magic eye doctor

Chapter 2924 The value of hair

Chapter 2924 The value of hair

Yan Shao and Xuan Shao suffered a wave of blows from the innovative feat of the little lolita, and he was just sluggish for less than 5 minutes and became full of energy. He took out water to test the functions of the magic weapon syringe.

Experiments have proved that the various functions of the magic weapon are leveraged.

After trying the magic weapon type syringe, Young Master Yan stopped looking for abuse, and slipped into the wishful house by himself to guard the fire in the oven.

Little Loli widened the defensive formation to almost cover the entire square, and then pulled out the spirit boats of the puppet team and placed them in a square formation on the square.

When Xuan Shao saw Little Lolita's puppet team, he was in a bad mood.

He was frightened, and ran into Ruyi House, dragged Yan Shao out, and showed him how magnificent Little Lolita's puppet guards were.

So Young Master Yan was not too well.

The two handsome guys are not very well, Le Xiao is very good, she removes the puppet, she sends the syringe down, let the puppet each have a syringe, and then she teaches them how to use the little magic weapon.

After teaching the correct way to use the little magic weapon, throw out a few wooden barrels, pour clean water into the bucket, let the puppet learn to use the little magic weapon to absorb liquid on the spot, press the push rod, and see the change of the scale value in the syringe.

The master taught by hand, the puppet memorized the steps, and practiced a few more times, and easily mastered the tricks of using the little magic weapon.

After teaching the puppet team to use the syringe, Le Xiao took out the building boat and moved the puppet spirit boat into the building boat. Let them raise the elite first, and wait for the medicine soup to be boiled before going to work.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan, who had watched Little Lolita's teaching from the sidelines, stared at each other for a few times, and silently parted ways.

As a medical alchemist, Le Yun didn't really worry Xuan Shao about everything. After finishing other things, she naturally took over the work of refining medicine.

Major General Xuan returned the storage bag and returned it to Zhao. He was only responsible for looking after the fire, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Taking care of the fire is an easy job, and he also took the initiative to take over the work of the oven in Ruyi House. Every once in a while, he goes to Ruyi House to open the oven to turn over the baked ingredients, spread sauce, etc.

Xuan Shao managed it very well when he was working as a furnace fire worker. After Xiao Luoli took over, she continued to follow the steps and did not make any changes, only a few small medicine furnaces were added.

In the newly added small medicine furnace, most of the raw materials used to brew the pills are ointments or medicinal soups that have been brewed before, and only a dozen kinds of spiritual plants are added when refining again.

The small medicine furnace was boiled to a certain degree of heat, and multiple parts were combined into one furnace, and finally three furnaces were synthesized. It only boiled for a whole night and one morning to reach the heat, and the dancheng was released.

Xuan Shao went to admire the pill made by the little beauty, and suddenly found that he didn't know it!

The clever young master Xuan didn't ask about the efficacy of the pills, but only noted down the smell or the appearance of the pills, and decided to look up the complete collection of pills when he had time.

Student Le Xiao put the newly released elixirs in elixirs and jade boxes, and was busy again. As before, he combined the medicinal soups or ointments in some medicine furnaces that were almost ready.

As several furnaces were merged at regular intervals, twelve furnaces of medicine were finally synthesized, and each medicine furnace was a magic weapon. The medicine cauldron was only [-] to [-] feet high on the surface, but the actual internal space was thousands or ten thousand feet.

After putting together the furnace and cooking for another hour, Le Yun put eight of the medicine cauldrons into the thermal insulation spacer, and moved three of the large medicine furnaces to the spirit boat and put them on the deck.

After that, she took out clean water to wash her hair, washed her hair from root to tip, dried it, tied it up, then picked up a strand of black hair, took a handful of jade pan, and cut it off with a "click". A section of hair about a foot long.

On the day when Little Lolita started to combine herbal soups, the ingredients in the oven were also baked, so Young Master Yan had no reason to close the little black room and go to the square to watch Little Lolita concoct alchemy.

When the two young masters saw little Lolita washing her hair suddenly, they thought it was weird and didn't ask anything. When they saw her cut off a bunch of black hair with a knife, they rushed to her side like the wind in shock.

"Little beauty, you...why did you cut your hair?" Xuan Shao looked at the bundle of silky black hair in the hands of the little beauty, feeling extremely heartbroken.

To be honest, he, Hua Shao and the others may be more nervous about her hair than the little beauty herself, and they are often worried that one day she will find it troublesome to cut it off with a knife.

Having been in Yunlan for more than 100 years, the little beauty has always said that she has signs of cutting off her hair, and Xuan Shao is secretly relieved, but who knows that the little beauty has suddenly laid hands on her hair.

"Hair is medicine." Le Yun threw the scissors back into the storage container, lifted the lid of the big medicine stove with spiritual consciousness, threw a bundle of black hair into the medicine stove, and quickly closed the big lid of the medicine cauldron.

"Do you want hair for medicine?" Xuan Shao immediately raised his little hands: "Little beauty, tell me next time you need hair, cut mine!"

Yan Xing had the same idea as Xuan Shao, and immediately answered: "And me, as much as you need, it doesn't matter if you shave."

"Your hair is useless, only my hair is useful." Le Yun looked helplessly at the two handsome men who were afraid that they would cut their own hair again.

"Why?" The two young masters said in unison.

Le Yun put up an enchantment of spiritual consciousness before explaining the reason: "My hair is cultivated with my qi and blood, and has absorbed countless treasures from heaven and earth. This hair is the best medicine in the world, which can cure all kinds of poisons. As the material of hundreds of panacea.

In addition, my head of hair is condensed with the power of merit and virtue, which can turn away misfortune and obscurity, and eliminate disasters and disasters. Even if a monk who has committed evil karma encounters a thunder disaster that must die, as long as he clings to a strand of my hair, he will It could save his life.

My hair is also a treasure for the Skeleton Race. If the Skeleton Race gets my hair, it will be fused into the bone, and the bones will be raw, and the flesh will be reshaped immediately.

Because the energy of blood in the hair is too strong, I tried to cover it up. The cloak and crown I often wear are magic weapons to cover up the energy of energy and blood. The purpose is to prevent monks or monsters from noticing it.

The reason why I didn't cut my hair is because hair is a rare medicine in the world, maybe I need to use it to save people's lives, otherwise I would have cut it off a long time ago, leaving short hair and washing it for 5 minutes, how cool and easy it is. "

"..." Yan Xingxuan opened his mouth wide in shock, his mouth was so big that a goose egg could be stuffed in it.

Little loli's hair turned out to be a panacea?I feel that eating the little lolita's hair can not only cure all poisons... but also avoid disasters and get rid of darkness, white flesh and bones, and life-saving?

Oh my god, what a shocking secret they heard!

Xuan Shao, who was in a daze, hugged his head: "It's over, it's over, I feel like I won't be able to sleep every day in the future!"

The little beauty's hair is so miraculous, not to mention the little beauty herself. He thinks that the little beauty herself may be even more miraculous than Tang Monk's meat. If you eat her, you might become immortal.

There is a little loli who is more powerful than an elixir, do you think you dare to sleep with your eyes closed?

Anyway, Young Master Xuan felt that he didn't dare, he was afraid that if he closed his eyes, little loli would become a monster or something.

Those who don't know are fearless, knowing the preciousness of little Lolita as a monster, Xuan Shao felt the pressure as great as a mountain, and he felt that their future life would be as thin as ice.

After Yan Xing was shocked, it suddenly dawned on her. No wonder the little loli, who has always been afraid of trouble, has long hair. It turns out that hair is a panacea that can save people!

Instead, he asked hesitantly: "Little Lolita, do you need to use your hair as medicine to refine these medicines that are infected with both plague and leprosy at the same time, or whether it is here or in Wangzhu County? The plague medicine uses your hair?"

"It's all." Le Yun didn't hide it: "If I don't use my hair as a medicine primer, the spiritual plants needed will be more than tripled, and the medicine refining time will take at least four or five months.

Even if I use my hair as a medicine, it will cost half of the spiritual plants I bought in Golden Lion City in exchange for pills and spirit boats to cure the plague in the two counties.

I don’t need my hair to be used as medicine. After I came to Yunlan, there were basically not many spiritual plants left, and afterward, I had to do a big ritual to eliminate bad luck in this area. For the practice, I used spiritual objects, natural materials, and earth treasures to set up a magic circle.

My hair itself has the power of merit and virtue. The medicine to cure the plague is fused with my hair, and it also has the magic power to eliminate bad luck. Come out of the shadows and start living in peace. "

Wangzhu County is basically sure that the entire county has been infected with the plague. Tingzhu County has only confirmed how many cities have been infected with the plague, but not sure how many cities there are.
Just thinking about the spiritual plant that would be consumed to save someone, not only does her heart ache, her liver and lungs ache, it hurts so much that she bleeds!

But what can be done about this?
If she hadn't been arranged by God to come to Kuzhu to rescue his cub, she wouldn't be guilty if she didn't know the plague was prevalent in this area.

She came to the bitter bamboo collar and knew that the people were infected with the plague, and she couldn't just die because she felt sorry for her medicinal material Lingzhi.

The purpose of studying medicine is to save lives and heal the wounded, whether it is in Yunlan or in the world, it is the same.

Therefore, when Le Yun decided to hang the pot to save the world, she abandoned her personal gains and losses, and convinced herself that she should do good deeds for her family. She hoped that some of her good deeds in all walks of life would be distributed to her family, so that she could protect the Le family's bloodline and pass it on from generation to generation without end. .

Xuan Shao, who was holding his head, raised his head in puzzlement and asked, "Why do you still want to do things?"

"The reason why the plague broke out here and so many people died is that two monsters caused chaos, and one of them was the grudge. The predecessor of the grudge was a grudge. The place where the grudge passed was full of resentment.

The gloom and resentment in this area is so strong that people can bear it. If you don’t do something to eliminate the resentment, even if the plague is cured, when the people are relieved and affected by the resentment, they may do a lot of irrational things. things, which brought disaster to them. "

It's fine if little Lolita doesn't explain. After hearing her explanation, Xuan Shaoyan widened his eyes in horror: "A monster...causing trouble?"

"Yes, monsters came from nowhere. One is a plague demon that spreads the plague, and the other is a grievance demon. The two demons worked together to create a big panic, and made a mess of millions of miles around here."

"What about the two demons?"

"I traced to Wangzhu County and found the hiding place of the monsters, and slaughtered them."

"..." Xuan Shaoyan was tongue-tied.

It's been less than a month since they split up, but Little Lolita did another big thing without making a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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