magic eye doctor

Chapter 2926

Considering that many patients are seriously ill and have been infected with leprosy for a long time, in order to kill the virus cells as much as possible at one time, the dose of Leyunding is relatively large, not to mention immediate results, at least it must be successful immediately.

Due to the large dose of the drug, the drug takes effect quickly after being injected into the human body.

Patients will have strange reactions after taking the medicine, which is related to their physique. People with gurgling stomachs and hiccups basically have basic gastrointestinal diseases.

People who have a fever after taking the medicine are those who have a partial body heat, strong virtual fire, and get angry at every turn on weekdays.

Those who sweat profusely are those with yin deficiency and spleen heat, and those with pancreas and gallbladder problems, and those who don't stop the smell are mostly liver problems.

It takes a certain amount of time to inject the medicine, so those who have taken the medicine at the front of the line will have a clinical reaction as the medicine takes effect before the people at the back of the line have the injection.

From time to time, there is a loud "dong dong" sound from the crowd in the square, there are people with "gurgling" stomachs making a fuss, there are constant "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Some people kept muttering or cursing, and it became lively for a while.

Also because the human body emits various odors, there is a peculiar smell in the air.

Those men and women who had strange reactions after taking the drugs felt humiliating and embarrassing at first, but soon found that those embarrassing reactions were not unique to them. Like them, many people immediately abandoned their shame and became self-indulgent.

The crowd in the square reacted greatly, and as time went by, even staying on the spirit boat could smell the strange smell.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao silently used spiritual power to "apply" a layer of mask on his whole body, covering his pores, mouth and nose, so as not to get a strange smell.

Le Xiao needs to collect data on the physical signs of patients and the natural changes in the body of people of various constitutions after taking medicine, so naturally they cannot cover up their defenses.

Although the smell is unpleasant, it truly reflects the subtle changes in the patient's body tissue.

Because of her double eyes, Le Yun clearly watched the grand occasion of the "battle" between immune cells and virus cells. In one sentence, "Immune cells are killing crazy".

The arrival of the medicine allows the human body's immune cells that have been half-dead by the virus to quickly rejuvenate or increase their lethality, creating new generation cells with stronger resistance.

The immune cells that seemed to have armor began to counterattack, encircling and suppressing the virus cells, the two sides fought, and launched a frantic killing.

Virus cells were rampant at first, with high arrogance, but the new generation of immune cells was born too quickly, and wave after wave went to the battlefield.

When the immune cells surrounded and killed the plague virus cells, in line with the principle of "if you are not in our family, your heart must be different", by the way, they also killed the cells of other diseases.

It is very interesting to watch the cell war live with the music rhyme with double eyes.

Those infected with the plague have different lengths of infection. Some people have severe symptoms, while others have mild symptoms. In severe cases, the immune cells in the body also enter a period of fatigue after strangling the virus cells, so that the person also appears weak and tired.

Due to the same dose of medicine, the immune cells in the body of mild patients are still full of vitality after killing the virus cells, so that the person is in good condition.

There are many people infected with the plague, and the data collected by Le Yun is also complete, from the whole process of patients before and after taking the medicine, as well as the data on the changes in the human body after the effective period of the medicine is over.

There are 10,000+ patients in the square, and [-] puppets work. On average, each puppet injects drugs to more than [-] people.

The average time to inject a dose of medicine is about 1 minute, and it takes about an hour for the puppet to complete the task.

One hour is the effective period of the potion.

Le Yun only sent [-] puppets to work, which won't delay the schedule, and can just collect the efficacy of the medicine during the entire period of optimal efficacy.

The coordinator of each group and district is at the center of the group. After all the personnel in their own group or district have taken the medicine, they will be at the end of the line to receive treatment.

Young master Lu was the last person to receive treatment in the square. He sat down on the ground after being needled.

The puppet who completed the task flew back to his own spirit boat, and then moved the boat into the master's spirit boat, waiting for orders.

The puppet came back, and Le Yun moved slowly in the spirit boat, and in a blink of an eye, he moved over the most prosperous street in the western part of the city, which is several miles away from the square.

The busiest streets in the west of Jinxiu City are no longer full of traffic, but full of people!
People from the street and the surrounding area gather on the street, and people from a group or a mile form a large group. There is a gap of about three feet between the groups, which is enough for people to come and go.

Little Lolita's spirit boat flew into the sky above the street, and Xuan Shao passed the message on his behalf. He almost repeated what the little girl said to the people in the square.

Of course, there are still changes, such as the length of stay after the injection. He didn't say how long he stayed, but only said that people should stay where they are and wait for the little fairy to come back for a follow-up visit.

After Xuan Shao finished yelling, Le Xiao estimated the number of people and sent the corresponding puppets to appear on the stage.

This time, she sent fewer puppets, about one puppet responsible for a hundred patients.

Little Loli waited for the puppets to come down from the sky and start giving needles to the people, then drove the spirit boat to another gathering place for the people, and sent the puppets to inject medicines for the people.

Xuan Shao acts as a microphone, passing on the words every time he goes to a place.

Little Lolita drove the spirit boat, dropped the puppets to various gathering points of the residents, ran all the gathering points in the city, and gave Xuan Shaoyan a task - they first went to each city and gathered to inform the residents to prepare.

The two young masters readily accepted the task, first took the map drawn by the little loli, and studied the itinerary planned by the little loli, and the estimated time of arrival.

Yan Shao didn't want to be the microphone, he decisively chose to be the helmsman of the spirit boat, and his refusal was justified, his reason was "Xuan Shao is more friendly and closer to the people."

Young Master Xuan didn't want to be a communication envoy either, but that guy Yan Shao steadfastly chose to be a gourd with a saw mouth, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and be an envoy.

The two young masters set off immediately according to the direction designated by the little Lolita.

The first stop was a small city with a population of 30 less than a hundred miles away from Splendid City. Ye Xiaoliu specially enlarged the spirit boat, and then appeared in the sky above Jicheng in a flashy manner.

First announced his identity as an immortal cultivator with a high-profile spirit boat, and then informed the whole city that the fairy who is good at medicine has arrived in Jinxiu City to treat the plague for the city people, and how long it will take to come over, so that the people in the city are willing to accept medical treatment to form a team , gathering in selective places.

When the people gathered heard that a fairy had come to save the world, they were overjoyed and immediately took action.

Xuan Shao passed on the message, and Yan Shao went to the next city and set.

Because Jinxiu City is a large city, it is surrounded by small cities and markets, and only a large city with a population of over one million is thousands of miles away.

The cities and towns are relatively scattered, and it takes three or four months to ride the fastest deer horse to go around in a circle by conventional means.

For a monk with an aircraft, that little journey is nothing.

Xuan Shaoyan seldom has a spirit boat to travel, let alone, running from place to place, he will be out of the way when he shows his face.

After arranging the work of the handsome guys, the little loli wandered to the densely populated gathering point to observe. After waiting for a while, she returned to the assembly square in the western part of the city.

When she turned back, it was almost the end of the one-hour period she had set to stay in place after taking the medicine.

She went back for a follow-up visit as a precautionary measure. In case of serious illness or a person with a special constitution who is resistant to the medicine and the medicine has little effect, another booster injection must be given.

There was no "what if" situation among the crowd in the assembly square, and the plague virus infected by the residents had been wiped out.

The bad luck of the residents was also eliminated, and the popularity turned from decline to prosperity.

The effect is as expected, and when going to other cities for treatment, the people infected with the plague can be given needles and then they can leave without having to reserve an observation period.

With the results of the experiment, Le Yun was in a happy mood, but she didn't leave immediately. She stepped out of the spirit boat, walked slowly in the air, and landed beside the young city lord of Splendid City.

When the people in the square saw the immortal's spirit boat returning again, they were so excited that they fell to the ground and kowtowed in thanks. They didn't raise their heads until they heard the immortal say that there is no need to be polite.

Everyone sat on their knees, only straightened their backs, and looked up.

Young Master Lu was at the end of a team in the northwest, when he saw the fairy flying over, he knelt respectfully to meet him.

Le Yun fell a few steps behind the Young City Lord of Jincheng, and then lifted him up with spiritual power, lifted him out of the crowd, and set up a spiritual power shield so that others could not see what was going on inside the spiritual power barrier.

Being mentioned by the immortal to meet alone, Young Master Lu's brain is not enough, and he is in a daze.

A certain young man was dumbfounded, and Le Yun didn't talk nonsense, and took out a scroll and handed it over: "The epidemic that broke out in the city can also be spread by rats and other beasts. Many beasts are also infected with the plague. Most of the beasts will be fine after being infected with the plague. If they fall into the water or bite people after death, there is a high possibility that the plague will be passed on to humans again.

So, this time, this fairy has cured the plague, but there is no guarantee that there will be no more plagues in this area. This is the prescription that this fairy has proposed to prevent the two plagues and cure the plague. The city calmed down, copied more copies and posted them out, announced the prescription to the public, and then let it spread widely, so that the people in the city and more people know about it. "

The young master Lu with a blank mind finally regained his composure, holding the scroll gifted by the fairy in his hand, trembling slightly, bowed down to thank him: "Thank you fairy for your kindness!"

"Get up." Le Yun supported the man with a ray of spiritual power. Seeing the young man bursting into tears, he asked slowly: "Your ancestors once had immortal cultivators, have the skills practiced by your ancestors been passed down?" ?”

Young Master Lu didn't know why the fairy asked about the cultivation methods of the Lu family, and answered in a hurry: "Fairy, yes... Yes, the exercises practiced by the ancestors of the Xiaomin family are the treasures of the family inheritance, and they are still preserved."

"That's good." Le Yun took out a porcelain bottle as a gift: "There is a kind of panacea in the world, and people without spiritual roots can grow spiritual roots after taking the medicine, so as to embark on the road of cultivation.

The elixir in this bottle is some kind of panacea that can allow mortals to produce spiritual roots.

You don't have a spiritual root, but you have good aptitude in all aspects. I will give you a pill, and keep it for yourself. Don't let the wind leak out. When the time is right, you will take the pill and practice your family's exercises.

You and your family have done a good job in this plague disaster. This fairy made an exception and gave you a pill. How far you can go depends on your luck. "

"..." Young Master Lu looked at the porcelain bottle given by the fairy, his eyes almost burst, and his breathing was messed up.

Le Yun stuffed the small porcelain bottle into the sleeve of the young city lord, removed the barrier, returned to the spirit boat with teleportation, and left in the spirit boat.

The spirit boat disappeared from the sky in an instant.

When the fairy flew to the city lord's side, the men and women around were so excited to look at the fairy's true face, who knew that with a wrong eye, the figures of the fairy and the young city lord disappeared.

After a while, the people who looked up to the sky found that the spirit boat of the immortal had disappeared, and they were disappointed.

People who were close to the Young City Master suddenly found that the Young City Master who had disappeared for a while appeared again, holding something like a scroll in his hand, and shouted in surprise: "Young Master Record?"

While shouting, several people rushed to Lu Shao City Lord's side, and found that there were tears in his eyes, and he was still in a daze. They were startled and called out repeatedly.

Young Master Lu was startled, he came back to his senses, and saw seven or eight people surrounding him, hurriedly looking for the fairy, but there was no sign of the fairy around him, even the spirit boat in the air was gone.

Fairy... she left.

Young Master Lu subconsciously clenched the scroll in his hand, prostrated himself on the ground, weeping uncontrollably: "Thank you fairy for your kindness!! Fairy's kindness today, Xiaomin and the citizens of Jinxiu City will never forget it!"

The city master Lu Shao was thanking the fairy, and everyone followed suit.

Young Master Lu kowtowed nine times. When he straightened up, his forehead was red and swollen. He didn't realize it. He slowly stood up and held the scroll above his head.

His voice spread: "The fairy has a heart for the common people, has compassion for the world, and left a prescription for preventing and curing the plague. This prescription is precious and is temporarily kept by the City Lord's Mansion.

This plague has lasted for many years, and Jinxiu City has also hurt its vitality. When it calms down, the Recorder will follow the decree of the fairy, and copy out the prescriptions for preventing plague and curing epidemics and posting them all over the city, so that the city residents will know !
I also hope that all the medicine merchants and herb collectors in Jinxiu City will keep their hearts and minds, and don't be fooled by money, take the opportunity to hoard medicinal materials for the prevention and treatment of the plague, or raise prices, so that the medicinal materials on the prescription list will no longer be found in the market! "

The townspeople who heard the voice of the young city lord were surprised at first, and then became ecstatic. The immortal not only saved them, but also left a prescription for curing the epidemic!
The person who was still wondering what the Young Master Lu was holding in his hand finally understood why the Young Master Lu burst into tears after seeing the fairy, and the Young Master was crying with joy!

Young Master Lu yelled, and quickly brought the deer and horse. Holding the scroll high, he rode the deer and horse back and forth across the square, telling the townspeople over and over again that the fairy had left behind a cure for the plague. prescription.

The fairy left, and the townspeople were excited, and they hadn't left the venue yet. After hearing the young master's call, they knew that the fairy had left a prescription to prevent the plague. .

Le Yun had already gone to another gathering point, and when she heard the voice from afar, there was a smile on her face, the people of Splendid City know how to be grateful, and her painstaking efforts were not in vain.

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