magic eye doctor

Chapter 2919 There is love, but not much

Knowing Xiao Zai'er's surname, Le Yun decided to give him a big name, or else he would call himself "Da Niu Dan" when exchanging names with others in the future, which would make him feel a bit weaker in momentum.

After thinking about it, I came up with a suitable word, but I didn't say it immediately, and said: "You have spiritual roots, you can practice to become a fairy, are you willing to practice?"

"Cultivation... OK? Be an immortal?" Da Zai'er's eyes lit up, who wouldn't want to cultivate to be an immortal!
"Yes. If you practice hard, you will become a fairy."

"I...will! Immortal, are you accept me as an apprentice?" The little boy trembled slightly with excitement.

"I don't accept apprentices for the time being. A fairy has entrusted me to help him find a child with a suitable spiritual root to be an apprentice. I can recommend a fairy to be your master for you. Would you like to go?"

"Yes!" The child was afraid that the immortal would regret it if he answered too slowly, so he answered quickly and anxiously.

"This fairy has chosen another big name for you, called Da Xingyi, Xingyi can be used as a name or as a Taoist name, and it is also to commemorate that you are the only surviving member of your family.

The first name is for others, your surname is Da, this fairy calls you Da Zai, do you want to? "

Da Zai nodded happily: "Okay!"

"Before you, this fairy found two children who are suitable for cultivating immortals, one is still in his family, and the other is on the spirit boat.

After teaching Da Zai how to take things from the storage, Le Yun put away the Four Treasures of the Study, left the spirit boat, first put away the body of the Plague Demon Meatball, and went to check above the Wutan Market City.

There are five large pools in Wutan Jicheng, three of which are like karst lakes, one is like a barrier lake, and the other is a pool formed by alluvial rivers.

This little guy was born on the way to escape, and he couldn't read. Father Zhu let him sit in when he taught Zhumi how to read, and Father Lao Zhu also taught him how to read. "

Moreover, the place where the three cubs were born and the place where the three demons appeared are still near the gravehead mountain, and the activity track area highly overlaps.

The child on the spirit boat is a few months younger than you. His surname is Zhu, and his name is Zhumi. His father is also there, and he is teaching him how to read these days.

Da Zai nodded heavily again: "Okay."

The words written by the immortal are majestic and indescribably beautiful, and people can't help but straighten their waists when they see it, and dare not look sideways.

Da Zai has no relatives and no reason, and there is only a black dog that lives with him. If you father and son are afraid of dogs, this fairy will set up an enchantment to let the black dog stay in Da Zai's Ruyi House and not allow it to come here for activities. "

In comparison, among the three cubs designated by God to protect, this one is the worst.

Le Yun introduced the two cubs while studying ink.

The little guy's eyes were clear and bright, he was a transparent child, Le Yun didn't tell anyone else to be friendly with other kids, he took another Ruyi out, and took the little one in for acupuncture.

Don't blame her for being paranoid, it's really suspicious!

Le Yun took out the four treasures of the study, dripped water and studied ink, and pointed to the two Ruyi houses side by side: "The Ruyi house facing inward is made of bamboo and rice, and the one facing the door is Dazai's.

Then tell Dazai and Zhu's father and son that the character Dazai is Dazai's surname, and Daxingyi is his first name.

Le Yun placed a set of tables and chairs in the center of the wishful room, a set of study desks and a blackboard opposite Xiaozai's wishful room, and a sand table next to each desk.

Zhugen was extremely ashamed when he saw the handwriting written by the fairy. Compared with it, his handwriting looked like a dog crawled out. Let him teach the children, he was really afraid of misleading the children.

The cub's black dog was lucky, it was only infected with leprosy bacteria.

The Black Death is the plague.

It's all like this, if you say that the bitter bamboo collar has no secrets, who will believe it!
The muttering music rhyme was in my heart, and I didn't have the idea of ​​exploring the truth. If there is a secret in the bitter bamboo collar, it must be a great mystery.

"Dazai is seven years old and a little over a month, a few months older than Zhumi. Zhumi can call Dazai Dage or Dabro, and Dazai can call Zhumi Zhudi or Midi."

Student Le Xiao put all the bones in Yizhuang, burned them with magic fire, and then set up a talisman array in the city, using the talisman array to drive away evil spirits.

The people in Wutanji were more unlucky, and they were infected with two kinds of plagues-leprae bacillus and Yersinia pestis.

Take out another Ruyi and put it in the cabin of the spirit boat, put the Ruyi house for Da Zai on one side, and move the Ru Yi house for Bamboo Mi Zai from the cabin into the Ru Yi house.

You see, God has three cubs born in the bitter bamboo collar of Zhuzhou, and the fire demon, resentment demon and plague demon also appeared in the bitter bamboo collar at the same time.

Eliminate the bad luck over Jicheng, and without hesitation, immediately drive the spirit boat to continue searching for Chengji and recover the magic fungus.

No diamonds, no porcelain work.

Da Zai has lived alone for several months, and he feels a little restrained when he sees children of the same age.

There are crop fields in Jicheng, as well as outside the city.

While doing acupuncture for Xiao Zai'er, I also helped Xiao Zai'er arrange a wishful house, and placed a hut, bath bucket, and basin in the wishful house for acupuncture.

"Brother Da." Zhumi didn't know the name of the new little brother's surname, so he assumed that he knew Da, and called Shang Ge first regardless of Sanqi 21.

The Ruyi House where Black Dog lives first is a high-quality finished product. As the main house, a bed, a set of tables and chairs, bookshelves, desks, and wardrobes are placed.

Zhumi was not afraid of life, so he took his little brother's hand, walked to the chair not far from the fairy, climbed up and sat down.

She is not the kind of Jinxian or Daluoxian who can overwhelm the river and sea with a single throw of her hand. She has no ability to take care of major matters far beyond her own ability, not to mention that she came to Yunlan to gain experience and gain experience, and she didn't want to take care of Yunlan's major affairs.

To be honest, Le Yun also suspects that Yun Lan's heart is also biased. Although it is also his cub, his love is a little bit more for the other two cubs.

Also because of the great lethality of the plague bacillus, the residents of Wutanji died in large numbers after being infected, so that before the arrival of the plague demon itself, there was only one person and one dog left in the whole city.

Grinning and laughing, he thought of the fairy, turned his head to look for it, and saw the beautiful fairy next to him, blushed, turned around shyly, and hurriedly put on his clothes.

The cub was first infected with the leprosy rod, and has also been infected with the Yersinia pestis bacillus in the past few days. It is still in the incubation period, and clinical symptoms of the plague will appear after a delay of one or two days at most.

Wutanji also took in some of the victims. The aborigines and the victims were full of enthusiasm for life. Even when the plague came, they still insisted on growing food.

After Da Zai woke up, he got up, looked at his arms and legs, and grinned. His arms and legs had scars from the rash before, and the skin in some places had also turned black.

Because I didn't plan to write too many characters, when the ink in the pond was almost gone, Le Yun put down the ink stick, took a pen and soaked the ink, first wrote the word "笪" on one piece of paper, and then wrote it on another piece of paper. Write "Da Xingyi" on it.

It is easy to treat a person who is infected with bacillus leprae alone, but it is more troublesome for a baby who is infected with two kinds of plague bacteria at the same time. It took more than an hour to do acupuncture and moxibustion twice.

Let the local immortals dig out the big secrets of the Bitter Bamboo Collar.

Le Yun hadn't entered Wutanji yet, and hadn't seen the corpses of the dead, but she already knew the reason for the mass death of people in the city—most of them died of the Black Death.

The father and son ate dry food for lunch, rested temporarily, and were moved to a new place. When they saw the fairy and a child, the expressions of the father and son were exactly the same—shocked.

Le Yun told Xiao Zai'er about her arrangement. The child is still young, but he has experienced the ups and downs of bereavement and surviving alone. He is more mature and must have his own ideas. He doesn't tell him anything. He will inevitably think too much.

The field of crops outside the city is wider than that inside the city.

After getting rid of the two plague viruses, the little boy became a cute little boy with fair skin, but he was too thin, like a hemp stalk. When he got fatter, he must be a little handsome man.

Considering that she is busy again next time, she doesn't have time to pay attention to the child frequently, so she gave Da Zai a storage bag with some food, and prepared nutrition pills for the black dog.

Zhumi was stunned for a moment, and called cheerfully, "Fairy, are you done?"

Then he wrote "Bamboo" and "Zhumi" and told Da Zai that those were Zhumi's first and last name.

Le Yun made a circle at high altitude, sent a team of puppets to search for human or animal bones throughout the city, and went to the planting area by herself to harvest the crops in each area.

After harvesting the crops inside and outside the city, they went to the streets of the city market to collect items from some shops, focusing on collecting food from each family.

Little Lolita kept searching for cities and markets with living people, and on the way she found several small cities and markets where people and animals were wiped out due to the plague.

While doubting Yunlan's eccentricity, there is another doubt: What is the big secret of the bitter bamboo collar?

Zhu Gen hurriedly responded and asked his son to lead the people to their seats.

The other child is a child from a monk family in Wangzhu County, surnamed Youbai, who is a few months older than you.

There is still a lot of time, and she also made a few sets of clothes for the cub.

The crop area is wide, and Le Yun asked Yinyue brothers and sisters to help harvest the crops and scrape a layer of soil by the way.

After the arrangement is complete, the Zhu family and his son will be transferred out of their wishful house.

Although the second cub was born in a commoner's family and has experienced ups and downs, he still has a father. Father and son depend on each other for life, so at least they have someone to rely on.

The crops cover a wide area of ​​the crop land, and those who have no crops in the fields basically disappeared in the first year, or they felt bad and moved to a safer city.

On the roads or under the eaves in the city, or in some crops and fields, corpses can be seen everywhere.

For this third cub, there was love, but not much.

After the little boy got dressed, Le Yun slipped up the little boy with one hand, took Ruyi House in his hand, returned to the spirit boat with a teleportation technique, and entered the cabin.

Little Loli took the Yinyue brothers and sisters to search the shops and some mansions in the streets of the whole city, and the food they collected was less than 20 catties.

Le Xiaoluoli silently caged and locked the cat named "Curiosity" in her heart, resolutely preventing it from running out to cause trouble.

When the plague demon spread the plague, he threw several kinds of plague viruses. Because of people's physique, the living habits of the local people, and the environment, the people in Wangzhu County were infected with leprosy.

Le Yun brought the little boy into the Ruyi House, and performed acupuncture for him, and she kept muttering in her heart, God, he is a bit biased!
You see, the first cub was reborn in a monk family. He came from a good background. Although he was sick and weak since childhood, his family was a monk family and could afford him. Apart from suffering from illness, he had no experience of eating this meal. I don't know where the next meal will be.

Leprosy virus has a slightly longer incubation period and is a chronic infection, while Yersinia pestis is more lethal and infects quickly. It is a severe infectious disease with a higher mortality rate.

Every day, Zhugen had nothing else to do except teach his son to read and write. He tidied up the cages and packed his son's clothes separately.

Disasters and plagues are rampant in the nearby county. I want to save people. I will send Xiao Zhumi and his father to Wangzhu County to settle down in a few days. I also plan to temporarily let Xiao Zhumi take care of another child. I will pick them up after I am done with work. .

Dazai nodded in response, with a smile in his eyes, and saluted his younger brother's father: "Hello, Uncle."

Le Yun gave the written words to Dazai and Zhumi, and wrote another dozen words to Father Zhu, asking him to teach the two children.

The karst lakes and pools are also places where residents in the city get drinking water.

After putting away the medical tools, Le Yun poked Xiao Zai'er's acupuncture points.

You are also infected with the plague, and the plague will be cured for you first, and then you will be sent to the spirit boat. You will first learn to read with Zhumi's father. "

In the future, you will study here, go back to your own room to sleep, and go to the hut.

After she finished her work, the puppet man also gathered the scattered human and animal bones.

The wishful houses of the two cubs are placed side by side.

Now the small pimple-like scars and black skin are gone and turned white.

The third cub's parents were both dead, and he had no relatives. He was the only one left in Jicheng where he lived. It was a pity for a child to survive alone in a place full of dead people!
Fortunately, this cub was accompanied by a dog, otherwise, in the situation where there was no other living thing but himself, maybe he would collapse directly out of fear, and he might not have the courage to survive.

"I'm not afraid, Zhumi is not afraid of dogs." Zhumi ran to the child newly brought back by the fairy, and compared their heights, hey, they were about the same height, I don't know who was bigger.

Residents who died from the plague, those who died in the early days were all settled in the ground, and the dead in the middle period were piled up in Yizhuang. In the later period, due to the rapid death of residents, many dead bodies were left outdoors.

"No, I found a child with good spiritual roots in a market city. This little guy has no relatives. This fairy took him to practice.

Walking around the area, she also found the reason. There is a poisonous mine underground in the area where the black death-infected city is located. It is soluble in water. If people or animals drink water, their immunity will be greatly reduced.

That kind of mineral poisoning also has a certain impact on human nerves. Drinking water dissolved in toxic minerals for a long time will cause neurasthenia, trigeminal neuralgia, and even epilepsy in humans and animals.

In cities or cities infected with Yersinia pestis, the underground water system is connected, and the immunity of the people who have drunk the poisonous mineral solution is relatively poor.

According to the bones of dead people and beasts, it is speculated that when the plague demon spread the source of the plague, the local people were actually infected with leprosy.

The residents were infected with the plague bacillus within five months. It is presumed that the animals infected with the plague died and fell into the water, and the virus spread through the water source. When one or two people or animals in a certain area were infected with the plague, it would spread Spread widely.

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