magic eye doctor

Chapter 2923 It's a magic weapon

Chapter 2923 It's a magic weapon
Xuan Shao didn't dare to be sloppy about his task at all, he checked all the storage bags meticulously, and he was relieved only after making sure that there were no doubts.

After checking the medicinal materials, he pointed to two piles of firewood: "Little beauty, I don't have those two kinds of firewood in my hand. If the fire is finished, should I turn off the fire or use other firewood?"

Le Yun glanced at the firewood that Xuan Shao said he hadn't collected, and said calmly: "Don't worry, those two kinds of firewood are the most resistant to burning. After the two furnaces of medicine are boiled, there will still be firewood left."

"Then I'm relieved. Go and do your work. If there's anything you can't decide, I'll go to the refining room and ask you." Xuan Shao knew it well, and urged little Lori to do her work.

Xuan Shao was doing business, Le Yun was relieved, she happily became the shopkeeper, went into Ruyi House, set up a few utensil stoves, lit a fire to melt some special materials.

The people in the west area of ​​Splendid City, after the spirit boat came and flew away, were still guessing where the immortal would refine medicine, but who knew that the spirit boat would come back soon!

The people in the west of the city speculated that the immortal might be making alchemy in the west of the city, and they were extremely excited. People in the street asked separately, while people near the assembly square saw the spirit boat descending and rushed over from all directions.

When the townspeople flocked to the square, they saw a golden mask in the square. They couldn't see the inside from the outside, but they all guessed that it must be a fairy concocting alchemy inside.

The men and women who rushed to the square were so excited that they silently kowtowed to the golden mask, and then ran back excitedly to share the news with their families or neighbors.

The city lord of Jinxiu City was not in the city, so he brought a team to the county to purchase medicinal materials and seek support. The young city lord of the city lord's mansion was in charge of the affairs. The box was loaded into the carriage, and the team rushed to the assembly square.

It took them a lot of time to pack the medicinal materials, and they arrived at the destination after the immortals stationed in the square for about half an hour. At that time, there were not many city residents around the square, and it was very quiet.

The surname of the lord of the city is recorded. It is said that the recorded family also produced monks 5 years ago. As the number of people with spiritual roots in the family decreases, it is now disappearing.

The City Lord Lu and the Young City Lord have extremely high prestige in Splendid Brilliance City. When the plague broke out, they also gathered all the doctors in the city to discuss the anti-epidemic strategy. Although the results were minimal, their efforts were obvious to all.

Young master Lu is a young man in his early twenties, with a good appearance, he was originally a handsome man, but because of the outbreak of the epidemic in the city, he also had trouble sleeping and eating, and he could not help but describe him as haggard.

Young Master Lu led the people to the square with the medicinal materials, and let the horses and horses drive slowly. There were more than thirty feet away from the golden mask, so he got out of the carriage and walked forward.

After walking about a zhang away from the magic circle arranged by the immortal, he made a big gift: "Xiaomin's father is fortunate to be the lord of Jinxiu City. Due to the outbreak of epidemics in the city, my father took people to the county to purchase medicinal materials but did not return. Wen Xianren came to Splendid City to cure the plague for the city's people. Xiaomin's family, old and young, are very grateful. First of all, Xiaomin would like to thank the immortal for his kindness on behalf of all the people in the city!
These days, the city lord's mansion is trying its best to prevent and control the epidemic, but the effect is very little. There are not many medicinal materials left in the mansion. Xiaomin has already brought some medicinal materials. If any medicinal materials can cure the epidemic, I respectfully invite the immortals to use them for alchemy. "

The servants who came with the young city lord also bowed to the ground devoutly.

Xuan Shao saw the horse-drawn carriage team in the formation, and seeing the order and prohibition of the visitors, he knew there was a source. When the visitor reported himself, he suddenly realized that it turned out to be the envoy of the city lord's mansion of Jinxiu City!
The visitor was reasonable, so Young Master Xuan walked out of the mask of the formation, stood in the air, stretched out his fingers and exerted spiritual power, and helped the group of people up: "Everyone got up. The little fairy came to Jinxiu City a few days ago and checked the surrounding area Now, I know that there are two kinds of plagues raging in this area at the same time, and the situation of the new outbreak is severe.

The little fairy said that the current epidemic in Mianxiu City is still a small-scale outbreak, and there will be a large-scale outbreak in the city in at most ten days, and alchemy will take at least half a month, and it is too late for alchemy, so we can only take shortcuts.

Taking a shortcut to cure the plague is quick, but it needs some small magic weapons to assist. While refining the medicine to cure the plague, the little fairy has to lead the refiner to refine the small magic weapon, and she is too busy to spare.

The spiritual plants in the hands of the little fairy are still enough, and the medicinal materials you store are limited, take them back and store them for emergencies.

You ask people to supervise the people in the vicinity, don't disturb them during this time, let the little fairy cook the soup for the plague with peace of mind.

If you can, you can go to organize groups of urban residents in each district. The number of each team is about [-] to [-]. The public election is relatively close to the residence, and the urban residents can gather within half an hour. The little fairy's medicinal soup was boiled out, and the townspeople from all over the city gathered at the meeting place to facilitate the medicine.

It will take at least five days for the little fairy to refine the elixir and magic weapon, and the city residents have enough time to prepare. "

Young Master Lu and his servants were lifted up by invisible force, excitedly raised their heads, saw the immortal floating in the air, immediately lowered their eyes, not daring to look directly at the immortal.

Hearing the immortal's order, Young Master Lu nodded hurriedly: "Yes! After Xiaomin returns, he will arrange people from the mansion to go to various places to inform the city residents to prepare."

"Go." Xuan Shao ordered, replied two words very calmly, turned around and entered the formation mask.

In the words of the little beauty, "in order to make the people obey your words, and to reduce troubles, you must put on the fairy airs that should be displayed in front of ordinary people.".

However, in order not to hurt the fragile hearts of the people, there must be a certain degree of airs. How to determine this degree requires specific analysis of specific issues.

Xuan Shao remembered what the little beauty said, but he only asked about the details, and he didn't ask how the plague was prevented in the city, or how many people in the city were sick now, or how long the seriously ill people could last.

The immortal didn't ask how many people were still in the city, nor did he ask how many people were infected with the plague. He must have known the situation in the city well. Young Master Lu didn't take the initiative to mention how many people were sick in Jinxiu City, so he hurriedly took his servants away.

After exiting the assembly square, Young Master Lu asked the steward who followed him to return home with the medicinal materials. He took a few followers to find the nearby Jizheng or Lizheng first, and told them to inform the townspeople not to disturb the immortals in the square.

Xuan Shao didn't care about how the young master of Jinxiu City communicated with the city residents. He returned to the formation mask to guard the fire of the medicine stove. He added firewood when he needed to add firewood, and added spirits when he needed to put spiritual plants in the pot. material.

Young Master Yan in Ruyi House is also very serious, especially after Little Loli arranges the work of refining medicine and enters the refining room again. Apart from monitoring the heat of the furnace and adding mineral materials on time, the rest of his mind is observing Xiao Luoli. Li melted what materials, and recorded the time and the order in which the materials were put into the furnace.

He couldn't guess what little Lolita wanted to refine, until in the evening, little Lolita used a furnace of materials to refine some rubber-like stuff, and he vaguely had an idea in his mind——Little Lolita might be refining Make Medical Syringes!

However, he felt that it was unlikely. After all, Yunlan was in the world of cultivating immortals, and alchemy was the orthodoxy. It is said that doctors in the mortal world regarded developing medicine into pills as the right way.

Assuming that little loli really used a syringe to cure the plague, the common people have never seen such a thing, can they cooperate with the treatment?
Young Master Yan was full of questions, but he resisted asking why.

He didn't ask, and little Loli didn't explain. She mixed the melted materials in proportion, and then shaped and refined them into finished products. She kept melting the materials while refining.

In the middle of the night, Young Master Yan's furnace in charge of the fire had melted all the materials, and Little Loli added two more furnaces of molten materials into it, and the refining began after fusion.

When the finished product refined by Little Lolita was shaped into a cylinder, Young Master Yan's conjecture was confirmed. Little Lolita refined it into a medical syringe.

However, the syringe made by Little Lolita is not an ordinary syringe, it is a magic weapon!
The syringe barrel is a small magic weapon in space. It is about three feet long and more than two feet in diameter. It looks like a big tube. When the syringe is freshly out of the oven, the body of the barrel is light golden and completely transparent, with a scale on one side.

Yan Xing, who had been silent for half a night, finally couldn't keep silent: "Little Lolita, this is an injection, right?"

"Yes." Le Yun replied, threw the completed batch of syringes into the storage container, and continued refining a new batch.

"Little Lolita, are you sure you won't scare people when you carry such a big syringe to give people injections? Won't they jump around in fright when they see this thing?"

"Handsome pot, why is your way of thinking still the same? This is called a syringe in our hometown, but it is a magic weapon here.

What is a magic weapon?

Only things with magical functions are called magic weapons. Here, immortals have great powers. It is not uncommon for an immortal to refine a magic weapon that ordinary people have never seen before.

For the people suffering from the plague, the shape of the magic weapon is not important, no matter how strange the shape of the magic weapon is, as long as it can cure the plague, cure the disease and keep people alive, no matter how ugly or weird the magic weapon is, it is a good thing. "

For the people, nothing is more important than survival.

The magic weapon is a tool to help cure the plague. Does it matter if they have seen it or not?
After the Heavenly Fire Tribulation, the common people of Yunlan Mortal Realm, people in many places have passed down their ancestors for dozens of generations and hundreds of generations, and have never seen a fairy, let alone a magic weapon of a fairy.

Now is an extraordinary time, everyone is suffering from the plague, and finally there is a chance for an immortal to cure the plague. Who would ask the root of the auxiliary magic weapon used by the immortal to cure the plague?

Perhaps, after the plague is cured, the magic weapon used by the immortal to cure the plague may be regarded as the most precious treasure by the common people.

Young Master Yan Xingyan whose thinking remained unchanged: "..." Okay, his thinking is still the thinking of people on earth, so he was despised by the little loli again and his IQ is not online.

In order not to be told by the little Lolita that he left his brain on the earth and didn't bring it with him, he wisely shut up and never asked why.

Yan Shao worked hard to be a good fireman.

Of course, Le Xiaoluoli did not intend to let him be a pure "burning fire girl". After dawn, another furnace of materials was melted, and she first refined a batch of needles as samples, and then handed them over to Handsome Yan. Refining.

Young Master Yan, who was arrested as a strong man, first forged a few needles to test his hands, and did not formally start refining until the finished product he refined met the requirements.

The needle is also a part of the magic weapon, engraved with a small number of array patterns.

In addition to talent, refining equipment also requires proficiency. Practice makes perfect. Yan Shao has refined hundreds of needles and has enough experience. The challenge is to refine multiple copies at the same time.

First it changed from one to two, and then from two to three, and it kept increasing. When the increase reached 13 needles at the same time, it reached the limit of the number he could control.

When the little Lolita was refining the syringes, she drew a rune pattern for 180 syringes at the same time. When refining the needles, she easily refined [-] copies at a time, which shows how powerful the little Lolita's spiritual consciousness is.

Young Master Yan is not satisfied with his achievements. Unfortunately, the current limit is just like that. If the number is increased, the refined products will be all defective because they cannot be drawn in one go.

Challenged to more primates but ended in failure several times, Yan Shao also rested his mind and began to refine with peace of mind.

Classmate Le Xiao took a handsome Yan as his assistant to share the refining parts. She was responsible for refining the most important syringes and pistons.

She stayed in Ruyi House and kept refining. It took three days and three nights to refine the parts of the syringe, gather the embers in the furnace and put them in several large stoves, and then added some anthracite to burn the barbecue. The oven is put on the stove to roast the whole camel and the whole cow.

The ingredients in the oven don't need to be guarded all the time, and Little Lolita and Handsome Yan walked out of the Ruyi House.

When Xuan Shao saw the little beauty and Xuan Shao finally showed up, he jumped over, set up a set of tables and chairs, and boiled a pot of water to make tea with spiritual power.

The two of them who had been locked in the wishful room for several days were not polite to sit and drink spiritual tea.

After drinking several cups of spirit tea in a row, little Loli spread out the wooden planks on the ground, took out some syringe parts and assembled them.

Instead of assembling by hand, she directly controls a large number of parts to be assembled automatically with her spiritual consciousness, realizing mass production and mass assembly.

"Spiritual consciousness is a universal tool!"

Seeing the little beauty assembling hundreds of syringes at one time, Xuan Shao muttered in surprise, and also started to help assemble the instruments.

He is purely handmade. After all, his consciousness is mainly focused on the fire of the medicine stove. The medicine made by the little beauty is the most important thing, and the cart should not be put before the horse.

Yan Shao also went to work silently, even using his spiritual consciousness to control the assembly of parts, his hands were not idle.

Assembling is not a technical job. It took little Luoli about half a day to assemble more than [-] syringes, and the assembled syringes have also become miniature, similar in shape to the medical syringes used on the earth.

Yan Shao and Xuan Shao: "..." It's amazing!
Feeling so miraculous, the two young men picked up the magical syringe and studied it, and found that the assembled syringe was equivalent to a small water storage magic weapon, which could hold a ton and a half of liquid.

This also means that little loli has played new tricks with the space magic circle.

They are also learning to refine weapons, and they are very happy to be able to refine the storage device. Little Loli actually played with the innovation of taking apart the space magic circle and reassembling it.

She is also a native of the earth, but little Lolita has a different brain circuit. She also has 12 years of compulsory education, but little Lolita is exceptionally good.

Fortunately, the two of them haven't seen Little Lolita's innovative milking artifact, otherwise they would probably suffer from depression.

But even so, the two young masters were hit hard.

(End of this chapter)

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