magic eye doctor

Chapter 2931 Granny Lin

Chapter 2931 Granny Lin

Little Loli stepped on the flying sword, carried Pan Hao, and flew back to the bamboo shed, then flew to the ground holding Pan Hao's arm, and put away the low-grade flying sword that could only scare ordinary people or little monsters.

Granny Lin was stunned for a while, and she came back to her senses. Seeing the fairy's magic weapon fly back again, she turned around on crutches, and was about to kneel down, but was stopped by some force, and she couldn't kneel down.

"Immortal...human..." The immortal came, and the old man trembled slightly with excitement.

Pan Hao was still calm, and ran over to support her mother-in-law: "Mother-in-law, shall we go in and talk?"

"Okay, okay, please ask the immortal to invite the house." Granny Lin shook her hands and walked forward tremblingly.

The old man walked too slowly, Le Yun simply used his spiritual power to support him, sent the old man and the young man into the shack, and walked in by himself.

The shack is about [-] square meters in total, divided into three rooms, three rooms on the left and right, and three rooms in the middle. The middle room separates the front and back halls.

There are two rooms on the left and right, one for Granny Lin and Pan Hao, and the other for boys, and the room is used as a bedroom and a place to store food.

The shack is relatively narrow, but it uses three layers of bamboo mats for the walls, which provides excellent privacy. A layer of soft wild grass and straw is sandwiched inside the outer "wall" to keep warm.

In the main hall of the hall, there are several wooden pillars, small horses made of rattan and wooden strips, and a square table made of wooden boards.

This is a very simple home.

Although rudimentary, for the victims who have experienced displacement, having a shelter is enough.

Pan Hao helped Granny Lin into the living room, invited Fairy and Granny to sit down, and then ran to the back hall to take a bamboo tube and pour clean cold water to treat her.

After Granny Lin sat down, she was so excited that she was at a loss, and asked tremblingly: "The fairy... the fairy came to the old... old lady's house, I don't know what... the fairy will show you?"

Le Yun held up the bamboo teacup, took a sip of water, accepted the host's hospitality, and explained her intentions: "I came here a few days ago to clear away the poisonous plague gas. It's good to see your house outside the city and look forward to the spirit root. I said a few words alone, this time the fairy came to ask her if she would like to cultivate immortality."

"I can cultivate immortality?" Granny Lin looked at the child she had been with for more than ten years in astonishment.

"The fairy said that I have a spiritual root." Pan Hao nodded, his eyes were firm: "Grandma, I want to cultivate immortality! I want to cultivate immortality. Whenever there is a powerful immortal in our county, if there is a volcanic earthquake in Mt. The adults in Shouhe County dare not ignore it and let the common people fend for themselves."

Granny Lin looked at Pan Hao's firm eyes, and couldn't say anything to keep her. Pan Hao has been by her side since she was five years old. The old and the young have been dependent on each other for more than ten years, and the relationship is naturally deep.

To be honest, the relationship between her and Panhao is deeper than that between her and Pan'an.

At the beginning, it was extremely difficult for her and Pan Hao to survive on their own, so there was no energy left to raise their children. The reason why they picked up Pan An when they saw the discarded one was because the poor child had one life, and second, it was because she and Pan Hao couldn't bear it. It's a woman, and one day I'm lucky enough to live where I live, and I have a boy in the family to be tough.

For so many years, although Granny Lin and Pan Hao have no blood relationship, they are already closer than blood-related grandparents. Now she suddenly knows that Pan Hao is going to leave home and go to cultivate immortality, how can she be willing.

She is over 50, and she doesn't know how many days she can live. I hope that once she really goes to cultivate immortality, it means that she may never have the chance to see her again in this life.

Just thinking of Pan Hao leaving home, Granny Lin felt a heart-wrenching pain. She wanted Pan Hao to go to cultivate immortality a few years later, and then go after she died, but she couldn't say it.

There is a saying that I hope is very correct, but if there is a powerful immortal in their county, like the disaster on the grave, the empire and courtiers must be afraid and dare not ignore it.

After the volcanic and earthquake disaster of Mt. Tombs, if the government dispatched and rescued them, how could so many people die?

If the government comes out and the people live and die, maybe her man and son will not die, and she will not become a helpless widow.

If... If one day Pan Hao really learns something and becomes a powerful immortal, maybe he can seek justice for those who died.

Granny Lin thought of the unbearable suffering she had to escape and the people who died in the disaster, even if she couldn't bear to look forward to it, she chose to fulfill her child's pursuit.

"If you want to leave, you have to tell your younger brother. You go to your younger brother. This fairy will treat your mother-in-law's epidemic." The old man didn't say anything to stop her. No worries.

"Thank you fairy." The fairy was willing to cure the plague for her mother-in-law and her mother-in-law. Pan Hao's eyes lit up instantly, she stood up and ran outside.

She ran to the door, lifted the straw mat and got out of the bamboo shed. She ran to the eaves, and when she saw the men and women in the small yard, she took two steps back in shock.

The neighbors saw that the immortal had entered Granny Lin's house, and the children who did not dare to enter the house were standing outside the fence, stretching their necks and looking at the shack of Granny Lin's house.

They knew that the fairy had entered the bamboo shed of Granny Lin's house, but they didn't hear a voice. They saw Panhao come out while waiting anxiously, and asked eagerly.

"Hope, the immortal is at your house, right?"

"What's the good thing about a fairy coming to your house?"

"Han Hao, when did you know the immortal?"

The young men and women who came back from collecting firewood with Pan Hao were extremely eager.

"The immortal is at my house. Talk to my mother-in-law and ask me to find my younger brother." Pan Hao was afraid that the neighbors would know that the immortal wanted to take her to practice immortality. Everyone surrounded her to prevent her from leaving. find brother.

The adults next door heard that Pan Hao wanted to find Pan An, guessing that the immortal might be looking for Pan An, some asked their children to accompany Pan Hao to find Lin Pan An, and some people who saw Pan An going out with others also asked Quickly offer money.

The children didn't have so many detours, so they happily ran with Pan Hao.

After Pan went out, Granny Lin's lips moved, but she didn't say what she wanted to say.

"Pan Hao has spiritual roots, but her younger brother doesn't." Le Yun roughly guessed what the old man wanted to ask, and said it herself.

"You... have you met Pan'an?" Granny Lin was shocked.

"More than a month ago, this fairy came to the small town to clean up the plague gas. I met Panhao outside the city, and naturally I also met her younger brother. That child has some roots of wisdom. Send him to study, and maybe he will have some achievements in the future."

"Pan An is already 11 years old. Isn't it too late to study?" Granny Lin opened her eyes wide in disbelief. That child Pan An has the luck to be a minister?
"Aspiring people don't depend on their age, but they have great ambitions. It's too late to be a hundred years old, let alone in their early ten years. However, the small town is too small, and without the teaching of a learned Confucian, no matter how smart a child is, it is difficult to get ahead. I want that child to be a civil servant in the future. It is more appropriate to settle down in Fucheng, the county seat."

"The old woman... is old, and can no longer go further..."

"The old man is willing to come down here. I will send you to farther places. I don't know what other counties are like. I am familiar with the Youbai family of the Xiuxian family in Wangzhu County. You are willing to go to Wangzhu County and let the Youbai family go. Arranging a place for your grandchildren and grandchildren should not be a problem.

There is a child in the Youbai family who has a very good spiritual root. Fairy Ben also found two children with good spiritual roots, and they are temporarily fostered in Youbai's house. When the fairy has cured the epidemic in this area, he will take them with him when he leaves In the world of cultivating immortals, recommend a few children to several high-level immortals and take back their personal disciples or successors. "

"The old woman has also heard of the Youbai family. The Youbai family is a family of cultivators in our county that has been passed down for millions of years. If their family produces a few powerful immortals, it will not be like this..." Granny Lin sighed in her heart. The Youbai family is a family of cultivators, but unfortunately...there hasn't been a powerful immortal for a long time.

The old man knew that there was Bai's family, and he was filled with emotion, Le Yun didn't say anything else, he spread a mat on the ground, touched the old man's acupuncture points, and laid him down.

"This fairy is curing the plague for the old man. You can also take this opportunity to think about whether you want to go to Wangzhu County." Le Yun quickly stripped off the old lady's extra clothes, and then took the needles for acupuncture.

Granny Lin wanted to speak but she couldn't make a sound when she opened her mouth, so she wisely stopped tossing about whether she wanted to move to Wangzhu County seriously.

Doing acupuncture and moxibustion by yourself can't just cure the plague. Classmate Le Xiao resolutely killed the plague virus, and then solved the messy minor problems for the old lady, and then helped to recuperate her body.

The entire acupuncture process lasted for half an hour.

After acupuncture, Granny Lin's gray hair turned green again, and the wrinkles on her face disappeared, making her look extremely young.

After finishing acupuncture, Le Yun took away the doctor's tools and asked the old lady to wear them herself.

Granny Lin dressed mechanically and neatly. When she wanted to stand up, she found that the swollen fingers on her hands were all healed, and the fingers that were bent before were also neat.

"This... this..." Granny Lin got up suddenly, raised her hand and looked at it again and again, she couldn't believe it after several times.

She froze for a moment, then rushed back to the couch, found the mirror in the box, and looked at herself in the mirror. The face in the mirror was a face she was familiar with, but it was the same as when she was 30 or [-] years old.

Granny Lin looked at it several times before confirming that she had become younger in the blink of an eye. She put down the mirror and ran to the hall to thank the immortal for her kindness.

Le Yun received the gift and helped him up with spiritual power.

"Immortal, old lady... want to move to Wangzhu County." Granny Lin stood up with firm eyes. She was completely sick, and it shouldn't be a problem to live another 50 to [-] years.

While I was still young and able to work, I moved to Wangzhu County and worked hard to earn some Lingzhu, which should be able to afford Pan'an's education.

She doesn't ask Pan'an to rise to the top of the world in one step, but only hopes that Pan'an can have a better future and cultivate better juniors in the future, who will have the opportunity to be officials. Ann's descendants can petition for the people and make decisions for the people.

"Okay. You go and pack the luggage you want to take away, and this fairy will help you move to Wangzhu County with magic weapons." Le Yun nodded happily.

The old lady accepted the neighbor's dying care, and she didn't break her promise to abandon the child halfway. Possibly weaklings.

(End of this chapter)

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