magic eye doctor

Chapter 2928 Tree Peanut

Chapter 2928 Tree Peanut

The two handsome guys fled away as soon as they got their freedom, and Le Xiao started his solo journey again, continuing to search for Ji and the city where the plague spread the magic fungus.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao cooperated, took turns driving the spirit boat, and searched for abandoned markets and cities all the way. They gained a lot. They went around and expanded the search area, and it took them eleven days to meet up with their friends.

A group of friends continued to head north and northwest along the route around the volcanic mountains.

The little loli, who was walking alone on the road to recover the magic fungus, followed the route of the plague demon spreading the magic fungus, and chased it all the way to the third county called "Wenzhu County" adjacent to Tingzhu County.

After searching, three towns in Tingpai County were covered by leprosy, and another town with more than a dozen towns was also infected with leprosy.

Among the ten towns in Tingzhu County, one town was swallowed by the volcanic earthquake, two towns were destroyed by more than half or half, and the other three towns were uninhabitable due to the threat of the volcano.

In conclusion, there is only one town in a county that has not been affected by the plague.

This shows how miserable Tingzhu County is.

Wenzhu County is also a volcanic disaster-affected area. Two towns have become uninhabitable. Fortunately, it is far away from Wangzhu County. There is only one big city and five market cities. Neighbors, the people have contacts and are infected.

The plague stopped in Wenzhu County and involved three counties in total.

After finding the end area of ​​the plague, Le Yun recovered the magic fungus, turned around and went back to Wangzhu County, and ran around night and night to retrieve the magic fungus that the plague demon had spread outside.

Among the ten towns in Wangzhu County, one town became the center of the volcano, and parts of three towns were also damaged to varying degrees by the volcanic earthquake. The undamaged areas were also directly threatened by the volcano, and the people were forced to flee to other places.

Except for the cities and towns that were not destroyed by the volcano or were abandoned in Wangzhu County, all the other cities and towns were devastated by the plague.

Due to terrain problems, the population density of Kuzhu collar is not too dense. The minimum number of towns under the jurisdiction of a town in Wangzhu County is more than 8000, and the largest town has more than [-] towns and more than [-] large, medium and small towns. .

Excluding the towns engulfed by the volcano and the abandoned markets and cities, Wangzhu County still has more than 2000 cities and nearly [-] market cities.

Even though little Lolita worked day and night without sleep, it took a month and a half to go through all the cities and markets and collect the magic fungus one by one.

The body of Plague Demon, which absorbed a large number of magic bacteria, also increased in circles, turning into a colorful big ball.

Taking back the magic fungus scattered in the last market city, Le Yun decisively packed the Plague Demon Ball body with only its body in a special box and sealed it.

The plague demon's soul is gone, but as long as the germs in its body are not killed, its body will not really die.

Keeping the ball body of the plague demon, there may be a place for it to come into play when encountering strange plagues in the future.

For safety, Le Yun sealed the jade box containing the plague demon's meatball body, and put a special box on the outside, and a wooden box on the outside, and hung a label on it.

The box was naturally stored in the storage container for poisonous items.

When the little Lolita cleared the magic mushrooms in the last episode, the time was at the end of noon and the beginning of the end of the day.

And the season has entered winter.

In winter, most of the deciduous trees lose their leaves, and those trees whose leaves fall late continue to lose their leaves.

Every time the wind blows, the grass and trees rustle, and when the wind is strong, the fallen leaves in the jungles and mountains also move with the wind, and some leaves are rolled up into the sky, flying like butterflies.

Also because it is close to the volcanic mountains, the wind blows the volcanic dust, and the sky over Wangzhu County is also gray, which makes the already bleak season even more dull.

Fortunately, the leaves of some evergreen shrubs also change color in winter, and those little colors make the dwindling mountains less monotonous and cold.

After tidying up, Le Yun looked at a mountain more than ten miles away several times, then returned to the star core space, took a shower in the wooden palace, washed and dried his clothes before returning to the natural world.

Stepping on the land of Wangzhu County again, she went straight to the opposite mountain.

The peaks in the vicinity are about [-] to [-] feet high, like a lady of a family, dignified, gentle, peaceful and elegant.

Le Yun's goal is a mountain peak about [-] feet high. The part where the mountain connects to the ground occupies a wide area. When it reaches halfway up the mountain, it looks like sharpened bamboo shoots. Most of them are stone walls, and the top of the mountain is covered by vegetation again.

She was so fast, she flew to a rock wall near the top of the mountain in an instant.

The stone walls are uneven everywhere, and there are cracks of different sizes and sizes. Dust accumulates in many pits or cracks. Plant seeds fly into the pits or cracks and survive tenaciously.

There is a very large crack, which is curved like a human eyebrow. The space under the rock is nearly two meters high. Plant seeds have also flown into the shallower part of the rock nest, and several trees and grass have grown.

The other end of the crack is about three meters deep, and there is an eagle's nest at the end.

There are many stone fungus growing on the stone wall. Due to the dry and little rain in winter, the stone fungus is also naturally dried and curled up. Some are like sun-dried and wrinkled apples, some are shaped like lettuce, and some are like black balls.

Stone ear has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, nourishing yin and moistening lung, stopping bleeding and cooling blood.

Yunlan's aura is strong, and the effect of the stone ear is stronger.

The stone ear is not what Le Yun is looking for, what she is interested in is in the crevice of the stone.

Of course, it's all here, so it's impossible to turn a blind eye to the delicious ingredients like stone ear.

Lexiao happily harvested the stone fungus, went around the mountain peak, harvested all the stone fungi everywhere, and then returned to the eyebrow-shaped stone crevice again.

She climbed into the crevice of the rock, pushed aside the grass blocking the way, got to a tenacious alpine pine, and took out a small hoe to dig around a grass less than half a foot high.

That plant grows mint, but it has no mint aroma. When the leaves are broken, it smells like sesame leaves, and the smell is lighter than that of sesame trees.

Le Yun, wielding a small hoe, loosened the soil within three and a half feet around the plant, collected it in a pot, and continued to dig down.

I dug layer after layer, and dug down to a depth of more than a foot, and dug down to the root system of the plant.

Its root system is very developed, the main root spreads in all directions like melon vines, and the main root gives birth to branch roots, forming a root system network, and the tips of many root fibers grow peanut-shaped fruits.

The peanut-shaped pods have a red-yellow shell and are more than one and a half times larger than peanuts on earth. Each fruit is about seven or eight centimeters long.

"Hey, what kind of stuff are you?" Le Yun said that she didn't know a certain plant.

Still like the plant with long lotus roots that she stood up outside the secret place of Fengxing Pavilion, she searched through the books in her mind, but couldn't find any plant that could be matched with a certain plant.

A certain plant is completely different. It has the shape of a mint seedling, but it smells like a sesame seedling, and the fruit it bears looks like a peanut.

But it has no blood relationship with mint, sesame, or peanut.

I didn't know the music of a certain plant, so I carefully moved the soil away, and it took nearly half an hour to clean up all the roots of the plant.

Good guy, its root system is horribly developed. The longest root is 1.5 meters long, and the shortest is [-] cm long. Each root has a lot of branches and thin whiskers.

The criss-cross root system is full of fruits, most of which are new fruits that have only grown in recent years, and the old fruits have rotted.

The new fruit of a plant weighs about [-] catties by visual inspection.

Little Loli put the plant in the air, admired it several times, picked a few shells, cleaned the sticky soil on the shells, and opened them to look at the kernels.

The nuts also look like peanut kernels, and the pulp is protected by a layer of film coating. There are two to three nuts in a pod, and the pulp is pinkish white.

The nuts are very crisp when eaten raw, and taste better than raw ones. The plump nuts have a sweet taste and a fragrance. bitterness.

After tasting the nuts, Le Yun imitated Shennong and tasted the flowers, and picked the leaves and roots to taste. The whole person was beaming with joy.

"The fruit can be eaten or used as medicine. The husk, leaves and peel can be used for alchemy or medicine, and it is also a good medicine for cancer and eye diseases. Alas, this is clearly another treasure."

Good stuff!

A certain plant is the same as the underground fruit-shaped plant dug in the mountains outside the secret of Guanxing Pavilion, it's a treasure!
The little creatures planted a piece of the same unknown plant dug outside the secret of Guanxing Pavilion in the Lingzhi space, and it has completed a cycle.

That kind of plant also bears fruit after flowering. The fruit is as big as a jujube on the earth. The flesh is soft, like that of a kiwi fruit. There are one to three apple seeds in the center of the fruit.

The pulp of a certain plant resembles kiwi fruit, but its taste is completely different from that of kiwi fruit. Its taste is just one word - astringent!

Not bitter, just astringent.

We all know that bayberry is very sour, and eating too much will cause tooth decay, and the fruit of that kind of tree is so astringent that people can't open their mouths, feeling like their mouths are stuck with glue, and they don't feel it at all.

The fruit of that kind of fruit tree only matured half a month ago, Le Yun took the time to go back to the Lingzhi space to study the fruit, tasted it, and her mouth was stiff for a whole half a day.

She has a special physique, even after tasting the fruit, her mouth would be so astringent, if someone else tasted it, she might not be able to open her mouth for a day or a night.

The fruit is very astringent, but it is very useful. It is an elixir for refining more than a dozen kinds of good fortune pills, and it is also a rare spiritual plant for making tranquilizers, anesthetics and detoxification pills.

The little loli named this plant, and it was called Guoguo.

Yunlan has a tree called magnolia, and a spiritual plant called tree lotus. In order not to confuse the two plants, she named it "fruit couple" ingeniously.

Fruit couple is a rare plant.

Another rare plant was dug up this time.

I love the music of collecting plants, and I am so happy that I named it "Tree Peanut".

Tree peanuts are treasures, and it is right to plant them quickly.

Le Yun quickly picked off two-thirds of all the fruits, leaving one-third, and then started on the soil where the tree peanuts grow and the surrounding plants.

With an operation like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, the alpine pine and a few grasses next to the tree and peanut growth point, together with the concrete, were completely dug up.

She took some extra soil, filled the hole where the tree and soil had been removed, and sprinkled a handful of plant seeds.

(End of this chapter)

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