magic eye doctor

Chapter 2916 Placement

After leaving Wangzhi town, Le Yun asked the spirit boat to stop for a while, and took out a Ruyi house in the cabin for the Zhu family father and son to live in a place far away from human habitation.

Among the children of the Kan family and their vassal family members, from Yuanying to Mahayana, everyone has a Ruyi House, and Jiebian and Mahayana monks have an average of three Ruyi Houses.

Little Loli killed the Kan family and its vassal families, and obtained a large number of Ruyi houses. Most of the Ruyi houses are not of high level, but there are also a few Ruyi houses of quite good quality.

She purified some of the Ruyi houses she got, picked out the best quality ones and gave them to handsome Xuan Shaoyan and a group of beasts, and there were still a large number of Ruyi houses in her hands.

Because there is no shortage of wishful houses, the one that the Zhu family father and son lived in will naturally be given to Zhumi's son in the future. In order to let their father and son stay at ease, he put his family's small bookshelf, bed, wardrobe, tables and chairs, etc. Take it out and put it in the wishful house.

She also has several small Ruyi houses of mediocre quality that belonged to the novice craftsman who made the Ruyi house. She took one and put it in a corner of the Ruyi house, and then used wooden boards to separate another in the small Ruyi house. In a small space, place a covered pail.

Le Yun placed the wishful house, and transferred some food into a small storage bag that ordinary people can use, handed it to Zhumi, and gave them a bottle of Bigu Dan, so that their father and son could eat Bigu Dan when they were hungry. Or eat some fruit.

"Immortal, Dad and I... can we eat on your flying boat?" Zhumi held the magic weapon bag, with excitement and nervousness intertwined on his small face.

"Yes, people need to get rid of impurities when they eat whole grains. This fairy has set up a hut in the corner of the small wishful house. If you need to get rid of the food after eating, you need to use Gong barrels."

Le Yun pinched the little boy's face: "From now on, you don't need to call me a fairy, just a fairy, or a little fairy."

"Okay... Fairy..." Zhumi's eyes sparkled.

Le Yun asked Bamboo's father again: "You should have been to school, right?"

Zhu Gen was brought into the spirit boat, and his whole body was... in a trance, he followed the cabin like a wooden man, and followed him around the magic weapon cave.

Turning around in a circle, he seemed to know what he was doing, but also seemed to be dreaming, and he was stupid, as if he had lost his soul.

When the immortal asked, he nodded mechanically, then shook his head again.

Well, let's stop asking Le Yun. You can tell from his blunt appearance that his reflex arc is long. It takes time to be quiet, and it is useless to ask him.

However, she could guess from Father Bamboo's reaction that Father Bamboo could read some characters, but not too many.

Le Yun stopped talking to Zhu's father, and told Zhumi directly, asking him to wait for his father to wake up tomorrow, and let his father teach him how to read.

After giving some instructions, I left Ruyi House, sat on the bow of the spirit boat, took off again, and went to look for towns with survivors, and continue to recycle magic fungus.

Zhumi was much more awake than his father, and he was as excited as a little sparrow the whole time. When the fairy was busy, he coaxed the distraught father to sleep.

He also sleeps with his father, and he is reluctant to put down the storage bag when he sleeps, holding it tightly.

It was probably because the bamboo bed and pillows were old things from before. The familiar smell made people feel at ease, and the father and son fell asleep quickly.

The little Lolita drove the spirit boat and searched for towns with the breath of magic fungus.

The plague demon regards Wangzhu County as a place for food, and spread the plague and magic fungus in various towns and nearby cities, as well as some densely populated Jihe cities far from the town.

Those large and small towns, cities, and markets all had outbreaks of plague.

The large and small cities and markets near the town of Wangzhi are also the main feeding grounds for the plague demons, and the area within [-] miles of the town is the hardest-hit area of ​​the plague.

Fortunately, the main body of the Plague Demon took a relatively simple route from the county seat to Wangzhi Town. Except for the cities and towns that happened to be on his way, the cities and towns in other areas have not been poisoned by him, and there have not been empty cities everywhere. miserable scene.

In order to save as many innocent people as possible, Le Yun used the Qi-watching technique to go to the direction where death and bad luck are strongest, find a city or a place where there are still people, and then go to the city to open the plague meatballs to recover the magic fungus.

In some small towns, there are large concentrations of corpses piled up together. When Meatball is recycling magic fungus, I also take advantage of some time to help burn corpses. If there is no Yizhuang that specializes in corpses, naturally the city will not be full of corpses to help collect corpses. Sometimes It took a little longer to recover the magic fungus, and she also went to collect some supplies.

In order to recover the magic fungus as soon as possible, little Lolita traveled all over the world to find a town with people. At the same time, Shao Xuan and his friends were also working around the clock.

A group of friends collected a lot of wood in the valley, leaving Yan Geer, who will be in charge of driving the spirit boat tomorrow, and Yuan Er, who is on duty, in the valley to secretly look after everyone in Xujiaji, while the other friends ran to the Jijiaji where Chujiaji was located. city.

Knowing the direction and the approximate distance, Xuan Shao and his friends found the destination without any effort.

The area where Chujiaji is located is gentle, with beautiful peaks, wide valleys between mountains, thick and fertile soil, and abundant water sources. No matter what kind of grains it is, it can be planted.

The local people plant rice, millet, wheat, millet, and pepper according to the seasons, and raise poultry. They live a comfortable and prosperous life.

The volcanic eruption of Mt. Tombs turned the original paradise into a purgatory. Now, some of the big cities and small towns have been swallowed or destroyed by volcanic magma, or people have gone to the city to empty it.

The people in Chujiaji fled, so naturally they also went to collect the air.

When the people in Chujiaji harvested grain, they mainly harvested those continuous or high-yield crops, and abandoned those scattered or low-yield crops.

Xuan Shao and his beast friends collected all the crops, regardless of the yield. They even dug up some crops that were supposed to be harvested in a month or two.

After harvesting the odds and ends of the crops, I went to the Chu Family Collection to pick up discarded pottery such as water tanks and wine jars.

As for supplies such as wooden barrels and bamboo barrels, they can be chiseled by themselves, and they are determined not to pick them up. Instead, they take away the wood accumulated by some residents' homes.

After strolling around in Chujiaji, a group of friends non-stop went to wander around the nearby human settlements. Relying on the spirit boat to travel, the search area expanded by tens of thousands of miles.

When dawn was approaching, a small team that went out to collect resources rushed back to the valley where Chu Jiaji's team camped to meet Yan Ge'er.

Yan Shao was the left-behind staff, and he and Yuan Er were not idle either. They collected wood around the valley, or picked up stones in the wild and on the river beach.

After the two teams met successfully, they ate some dry food first. While waiting for the people at the Hujiaji to make breakfast, they pruned, peeled or segmented some trees and trimmed them into materials for building houses.

Knowing that they were escorted by immortals, the people in Chujiaji made as much dry food as possible to carry as much as possible yesterday evening, and got up early in the morning, rushing to make morning food and pancakes.

After eating the morning food and packing up the belongings, go to round up the livestock.

They just circled the livestock into a group, and the two true kings came in a flying boat, first helped them put all the poultry into the magic weapon, and then collected the belongings, and then transferred them into the magic weapon.

The men and women in Chujiaji were mentally prepared, and they were extremely nervous when they were sent to a completely strange place in an instant.

Many people felt dizzy, and it took a while to recover. They looked around and found that the ground under their feet was bare like rocks, with no trees or water.

And in the whole place, apart from the people they gathered, there were no other living creatures.

In the beginning, everyone in the Chu family was unavoidably terrified and did not dare to move around. After a while, they gradually relaxed, and they all sat down or lay down to rest quickly, so as to reduce physical exertion, and try to keep their animals as strong as possible. where there is strength to build houses.

Major Xuan Shaoyan packed the people and luggage of Chu Jiaji into the magic weapon, and flew into the air in the spirit boat, first looking for the way along the way to see if there is any other team.

Needless to say, there really is!
There is a fleeing team less than 150 miles away from the Chujiaji team. They turned from another road to the same road as the Chujiaji team. It consists of a small town and several collections, with a total of more than 11 people. .

Several episodes of that team were within two hundred miles of Chu's house, and they used to communicate with each other and intermarry.

The goal of the big team was the same as Chu Jiaji's original goal. After seeing the flying boat of the immortals and hearing the immortals and true masters say that within a thousand miles is a place covered by fire veins, many people collapsed on the spot.

After learning that the immortals escorted the people of Chujiaji to find a shelter more than three thousand miles away, and asked them if they would like to move to a safe place suitable for long-term living, the people of several episodes who had contacts with Chujiaji The small team also accepted the help of the immortal after weighing.

Some small teams composed of people from the same group and most of the people living in a certain small city hesitated and decided to go to a big city more than [-] miles away to see before discussing.

Major General Yan Shaoxuan took the small team that was willing to go to the place where they lived for a long time together with the Chu family members into one spiritual planting space, and then took the others into another spiritual planting space, and took them to a certain place where they were going. Ayutthaya.

Going forward, on the way to a certain big city, I found three more fleeing teams. Only one team was willing to settle in a farther unknown place, and the other two teams chose to temporarily go to a known place to make a living.

The two handsome men took all the people with them, and went outside a certain big city, and took the people who chose a certain big city as a place to make a living and their luggage out of the magic weapon.

A certain big city is indeed quite big, enclosing a territory with a radius of more than forty miles.

Similarly, there are also many victims of disasters who went to it, and the shacks of the victims outside the city stretched for two miles.

The two major generals sent the team to the destination without stopping for half a moment, and left in the spirit boat.

Because the total number of people in the Lingzhi space exceeded one hundred thousand, Shao Xuan and Yan Shao took the magic weapon to an absolutely safe area far away from the underground fire veins, and found a place with abundant water, fertile land, and an excellent geographical location. Homesteads where disaster victims build new homes.

It took the two young masters a few hours to find the fleeing team halfway, take them along with them, and then find a place for them to settle down three thousand miles away. .

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