magic eye doctor

Chapter 2922 Division of Labor

The fairy said that she had arrived at Wangzhu County, and left with Patriarch Youbai instead, leaving the three children and Zhugen staring at Ruyi House alone.

Children are naturally familiar, and the three cubs are not much different in age. You look at each other for a while, and then gather together to talk.

The three cubs who got together introduced each other, and then talked about their "painful past".

The three cubs are still young, but due to volcanic disasters and plagues, they each have their own misfortunes.

After exchanging grief, the children felt a sense of sympathy and became closer.

With a stubborn companion of the same age, Youbai Tranquility has long forgotten about going to school. He and Zhumi followed Dazai into Dazai's Ruyi House to see the black dog who is loyal and brave to protect the master.

In fact, the black dog’s injury has healed a long time ago. Because it was shaved during the treatment, some stubble appeared in the shaved area. The hair has not grown neatly yet. I feel that the appearance is damaged, so I stick to my little master’s wishful house Do not go out.

If it doesn't run out to play, it won't be able to hold back other people's curiosity. Before it came to Wangzhu County, Zhumi followed Dazai to visit the black dog three or two times a day.

Youbai Tranquility is more active and curious than Zhumi, and also pesters Da Zai to take him to see the black dog.

Da Zai couldn't help it, so he brought You Bai Tranquility and Zhumi into his wishful house.

The black dog has... completely given up the idea of ​​refusing to be "cared for", and was forced to accept the well-intentioned visits of the cubs, and simply lay down on the ground.

It is placed in a flat and stable manner, with the momentum of never moving its body even if it is overwhelmed by Mount Tai.

Youbai Tranquility and Zhumi knew each other well, ran to sit next to the black dog, cared for the black dog who was still "rehabilitated", and added his hands to give him a loving touch.

Black Dog: "..." If a fairy cared about him so much, he would be so happy that he couldn't sleep. The love of this human cub is hard to describe.

The furry paws of the human cubs ran all over the body, making the black dog feel that the dog's life was difficult, and it was more evenly placed when it was rotten.

Youbai played peacefully in Dazai's Ruyi House for a while, then visited Zhumi's Ruyi House, and then took his little playmates to play in his own Ruyi House.

Although he is the owner, the wishful house was prepared for him by the fairy, and it was the first time for him to enter the house to appreciate it. Therefore, the three cubs entered the wishful house, ran inside and out, and took every one of them. All places waited and watched.

After visiting Youbai's Ningjing's residence, I finally went back to Dazai's Ruyi House. After all, Zhumi and Youbai Ningjing don't have a dog, and Dazai's place has a dog, which is more lively.

Zhugen looked at the three children happily drilling here and there, feeling lost in his heart.

The fairy has already sent him to Wangzhu County, and he won't spend too much time with his son. He can also feel that Zhumi yearns for cultivating immortals and a way of life that is completely different from ordinary people.

When the plague is over, the fairy will take Zhumi away, and then he will be left alone.

Before it was time to say goodbye, Zhu Gen already had the melancholy of parting, but he didn't show it, watching the three children play.

Ancestor Youbai came back from outside the city, and because he didn't need to take care of trivial matters, he went back to the county government and found a member of the Youbai clan who had led a team to collect herbs a few days ago and had returned less than two days ago. Two young people assist a teacher who specializes in teaching to teach three children to read.

He also personally urges his descendants to find two young wives who are good at making dim sum from the group of wives, and assigns the mother-in-law and maid who are good at cooking to take care of the children's three meals a day.

All of the Bai family were deeply honored that the little fairy left the child in their own home, and they were very caring. The daughter-in-law who took care of the child's food took the task and went down to work immediately.

In order to make the children more comfortable, Patriarch Youbai took Youbo Jiqi and sent the meal to the Ruyi House in the outer courtyard that night, and told the children to arrange to eat at the school after school in the daytime tomorrow.

The three little guys have no problem.

Ancestor You Bai delivered the meal, went to fetch water and sent it to Ruyi House, and then told Father Bamboo that someone would come to pick him up at the door early, take him to do work with the townspeople, and then took the younger generation away.

The three cubs ate with Zhumi's father, washed up, played until the end of the hour, and went to bed, and they all squeezed Da cubs to sleep together.

The son had a company, so he didn't come back to sleep, and Zhugen felt lost for a while.

The three cubs went to bed early and woke up early, got up early to tidy up and left Ruyi House, and waited in the room of the county government. They only waited for less than half a cup of tea before they came to pick them up The ones sent to school.

There was Bai Jiqi who was arranged by the ancestor to pick up three cubs to the academy. He sent them to the academy and ate three meals a day with the cubs. The little ones went to study and he practiced.

It was the first time for Zhumi and Da Zai to officially attend school. They were very honest and stable, and they cherished the opportunity very much and studied hard.

Although Youbai Tranquility is lively and active, she is extremely well-behaved in class, and she is very attentive in learning to read and write.

The three cubs don't need adults to supervise and study all the time, and the gentlemen are also relaxed.

Zhu Gen sent the three children away, and he also left the county government office with a member of Youbai's family, and temporarily jumped into a team of urban residents living on the school grounds, sharing weal and woe with the urban residents.

Little Lolita didn't take a straight line on the way to Tingzhu County. She walked above the plague-infected city and market town, collecting magic fungi along the way, and at the same time took time to sort out the medicinal materials needed to treat the plague.

She worked all night long, and after dawn, she continued to search for the plague-stricken town Jicheng, while pointing out the direction for Handsome Yan and Young Master Xuan at any time.

It wasn't until near Sizhong that Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and his friends successfully reunited with Little Lolita.

It’s not that the two handsome guys have a poor sense of direction, the main reason is that they found a few empty cities and empty markets on the way, ran to check, and snatched up some crops that would soon rot if they were not harvested, thus delaying the harvest. a little time.

Finally found the little fairy, the four humanoid beasts left their two brothers behind, jumped to the little fairy's spirit boat, and rushed to the little fairy like a lamb that had been away from home for a long time.

When Yan Shaoxuan put away the spirit boat and walked into little Lolita's spirit boat with the three Mahayana beasts, he saw that four humanoid beasts had already occupied the seats on the left and right sides of little Lolita, reporting the situation attentively.

When it comes to being coquettish, cute, and quick-witted, the four human-shaped beasts are none other than the four humanoid beasts. Even Xuan Shao, who has always been clever and quick-witted, can hardly compare with them.

There were four humanoid beasts present, so there was no need for Yan Shaoxuan to say anything, the two of them sat down with the three Mahayana beasts, and became a quiet audience.

The four humanoid beasts came on stage in turn, as if they were playing an idiom solitaire, and told the story of how they had met the Chu family when they separated and then reunited. The key point was naturally how many escaped teams were found and how to arrange them.

After hearing what the beasts had said, Le Yun praised the beasts for their hard work, and took out a spiritual meal to reward the two handsome guys and the beasts.

Lingshan also successfully blocked the mouth of the humanoid beast.

The Beast and Beast friends finally stopped, and the other people and the Beast had a chance to talk. Xuan Shao asked the question in his heart: "Little beauty, what is the urgent matter that you call us?"

"It is indeed an emergency. I have only visited parts of two counties. The plague is prevalent in the two counties. Almost the entire county of Wangzhu County is infected with leprosy, and its neighboring county Tingzhu County is also infected with leprosy in some areas. There was also an outbreak of plague in another area.

There are already many towns and cities where people and animals have been wiped out of the plague-infected area. I went to investigate and found that the plague has spread, and more than a dozen cities and more than [-] towns have been infected, and the disease is still in a small-scale state.

The city infected with the plague is at stake. I have to cure the plague first. I need manpower to make medicines, so I asked the two of you to come and help. "

The beasts don't know what leprosy and plague are. Yan Shaoxuan knows it, so he couldn't help being surprised: "Plague?"


The two of them finally understood why Little Lolita had informed them to come over and meet up. Something really happened.

Both leprosy and plague are epidemic infectious diseases, neither of which can be cured. It took decades in the technological age of the earth to develop effective drugs to control leprosy and plague.

This mortal world in the practice world does not have modern medical equipment and has a large population. It is not easy to effectively control infectious diseases.

"There is a large population here, and the plague is not easy to control." Yan Xing was also worried, even if the little loli was a medical practitioner, she could cure the plague, but with so many people, how many pills would it take to refine it?

"The scope of the plague is too wide. It takes a lot of time to make alchemy. It is too late to rely on alchemy to cure it. In extraordinary times, extraordinary means are used. I decided to borrow medical equipment from my hometown to treat it. Medical equipment needs to be temporarily refined. Handsome Yan is responsible for melting Mineral materials, Young Master Xuan will help me guard the alchemy furnace to boil medicine."

"Okay, what do you say, little beauty, what do we do?"

The two brothers received the task, and the beasts who were busy cooking raised their heads and asked to take the task: "Little fairy, and us, is there anything we can help with?"

"The plague is rampant, and many cities and markets have become empty cities. You go to collect crops, and then go to collect the bones of people or beasts for those cities that died of the plague."


The beasts nodded.

Le Yun delineated the collection range and route for the beasts, let them walk along the area close to the volcano area, and then go to the cities where all the people and animals in the city died due to the plague to collect, and then went to Wangzhu County, which was hit by the plague. The cities and towns of the poisonous hands, and the towns and towns left after the residents fled.

If the unmanaged crops in those areas are harvested, go back to the cities to collect the bones.

The fire in Kuzhuling has lasted for more than a hundred years. There is no big family or sect of cultivators to save the world, no high-level monks appear, and the beasts will not encounter trouble if they act alone.

It doesn't matter if the beasts really encounter monks to make trouble someday. There are three Mahayana-level monsters in their team, and each of them has various equipment in their hands. It is not certain who will win and who will lose in a real fight.

To tell the truth, little loli is very relieved to let the beast team act alone. It can even be said that the beast team acting alone is more reassuring than the beast and handsome guys teaming up.

The beasts are all local beasts, and Yunlan's god is more tolerant to them. His old man only stares at handsome Yan and young master Xuan, two visitors from outside the sky.

With a new mission, the beasts put away the unfinished spiritual meal, took out the spirit boat used for transportation, and ran away.

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