magic eye doctor

第2918章 1人1狗1座城2

Chapter 2918 One person, one dog, one city 2
The black dog could understand the language of the human race, and when he heard the human girl's words, he stopped wagging his tail vigorously, and stared at the girl, full of desire.

It opens and closes its mouth and makes a series of "fang-fang" sounds instead of "woof woof".

Hearing the black dog barking similar to that of a half-sized tiger, Le Yun was stunned for half a second, oh my god, all Yunlan's domestic dogs bark like this?

I'm used to hearing the "bark, woof, woof, woof" of the dogs, but at first hearing it resembles the roar of a little tiger, it couldn't be more weird.

"You protect your own little master yourself. This fairy will not help you protect your little master." After understanding the dog's language, Le Yun grinningly refused.

The black dog languished and drooped its ears, but the human girl was unwilling to take in the little master, so sad!
The black dog is spiritual and knows how to pretend to be pitiful. Le Yun ignored it and used the dust removal technique to clean the hair of a rabbit and cat in his hand, and then threw it back to the area with more rocks in the star core space.

Yunlan's rabbit cat is similar in shape to the catcat on Earth, but its genes are different. It is a new breed of beast, and some must be collected and placed in the star core space as seedlings.

The main reason is that the rabbit cat has never eaten human beings, and it is still a pure beast. If it had eaten human beings, Le Xiao would naturally not spare its life.

The little boy who was in a daze when he saw the little girl heard the little girl talking to the black dog, and his shocked eyes turned between the man and the black dog.

When he saw that the beast in the little girl's hand was gone, his pupils shrank suddenly and then enlarged. After a pause, he shouted in surprise: " are a fairy?!"

The land in the planting area is black and fertile, and the soil layer is several meters deep, referred to as pure natural black soil.

Be kind.

"You can't read, do you know how to write your surname Da?" Niudan'er's name is down-to-earth, probably the parents of the little boy, like the people in some parts of the world, think it's good for a child to have a humble name feed.

"Good...delicious." The little boy came back to his senses, panicking at a loss: "Immortal... Immortal, those crops... are not mine."

Most of the crop fields are planted with crops, some are planted with corn, upland rice, and sorghum, some are planted with potatoes and beans, a small amount are planted with wheat, and many are planted with pumpkins.

When the soil has a high slope, the terrain of the crop land is slightly higher, and it is not convenient to open canals to divert water, so the surrounding area is dry land.

"Are you hungry? Have something to eat." Le Yun searched from the food she had stored, took out a box of cornbread and handed it to Xiao Zai'er.

After collecting a lot of soil, Le Yun was in a good mood. When she returned, she saw the little boy holding the wooden box, standing in a daze, and asked amusedly, "Isn't the golden millet cake delicious?"

The little guy was not in a good mood, Le Yun asked the little boy softly: "What's your name? This place is so close to the volcano on the Tombhead Mountain, why didn't you guys move to a farther place?"

The pancakes baked with corn flour are light and delicious, and are the most suitable food for babies at this stage.

Due to the impact of volcanic disasters, there is little rain in the area and the land is relatively dry. The growth of seedlings and output of crops are far from those in the era of good weather.

" is Niudaner, and my surname is Da."

The little boy hung his head.

The sun was a bit big, so Le Yun summoned the spirit boat that was still far away, let it enlarge, and floated in the sky to block the sun. At the same time, he threw the jade box containing the meatball body of the plague demon over the spirit boat.

The little boy misses his dog, and the black dog is also loyal to protect the master, which is very touching.

After placing the black dog properly, Le Yun took out a basin and poured water to wash her hands, and then cleaned the little boy with dust removal. She was considering whether to help the little boy do acupuncture and moxibustion to cure the leprosy first, and then talk about other things. But he heard his stomach "cuckling" and making an empty city plan.

The black dog lay flat and cooperated honestly.

But crops can still be planted, and there is still a certain harvest, which is already very good for the local people.

Xiao Zaier came to the crop planting area to harvest tender corn. He is short, and the corn seedlings are much taller than him. He needs to cut down the seedlings with a knife to break off the corn cobs.

With a swing of the sword, the sword energy turned into a gust of wind and swept towards the crops.

After the bones were inlaid and assembled, they were sutured, drugged, and bandaged.

Such a small body, carrying such a heavy pannier is of course overloaded.

He was carrying a small back basket, filled with a dozen corn cobs, and planed two purple potatoes. He was on his way back, maybe he was resting after being tired from walking, and then the beast came, because the back basket was still in place. good.

The little boy's three views are not wrong, his nature is pure, and Le Yun is very pleased. He stretched out his hand to rub the little guy's hair. The little guy probably cut off some of his hair because he was the only one in the house. His hair was uneven, like Like a dog chewed it out.

There are not many underground stem and tuber crops, and they are quickly dug up.

She is very kind, and there is room for scraping the ground. She did not directly scrape off the fertile soil, but only scraped off about a quarter of the thick layer of soil.

After reacting, tears flowed out, and he kowtowed on his stomach: "Immortal Immortal, please save my Dahei, please..."

The cub was eating, Le Yun looked around.

The little loli took out a toolbox, put on gloves, poked the black dog's acupuncture points to stop the bleeding, and then took a scalpel to shave, and the operation was as fierce as a tiger, and most of the black dog's body was shaved off .

The little boy and the black dog didn't know it. When they saw the flying boat flying in the sky, they looked at the fairy like a little girl with admiration and awe in their eyes.

It only took about 13 minutes to complete an operation with the most primitive techniques. The little Lori was in a happy mood. Although she is in the world of cultivating immortals, she has not forgotten her old profession!

Black Dog received a series of treatments and fell asleep happily.

She went around in a circle, collected all tall stem crops, and then harvested all bean crops and melons, and then used earth-shaking techniques to dig underground stem and tuber crops.

The time period for planting crops is different. The seedlings of early corn are about to wither, and some corn is planted late, which is when young corn is eaten.

The wound was bandaged for the black dog, and finally acupuncture was done to kill the bacillus leprae.

The little boy and the black dog got close, and the magic bacteria parasitic in their bodies moved when they smelled the fragrance, and they scrambled to abandon the host and return to the body.

The jade box opened the lid, and the meatball released a unique smell to summon the magic fungus.

In a blink of an eye, pieces of high-stalk crops within a radius of one mile were cut off by Jian Guang in pieces, and pieces in pieces disappeared from the fields.

The cub should have lived alone for a few months. He lived a life without a second meal, and the food he ate was messy. At a young age, he already had symptoms of gastric ulcer and gastric perforation.

The little boy who was holding the wooden box and eating the pancakes was enjoying himself. He also stood up when he saw the fairy go to the top of the crop field. When he saw the pieces of golden millet seedlings disappear, he was dumbfounded and forgot to eat the pancakes.

Le Yun threw down a three-foot-digging technique again, loosened a large area of ​​soil, and then scraped up a layer of soil about four feet thick.

The planting land is divided into large and small blocks. The ridge between the crop fields is more than one foot wide, and there are criss-crossing main roads and branch roads. The main road is relatively wide and can accommodate a carriage.

After many years, if another human race moves to the local area to multiply and live, they can still reclaim and cultivate the original crop land.

The little boy was stunned at first, and after a while, he simply sat down.

The little boy himself heard his stomach growling, and hurriedly held his stomach down.

The little boy hesitated for a while, but he couldn't resist the aroma of the golden millet cake. He took the box and hugged it, grabbed the roll-shaped cake and ate it.

Being hugged by gentle hands, the little boy was taken aback for a moment, then nodded in response to "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm".

"You are the only living person in this episode. If you don't harvest the crops, they will rot in the ground. Now that you have harvested the grain, one day you will meet disaster victims who are short of food, and you can use it to help them."

A large area of ​​crops was wiped out in a few breaths, Le Yun moved again, went to a more place, and continued to harvest various crops.

There is also a small amount of crop land that is uncultivated and barren.

Anyway, the Ruyi House will be given to the cub in the future, and it is reasonable for his black dog to live in his Ruyi House.

Seeing the back basket, Le Yunmo, the cub's bone age is seven years and one month plus a few more days, he must have suffered a lot, he doesn't have a strong body like children of that age, and he looks thin and small.

The black dog's shoulder bone was broken, and the pieces needed to be found and reassembled.

Le Yun took two steps forward, reached out and hugged the crying cub: "No need to salute, this fairy will save your black dog first, you just stay aside and wait."

When she had the opportunity to have an operation, Le Xiaoluoli quickly went to work, holding the scalpel in her small hands and waving it repeatedly, cutting open the flesh, aligning the bone fragments one by one, and then using ointment to glue the broken bones together, and then Set it back.

The cub was still eating, so Le Yun moved to the top of the crop field, took out a sword, and swung it.

After quickly cutting the black dog's hair, Lexiao wiped the scalpel clean, took medicine to disinfect the claw wounds scratched by the rabbit and cat, applied medicine, and bandaged it, and then took another scalpel to operate on the black dog's shoulder.

His stomach is not very good, some things are not suitable for eating for the time being, especially big fish and meat.

The local potato is not the well-known sweet potato on the earth, but the potato called "big potato" on the earth, and Yunlan's name is purple potato.

Le Yun with a pair of hanging eyes, waited until all the magic bacteria in the cub and the black dog had run away, then moved, took out a piece of leather to pave the floor, and moved the black dog to lie down on the leather.

After acupuncture and moxibustion, the needles were pulled out, the medical supplies were tidied up, and a wishful house was taken out with wooden boards on the floor, and the black dog and the leather under it were moved into the wishful house to be placed.

"No." The little boy shook his head: "I... am not from this episode. My father and mother gave birth to me on the way to escape, and my father was also born on the way to escape. The surname is the same as the big mat called da made of bamboo strips."

"Oh, so it's that character. I know it, and I'll teach you how to read it later." Le Yun understood.

Mat-like bamboo products woven from bamboo strips are called mats. They can be used to build houses and to dry things. When not in use, they can be rolled into a cylinder, which does not take up space. It is very convenient to spread out when in use.

In the bamboo-rich areas in the south of the Huaxia Kingdom on Earth, the ancestors have been using the bamboo weaving products of "Dao" for a long time. Even in the 21st century, residents in some mountainous areas still use Dao to dry rice, corn and other things.

(End of this chapter)

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