magic eye doctor

Chapter 2925 Treatment

Xuan Shaoyan originally had a stomach full of a hundred thousand whys, but he didn't know how to talk about it, so he didn't ask in the end. Now is an important moment to cure the plague, so let's put other things aside.

There is nothing wrong with the two handsome guys. Little Lolita arranged for them to be errands, and asked them to tell the people in the city that the medicine to cure the plague would be released in another hour, and let the people go to the meeting place.


The two young masters responded and set off immediately.

Yan Shao is in charge of driving the spirit boat, and Xuan Shao is the microphone to deliver the message.

The spirit boat didn't set up a defensive formation, it rose slowly, and after reaching the air, it slowly moved to the position designated by Little Lolita. Shao Xuan declared:
"Citizens of Jinxiu City, the medicine made by the little fairy will be released in an hour, and the citizens of the west area of ​​the city, please go to the pre-arranged gathering places of your respective teams and wait in line.

After the little fairy's medicine is released, it will first cure the plague for the city people in the west of the city where the epidemic has recently broken out, and the city people who go out to collect crops will rush to the gathering place as soon as possible.

Those who have gone outside the city should try their best to return to the city if they can, and those who cannot make it in time meet at the gate of the west city. "

On the day or the second day after the immortal came, Shaocheng sent people to spread the word, and the Jizheng or Lizheng of each district also notified where the citizens of their own Jiji or Lidi districts gathered.

The big and small cities in the mortal world are composed of Ji, and the Ji after forming the city is also preserved. The districts that have expanded due to the increase in population are divided into administrative districts every ten miles.

Because the fairy came to Jinxiu City, the people in the city are always paying attention to the news. The young city master said that it takes at least five days for the fairy to make the elixir, and the people who make a living from farming also hurry up to harvest crops.

Afraid of missing the time for medical treatment, the townspeople went out to harvest crops for five days in a row, and then they didn't go out again, squatting at home waiting for news.

They waited for another two days, and finally received the immortal's notice.

It was morning, around the middle of the day, except for the shops or workshops on the street, all the city residents were at home.

The citizens in the western part of the city were so excited that they couldn't control themselves when they heard the immortal's words. They danced, jumped up and shouted, and vented their joy in their hearts.

The city residents who were shrouded in an unknown epidemic were even more overjoyed. Many people wept with joy, or wept bitterly, sobbing silently.

Overjoyed and sad, every family helped the old and the young, and dragged their children and daughters to the gathering place.

Some people are so sick that they can’t walk an inch, and their family members carry them on their backs or on chairs or boards, while others carry their children in baskets or in baskets.

Because they didn't know how long it would take to cure the plague, many families brought torches, and those who had food also brought dry food and thicker clothes for the old and the young.

This is the case for those who are newly infected with the epidemic. Those who have not yet contracted the epidemic but have also contracted another plague and those who have no post-plague symptoms do not need to gather or be urged again. They can go to the gathering place with their families land.

The people in the shops or workshops on the street also closed their shops or workshops and hurried to assemble.

The townspeople in the west of the city got busy, and it was really empty.

After Xuan Shao passed on the message, he and Yan Shao stayed in the air for a while, and observed that every family came out with the old and the young, and the streets and alleys were full of people.

The two young masters drove slowly in the spirit boat, went to the north, east, and south of the city successively, and informed the townspeople when Xiao Xianzi's medicine would be ready, and let the townspeople decide when to go to the gathering place.

No matter which area, they heard that the elixir refined by the immortal is almost ready, no matter how long it will take to reach their own area, they all rushed to gather.

The townspeople in the three districts of the east, north and south of the city didn't know which direction the immortal came from. They were afraid that it would be night when it was their turn.

Xuan Shaoyan circled the city for a while, and went around outside the city to see if anyone was harvesting crops, and found that there was no one working on the crops outside the city and inside the city.

It took less than a quarter and a half an hour for the two handsome guys to go back and forth.

After the handsome guys left, little loli also shrunk the defensive formation, giving up a lot of places for the people infected with the plague to rest.

The people in Splendid City are very qualified, even if they are eager to cure the plague as soon as possible, and the city residents around the square received a message from the young city lord telling them not to go to the assembly square so as not to affect the alchemy of the fairies, none of them really went to watch , and restrained the children.

Even if I feel anxious occasionally, I still look around from a distance, without making any noise, let alone approaching the square.

The long-awaited city residents rushed to the assembly square until the immortal informed the crowds in the city to gather.

The family closest to the square arrived at the destination first, and when they saw the golden mask in the square, they were grateful, knelt down and saluted before stepping into the square lightly.

They were afraid of disturbing the alchemy immortal, so they stopped and waited about thirty feet away from the golden mask, no matter they were adults or children, they all sat on the floor.

Those who arrived at the square in the last step lined up behind the line of city residents in front.

The flow of people gathered to form a phalanx one by one.

The urban residents infected with the new epidemic were about a mile and a half away from the edge of the square. They came at a slower speed and came later. They all spontaneously formed a square formation and tried not to contact other urban residents.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao stayed inside the formation defense cover and watched the outside, watching the townspeople coming in groups, and watching the leaders come out to direct the people to line up.

It is also because there are people commanding, even if groups of teams come from all directions, although there are many people, they are not chaotic, and it can even be said to be orderly.

It was not until more than 3 people gathered in the square that Young Lord Lu arrived with a team.

That team was city dwellers who had recently contracted another plague.

The young master Lu was worried that the city dwellers infected with the two plagues would be lonely, widowed, old, weak, young and disabled, unable to go to the gathering place due to mobility difficulties, so he took his servants to the epidemic area to help.

He brought a few carriages and a cart used to pull firewood, and helped pull some old, weak and disabled people who had lost their mobility. When he arrived outside the square, he dismantled the cart and asked the stable boys to lead the cart with deer, horses, cows, and sheep. Go to the corner outside the square, where people who come by car during the rally place their chariots and horses.

The old, the young, and the handicapped who were unable to move were carried into the square by people's backs or arms. Those infected with the two epidemic diseases went to the front of the team in the northwest corner and formed a team alone.

Young Master Lu arranged for the city residents who were infected with two types of epidemics, then hurried out of the square, and went to pick up his family members, and arranged them behind a team in the west district.

He rode a deer horse by himself and patrolled outside the square until he saw no more city residents coming over. Then he met with some people who were in charge of the area, and then arrived at the team of city people infected with two kinds of epidemics. At the front, wait for the immortals to come out together.

There were tens of thousands of people gathered in the assembly square, but no one whispered to each other, nor whispered, let alone talked loudly. Even if there were occasional babies who cried, they were quickly coaxed by the adults.

The city residents sat facing the golden mask, their gazes were as pious as a pilgrimage.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao were shocked again. When people came, the crowd was bustling, and it was extremely rare to not be crowded or chaotic. After tens of thousands of people gathered, there was no noise in the team, which showed how well-bred the people of Jinxiu City are.

Little Loli said that the medicine would be out of the oven in about an hour, but in fact, after the hair was put into the medicine cauldron, it only boiled for an hour before turning off the fire.

After turning off the fire, let the medicinal soup simmer in the cauldron for half an hour, and then divide it into magical bowls and distribute it to the puppet team, asking them to use syringes to suck the medicinal juice.

The boiled concoction is relatively thick and still in liquid state, so the syringe can naturally suck it up easily.

The puppet leader and captains led the team to suck up the medicine with a syringe, ready to go.

Le Yun waited for all the puppet team to be ready, took back the magic bowl, put away the array plate, and rode the spirit boat up.

The defensive mask of the array disappeared, and the people gathered around the square finally saw the flying boat of the immortal, watched the flying boat rise, leaned forward excitedly, and shouted: "Meet the immortal!"

Let the spirit boat rise into the air, and Le Yun floated out of the air, and responded in a warm voice: "Everyone is free. The epidemic that recently broke out in Mianxiu City is a type of plague. It is not only spread by humans, but rats are also spreaders. The epidemic spreads extremely fast. Quick, it only takes about one and a half months to spread throughout Fairview City.

Because there are no obvious signs of illness when first infected with the plague, it takes about one to two months to develop the disease, and many people will not find out if they are infected with the plague.

The citizens of Jinxiu City are basically infected with the epidemic, and the day of the outbreak is imminent. If the alchemy pills take at least half a month, there is too little time. This fairy can only use magic weapons to help cure the plague.

This method is a bit special, and the advantage is that it has the fastest effect. Later, everyone will push the sleeve of one hand to the shoulder, exposing the arm, so that it is convenient to use the medicine.

After taking the medicine, many people may feel fever or other discomfort, don't panic, these are normal reactions.

Don’t be in a hurry to go home after taking the medicine, just wait here for another hour, and then I will come back to check. If there is any city citizen who is not enough to use the medicine once due to his special health, he needs to inject another medicine. , so as not to revive the dead smoke of the plague.

This fairy has consumed too much energy refining the elixir, and can no longer do everything by herself, and the puppet guards of this fairy will administer needles and medicines to the townspeople.

Now everyone stands up, and every two people stand side by side in a column, leaving an appropriate width between each column. "

The townspeople who bowed down heard the soft and crisp female voice, looked up in surprise, and saw a little fairy standing in the air, full of excitement, the fairy was right, the one who came to save people was really a little fairy!
The townspeople were so excited that they forgot to line up for a moment.

Young Master Lu and Jizheng Lizheng got up, hurriedly dispersed, and shouted.

The townspeople closest to the center of the assembly square hurriedly got up and stood up.

The ones in the front are lined up, and the ones in the back are naturally "sister makes shoes—sister has a sample", and each of them stands in two or two.

An array of people rearranged their steps and formed a long column.

Some people in front set up the team, and Le Yun ordered the three puppet teams to move.

The puppet leader and captain of Deling flew their team's spirit boat into the air, and then the puppet people holding the magic weapon's syringe flew in all directions, and then landed in front of each team.

Because the assembly square is the widest and densely populated area, it gathers about 17 people.

Little Lolita only sent three teams of puppet people. The leader and team leader of the puppet people did not work.

Le Yun flew back to the spirit boat and stood on the bow, waiting to observe how the people infected with the plague would react after being injected with the medicine.

The city residents were a little dazed at first, but when they saw the man in golden armor who was many times more majestic than the city guards, they swallowed nervously.

Some people were flustered and didn't roll up their sleeves for a long time.

Those infected with the two kinds of plagues were calmer on the contrary. When the young city lord shouted to roll up their sleeves, everyone rolled up their sleeves, exposing their arms.

The puppet held the magic weapon, stabbed it at the arm of the human race, then pushed the pusher of the magic weapon, and slowly injected the medicine into the human race's muscles.

Needle injection is quick, but injection of liquid medicine takes tens of breaths.

The puppet stares at the scale value of the magic weapon, and pulls out the needle when it sees that a certain needle on the push rod reaches a certain mark line position, and then lets the human race press the needle hole with his finger, and then he goes to inject for the next person.

The puppet did not apply disinfectant to the needle, and did not change the needle after the needle was inserted.

As for the cross-infection, it’s not that Little Lolita didn’t think about it, but it’s unnecessary. Even if a needle brings someone’s disease to another person, it will be cured by the plague medicine before it makes a splash. They will be killed together as heterogeneous.

Among the people in Jinxiu City, only the city owner has been to Fucheng. It is said that he has seen immortals, but he has only seen immortals flying through the air from a distance. What supernatural powers.

Therefore, the citizens of the city only have awe of the magic weapon in the hands of the little fairy guards, and naturally they don't think about how to use the magic weapon.

Some of the people who were first treated with needles and medicines did not feel any pain, and some of them felt like they were stung by something, and then felt that the hot thing in the magic weapon flowed into their arms.

Then, some people felt that their arms were burning like they were on fire, while others felt as if they were covered with ice, and their arms were a little cold.

Some people didn't feel much at the time, but after a while they felt bitter in the mouth, or inexplicably nauseated or burned in the heart, or started to sweat.

The townspeople who had strange feelings remembered what Little Fairy had said before that there might be some reactions after taking the medicine, and they were all calm.

The townspeople who had the needles first stood, and then sat down after a while.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao also stood at the bow of the boat to observe. They are monks, and they can see details that the naked eye cannot see. Naturally, they can see some subtle changes in the patient's skin or limbs, as well as changes in smell.

People infected with the plague have a turbid smell, mixed with the smell of spoiled sauerkraut.

After they take the medicine, the turbid air will either be discharged from the pores of the whole body, or the turbid air will be excreted from the body through sweating, and the body odor of each person will change from thick to light, from turbid to clear.

The skin of some patients is abnormally black or black and red. About 3 minutes after the injection of the drug, the skin turns white little by little.

Some leprosy patients have swellings in the extremities, and the swellings gradually subside after taking medicine.

Most people have no reaction after the injection. Some people develop fever within a few minutes, some people sweat profusely, some people have stomach growling, some hiccup, some sneeze, Some are sleepy, some have a runny nose and so on.

There are also some people who change their words inexplicably, and what is more special is that some people fart non-stop. The farts are loud and smelly, which makes the people around them miserable.

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