magic eye doctor

Chapter 2929

Chapter 2929

Le Yun, who had scraped off a layer of land, returned to the star core space with plants and soil, rolled up his sleeves and went to the field, and settled the newly dug plants in the spiritual field in the nine-story altar area.

After planting a tree, he took out a few fruits to stimulate his teeth, and then planted them in the spiritual field.

Let Shuhuasheng settle down, and Lexiao left the star core space in a hurry, and went to the coniferous tree spiritual planting space.

The little creatures in charge of planting kept the spiritual planting space in an orderly manner. Just after harvesting a round of crops, part of the land was vacant for cultivation, and part of the land was planted with a new round of crops.

When the little creatures saw the little fairy who was too busy to be distracted, they rushed over to the one who hugged his legs, and the one who stuck his arms to his arms. hello fairy.

Classmate Le Xiao enjoyed a loving meal of the little creatures, went to see the solitary lotus, and then went to see the ghost of the evolving silkworm.

The leaves of the five-element spirit tree are too precious, and the half-dead silkworm ghost ate the leaves of the five-element spirit tree and entered the evolutionary period. This evolution has been going on for decades, and there is still no sign of ending the evolution.

The human-shaped unifoliate lotus has evolved into a complete human form, and it is only a matter of time before it can transform from a plant into a living body with flesh and blood.

After watching the two creatures that were transforming or evolving, Le Yun went to the Tabletop Mountain in the lake for a stroll, and then brought a few little creatures to the spiritual field where fruit couples were planted.

She took out the seeds of tree peanuts and germinated them.

"Yeah, it smells so good."

"Little fairy, what kind of fruit is this?"

"Little fairy, this kind of beans can be used as a staple food like corn."

Lingzhi dolls smelled the light fragrance, excitedly gathered around the little fairy, and studied the fruit in the little fairy's white and tender palm with great interest.

"I found a new plant by accident, and I named it Peanut Tree." Le Yun injected spiritual power into the peanut tree's fruit, allowing it to quickly grow a little germ.

When the nut grows some germs, stop infusing spiritual energy, dig a hole in the spiritual field, and plant the nut.

Then I took some fruits and peeled off the kernels, and let the little creatures plant them without germination.

A few little ones happily created a pit, planted the nuts, and even carried a watering can to sprinkle water on the ridge where the seeds were planted.

Then just sit and wait for it to germinate, grow seedlings, bloom, and bear fruit.

Le Yun told Xiao Lingsheng to take care of the tree and peanuts in groups, one group was not watered, and the other group was watered properly like planting peanuts, so as to see the effect.

After confessing for a while, he became the shopkeeper again and left Lingzhi's space.

She reappeared behind the rock crevice and didn't go to admire the eagle's nest. She ran to several nearby peaks and walked around, and took light from the stone ears growing on the stone walls of other peaks, and then ran away in the spirit boat.

It stands to reason that all the magic fungus has been recovered, and she should go to Wangzhu County next, but little student Le didn't, so she turned back to Wenzhu County in the spirit boat.

The little girl who ran back to Wenzhu County regardless of thousands of miles, crossed the mountains and went to a small town closest to the volcanic mountains.

Before the volcanic disaster occurred, the small town was far away from the center of the Mt. Tombs Volcanic Earthquake, with a population of less than 12. However, as the volcano continued to expand, the residents in the area threatened by the volcano fled one after another, so that the small town became the closest city to the volcanic mountains. one.

The original small town was a safe haven, taking in a large number of disaster victims, and its population exploded to nearly 40.

The small town can't accommodate so many people. Outside the city, there are disaster victims stationed in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and the shacks stretch for several miles.

Le Yun flew over the mountains outside the small town for a while, and arrived at the hilltop closest to the north gate of the small town.

She put away the spirit boat in the air, slowly flew to the top of a forest less than a hundred feet away from the foot of the mountain, and then descended.

There were many people chopping wood in the woods, both men and women.

On the edge of the forest, some simple carts were parked. On the grass at the edge of the forest, there were a few cows and deer horses grazing, and several children aged four or five were mowing the grass while grazing the livestock.

The forest is seven or eight miles away from the small town, but it is already one of the closest forests to the town, and it is the source of firewood for the victims outside the north city gate.

In non-cold winter, the victims can use orange stalks from crops or cut weeds as firewood for cooking. In winter, they need to burn firewood for a fire. Even if they are far away from the forest, they have to collect firewood.

There is a convention in the small town. In order to prevent the soil from being cut down and the soil becomes soft, when the rainstorm season makes the flood soft and easy to divert and threaten the cropland or the small town, it is forbidden to cut down trees in large areas.

Naturally, the victims could not cut down the trees in pieces when cutting firewood. They could only cut down some trees in densely populated areas, or pick sick, weak, old trees to cut down, or cut dry branches from the trees.

The woodcutters were busy chopping wood, and didn't often look at the top of their heads. Even when they looked up occasionally, most of the time they could only see a little bit of the sky through the gaps between the sparse branches.

Therefore, when Little Lolita descended, no one found her.

The forest is a sub-forest, and it has been cut down in the past. The largest tree can only be hugged by three or two people. Most of the trees are about [-] centimeters in diameter.

Those trees with a thick mouth are all regrown after being felled, and the age of the trees is between five and 20 years.

Le Yun descended to the top of the treetop and looked in the direction. The next moment, she appeared in the woods, standing in the air, watching a young girl chopping wood with an axe.

The forest where the young girl chops firewood is not dense, and there are trees the size of the cutting mouth all around.

The girl is wearing a linen coat that is not dyed, the length of the coat reaches the middle between the knee bend and the pelvis, the waist is tied with cloth strips, the lower body is wide trousers, and the upper and lower trousers are all patched.

The girl dressed in a short jacket like a man felt that the wide trousers were in the way, so she tied up the trousers with a cane on the ankle, and wore straw sandals woven with hemp rope.

Her feet and exposed hands were intertwined with many old and new scars drawn by grass and trees.

The girl in coarse clothes had a gray birthmark on her right cheek. The birthmark stretched from the corner of the mouth to the side of the cheek, and extended up to the corner of the eye. The birthmark almost covered half of her face.

There are no moles or spots on her left cheek. Apart from her dark skin due to years of farm work, she has no blemishes. It can even be said that her left cheek is beautiful.

Her appearance is also what people say is half-faced.

The girl's hair was relatively dry, and she tied it into a ponytail with strips of cloth behind her head. She chopped down a half-dead tree with the mouth of a bowl, and split the branches along the trunk.

The girl who does rough work like a man has big beads of sweat on her face, and she is slightly panting, but she doesn't care to wipe off the sweat and tries hard to chop the branches.

Her hand was not strong enough to swing the axe, and she was obviously tired.

Le Yun moved from the top of the tree into the woods, and stood at the root of the fallen tree, calmly watching the girl in coarse sackcloth swinging an axe to trim the branches.

The young girl chopped down seven or eight branches, and finally she had no strength left. She put down the ax in her hand and wiped her sweat with her sleeve.

She wiped her face and was about to sit down next to the tree to breathe a sigh of relief. When she subconsciously looked towards the sky, she suddenly saw a fairy standing in the air.

The girl's pupils shrank suddenly, she froze stiffly at first, then moved her feet, and knelt down towards the immortal, her shoulders trembling slightly with excitement: "Xian... Fairy, you... are here! I hope Alright...bye...see Fairy!"

Le Yun flew in front of the young girl lightly, and asked indifferently: "What do you think?"

This is the second time she has met a girl with a birthmark on half her face.

More than a month ago, she came to the small town to collect magic fungus, and found the birthmark girl in the wilderness outside the city. At that time, the young girl went to dig wild vegetables in a little break after harvesting crops and eating lunch.

She passed by in the air, and suddenly discovered that the girl turned out to be a rare double spiritual root of thunder and fire, and the purity of the spiritual root had reached nine points, which met the first requirement for being a disciple of Master Huoyun.

Le Xiaoliu took the matter of finding a suitable apprentice for Grandmaster Huoyun to heart. He also met children with thunder and fire roots. Those children were either too weak or their net worth was too low, or there were others Spiritual roots, or serious problems with their own morality or background, are not suitable for inheriting the mantle of Grandmaster Huoyun.

Grandmaster Huoyun is a generation of immortal masters respected by the world, Yunlan is his root, and those who want to inherit the inheritance he left in his hometown must be excellent in all aspects.

Based on the principle of never compromising, Le Yun pays the same attention to choosing disciples for Grandmaster Huoyun as she does to choosing contracted beasts for herself.

Who would have thought that such a place as Kuzhuling would not only have three cubs from God, but also let her discover a good seedling with thunder and fire roots.

Although, this good seedling is a bit old, already 20 years old.

The modern entertainment industry describes child stars as "famous as early as possible", and the same is true for cultivating immortals. Under the same conditions of spiritual root and spiritual root purity, children who have cultivated since childhood have an advantage.

Therefore, if the monks in the world of cultivating immortals have children, they will usually teach the practice of martial arts formally when the child is one year old. To choose disciples, they must either choose young children, or choose juniors with a certain foundation.

If the immortal sects, big tribes or aristocratic families in the world of cultivating immortals recruit disciples, they will first choose children under ten, and those who are over 14 years old will be selected by subordinates. If they accept children over 16 years old, they must have rare spiritual roots or spiritual roots that have reached Heavenly Spirit Root or Unscaled Level.

Similar to the age of the birthmark girl, in the eyes of the monks in the world of cultivating immortals, she is already considered old. Few high-ranking monks are willing to accept her as a disciple. If a sect or a large tribe recruits her, they must also be recruited as a handyman disciple of the outer sect. .

In the mortal world, the children of common people also get married earlier, usually around the age of 16 when they talk about marriage, like 20-year-old girls, many of them have become mothers of one or two children.

The birthmark girl is not married yet.

When Le Xiao, who was going to the small town, found a certain girl, he deliberately found someone to chat with.

The birthmarked girl's parents gave birth to her on the way to flee the disaster, and named her "Panhao". Her family hoped that the disaster would pass as soon as possible and that they could live a happy life.

Unfortunately, things backfired. When she was half a year old, his father was dizzy because of hunger when he was going to collect firewood with others.

Her mother remarried soon, and she was led by her grandparents to survive. When she was five years old, her grandparents also passed away one after another.

Before her grandma passed away, she was entrusted to a former neighbor—a widow surnamed Lin who had just lost a premature grandson, and her daughter-in-law remarried. She called the elders of her neighbors "grandmother".

Granny Lin's son died from the animal's mouth while hunting. Her daughter-in-law was pregnant with Liujia at the time. When the grandparents who hoped for her passed away, Granny Lin's daughter-in-law had already given birth for two months.

The child was born in less than a month, and died after only six days after birth.

Granny Lin's daughter-in-law lost her child and had nothing to worry about at her in-law's house. She also remarried because someone proposed to marry her.

Granny Lin lost her son, and she didn't support her son's only flesh and blood, and she didn't force her daughter-in-law to watch over her, and asked her to marry another.

Xiao Panhao's grandparents left their orphans on their deathbed and entrusted their only granddaughter to Granny Lin, and Granny Lin had a companion.

Panhao lives with the lonely Granny Lin, and the old and the young pick up another boy on the way to escape from famine.

The three grandparents and grandchildren came to the small town ten years ago, but they were unable to continue traveling, and lived outside the small town with many victims of the disaster.

Le Xiaoliu met a certain girl alone last time, and clearly told the girl that she has thunder and fire spirit roots, suitable for cultivating immortals, and suitable for being a craftsman.

She also gave them enough time to think about it. If Pan is really willing to take a completely different path, she will come and take them away. If they just want to be an ordinary person in peace, she will not force them.

This time, she came back to ask the girl for the answer.

Pan Hao knelt among the miscellaneous branches and shade-loving shrubs cut from the tree, and the branches and leaves of the plants pierced her face. She didn't notice it, and replied slowly and firmly: "Fairy, I don't want to accept my fate, I choose to go away." A completely different path from the present one!"

"Have you considered it?" Le Yun asked again, hoping that if the good girl made a decision, even if she regretted it halfway and didn't want to cultivate immortality, it would be inconvenient for her to come back to live with Granny Lin and her younger brother. .

"Think about it!" Pan Hao nodded heavily.

In the past, she only hoped to survive, and it would be good to have enough food and clothing. She didn't think there was anything wrong with the life of girls who got married and had children, raised children and grandchildren, and then grew old naturally. Most people live their lives like that.

When the fairy said that she had the opportunity to change her way of life and walk a different path from ordinary mortals, she could also fly to the sky and escape from the earth, and she could also see scenery that mortals could not see. She also felt that she could see the end at a glance like now life is boring.

She also wants to see the kind of scenery that ordinary people can't see, she wants to travel all over Yunlan's world, and she even wants to go to the legendary Daluo Heaven Realm to learn more.

After thinking about it for more than a month, Pan Hao thought it over clearly, she wants to cultivate immortality!

"Go back and say goodbye to your family." Le Yun nodded, waving a ray of spiritual power to help the girl up.

"Okay." Pan Hao was lifted up by an invisible force, hesitated for a moment, and asked in a low voice: "Fairy, can you... please give me some more time, I want to move these firewood back."

"Yes." Le Yun didn't refuse, the trees were all cut down, it's a pity to throw them away, no matter where they are, forest resources can't be wasted, right?

(End of this chapter)

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