magic eye doctor

Chapter 2933 Guess Wrong

Chapter 2933 Guess Wrong
Granny Lin persuaded Lin Pan'an, talked to Panhao about what she wanted to bring, and told her to respect the teacher after worshiping an immortal as a teacher, and to get along with the same clan of the same teacher.

Lin Pan'an no longer made a fuss about not letting her sister become a fairy, but she couldn't cheer up either.

Pan Hao did not shake her heart of cultivating immortals because of her younger brother. From the moment she made up her mind to choose cultivating immortals, she has firmly believed in it, and she will never regret it because she is reluctant to part with her relatives.

Classmate Le Xiao didn't care about how Lin Panhao and his relatives would deal with it. Lin Panhao's spiritual root was in line with the inheritance of Grandmaster Huoyun, but that didn't mean she had to. , Just find a suitable disciple for Master Huoyun in the future.

Wensheng County, Tingzhu County, and Wangzhu County are not in a straight line. The three counties are on an arc around the Mt. Tomb Mountain. Granny Lin's little foot is less than 200 million miles away from Wangzhu County.

It took the spirit boat more than a quarter of an hour to cross the three counties and fly to the county seat of Wangzhu County.

Little Lolita's spirit boat crossed the high wall of Wangzhu County from a west-to-northwest direction, and appeared in the sky above the county government office and school grounds in the central area of ​​the county seat.

The people living in the schoolyard in the central district of the city are busy drying or arranging harvested crops, pounding them into rice, doing handicrafts, or sewing winter clothes while the weather is fine.

Since the fairy came, no one died of the plague in the county except for some old people who died of old age or other sudden illnesses.

The county seat is Taiping.

The people are full of hope for the future and live and work in peace and contentment.

After the autumn harvest, the young and middle-aged are assigned to collect firewood for the winter, and each family takes turns to go home to clean the house, repair the house, and prepare for returning.

Because it was a sunny day, young and middle-aged people either went out to collect firewood or burn charcoal or went home to repair their houses. Most of the people who stayed in the school were old and young women and scholars, and very few young and middle-aged people.

When the huge shadow fell, the people outside the bamboo shed subconsciously looked up and saw the giant in the air, and shouted happily: "The fairy is back! The fairy is back!"

The fairy came back, which meant that she had cleared away the poisonous gas of the plague and returned to Wangzhu County to refine the elixir for the plague.

All the people in the bamboo shed, who could move, ran to the open space to look up, and everyone looked excited.

Zhu Gen was also in the school grounds, he was in a small team where he was assigned to pound rice, and when he saw the fairy's spirit boat came back, he was so excited that he dropped his work and looked up at the sky with the people nearby.

When they reached the destination, Le Yun removed the protective cover of the spirit boat, let the spirit boat float in the air, put the Ruyi miniatures of the Lin family's grandparents on their shoulders, and then flew to the bamboo shed where the county yamen boss Bo and the stewards lived.

Ancestor You Bai was secretly watching the three children studying in the county government office. Hearing the sound outside, he rushed out of the county government office with flying feet, and rushed to the director's office.

As soon as he stopped his feet, the fairy landed lightly.

Patriarch You Bai couldn't care less about panting, and happily bowed and saluted with everyone.

Le Yun said that there is no need to be too polite, so she pulled a chair and sat down, straight to the point: "This fairy has cured those cities and towns that were infected with two kinds of plagues, and these days I have visited all the places where plagues broke out. City, set.

Plague broke out in three counties at different times. None of the inhabited cities and towns in Wangzhu County were spared from the plague. Only one town in Tingzhu County in the neighboring county was spared, and Wenzhu County in the past A small number of cities and towns adjacent to Tingzhu County were also infected.

The area covered by the plague is too wide, with a population of hundreds of millions, it takes three to two months to refine the elixir.

Fairy Ben first brewed a batch of medicine, and asked people inside and outside Wangzhu County to use the medicine first, and the townspeople who gathered in the school field took the medicine and went home for the festival, and this place was freed up for Fairy Ben to make alchemy. "

It is an honor for all beings inside and outside Wangzhu County that the fairy first refines medicine for the citizens of Wangzhu County. The men and women hurriedly responded: "Xiaomin listen to the fairy!"

After talking about the business, Le Yun asked the principals: "Have you picked out a suitable housing base for the Zhu family?"

"Yes, yes, yes." The boss and the bosses replied repeatedly.

The owner of the Zhuxian Yamen, Bo and the members of the Bai family and the servants, all participated in the process of arranging the residence for Zhu's father, so when the little fairy asked in person, they immediately said where to arrange for Zhu's father.

The principals arranged Zhufu to be in the central area of ​​the city, a little far from the county government. The original resident had died of the plague and had no blood relatives, so the house and real estate were taken over by the county government.

The plague lasted for many years, and many people died in Wangzhu County. Some of them died from the plague. If there were blood relatives, the houses and real estate would be managed and distributed by their families.

Those households whose whole family died and had no blood relatives did not donate their properties to others during their lifetime, and their properties belonged to the public.

During the plague, many people died in Wangzhu County. During the plague, the boss and the bosses didn't have time to check and count. It wasn't until Xiaoxianzi returned to clear the plague gas last time that they took the time to check some homeless people. housing estate.

Everyone checked some unowned houses, picked out a good yard and assigned it to Bamboo Father, who the little fairy brought to Wang County.

Of course, it’s not a free gift. According to regulations, Father Zhu has to spend a sum of money to buy houses and land real estate, but the price is very low, only one-third of the normal price of buying and selling houses and real estate.

Father Zhu can't get the spirit beads right now, so he can live here first, but there is no formal title deed, only a temporary title deed, which can be exchanged for the real title deed after saving enough money and handing it over to the yamen.

This is not only the case with Father Zhu, but also the disaster victims who entered Wangzhu County from other places. Anyone who wants to buy houses and real estate in the city has to spend a small sum of money.

Therefore, as long as you are sure that you can earn money to buy a house in the future, you can go to the owners to register.

The principals arranged a place for Father Zhu, and Le Yun decided to go to the scene to have a look, throwing out a fan-shaped flying machine.

You Bai's team from Fucheng also returned, and several low-level monks were also in the school grounds. When the fairy wanted to see Zhugen's new residence, a Qi refining monk from Youbai immediately ran to grab Zhugen.

The bamboo root was brought to the little fairy, at a loss what to do.

Le Yun didn't have time to catch up with others, so she sent Patriarch Youbai and a dozen or so bosses and bosses to the aircraft and took them to fly.

There are also three small qi-refining monks in the Bai family, and they guide the way.

The aircraft walked out of the air and arrived after a few breaths.

The principals arranged for Zhugen's children to be a courtyard with one entrance, but the site is very wide, and it is entirely possible to build a courtyard with three entrances.

A low wall about three feet high encloses the courtyard. There are five main rooms facing southeast and northwest. There are three wing rooms on the north side of the main room. There is no wing room on the south side, but a kitchen.

Behind the main building is a small shed for raising poultry. Several fruit trees and vegetables are planted in the vacant space in the yard.

After the original owner's family disappeared, the yard became dilapidated. The principals gave it to Zhugen and took people to step on the ground on the spot. Zhugen also took time to go back to the future Xiaojia to tidy up the small yard and clear the yard when there was no task. The weeds have been removed, and the house has been trimmed, and the yard is very tidy.


Le Yun was very satisfied after watching the scene. From the yard, it can be seen that the boss of the county government and the bosses are paying attention, and the place they chose is good.

Being affirmed by the little fairy, the spirits of the principals were greatly lifted.

The address of Zhumi Xiaozai's father's future new home has been determined. Taking advantage of the time, Le Yun decided to settle in the Zhu family's house.

She sent mining discs to dig the soil, then looked around the yard, and asked, "Are there any houses around this yard that are temporarily unowned?"

"Yes." Bo Gongsheng, the person in charge of household registration, replied: "When the plague hit this area, it was very violent, and many people went away. A total of more than a dozen households were wiped out, and all of them returned to the public.

The yard on the right of this yard is also unowned, and the sixth yard on the left is also unowned. The original heads of the third and four families are extinct, but there are still blood clan members, unless their relatives have not come for 30 years. After claiming it, the two courtyards belonged to the county government. "

The courtyard on the right side of the courtyard is a relatively well-planned two-entry courtyard. The front yard is a blue-brick triple courtyard, with a main room and a side room, all of which are three rooms. , a utility room for storing sundries and closing poultry.

There is a vegetable field between the main house and the back cover, and a fence is built to keep chickens and ducks.

The courtyard on the left also has two entrances, the courtyard is larger and wider, there are five main rooms with side rooms, three side rooms on the left and right side rooms, the inverted room is open, and the back room has two floors.

Le Yun looked at it from afar, and pointed to the yard on the right: "Has this small yard been arranged?"

All the principals hesitated for a moment, and answered in unison: "No."

It is true that the yard on the right side of Zhufu's house has not been officially assigned to anyone, but all the principals also intend to buy that yard, even the Yubai family is very excited.

To put it bluntly, they wanted to be neighbors with Father Zhu.

Became a neighbor with Bamboo's father, and there is a solid foundation of affection in the neighborhood. In the future, when the Bamboo family's child comes back as a fairy, you can ask him to check if your child has spiritual roots.

"This fairy also found a good seedling for cultivating immortals in a small town in Wenzhu County. The three grandparents and grandchildren are also victims of the disaster. I moved his family to Wangzhu County as well. Let this yard be allocated to them. .

My fairy pays the Lingzhu on behalf of these two families first, and it is considered as an advance payment for their children. In the future, let their children earn Lingshi and then repay this fairy. "

Le Yun immediately made a decision and settled a residence for Lin Panhao's family.

She led Zhumi Xiaozai and Lin Panhao to the road of practice, and let their parents live next to each other to take care of each other. Presumably, because each of their families has children cultivating immortals, as elders, they have common worries and concerns. Can get along.

"Fairy is thoughtful! The little people will write the land deed when they return to the county government." The principals agreed without saying a word.

The grandparents of the Lin family were in their spirit boat, Le Yun simply let the aircraft fall into the courtyard, let everyone on the aircraft get down to earth, and then moved the grandparents of the Lin family out of the wishful house, and let Granny Lin take a look at her new house .

The grandparents and grandchildren of the Lin family were taken out of the magic weapon, and it took them a while to regain their senses. Lin Pan'an shrank behind her elder sister and hid like a bird frightened when she saw a stranger.

When the principals saw the three of them, they kept their eyes on the little boy for a while.

Patriarch Youbai asked respectfully, "Fairy, how many years older does this kid look than my kid?"

"It's not a few years old, it's a teenager." Le Yun couldn't stop laughing: "This fairy is a good seedling, not a boy."

"Ah?" Not to mention that Patriarch You Bai was dumbfounded, all the principals were also dumbfounded, the little fairy said that Miaozi is the girl with dark spots?

(End of this chapter)

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