magic eye doctor

Chapter 2932

Chapter 2932
Granny Lin didn't have much anxiety when she decided to change her place of life. In the past, she was forced to change places many times because of the situation. It was unavoidable that people were panic-stricken. This time, she moved in pursuit of a better life, and more because of her vision for the future.

In the past, when fleeing from a refugee, their luggage was mainly light and simple, and they only brought necessities that cannot be separated from life. She and her two children did not have many cumbersome things.

Items such as tables and bamboo beds were newly purchased after they settled down in the small town.

In fact, Granny Lin is reluctant to throw away everything, but I am sorry to ask the fairy to help their family move the worthless items to Zhu County, and pick up valuable things for management.

Accompanied by a few children, Pan was looking for his younger brother Pan'an everywhere, but he couldn't find anyone in several houses. Fortunately, he got the exact news——Pan'an and Jiang's grandson went to the paddy field with a fish basket Area ditches to catch fish.

With the exact location, Pan Hao took a few children and went straight to the paddy field area.

The terrain in the north of the city is slightly higher, and there are not many paddy fields outside the city. There is only a low-lying land in the north-northwest corner where there is a place to open a canal to divert water, which has been opened up as a paddy field.

Pan Hao led the children through the shantytowns of the victims, and found the paddy fields. He didn't know where Pan An was, and shouted as he searched.

After searching for a while, two small heads crawled out from under a field ridge downstream of the canal, and two and a half older children with the small heads climbed onto the field ridge.

The two children were wearing old linen clothes worn by their elders and changed them into clothes. Because they are half-grown children, the jacket did not have a belt, and the clothes with the collar on the right were only tied with a belt under the armpit, which was very loose. .

The half-old child is nearly three feet four inches tall.

The victims are living a tight life. Both adults and children are thin, and the two children are no exception. They are thin, but they are full of vigor.

The two children popped up, waving their little hands in response to those who were looking for them.

"Sister, I'm here, I'm here..."

"Here we are, we are here."

Pan'an and Jiang Wudan, the little grandson of the Jiang family, laughed extraordinarily happily.

Pan Hao Xunsheng saw two half-old children in the distance, and shouted: "Pan'an, hurry home, there is something urgent at home."

"Got it." Hearing my sister calling home, Pan An picked up the fish basket: "My sister told me to go home, and I'm going back. Wudan, can you go back together?"

"Go back." Jiang Wudan also picked up the fish basket.

The two little friends didn't wear shoes, and trot forward with bare feet.

Panhao waited in place with a few children, and when Lin Pan'an and Jiang Wudan ran over, she helped her younger brother carry the fish basket.

Lin Panan kept chattering excitedly: "Sister, I caught three fish, eight field loaches, one green-skinned frog, two small blue crabs, twelve river worms..."

The children who followed Pan Hao and ran to the fields to find people were envious when they heard Lin Pan'an's harvest. They also forgot about the fairy looking for Lin Pan'an and kept trying to curry favor with Lin Pan'an. I hope to follow Lin Panan to his house to taste the smell.

Jiang Wudan also gained something, not as much as Lin Pan'an, and he was not far behind, talking about his great achievements in catching fish.

Amidst the endless chirping of two half-grown children, a group of people crossed the field into the shantytown, and then marched along the road between the shantytowns, turning left and right.

It was a full hour after Pan Hao walked out of the small courtyard before she was able to return.

Lin Pan'an hadn't come back yet, and the neighbors of Granny Lin's house were still there, and the number continued unabated. Those who were far away heard that the fairy had come to Granny Lin's house, and they also joined the ranks of curious ones.

The men and women moved the benches/small horses and sat outside the small courtyard, with the attitude of not giving up until the result.

An hour is enough for Granny Lin to manage.

In fact, Granny Lin only spent two quarters of an hour before her return and had already selected the items to take away.

When Le Xiaoluoli helped pack the luggage, she put all the items selected by the old lady to take away and screened out into the storage bag. She even moved it directly to the back of the house and put the firewood, grass, chickens and ducks into the storage bag. Put it away in advance.

In the end, only the items in the hall of the old lady's house were left untouched for the time being.

The belongings of the house, except for some items in the shack and the main hall, were put into magic treasures by the immortals. Granny Lin was surprised and delighted, so excited that she couldn't control it.

When Lin Pan'an came back with his sister and called "Grandma, Grandma" outside the small courtyard, she passed into the bamboo hut and brought Granny Lin back to her senses from the state of overwhelming excitement.

Granny Lin stood up excitedly, ran to the door and lifted the straw curtain to look out. Seeing that Pan Hao led Pan An to open the fence door and enter the courtyard, she was overjoyed for a moment.

Instead, I saw several children followed Pan Hao Panan into their small courtyard, pulled the straw curtains, and looked at the fairy in embarrassment: "Fairy, the children from the neighbor's house have also followed..."

She was worried that the children would anger the fairy if they came uninvited.

Le Yun knew that several children followed into the small courtyard, and took it lightly: "No one can enter the threshold of this house without the permission of this fairy."

"..." Granny Lin calmed down all of a sudden, yes, fairies are immortals, and immortals have great powers.

Lin Pan'an entered the small courtyard, ran towards the bamboo shed, ran to the eaves, rushed into the main hall, and just yelled "Auntie", and saw a girl in a beautiful dress sitting in the main hall , and a young aunt, were stunned for a moment.

The half-grown child's eyes fell on the young aunt's face, and his eyes widened: "Who are you, auntie? Why do you look so similar to my grandma."

Granny Lin suddenly remembered that she had become younger, and she didn't know how to sign back.

She hadn't thought of how to explain it to her grandson. The children who followed Lin Pan'an to the bamboo shed of Granny Lin's house also rushed to the entrance of the main hall, and were blocked by the grass curtain as usual.

"Ah, why can't I go in?"

"Pan'an, the straw mat in your house can only be seen but not lifted."

The children couldn't touch the straw mat no matter what, and they were in a hurry.

Lin Pan'an heard Jiang Wudan's voice, and was about to run out to lift the straw curtain, but found that he couldn't move or speak, and stared anxiously.

Jiang Wudan and the children entered the small courtyard of Granny Lin's house, ran to the front of Pan Hao, chased Lin Pan'an's buttocks and ran to the front of the bamboo shed, but Pan Hao fell behind.

Pan Hao, who was a few steps behind, saw that several children could not enter his home, he was startled at first, but then realized that it must be the work of a fairy.

The immortal let Hao go to find her younger brother, and wanted her to say goodbye to her family. With the children next door around, she naturally couldn't talk to her mother-in-law and younger brother.

Pan Hao guessed the fairy's good intentions and felt grateful. When she got to the eaves, she saw the child looking at her and asked her to go forward. She lifted the straw curtain with one hand and stepped into the main hall.

She entered the bamboo shed, followed by Jiang Wudan and several other children, but they were bounced back as if they were about to bump into cotton.

The children tried several times, but they couldn't touch the straw curtains, and couldn't get into Granny Lin's bamboo shed.

"Damn it!"

"There's a ghost."


A group of children were so frightened that they cried loudly, turned around and ran outside.

The family members of the children were very happy to see their children followed the Lin family siblings into Granny Lin's small courtyard. The children followed the Lin family siblings to meet the immortals. Be lucky.

Unexpectedly, the brothers and sisters of the Lin family entered the bamboo shed, and the children of their family wandered around outside the main hall of Granny Lin's house.

The children couldn't enter Granny Lin's house, so they couldn't see the immortal, and they didn't know what the immortal was doing at Granny Lin's house.

The children cried and ran out of Granny Lin's small courtyard, and ran to the adults shivering involuntarily.

The elders of each family were very comforting, and wanted to tell the children to go to Granny Lin's house again, but they couldn't say it, and they were anxious.

Pan Hao entered the house and was stunned when he saw that there was a young woman in the house.

When Granny Lin saw the two children coming back, she hurriedly got down to business: "Hope for peace, grandma decided to move to Wangzhu County, everything was packed, and the immortals put it in the magic weapon.

Once we go, we will probably not come back here again, do you have anything to say to your companions?If you have anything to say, say it quickly, and if you don't have anything, you're ready to leave. The fairy has been waiting for you for an hour, so you can't keep the fairy waiting any longer. "

"Grandma?" Hearing a familiar voice, Pan Hao realized that the young woman was actually Grandma, and was dumbfounded in shock.

Lin Yan'an also opened his mouth wide. He didn't even know when he could move again, and ran to Grandma's side all of a sudden: "Grandma? But my grandma is obviously very old."

"The immortal cured grandma from the plague, and grandma recovered, so she will naturally become younger." Granny Lin hugged her grandson who rushed over, full of joy: "Pan'an, grandma is in good health, I will take you to see him." I live in Zhuxian County, there is a school in Wangzhu County, Pan An can also go to school, and learn the truth from the masters, so that I can be successful in the future."

Lin Pan'an didn't know where Wangzhu County was. Hearing that Grandma said that she could go to school there, she asked eagerly, "Grandma, is that true? If I change places, I can go to school too?"

He and the neighbor's children also followed the adults into the city to sell firewood and grain. His sister took him to deliver firewood to a school, and he met the teacher and the children in the school.

The clothes worn by the masters and the children in the school are different from theirs. My sister said that their family would have to sell all the firewood they cut for a year to afford such a piece of clothing.

Lin Pan'an wanted to go to school, but he didn't say that his family was too poor. His sister was busy from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, and the food she could grow was only enough for the family to not go hungry. The little money I earn can only be some salt, and I still have to eat that little salt.

Life at home is so hard, there is spare money for him to go to school.

He can't afford to go to school, and so can the children around him.

Lin Pan'an suspected that he heard it wrong, or that he was dreaming.

Pan Hao also recovered from the shock, and felt that Grandma became is very normal. Immortals can live for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years, and some can live forever. It should be very simple for an immortal to rejuvenate a child It's okay.

That's what she was thinking at the moment.

Later, when she really embarked on the road of practice and became a monk herself, she realized that immortals are not omnipotent, and not every immortal has the ability to make people rejuvenate.

The immortal who can easily rejuvenate a person is called Danxiu!
Panhao is also very supportive of Grandma's plan to move to Wangzhu County to settle down. The small town is too close to the volcano. If the volcano expands again one day, the small town will also escape disaster.

She was relatively calm and didn't ask more questions.

Lin Panan suspected that he was dreaming, and kept asking: "Grandma, do we really want to move? Do we really want to move to a place with a school?"

"Yes." Granny Lin nodded.

"Grandma, I'm going to pack my things." Lin Pan Anxin thought only of the school, and didn't worry about anything else.

The child turned around and wanted to run, but Granny Lin had quick eyesight and quick hands, and grabbed him back: "Your things have already been packed, so don't mess around."

"Grandmother, you helped me fix things, did you bring my little bow, can I bring my fish basket..."

Lin Pan'an went on and on, and Le Yun thought he was wasting time by talking too much, so he silenced him and put all the furniture in the house into storage bags.

Then released the spirit boat, and placed another wishful house at the bow, sent the three grandparents of the Lin family into the wishful house, then moved it to the sky above the bamboo shed, and enlarged the spirit boat.

The spirit boat lit up a golden defensive mask, covering the sky and the sun.

The people guarding outside Granny Lin's small courtyard saw the huge golden monster and knew it was the magic weapon of the immortal, so they screamed excitedly.

Le Yun stood in front of Ling Zhouguang, and lightly informed the old lady's neighbors: "There are a large number of people in the three counties of Wangzhu County, Tingzhu County, and Wenzhu County who are infected with the plague. This fairy has cleared the plague gas, and I will go to Wangzhu County refines the elixir of the plague, and next year it will cure the plague for the people of the three counties.

I hope that this child has a good spiritual root. I will lead her into the world of cultivating immortals and let her practice with immortals as teachers. Today, I will also bring the grandparents of the Lin family to move to Wangzhu County.

The grandparents of the Lin family have gone to Wangzhu County, and they probably won't come back here again. The neighbors of the Lin family don't miss the grandparents of the Lin family. "

After explaining the whereabouts of the grandparents of the Lin family, Le Yun returned to the bow of the spirit boat and left in the spirit boat.

The neighbors who stayed outside Granny Lin's small courtyard hadn't recovered from the great shock that Granny Lin's grandparents moved to Wangzhu County with the immortals. The huge golden light in the sky disappeared.

Da Mao Daniu and others, who are about the same age as Panhao, cried with envy when they heard that Panhao could cultivate immortals and worship immortals as teachers.

Cauliflower opened her mouth blankly, and cried loudly after a while, Pan Hao's face was so scary, the immortal didn't think she was ugly and took her to cultivate immortality, she looked better than Pan, why didn't the immortal take her to cultivate immortality?
Cauliflower cried bitterly.

Granny Lin was transferred to a completely unfamiliar place without knowing it, and she was so nervous that she was at a loss.

Lin Pan'an looked around curiously, and heard a pleasant voice saying where Grandma and their siblings would move to. Hearing that her sister was going to worship a fairy as her teacher, her eyes widened.

"Sister, you... you want to become a fairy too?"

"Yes. Elder sister is going to cultivate to become an immortal. From now on, mother-in-law will be entrusted to you to protect. In the future, I will be able to fly by myself, and I will come back to visit you and mother-in-law." Pan Hao confessed to his younger brother softly.

Lin Pan'an stared blankly at her sister, for a long while, and then burst into tears: "Sister, can you not go, I don't want to be separated from my sister...I want to be with my sister and grandmother for a long time..."

Granny Lin was very anxious, she was afraid that Pan An would be ignorant, so Pan Hao changed her mind because of the disturbance, she persuaded and coaxed her for a long time, and finally succeeded in coaxing the child with great effort.

(End of this chapter)

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