souls, and once it has been wronged, it has become a major crime. After refining it, it has no chance of reincarnation, and it is worthy of those dead whose souls were swallowed by it.

Therefore, Le Xiaoluoli didn't care about the cause and effect, and simply refined the resentment demon, and let everything return to ashes.

Plague Demon's soul was weakened several times after being tortured by Thunderbolt Ziyan. He was unable to resist the strong invasion of the human race and was forced to accept the punishment of soul search.

The demons have a long lifespan, and there are special demons that are almost immortal. Plague demons are that kind. As long as they are not completely wiped out and the plague virus keeps multiplying and splitting the virus, it can live forever.

It has lived for a long time, so long that it doesn't even remember the years.

Living a long time does not mean rich experience. Plague Demon often sleeps, and the memory of those times is blank. Sometimes it stays in one place all the time, and naturally there is nothing worth telling.

Le Yun searched its recent memory and found its trajectory. It should have been sleeping before it appeared in the territory of the human race. When it woke up, it found a lot of food to eat. In order to strengthen itself, it began to spread a large number of magic fungus and plague. Feed constantly.

Therefore, it is also roughly judged that the plague demon did not come from the territory of the human race by himself, but was brought to Zhuzhou by a certain tribe. Did the tribe that brought it accidentally bring the plague demon to the bitter bamboo collar by mistake, or did it on purpose? He brought it to Zhuzhou and hid it in the collar of Kuzhu, which is unknown for the time being.

Unable to find any useful clues that the three demons appeared in the bitter bamboo collar, Le Yun didn't bother too much, and repeatedly studied the process of the plague demon spreading and recycling the magic fungus, and the consciousness withdrew from the plague demon's body.

She was merciless, and killed the plague demon's soul with a backhand, and then separated a ray of soul to control the plague demon's body.

In order to proficiently control the body of the Plague Demon, the on-site experiment was conducted on how to make the muscles of the meatball contract and secrete the poison source until it was completely controlled.

Now that she was able to manipulate the body of the Plague Demon, Le Yun took out a syringe, cut her finger, sucked a drop of blood with the syringe, and injected it into the meatball.

A syringe sends blood around the demon heart.

In order to prevent the breath of his own blood from escaping, the pinhole was tightly covered with plague poison.

The first step was completed as planned, Le Yun put away the tools, took a jade box to put the meatball demon body, and then recalled Baixing Town Jieshan.

The Boundary Mountain of Baixing Town left by Huoyun Jinxian is also a super useful magic weapon. One star towns ten miles, and a hundred stars governs ten thousand miles. It can be turned into a mountain with a radius of ten thousand miles and a width of ten thousand miles, sealing off the boundary of ten thousand miles.

Of course, the wider the territory that needs to be blocked, the greater the consumption.

If you don't have enough wealth, you really can't afford to use Baixing Town Jieshan. More importantly, the magic weapon requires extremely high spiritual consciousness. If you don't have enough spiritual consciousness, you can't open it.

Putting away the boundary mountain of Baixing Town that protected Wangzhi Town, Le Yun flew down in the spirit boat, and flew back to the Yizhuang where she found the Plague Demon.

The spirit boat still had its defensive cover on, and she went out with the jade box, stood in the air, first opened the magic robe defense, then opened the jade box, injected a little spiritual power into the body of the plague demon's meatball, and then manipulated it to release Some kind of virus source.

The muscles of the Meatball Plague Demon stretched and contracted rhythmically, exuding a peculiar aroma.

The fragrance cannot be smelled by ordinary people, only special creatures can smell it.

The aroma spread very quickly, and it spread for dozens of miles in a short while, and it was still spreading far away.

In the aroma-covered area, those magic fungi that parasitized on humans and beasts decisively abandoned their hotbeds, escaped from the pores, mouth, nose, eyes and other seven orifices of the host, and ran towards the source of the aroma.

The magic fungus leaves the host body, it is gray-green, a thousand times thinner than cow hair, it is so thin that the naked eye cannot detect its existence, and its development can only be seen under a microscope with a thousand times power.

The speed of the magic mushrooms was very fast, like lightning flashing through the air, within a short while, they flocked to the surroundings of the spirit boat, scrambling to get into the meatballs.

The magic fungus, which is as fine as dust, penetrates into the meatball and fuses with the body.

Le Yun turned on the special function of her eyes, staring at the corpses in the corpse pit, observing how the magic bacteria left and how they operated, and naturally and clearly saw every detail of them getting out of the corpses and returning to the Plague Demon itself.

The flying speed of the magic fungus is the same as that of the Plague Demon before it was injured. It is no wonder that the Plague Demon can devour the creatures in several cities and towns within 10,000+ miles within a day or two, and it can also travel dozens of times in a short period of time. inside.

In the blink of an eye, all the magic fungus in the corpse pit returned to the body of the Plague Demon, which was as small as a meatball, and more magic fungus flew continuously from afar.

Le Yun placed the jade box on the top of the mask of the spirit boat to recover the magic fungus, stood not far from the corpse pit, threw a large talisman into the pit, and burned the bones in the pit.

The magic bacteria in the corpse pit were recovered, but because the deceased was infected with leprosy, some people's wounds festered, and they were thrown into the corpse pit after death. The corpses decomposed and produced a large number of bacteria, and there were also a large number of living bacillus leprae.

The talisman paper fell into the pit, and the whole pit turned into a pit of fire.

He guarded the big pit and burned it for a while, and when the fire weakened, Le Yun threw another handful of talismans and continued to burn, and then moved the coffins piled up in Yizhuang to a pile, and burned them with magic fire as well.

Those who died early carried a large amount of leprosy bacilli in their bodies. When the corpses were put into coffins, the virus seeped into the crevices of the coffins along with the rotting body fluids.

If it is a normal death, burning the corpse without the consent of the family members is suspected of humiliating the corpse. Now is an extraordinary period. For the future peace of the entire area, it is safest to burn all the corpses carrying germs.

The fire in the corpse pit and the flames burning the coffins lit up the sky west of the town.

The plague in Wangzhi City is raging, and the people in the city continue to die, [-]% of them have gone to [-]% and there are more.

When Little Loli arrived, because it had just fallen into the night, most of the living people in the city were not asleep, and some people did not light their lamps to save lamp oil.

When a certain magic weapon arrived, the golden light came to Wangzhi City, and the panicked survivors were all terrified, thinking that the time of death was approaching.

After the golden light came, there was no other movement.

Because the whole town was covered with pale gold, naturally none of the living people slept, and they all waited nervously, waiting, waiting, and did not know when the pale gold in the sky suddenly disappeared.

The whole town fell into darkness again.

Those who did not dare to fall asleep waited anxiously, and then found that there was a light shining in the sky. Many people bravely walked out of the house, stood in the open space and looked around, and found that the direction of the light was west of the city.

No one dared to go there to see what happened. There were also a small number of survivors in the western part of the city. They also didn't dare to check where the light came from and why there was light.

Le Yun also burned the virus-stained ground, walls, pillars, etc. in the Yizhuang with magic fire, checked that there were no dead spots, stood in the air and watched the flames to burn the coffins and corpse pits, and checked the recovery effect of the magic bacteria from time to time.

After about a stick of incense, no magic fungus flew back.

The fire in the corpse pit burned for a while before it gradually extinguished. The newly thrown corpses during the day and the bones of the previous ones that had been made into bones were all burned, and even a layer of soil was burned away, leaving a thin layer at the bottom of the pit of ashes.

There were many coffins, and it took about a stick of incense to finally burn them all.

After solving a hidden danger, Le Yun performed a cleaning technique for herself, and then returned to the spirit boat with the jade box containing the plague demon's body, and then drove the spirit boat around the town.

After going around in a circle, she found that there were no more magic fungus left in the whole city, and she was relieved.

However, she can rest assured that there is no such thing as the magic fungus, and there is still someone who makes her worry-there is a child in the city who is also protected by God Yunlan!

The plague demon itself is foraging in Wangzhi Town, and God's cub is also trying to survive in Wangzhi Town. Although the situation of God's cub is a little better than that of a cub in Wangzhu County, it is only a little bit better, not at all. Where to go.

After all, the cubs in the city may become the Plague Demon's snack at any time.

It's no wonder that when she was still in the ancient secret realm, Yunlan's God urged her so urgently and insisted not to let her sleep. If he didn't hurry up, she might really stay in the ancient secret realm for another three or two years.

If she stays for a few more years, by the time she arrives at Kuzhuling, the day lily will be cold.

Knowing that the cub protected by God is in the city, what do you think?
What else can Le Yun do, go find someone!
God's cub needs to be rescued, and the tool man must go thousands of miles to rescue him regardless of his own safety.

God's cub needs warmth, and the tool man must send chicken soup.

As a tool man, you must have the awareness of a tool man, and treat yourself as a brick, where you need to move it.

Little Loli Le, who had given up her life long ago, didn't even bother to scold MMP. She flew the spirit boat to the northern part of the city, stopped in an inhabited area, and enlarged the spirit boat.

The spirit boat grew and turned into a large ship with a length of hundreds of feet, shining golden across the sky, silently announcing the master's status as a monk to others.

"Immortal, it's an immortal!"

"A fairy is coming!"

"Is the fairy here to save us?"

People who hid in the dark or looked at the sky in the bright place let out bursts of exclamation.

In a small courtyard with only three main wooden houses and single "亻" side rooms on both sides of the house, a six or seven-year-old boy wearing patched coarse clothes and a pair of torn grass also ran into the courtyard from under the eaves. Look up at the big ship in the sky.

Suddenly, he found a person appeared under the big ship, and that person flew down from the sky!

The little boy raised his head and stared closely at the fairy flying towards the ground, wondering whose house the fairy would go to.

Looking at it, he couldn't help but widen his eyes - the fairy flew towards his house!
(End of this chapter)

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