magic eye doctor

Chapter 2930

Chapter 2930
The fairy didn't dislike herself for wasting her time, hoped to suppress the ecstasy of going to follow the immortal to cultivate the immortal, quickly picked up the axe, and cut the branches again.

With Pan's speed, it would take at least an hour to get the tree out of the woods and move it. Le Xiao felt that it was too slow, so he went to get a rattan nearby, put Pan Hao aside, and went to the field to help himself.

She cut off all the branches with the wind blade technique, and then cut off the twigs and leaves of the branches. The branches were neatly arranged and tied into bundles with rattan.

Then the tree poles are also sawed into sections, and they are also bundled into bundles and tied up with rattan.

Little student Le put the bundled branches and poles into the storage container, grabbed Pan Hao's arm with one hand, and flew her out of the woods.

Fortunately, Pan was carried aside by the fairy, and saw that the branches and poles were neatly packed without the fairy doing anything, and his heart almost jumped out of his excitement.

The fairy is too powerful!

She also wants to become a powerful fairy like Fairy!
If the heart of practicing before was very firm, at this moment, Pan Hao's heart has become extremely firm.

Holding the hoped music rhyme in one hand, he passed through the forest like the wind, and flew to the cart parked at the edge of the forest, and parked beside the simplest cart.

The cart belonged to Pan Haojia. The cart was made up of several simple wooden boards, with a horizontal shaft underneath, two wooden wheels, and no guardrails on both sides of the body.

Because I hope to pull the car frequently, the sweat soaks into the handlebars, and Le Yun can match the person and the car with just the smell.

The front of the cart is supported by a wooden support, and some firewood has been stacked on it.

There are more than [-] carts parked in the wilderness, and each cart has firewood. By looking at the number of firewood, you can tell how many people there are in each cart. Yes, there is less firewood to pack.

Panhao is a girl's house, and they chopped a lot of firewood, which was roughly tied with thick hemp rope.

He was taken from the woods to the place where the car was put, and after being put down by the fairy, Hope was still dizzy and couldn't tell the difference between east, west, and north.

Le Yun untied the rope that tied the firewood, neatly arranged the original firewood, and then took out the firewood that was put into the space and tied it up.

Before Pan Hao cut down two small trees and transported them to the car, and added a tree with the mouth of a bowl, the firewood was not too heavy.

"You call out to the people who came with you and ask them if anyone will go back with you. This fairy will go to the woods to help you cut a few trees and bring them back so that your mother-in-law and your brother can have firewood for the winter. Don't worry about them having a tough winter."

After stacking the firewood, Le Yun patted Pan Hao again. Although Pan Hao is a disaster victim, she is 1.8 meters [-] in height, and her height is convenient for killing her, a perpetually frustrated person.

"Hmmmm." Panhao, who was full of chaos, jumped up in shock when he was slapped, and when he saw that it was a fairy, he was shocked and came back to his senses.

Le Yun was afraid that she didn't hear what she said, so she said it again, and then flew into the forest.

The fairy disappeared all of a sudden, and Pan took a long time to catch his breath. He touched his beating heart and looked at the neatly stacked firewood on the cart. It still didn't feel real.

She took a few deep breaths, then took a while to calm herself down, put her hands around her mouth in a trumpet shape, and shouted to the woods: "Big hairy big cow and three stupid bastards... Camellia cauliflower, I have something to do." I went home early, will you come back? If you don't come back, I will leave first."

She was worried that her companions would go far away, so she called out several times.

The sound came into the forest, and it was several times lighter. If you don't pay attention, you can't hear it clearly.

Several men and women heard the sound, stopped their knives and axes, listened carefully again, stopped chopping, and packed up the existing firewood.

The children who were grazing cows, deer and horses heard Pan Hao's voice, and all ran back to the cart, surrounded her and asked why they had to go home early.

Pan Hao said that something happened at home, and she had to go back quickly.

Although the children were surprised, they asked a few words and then ran to stare at the cows and horses.

Panhao cut firewood with the neighbors who live nearby. There are eight families in total. The other scooters belong to other small teams, but because the place where the scooters are placed is the flattest, everyone regards them as stop boards. car place.

Three of the people who came with Panhao came out of the woods successively carrying the bundled firewood.

The three families are all better than the Panhao family. There are six boys and three girls. One family is two brothers, and the other two are sisters or brothers and sisters. There is a boy with his wife and sister.

Pan is 20 years old, and the people who come with her include those who are about her age, and some who are several years younger than her.

The young men and girls who carried firewood back to the cart were all patched with coarse cloth clothes, the difference lies in the number and layers of patches.

Everyone threw the firewood beside the cart and hurriedly asked why Panhao wanted to go home suddenly.

Pan Hao also only said that there was an urgent matter at home and he had to go back quickly.

Cauliflower asked strangely: "What's the rush? You were collecting firewood in the mountains, how did you know something was going on at home?"

"You'll know when you get back." Pan Hao didn't know if the fairy would appear in front of mortals, and he didn't dare to say that there was a fairy here.

Cauliflower didn't ask anything, and the others didn't follow up with the question, and quickly tied up the firewood.

Only two of them had cattle, so they tied up the firewood and asked the younger brothers and sisters who watched the cattle to bring the cattle and put them in carts.

Student Le flew into the woods and moved dozens of miles away. He cut down more than a dozen dead trees and seven or eight half-dead trees in densely wooded areas, and chopped the trunks and thick branches into pieces. storage.

That pile of firewood is enough for a family of four or five to burn for more than a year.

After collecting enough firewood, go to the river to see if there are any fish.

There are fish in the rivers and streams. The big fish are half a foot long, and the small ones are one or two fingers wide. There are groupers and herrings, and a few catfish.

Little Loli took out the fishing net and cast a few nets, and caught thirty or forty fish. The spiritual sense left behind Panhao saw that Panhao's companion had packed up, collected the fish, and moved to Panhao's side.

Panhao, who was about to take off the support and drag the scooter on the road, was startled when he saw a person suddenly appearing beside him. Seeing that it was a fairy, he subconsciously called out: "Fairy!"

Hearing Pan Hao's shout, the young men and women looked over, and were shocked to see a person wearing a beautiful skirt and a piece of blue cloth standing beside Pan Hao!

That person, her feet didn't land on the ground, she was floating!
"Ghost!" Cauliflower screamed in fright when she saw the floating person, she jumped behind her brother Da Mao and shrank into a ball.

Da Mao was also shocked, his legs were shaking.

Pan was so impatient, he refuted Cauliflower's words: "No...not ghosts, fairies are immortals!"

"Immortal...people?" Several young people trembled, looking at the floating figure in blue skirt tremblingly.

Le Yun took out a low-grade flying sword that was thrown away like scrap iron and threw it into the air, zoomed in, and with a wave of his sleeves, Pan Haolian and his cart were moved onto the flying sword.

Then, she transported the family members who were close to Pan Hao's family to Feijian with the cart.

After all the people were picked up, Le Yun flew to Feijian to stand there, let Feijian open the defensive array to protect people and beasts, and flew towards the small town.

The young men and women who were thrown on the aircraft were struck by lightning, their minds went blank.

The aircraft flew over the wilderness, and those who were chopping or digging wild vegetables saw it, screamed, and ran after the flying sword.

Feijian flew very slowly, but it was only a few miles away, and it was done in the blink of an eye.

The flying sword carried people and flew into the victim's shack area from the road between the shacks in the wilderness outside the city. The women in the shack area who were drying grain, drying firewood, or washing starch also yelled loudly when they saw the flying sword cried out.

Without looking forward to showing the way, Le Xiao found Granny Lin's house with ease.

Granny Lin’s family has enclosed a land of about [-] square meters. Outside, small wooden sticks and bamboo sticks are used as bones to surround the fence, and bamboo branches and thorns are also used to surround the garden to prevent chickens, ducks, cattle and horses from entering or coming out of the garden.

In the enclosed small courtyard, there is a low bamboo shed in the shape of a "herringbone", and a chicken coop, a hut, and a firewood shed are built against the corner of the fence behind the house.

A piece of land is also surrounded to breed chickens and ducks.

Except for the shacks and enclosed areas, as well as the passages for walking and the places that must be reserved for storing things, other vacant lands have been opened up and turned into vegetable plots.

Because it is winter, only hardy winter vegetables are grown.

Wooden stakes were built around several vegetable fields, and shelves were built on them, where dustpans and bamboo sieves could be placed.

The small yard of Granny Lin’s house is relatively narrow compared with the surrounding neighbors. The yards of her neighbors’ neighbors range from [-] square meters to [-] square meters.

The victims in the shack area had never seen a fairy or a magic weapon of a fairy, but when they saw something flying from afar and heard the whistling sound, they all ran to see it.

The flying sword flew into the shack area and disappeared.

Granny Lin belonged to the victims of the volcanic disaster in the middle and mid-term. When her family settled outside the small town, the location was close to the periphery. Later, when some victims fled to the small town, her home became almost in the middle of the shack.

Granny Lin is only in her early fifties due to all the hardships in her life, but she is already an old man. Her hair is all white and her face is full of wrinkles. She looks like an old man in her 90s or [-]s.

She was suffering from leprosy, and the joints of her hands were deformed. She leaned on a cane and was drying the dried vegetables in the dustpan. When she heard the noise from the neighbor, she looked out and saw the sword-shaped celestial treasure parked in the courtyard. .

The old man was stunned.

Someone from the neighbor's house saw the fairy magic weapon flying in the air and ran outside on the road.

After finding Granny Lin's house, Le Yun sent the three family members and carts they brought back to the gate of their small courtyard, and then let the aircraft fly into the backyard of Granny Lin's small courtyard.

After being moved from the magic weapon of the immortal to the ground, Caihua and the others finally came to their senses, jumped off the cart or ran to Pan Hao's house.

Shouting wildly while running: "Immortal Immortal Immortal Immortal..."

Le Yun went to the backyard of Granny Lin's house, put the cart outside the firewood shed, then tidied up the firewood shed, and stuffed some firewood she helped cut into it.

The firewood shed is limited, and the remaining firewood is stacked on the side of the shed.

The firewood she helped collect was stacked higher than the original owner's firewood shed. She piled up the firewood neatly, and took two pieces of bamboo stalks that she picked up at random to cover her head from the rain and snow.

After sorting out the firewood, I went around to the front yard.

 Dear fairies, Acacia has moved house these few days and is too busy. She may have to ask for leave. Only when she moves to a new house and installs a network cable can she stabilize herself. I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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