magic eye doctor

Chapter 2915

Chapter 2915
The little cub's sense of pride welled up spontaneously, and Le Yun's mood was very delicate, the cub was so happy because his father was good-looking, if he knew who the other "father" was, he didn't know how he would react.

Naturally, she couldn't tell the little boy that he still has a heavenly father, and there were some secrets that she couldn't tell, so she reached out and lifted the little boy to the side, lest he accidentally touch the needle on his father's body when he was so excited that he danced with his hands and feet.

"Your father doesn't have spiritual roots, so he can't be an immortal. He has become more attractive, and I will find a girl to give you a few younger brothers and sisters in the future. In this way, you don't have to worry about your father being taken care of when you go to cultivate immortality."

"In that case, it's very good." Zhumi tilted her head, nodded and shook her head, a little frustrated: "I...can't I take Dad to cultivate immortals together?"

"Cultivation requires you to find the treasures you need. You can't take your father with you everywhere. Besides, practice is very hard and there are certain dangers. Your father is by your side. Maybe he sees you suffering. I don't want you to practice anymore, because you will inevitably be distracted because of your father's side, and it will be difficult to improve your cultivation."

Le Yun gave a compromise suggestion: "When your father wakes up, you can ask your father if he is willing to move to the county town to settle down. The neighbors here are not very friendly to your family. Why don't you live in another place and let yourself live?" Get more comfortable.

Where did your father settle down? When you practice hard enough that you can fly tens of thousands of miles a day, you can come back to visit your father if you want. "

"Oh." Zhumi nodded her head, and stared at Dad without blinking.

The little guy and his father are dependent on each other, and it is inevitable to depend on his father. Le Yun never thought of pouring poisonous chicken soup, saying that "practice requires abandoning the seven emotions and six desires" to make people cut off kinship for the righteousness of immortality.

After waiting for a while, I pulled out the medical needle, cleaned it with dust removal technique, and then put it in a disinfection bottle for disinfection. After packing it up, I went to the main room of the Zhu family first.

Little Loli did not take the usual path, she sat cross-legged in the air three feet above the ground, in order to maintain the sense of mystery and the sense of holiness that practitioners should have.

At the same time, Ye Mingzhu was also moved to the main room of Zhu's house, only the light was allowed to enter the side room, and then he poked father Zhu's acupuncture points with his spiritual sense, urging him to wake up.

Zhugen woke up, and was still a little dazed when he woke up. He opened his eyes and looked around in a daze. He heard his son's "Daddy, Daddy" calls, and turned his neck to look over.

"Daddy, daddy, you're awake!" Zhumi happily climbed onto the bamboo bed, knelt and sat beside daddy, her eyes sparkling with stars.

"Zhumi, it's dawn, father slept too deeply this time, and the neighbor came to urge work again, isn't it, father will get up immediately to help others with work."

When Zhu Gen saw his son, he was completely awake. Seeing the bright light in the room, he thought it had been dawn for a long time, thinking about his work, a carp sat up straight.

Zhu Mi handed over Father's clothes, smiling so hard that his eyes crooked: "Father, it's not yet dawn, but the immortal came to our house, and the immortal cured our illness, Father has become very beautiful."

Just as Zhugen grabbed the clothes and shook them off to put them on, it was only at this moment that he realized that he was not wearing any clothes. He remembered that he obviously slept with his clothes on.

He turned his head hesitantly and looked at his son: "Immortal? What immortal?"

"It's the kind of fairy who can fly. The fairy came to our house and is in the main room. Father, look at the beads at the door. The glowing beads belong to the fairy."

Zhumi climbed out of bed backwards, pointed to the bead hanging in the main room, which could be seen from the room, and showed Dad. The light of that bead was always bright, and the room was brighter than the daytime.

Seeing the brilliance like silver sun beads, Zhugen's head seemed to be hit with a stick, he was a little dazed, he turned his neck mechanically and scanned the room, only to find that the bamboo bed on the side had been moved into the room.

He raised his hand, and saw that the lump in his hand was gone, and the wound filled with pus had also healed, only the scar hadn't completely fallen off, and it could also let people know that there was an injury at that location.

Looking at my hands that don't look like a farmer's, and then looking at my arms and legs, the dark and rough skin before has become white, tender and rosy, like a young master who is pampered by a rich family.

Zhu Gen was dazed for a while, and after a while, he rolled and crawled off the ground like burning his buttocks, hurriedly put on his clothes, found the straw sandals, got up, and ran out like a sprint.

The man ran to the door of the side room, and saw a man in blue sitting in the air facing the door in the main hall, his floating heart felt inexplicably at ease.

It turns out that there really are immortals here, not Zhumi's imagination!
Zhugen's heart was at ease, and then he became extremely excited, rushed out of the side, bowed his head, but before he bowed down, he was stopped by an invisible force, unable to kneel down.

"There is no need to give a big gift. Your son Zhumi's spiritual root is good, suitable for cultivating immortals. Are you willing to let him cultivate immortals?"

Le Yun lifted the man up with spiritual power, and then used the dust removal technique to clean up the two dusty chairs, and moved them to Zhugen's side, letting him sit with the little boy who chased him out.

Zhu Gen looked at his son who ran out after him, with strong reluctance in his eyes, he was struggling hard in his heart, it is a great thing for his son to become a fairy, but he... with such a little flesh and blood, how to teach him Willing to.

Zhumi chased after her to the main house, leaning against her daddy, smiling happily with her small face up: "Father, I want to be a fairy, and I want to take you to practice together, but the fairy says you don't have spiritual roots.

The fairy cured my father's illness, and my father looks good now. The fairy asked my father to find another girl to give birth to my younger brothers and sisters, and asked my father if he would like to move to the county to settle down. "

The bamboo root became even more tangled, and asked anxiously: "Immortal, are you... an immortal from the Bai family in Wangzhu County?"

"This fairy comes from the Northland, and is not a monk of the Youbai family. The Youbai family in Wangzhu County you said also has a child with a good spiritual root. This fairy told Youbai that he will take away his child and find him. A powerful master, the ancestor of the Bai family agreed."

Le Yun looked at the owner of the Zhu family in surprise, he had even heard of the Youbai family in Wangzhu County, so it can be seen that the Youbai family has a very good reputation in this area.

Zhu Gen was dumbfounded in shock, an immortal from the Northern Continent?What level of power does such a fairy have to be able to cross the dangerous sea to the Southern Continent?

Zhumi's eyes became brighter: "Immortal, can I practice with that brother?"

"There is a child from the Bai family who is a little older than you. He is almost eight years old, and you are six and a half years old. You can practice together. Because you two have different spiritual roots, you will learn slightly different techniques in the future."

"Yeah, I understand." Zhumi nodded.

Zhugen knew that he would not be able to keep his son, and no matter how reluctant he was, he could only let go: "Immortal, it is his chance that Zhumi has spiritual roots and can practice. You... take him away."

"This fairy view is not a place to live and work in peace and contentment, and the neighbors are not good neighbors. Although it is not a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, it is extremely detrimental to the growth of future generations. If you marry a wife and have children in the future, it is difficult to guarantee that your children will not be wronged. I suggest you move to the county seat .

This fairy thinks that the family style of the Youbai family is quite good. When the time comes, I will tell their family and arrange a suitable place for you to build a house. Only when you settle down in the county town can Zhumi practice with peace of mind. He will come back to visit you in the future It's also more convenient. "

Immortal suggested to move, Zhugen looked sad: "The original owner of this house has only one daughter, and the daughter died after marriage, so they have no more to rely on. Later, my grandfather and the disaster victims came to Wangzhi Town. The old couple met Our Zhu family, old and young, are honest and loyal, and recruited my elders to do long-term work.

My grandfather and father are grateful to the owner of the house. They do everything they can, and they also serve the old couple when they are old and frail, so that the original owner can rely on them. Before the owner left, he left the family property to my grandfather.

My family is a foreigner, and the neighbors are inevitably xenophobic. "

In fact, the neighbors originally wanted to lose the family, because the original owner gave the house and land to the Zhu family, and they could not take advantage of it, so they were naturally dissatisfied with their family.

Zhugen also knows the thoughts of the people around him, but his family is an outsider and has no support in Wangzhi Town. In order to have a shelter for himself, he can only endure in every possible way.

"Daddy, are you willing to go to the county seat?" Zhumi was full of hope, he didn't want to live here either, and the children around him kept beating and scolding him behind his back.

"Now that the plague is rampant, it's the same everywhere. If there is a place to live in the county, Dad is naturally willing to move." Zhugen's last insistence has also dissipated. He never knew that Zhumi was often bullied by the children next door, and he also wanted to go. To seek justice, but for a long time to argue, it will inevitably attract more obvious targets.

"It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day. Let's move now, pack up your things, and go to the spirit boat to stay first. This fairy can still go to these places at night."

"Immortal, do you want to cure the plague? Or, you save people first, and when you're done, it's not too late for me to move." Zhugen feared that his own affairs would delay the immortal's rescue.

"This plague is not an ordinary epidemic. The source of the plague is a great horror to the common people. This fairy traced the source of the plague all the way from Wangzhu Town, found it here in Wangzhi Town, and wiped it out.

Now we have to go to the cities to eliminate the source of the plague poison, and then we can refine the elixir to cure the plague.If the source of the plague poison is not cleared, many people will still die before this fairy refines the elixir.

Eliminating the source of the plague will not be completed in a short while. In order to reduce unnecessary troubles, you father and son will go to the spirit boat to stay for a few days, and I will wait for the fairy to go around to see how many towns the plague has covered, and then go back to Wangzhu County. I will take you there to settle down when refining the elixir.

Point out what things you want to take away, and this fairy will help you transfer them into the magic weapon, and then take them out when you get to the county town, and you can sort them out. "


Zhugen hurriedly responded, feeling extremely embarrassed: "Immortal, I want to take away all... the things in my house."

"Okay." Le Yun floated to the bedroom door of Zhu's father and son, swept all the things inside into a storage bag, and put away the things in the main room.

The father and son were dumbfounded.

After putting away the items in the two rooms, Le Yun put all the items in the other side room into the storage device, and then went to clean up the various sundries stored in the attic and the kitchen utensils in the ear room, and another warehouse for storage place of furniture.

She didn't even leave the firewood, straw and other sundries in the shack behind the house, and moved them all into the storage.

Due to the epidemic, the Zhu family father and son did not raise poultry, and vegetables were grown in the open space in the backyard.

The little loli took a look, oh, the vegetables and soil are good, move!
She doesn't do it herself, she has the auger, and let the auger sneak under the vegetable field to dig out the soil, and then move the whole vegetable field into the storage container for storage.

She liked the gourd tree, dug out the gourd vine, and moved it with the shelf.

The big pepper fence around the house is neat and pretty good too, dug.

Thinking about it again, alas, the land has been scraped anyway, and if the good things come to an end, it’s better to move the house too.

The little Lolita did what she said, throwing a bunch of cone drills to dig, and the mining disks were also ready to go.

Dozens of augers were working at the same time, and the speed was undeniable. The bottom of the house was hollowed out in less than half a cup of tea, making a house and its foundation a dangerous building standing in the air.

The mining array serves as the floor at the bottom of the house, and the entire house and foundation are moved away from the original place.

Little Loli put away the array, looked at the goose-like Zhu family father and son: "Is there anything else you want to take away?"

" more." Zhu Gen's whole person was like a cloud floating in the clouds, his mind was not very bright.

Zhumi's eyes are full of admiration, wow, the immortal is too powerful!He also has to work hard to become a fairy with the ability to move mountains and seas!
Incessantly, Le Xiaoluoli scraped a layer of land in the nursery that had not been muddy, and then used the dust-cleaning technique on the bamboo family father and son, picked up the cub with one hand, and slid the bamboo roots with the other. The teleportation technique was moved back into the spirit boat.

She put the father and son of the Zhu family down, and recalled the magic weapon covering the small courtyard of the Zhu family.

The bell-shaped magic weapon shrunk in size, flew into the sky with a whoosh, and got into the light shield of the spirit boat.

Le Yun collected the magic weapon, then shrunk the spirit boat to a size of about ten feet long, took off without hesitation, and left the town in an instant.

The woman who was thrown away from the courtyard and the wall of Zhu's house cried and howled for a while but the immortal came out, and she couldn't cry anymore, she shut her mouth.

Although it was embarrassing to be thrown out by the immortal, none of them left.

Even the nearby neighbors heard the whistling sound, ran out of the house and saw a golden light somewhere, and all ran outside Zhu's house.

The people next to Zhu's house were crowded with many people in the yard.

Men and women stretched their necks waiting for the immortal to come out, and they all wanted to ask the immortal to cure the plague at home.

Don't ask why you think immortals can cure the plague. Immortals, of course, are omnipotent.

Waiting and waiting, waiting until everyone was restless and exhausted, the golden light finally disappeared.

The person who had been waiting for a long time lifted his spirits and was about to rush to Zhu's house, but he didn't expect the sky to darken suddenly.

Originally, because of the shining golden flying boat in the sky, the ground was dimly illuminated, and there was also a golden light group covering the small courtyard of Zhujia, so there was no need to light lamps and torches.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened, and when a group of people looked up, they suddenly found that the big boat parked in the air had disappeared, and they panicked.

Someone ran back to get a torch, and when he ran out of the Zhu family's yard holding the torch, he couldn't help being stunned.

The fence, trees, gourds and vegetable fields of the Zhu family were all gone, and even the house was gone, and there were potholes everywhere, as if a dog had dug it.

"Where did the bamboo family go?!"

"Immortal, it was the immortal who took away the Zhu family father and son and the house..."

Everyone was terrified at first, then envious with jealousy, how could the Zhu family father and son be so lucky!
The father and son of the Zhu family won the favor of the fairy, and they didn't even support the neighbors. Fortunately, they often rewarded the father and son with food, and raised an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!

(End of this chapter)

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