magic eye doctor

Chapter 2917 1 Person 1 Dog 1 City

Chapter 2917 One person, one dog, one city
The fleeing teams who were taken into the magic treasure by the immortals were originally worried because they were going to an unknown place, but when they were removed from the magic treasure and saw the beautiful place with beautiful mountains and rivers, their hearts suddenly felt at ease.

Each team knew that there were other fleeing teams before entering the magic weapon, so after landing, they were very calm when they saw other teams of victims who were not too far away.

Because the immortal was at Chujiaji, the leaders of each team rode antler horses to Chujiaji, looking for Chuji to join in the grand event.

The leaders of several teams discussed with each other and unanimously decided to gather together and build a city to build a brand new home.

Major General Xuan Shaoyan gave a batch of building timber and stones that could be used as the cornerstone of the house to the victims for distribution. The insufficient part was collected by themselves.

The immortal not only sent himself to a place suitable for long-term residence, but also presented a large amount of wood and bamboo for building houses and huts. The victims were very grateful.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao still wanted to look for other escape teams that needed help. After instructing the victims a few words, they hurried back, and then went north to the place where the Chu family had stayed overnight to look for the team of victims.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao walked together and took turns driving the spirit boat. Cucurbit and his friends did not follow the two brothers anymore. They searched for people to go to the human settlements in the city to harvest food and wood that they had no time to harvest.

The two handsome men drove the spirit boat, looking for the teams of victims at night, and went to "visit" during the day. There were teams who were willing to accept help and were far away from their destinations, but were unwilling to move to other destinations. journey, send them to their destination.

For those teams who accepted the suggestion and were willing to go to unknown places, they received magic weapons, and when they gathered enough people, they escorted them to the place where Chu Jiaji's team settled down, and gave them a batch of building materials along the way.

For those teams that are close to their destination and are willing to rely on themselves, Shao Xuan and Yan Shao will not interfere with their freedom of choice and let them rely on themselves.

The two young men and their friends divide the work, one team collects resources, and the other team specializes in searching for refugees as transport workers, so happy to do good deeds.

Le Xiaoluoli was not so happy.

She was busy collecting the magic fungus, but at night, she ran quietly above the city market and paused for a while, and then left after collecting the magic fungus, so she could come and go without a trace.

It will not work during the day, and it will take a certain amount of time to recover the magic fungus. It is inevitable that the spirit boat will be discovered if it stays for a long time. If it is discovered, the people will naturally chase after it and shout for help.

Go to a high altitude far away from the ground. Because the distance is too far, the time for the magic fungus to return will also be extended accordingly. Not to mention the time it takes, the special smell in the plague meatballs will also consume a lot.

Le Yun ran around all night. After dawn, she appeared above a city for the first time when she was collecting magic fungus, and was seen in a spirit boat.

She asked the puppet to explain that the poisonous gas of the plague virus is currently being cleared, and the poisonous gas of the plague virus in the towns and cities where the plague broke out can be cleaned up before they can be used to refine the elixir to cure the plague, making people wait patiently.

As a result, the common people thought she was dying, howled like a pig, and some even cursed.

Little Lolita is so angry, troublesome people come out of poor mountains and rivers, as expected, there are people who can't figure it out no matter where.

When those people suffered from disasters, their parents did not rescue the disaster or save the people. They did not resent their parents, the emperor and courtiers of the empire, and the immortal cultivators in the Zhenqi Empire for not saving them. Instead, they blamed her for coming to save people.

Hearing the sound of swearing, Le Xiaoluoli was not in a good mood, so she directly turned on the mode of automatically blocking external sounds, and left without looking back after collecting the magic mushrooms.

In order to avoid the trouble of being found by the residents of the concentrated city and making her feel uneasy, when she arrived at the next destination, she put away the spirit boat half a mile away from the city, and moved it to the city or the concentrated area by herself. , recovered the magic bacteria and then left with the teleportation technique,

In this way, it took a little more time to act, and the person affected became herself.

Little Lolita didn't want to be chased for help, or cursed for nothing, so she chose to wrong herself.

A county spans more than a million miles, and there are tens of thousands of cities and towns. It is definitely not a matter of three or two days to recover all the magic mushrooms.

Classmate Le Xiao raced against time, running around day and night, hoping to visit all the cities and markets within a certain direction, and strive to return to Wangzhu Town within the seven days she set.

After running for four days and five nights in a row, she found another cub that was named by God.

The territory where the cub is located is no longer under the jurisdiction of Wangzhu County, but a town under the jurisdiction of Wangzhu County's neighbor "Tingzhu County".

The name of the collection is "Wutan Collection", which covers a territory of more than ten miles, with a population of about [-], belonging to a medium collection.

Tingzhu County is also one of the counties with the widest affected area and the most serious disasters in the Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. earthquake.

Wutanji is relatively close to Wangzhu County, and the severity index of the plague is five stars.

In a huge Wutanji, the residents are almost extinct, only one person and one dog are left, and the only survivor is the little cub named by God to protect.

That dog is the puppy's family dog.

Little Lolita followed the guidance of the dark, and hurried to Wutanji, the time was about noon in the morning of the day.

Wutanji is about [-] miles away from the volcanic mountains. Due to the influence of the airflow over the volcanoes, the air is dry, and the high sky is always full of fine dust, and the sky turns gray blue.

It was also the hottest time of the day, the sun was shining brightly, and the plants in the mountains were listless.

The market city of Wutanji exudes the smell of rotting animal corpses, and in the southeast of the market city, in the crop planting area not far from the city wall, a thin boy of seven or eight years old and a domestic dog are with a family dog. The rabbits and cats confronted each other.

The animal that Yunlan calls a rabbit cat is similar in shape to the animal called "rabbit cat" on earth, but its size is as big as a leopard on earth.

The male rabbit that entered Jicheng to look for food was larger than normal rabbits and cats. It should have not eaten for a few days, and its stomach was sunken, probably because it finally found its prey, and its eyes were full of fierceness.

The little boy was wearing a brown linen jacket with several patches. His top and trousers were very bulky. He tightened his trousers and wrapped them around with cloth strips.

He held a scythe for cutting rice in his hand, with hair like a chicken coop on his head, and a pair of rag shoes with big toes exposed, making an attack posture.

The little boy is thin, with no flesh on his face, and his facial contours are excellent, so his appearance will not be bad when he grows up.

Facing the huge beast, the little boy's legs trembled with fear, but he didn't cry or retreat. His body was tense, and there was panic in his eyes, as well as determination.

In front of him is a pure black domestic dog, which is thicker than him and taller than him. The black dog's tail is drooping, and it also adopts a half-squatting posture that bites at any time, with its teeth bared, vicious Staring at the giant in front of him.

Even if the ominous beast on the opposite side was several times its size, the black dog would not retreat half a step, standing firmly in front of its master, protecting it as a shield.

His prey was blocked by another beast. The rabbit and cat scratched the ground impatiently with one of its front paws, then jumped out and rushed towards the man and the dog.

The black dog also yelped, and rushed over, aiming at the beast's throat.

Le Yun drove the spirit boat to a place about five and a half miles away from the market city, and when she found the survivors in the city with some kind of light, she happened to see the rabbit and cat pounce on the cub and the house dog.

"Hugh will hurt him!" Seeing the ferocious beast pounce on the human cub and the dog, his heart skipped a beat and he rushed over to help.

The hungry rabbit and cat, when they jumped up, fixed their eyes firmly on the humanoid two-legged beast. When they saw the dog and beast rushing towards them, they slapped the dog and beast with one paw.

It swung its big paws, slapped the pounced dog away, and bit the two-legged humanoid cub with its bloody mouth.

The black dog was hit by the paw of the rabbit, the bone on its left shoulder was shattered, and two claw marks were drawn on its abdomen and back. It screamed and flew out.

The family dog ​​who depended on each other was vulnerable to the beast. The little boy's eyes were tearing apart, and he screamed "Da Hei", threw the knife in his hand, and rushed to pick up his black dog.

The rabbit and cat's bloody mouth closed down, biting towards the head of the two-legged humanoid.

Just when the little cub's head had been put into the big mouth of the rabbit, it was too late, and then a figure appeared beside the rabbit out of thin air, with a slender jade-like hand as fast as Grabbed the rabbit cat's neck like lightning, and locked a huge beast in the air.

The rabbit and cat, whose fate was strangled by humans, was like a dead and stiff body, unable to move.

The little boy who jumped at the domestic dog also successfully hugged one of the legs of the black dog, and then both the man and the dog fell down.

The black dog fell to the ground and groaned in pain, but still desperately wanted to stand up.

The little boy fell down on the ground, knocked to tears, didn't bother to wipe his face, climbed two steps, rushed over and hugged the black dog, using his body as a shield to protect it, sobbing loudly: "Dahei Dahei, you Don't die, don't abandon me! Let it eat me first, if we die, we will die together..."

"..." Le Yun held a ferocious beast with one hand, looked at the owner, the puppy and the black dog, and sighed: "Little guy, your playmate's left shoulder bone is broken, if you lie on it like that again, If it is not killed by the rabbit, it will be crushed to death by you."

In terms of destroying the atmosphere, little loli claims to be the second, and no one dares to be the first.

A word that spoiled the scenery made the air quiet.

The little boy holding the black dog and crying with snot and tears was startled, he raised his neck suddenly, and suddenly saw a half-sized dog about a head and a half taller than himself appeared in front of him. Girl, that little girl actually grabbed the rabbit with one hand!

The little boy forgot to cry in astonishment, his eyes widened, and his mouth was wide enough to hold his little fist.

The black dog was hugged again because one shoulder bone was broken, and it tried to get up but failed. Hearing the sound, he raised his head and saw the human race, and there was a human expression in his eyes-surprise, flattery, and it was still working hard. wagging his tail.

"Little black dog, your shoulder bones are broken, wagging your tail too hard will aggravate your injury." Sensing the emotional fluctuations of the black dog, Le Yun helped it hurt, and also missed the dog who was always with her nanny when she was a child, then How nice it would be if the dog was still alive!
(End of this chapter)

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