magic eye doctor

Chapter 2914 Dad is so pretty

Chapter 2914 Dad is so pretty

The little boy standing on the dirt floor in his own yard stared wide-eyed, reluctant to turn his eyeballs, staring straight at the fairy flying towards his yard.

His eyes moved down from the air with the fairy in blue clothes, and then - the fairy landed lightly and stood in front of him.

The child's eyes froze, and his mouth was slightly opened, dumbfounded.

Falling from the sky, Le Yun naturally took out a luminous pearl and threw it in the sky for lighting, and then looked at the environment. The house and the gate of the courtyard faced west by south, and a circle of pepper trees was planted around the small courtyard as a wall and fence. , The entrance door to the courtyard is supported by wooden pillars, and the owner made a fence gate with bamboo.

Under the pepper fence, a two-foot-wide garden was built with stones, and melons and vegetables were planted. A shelf about one foot long was built on the right hand side of the door. gourd.

There are three rooms in the upper house, with wooden walls, and the roof is covered with bark. In some places, the bark has aged, and the roof and front eaves have sunken in several places. When it rains, it must be heavy rain outside the house and light rain inside the house.

The yard is very simple and the house is very old.

Le Yun also knew that there was a low shed in the backyard of the head of the household, which was used to raise poultry and store firewood and sundries, and the hut was also built in a corner of the backyard.

The second child that Yunlan wants to protect is the kind of people who belong to the grassroots, and the child is also a child of a poor family.

The little boy's hair was tied up, and he was wrapped into two small bags with strips of cloth. He was wearing a burlap shirt that was patched on both elbows, and the cuffs were stretched between the wrist and the elbow.
His trousers were also patched at the knees, and the trouser hem was two inches above the ankle, which was obviously too short. The stitches of the patches on his clothes were rough, which showed that the people who sewed clothes were not good at needlework.

The child was relatively thin, and was also infected with the plague. It was in a mild condition. There were only rashes on the back of the hands and ears, and there were no nodules or deformities in the limbs.

Little Lolita was looking at the environment, and the people around the small courtyard also found out where the fairy fell from the sky. They not only ran to the small courtyard next door, but also yelled to inform other neighbors.

Some people were still screaming and shouting to move benches and ladders to climb over the wall, and their voices were noisy.

The noise was heard, but Le Yun turned a deaf ear, looked at the small courtyard and Xiao Zai'er, and asked with a smile: "Little baby, how old are you? What's your name?"

The child who was staring at the immortal in a daze was startled by the sound, and stepped back a few steps. Because of the excitement, his hands and feet became weak, his small body couldn't stand still, and he fell backwards and squatted on his buttocks.

He didn't feel any pain, he got up in a hurry, and when he was about to kneel down, the fragrance rushed to his face, and a pair of soft and white hands hugged him.

Somehow, the immortal came to him, leaned over and hugged him, and fell into the warm embrace full of fragrance. The child was obviously frightened, his body was stiff, and his small face turned pale: "Immortal, I... I I can... get up."

The little boy was quite frightened, Le Yun gently put him down, squatted down, rubbed his head, and smiled gently: "Well, this fairy knows that you have some fate with this fairy, you don't have to do it Kneel down and salute. What's your name?"

His feet fell to the ground, and the child tried to stand upright, his tongue was tied up with excitement, and he stuttered when he spoke: " family name is Zhu, and name is Zhumi."

"Bamboo grows in the wilderness, where the clouds are soaring, and no one appreciates the nobles. I am alone with a chaste heart. Bamboo is the tree of a gentleman. Your family name is good, and your name is also good."

Le Yun was quite surprised, bamboo and pine are both noble trees, the surname Zhu is really nice!The name of the cub is also good, bamboo rice is edible and healthy.

Zhumi Xiaozi grinned, his eyes shining like stars.

"You have spiritual roots, and you can also become a fairy. Would you like to practice with me?" Le Yun looked at the little boy. This boy still has relatives, so he had to ask not only his own intentions, but also his family's. will.

"I'm willing, I...and daddy, can I take daddy with me?" Hearing that he could be a fairy, Zhumi was so excited that his small body trembled slightly, looking at the fairy with extreme nervousness.

"Take this fairy to see if your father has spiritual roots." Of course Le Yun knew that the little boy had a father, and also knew that his father had no spiritual roots, so the man was lying on the side next to the main hall of the upper house .

"...Okay...I'll go and see...Daddy." Zhumi took a quick breath, turned around and ran towards the house with her stiff legs.

He stumbled and nearly tripped himself again.

In order not to frighten the child, Le Yun didn't help the little guy anymore, let him lead the way, and followed him to the house.

As soon as the cub ran into the main room, all the neighbors had already run outside the fence or the wooden fence door. Some set up ladders or stools to try to climb over the fence wall, and some ran in through the fence door by themselves.

The behavior of the neighbors, no matter how you look at it, is not very polite.

Le Yun walked to the eaves, turned around, looked back, and reminded: "It is not a gentleman's action to climb over the wall and enter the house without the permission of the owner."

The men and women who were rushing towards the Zhu's house heard the voice, looked over and saw a man in a blue cape standing under the eaves of the Zhu's thatched hut, their movements slowed down.

Someone explained: "We... saw a fairy coming here, and we came to pay respects to the fairy."

"This fairy came to the Zhu family for a common purpose, and I won't see anyone for the time being, so don't disturb the owner of the Zhu family." Le Yun doesn't like the neighbors of the Zhu family very much. Those people don't have much kindness and respect for the Zhu family. meaning.

She just asked how the Zhu family got along with the neighbors in the past, but now that she is here, she doesn't want anyone to break into the Zhu family's yard under the guise of visiting her.

"..." The person who wanted to climb over the fence and ran to Zhu's house by himself was stunned.

Hearing the sound from outside, Zhumi subconsciously hid behind the door. After hiding her body, she remembered the fairy again, and poked her head out to look out again.

Le Yun saw the boy who was obviously frightened, raised her hand and flicked away all the people who were hacking the wall and those who trespassed in Zhu's yard, and then threw out a bell-shaped magic weapon to cover the whole small courtyard.

Protected by a magic weapon, the Zhu family cannot be seen from the outside.

The men and women who were sent out of the gate wall of the Zhu family were still in a daze when they landed. After realizing that the person in the blue clothes might be a fairy, they were thrown out by the fairy, and the women began to cry and scream Help.

Throwing out a magic weapon to protect the small courtyard, Le Yun stepped up the steps, then brought Ye Mingzhu into the house for lighting, entered the main room of Zhu's house, and looked at the little boy who was still looking out: "They used to You often bully your family, right?"

Zhumi nodded, then shook his head hastily with fear.

"Don't be afraid." Le Yun walked over and rubbed the little boy's head. The little boy was obviously protected by God, but he was born in such an environment. You have to suffer first."

Zhumi bit her lip and nodded, her small body was still tense, she turned around awkwardly, and walked towards the side room where the door was half open.

Le Yun asked Ye Mingzhu to follow the child into the side room, leaving herself one step behind.

The bamboo house is very simple, with an Eight Immortals table and a few old bamboo chairs in the main hall, a few bamboo baskets on one side, and a ladder to the attic on the other side.

The side room is the bedroom, which has a wide bamboo bed, a wardrobe with a top box and a low cabinet, and several black and red lacquered boxes stacked on a wooden shelf.

There is also a small handmade bookshelf and two chairs in the room, and there are a few books on the small bookshelf.

Zhumi's father, Zhugen, was lying on the bamboo bed. He was also infected with the plague and became seriously ill. He had nodules on his knuckles, and two of his knuckles were worn out and filled with pus.

He is actually only in his early thirties. He looks like an old man in his 60s. His face is dark, dry, and wrinkled. His hair is dry and dull like straw. He is tied with a piece of cloth and tied short. Ponytail hairstyle.

The man was wearing old brown burlap clothes in a bunt style. He was so tired that he slept on the bed, and the noise outside did not wake him up.

Zhumi led the fairy into the house, because he was too young and didn't know what to do, so he was at a loss.

"Does your family have a lot of fields? Does your father have to do farm work every day?" Le Yun walked up to the child, put his hand on top of his head again, and rubbed his little head.

"My family... has no fields and no land." Zhumi lowered his head: "My grandma and grandpa fell ill three years ago, and my father sold the family's fields to change the medicine for my grandpa and grandma. They still go Already, daddy... doing work for people in exchange for food."

"Your father often does work for these families near your home, and they...don't give them food, right?" The little guy didn't say anything, but Le Yun could guess the result. The father and son of the Zhu family are malnourished, which shows that they often eat three meals a day. not continue.

"En." Zhumi responded in a low voice.

"Your father is also sick, and you are also sick. I will treat you father and son first, and you should do it obediently, you know?"


The little boy was obedient and obedient, Le Yun moved the bamboo bed into the room, asked the child to take off his coat and trousers for his father, and then asked him to take off his clothes and lie on the side.

Zhumi obeyed obediently and lay upright herself.

Le Yun fed the Zhu family father and son pills, and then gave them needles. In order to save time, they used Dayan Jiuyang Liehuo Needle to quickly burn off the leprosy bacillus, and then used Jiuyang Liehuo Needle to help warm and nourish the body.

Bamboo rice cub is still too young and his body is too weak, so he should be warmed up slowly, so the leprosy bacillus was killed, and he was only given a nutritional pill.

Bamboo roots have no spiritual roots, he is overworked, and has a lot of problems. After using Jiuzhuan Huanpo Pill and Jiuzhuan Huanyang Pill, after two acupuncture sessions, all the ailments and dark wounds in his body disappeared, and he suddenly became young and recovered to his normal state. The way he should be for his age.

He actually looks quite upright, even handsome, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, broad shoulders and waist, slender body, 1.9 meters tall, well-proportioned.

After Zhumi finished the acupuncture first, he got up and put on his clothes, lying on the bedside and staring at Dad. Seeing that Dad was getting better and better under the magical treatment of the immortal, his small mouth opened into an O.

"Fairy Fairy, my father has become more beautiful... My father is so good-looking..."

The more the cub watched, the more excited he became, and he almost jumped up for joy.

(End of this chapter)

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