magic eye doctor

Chapter 2927 Can't be lucky

Chapter 2927 Can't be lucky

The young master Lu ran around the assembly square for a few laps, making sure that everyone present knew the righteousness and benevolence of the fairy, and then returned to the city lord's mansion and the family members of Mu Liao.

He had just landed on the back of a stag and horse, and was surrounded by people asking for warmth.

Also because there is a prescription for the plague in hand, there is no need for the young city lord to explain what the fairy said to him alone, and everyone naturally assumes that the fairy met her alone to talk about the prescription for the plague.

No one asked the fairy to see the details of him alone, and the young master Lu was relieved. If someone asked the details, he was really worried that he would show his flaws.

He also decided to hide the secret of the death fairy's gift of pills, and waited until he had a spiritual root and successfully induced qi into his body before considering telling his parents.

His parents are his parents, but he is not the only child. If his parents find out that he got the elixir and leak his words, and other brothers and sisters find out, it is difficult to guarantee that others will not have delusions.

Everyone knows that wealth is not revealed, not to mention it is a panacea that can make mortals root.

The elixir that can make mortals' soul roots is a treasure that mortals can't even dream of. It is impossible for monk families not to be rare. The family may also risk their lives to seize the treasure for the sake of the panacea.

The people in the assembly square were bustling for a while because of the good news of the cure for the plague, and then slowly dispersed, happily returning home.

Little Lolita went to the second meeting point, picked up the puppets, and then went to the next gathering point. She ran around the city in the order in which the puppets were put in, and took back the puppets at each point.

The puppet was recalled, and he rushed to the next market city without stopping.

Ji, which was listed as the second treatment point, had a small population and gathered people quickly. When Le Yun rushed over, the people in Jicheng had already gathered on the street.

The gathered people waited eagerly, and when they saw Lingzhou guessing that it was the fairy who saved people, they all fell to the ground and worshiped.

Le Yun showed her face, explained the method of treatment, and sent a team of puppets with magic weapons to administer needles and medicines. She continued to rush to the third point to drop puppets.

In order to improve work efficiency, when planning the itinerary, the destinations behind Splendid City were Jihe Town.

With the help of a means of transportation, the spirit boat, the little loli kept running around, dropping puppets in Jicheng and small towns, and first cured the plague in Jihe City, which was located between Jinxiu City and the next big city.

The steps are also very regular. They first release the puppets along the predetermined route, and then pick up the puppets along the road after a certain period of time.

The puppets work in turns, so they all have time to refill the empty syringes that have run out.

When Little Lolita put the puppet in the No.11 destination, Shao Yan and Shao Xuan finally returned.

The two major generals ran all over the destinations on the map drawn by the little Lolita, and went to a small city more than two to three hundred miles away from the plague-stricken city to find out, and found that the people in those places were also infected with leprosy.

It is not known whether the people have been infected with the plague.

Because they have observed people infected with the plague at close range in Jinxiu City, if someone is infected with the plague and becomes ill, the two young masters can tell it is the plague from some symptoms, but if the plague is still in the incubation period, because there are no obvious symptoms, they can't tell the difference .

Xuan Shaoyan went to observe a few places, and then went back to look for little loli.

After successfully reuniting with Little Lolita, when they went to another destination, Xuan Shao was forced to step up and act as a microphone, explaining the method of medicine to the people.

After shouting once, when the position was changed, Young Master Xuan yelled dissatisfiedly: "Young Master Yan, now you don't have to drive the spirit boat anymore, it's time for you to go to work."

"You have a high degree of affinity, you continue. I am cold-faced and cold-hearted. The people are infected with the plague, and they are very fragile. If they are frightened, it will backfire."

Yan Dashao sternly and resolutely gave way, and refused to help Xuan Shao "share his worries".

Xuan Shao was so angry that he found someone who could give the final word to uphold justice: "Little beauty, look at Yan Shao, he is not a man! He is passive and sabotage, and you can't always catch a hard-working one, can you?"

"It's not easy. He's the first grader and you're the fifteenth grader." Le Yun looked at the two handsome guys happily.

"Does the little beauty mean the one I understand?" Xuan Shao blinked his eyes, looking forward to it.

"That's what you think." Le Yun smiled meaningfully.

Xuan Shaoxi was eagerly gearing up; "Okay. We will also divide the work next time when we make the spiritual meal. I will work for a few days, and Yan Shao will do it for a few days."

Yan Xing suddenly felt bad: "Okay, why are you talking about making spiritual food again? One size counts for one size, and they can't be confused."

"You are not benevolent and I am unrighteous, that's normal." Given the opportunity to make things difficult for Young Master Yan, Young Master Xuan is in a good mood, telling you to always talk about your affinity!
I use other people's advantages to talk about things, Xuan Shao uses his own disadvantages to talk about things, Yan Xingmo, the smelly little loli can't see him idle, and really wants to beat the little loli!
It is impossible to fight, he sighed silently: "Okay, take turns to work."

Young Master Xuan, who had won a round, readily agreed.

The man kept his word, and when he changed the map to a new destination, Young Master Yan took office and was forced to perform the duties of a messenger.

Someone helped him share his worries, and Xuan Shao's mood was as bright as spring.

Little Lolita has an army of puppet people with high efficiency. Before dark, she has cured the plague for more than a dozen people in Jiji and three small towns.

When night fell, Le Xiao recalled a puppet team that had completed the work, and drove the spirit boat to a big city similar to Splendid City.

Because the two handsome guys went to advertise in advance, the residents in the city had enough time to prepare, and they also gathered at the meeting places selected by each set or district.

The original population of that city was comparable to that of Jinxiu City, because it was a big city relatively close to the volcanic mountains, and a large number of refugees fled to the city, resulting in a sudden increase in population.

Because of a plague, more than 190 people were lost, and there are still nearly [-] million people.

Of course, the victims taken in by the city were the first refugees to defect, and the victims who arrived later were scattered outside the city and temporarily lived together in groups.

Classmate Le Xiao sent five puppet leaders to lead a team to rescue people, and she continued to go to other cities along the way, collecting puppet people to practice medicine and help the world.

Treating the plague itself is an urgent matter, and the magic fungus spread by the plague demon has not been recovered yet. In order to recover the magic fungus as soon as possible, Le Yun also wears stars and moons at night, rushing to different places to treat people day and night.

Yan Shaoxuan gave up his life to accompany the gentleman.

After staying up all night, Yan Xing finally asked the question that he had been holding back for a long time: "Little Loli, your puppet guards can also fly the aircraft themselves, so you can let them fly the aircraft to meet up after completing the task, why do you Do you have to go back and pick them up?"

"When I went back to pick up the puppet guards, I also had a follow-up visit to see if the plague virus on everyone had been eliminated.

In case there is a person with a special constitution, the body is resistant to the drug, and the effect of a single injection of the drug is poor, and it may not be able to completely kill the virus, so a supplemental injection is required.

If there is no follow-up visit, the virus in one or two people will not die due to insufficient dose of medicine. When it recurs, it will harm the whole city. In that case, all my current efforts will be in vain. "

Little Lolita explained the reason why she took so much trouble to turn back to pick up the puppet. Yan Xing paused and asked again: "Experiments have proved that your medicine is a panacea. Once the medicine cures the disease, the situation you said did not appear."

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Plague is not a common disease. You can't take chances. Besides, some people are infected with two kinds of plagues, so you can't take it lightly. If there is a place where I didn't go to the doctor for a follow-up visit, there will be a disease. Exceptions could result in tens of thousands of deaths."

"..." Yan Xing lowered his eyes, the little Lolita Zhai Er was kind, compassionate, and spent countless huge sums of money to save people, without even leaving her name, and she really hid her merits and fame.

If it were him...

Young Master Yan thought for a while, and he felt that he was not that great, and could not make selfless contributions like Little Lolita.

He still has a very clear position on himself. If he can't make selfless contributions, he can still be an errand worker. He should be an errand worker honestly.

Little Lolita ran for a long time, and when she arrived at the fourth big city with a population of over one million, she first sent a team of puppets to work. She chose a place in the city to park the spirit boat, and warmed one of the puppets on the bow of the spirit boat. The medicine cauldron opened the furnace door, cut another bunch of hair and threw it in, and boiled it again.

"Little beauty, why can't the potion come out in one pot?" This time the one hundred thousand people who asked why were replaced by Xuan Shao.

"The medicine is special. The brewed medicine has a time-effectiveness. The medicine must be used within twelve hours. After this time limit, the medicine's effect will gradually weaken, so the dosage of the medicine must be gradually increased."

"Well, that's it." Xuan Shaoming realized, and felt sorry for the little Lolita's hair for three seconds, hey, such beautiful long hair!
Little Lolita had already boiled the main medicine in Jinxiu City, separated out the medicine soup, and put the last medicine into the pot every time the medicine was to be used.

The medicine cauldron containing the medicine soup has been kept at a constant temperature. After opening the furnace door, the fire became hot. The medicine soup boiled away quickly. After adding hair, it only boiled for an hour before turning off the fire.

A new batch of medicine was boiled, and the puppet team also injected medicine for the city residents gathered in the city.

Little Lolita went to take back the puppets, left the city, and stopped in the wilderness, letting the puppets store the magic weapon and the potion before heading to the next target point.

Yan Shaoxuan and Shao Xuan couldn't help other than being a microphone. The two of them took the map and ticked the cities and cities that had been treated.

Little Loli led two handsome men and puppet people to run around day and night, and in the morning after another day came, after curing the plague for the people of a medium-sized city, she finally visited all the cities and markets infected by the plague.

Xuan Shaoyan heaved a sigh of relief when the plague problem was finally resolved.

After solving the plague-infected city, the next step is to recycle the magic fungus, and recycling the magic fungus is my own business. The handsome guys can't help, Le Xiaoluoli asked them to find their little friends, and if necessary Tell them to come back and glow.

Finally he didn't need to be a vase himself, Yan Shaoxuan was so excited that he jumped three feet high, fearing that the little loli would change his mind if he slowed down, and ran away in the spirit boat with a "swish".

The two young masters fled thousands of miles away in the spirit boat, and contacted the beast friends to know where they were. They were not in a hurry. When looking for the friends, they searched for empty cities and empty collections along the way to collect crops.

(End of this chapter)

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