magic eye doctor

Chapter 2934

Chapter 2934
The reason why Patriarch Yubai and the principals made such a fuss was because of the girl's age.

The little fairy said that the girl is more than ten years older than Youbai Ningjing, which means that the girl is at least 17 years old.

Although the principals are not monks, they have also heard about some rules of the world of cultivating immortals from the older generation, and from the Youbai family, such as the rules for recruiting disciples of the Immortal Sect and the tribe.

It is said that the major sects of immortal sects, families of cultivators, tribes, and monk cities have age thresholds when recruiting disciples. The first choice is children under the age of seven, the second choice is eight to ten years old, the last choice is ten to 12 years old, and 12 years old is the last choice. From the age of fifteen to the next election.

The spiritual root is ordinary, and children over the age of 14 are ordinary outer disciples even if they are recruited into the Xianzong sect. Very few immortal sects accept children over the age of 16, unless the person has a special spiritual root, and the spiritual root Very high value clarity.

If it is a high-level real person of the Great Immortal Sect, a family of cultivators, or a casual cultivator who chooses the successor, they will first have children between the ages of three and five or six.

Children in this age group are uncertain, and it is also the best stage for laying the foundation of practice. It is easier to teach talented disciples and cultivate a deep mentor-student relationship by training them yourself.

Even if the certain girl that the little fairy said is a good seedling, her age has become her biggest flaw. Presumably, even if she goes to the Great Immortal Sect or some tribes or aristocratic families, she can only be an ordinary disciple.

Of course, even if a certain girl can't become an important disciple of an immortal sect or a certain cultivating family, it is a great blessing in itself for her to be able to cultivate immortals.

After being dazed, all the principals were envious again, a certain girl is so lucky!

It's a pity that they are not their children. If their children are so lucky, they will wake up laughing from their dreams!
Pan Hao, who was envied, knew what other people were thinking, and tried to straighten his body.

Granny Lin regained her senses from the dizziness of suddenly changing places. When she saw the fairy and a group of people, she was so nervous that she didn't know where to put her hands, and hurriedly saluted everyone.

Her blessing ceremony was nondescript, but all the principals knew it, they pretended not to notice, and greeted politely.

Le Yun is busy and doesn't want to waste time on trivial matters, so she directly tells Granny Lin that this is the house assigned to their grandparents by the principals of Wangzhu County, and asks them to get acquainted with it first. If you like it, you can also bring it up, and ask the principals to pick another place for their grandparents.

I had just arrived in Wangzhu County and was allocated a house. Granny Lin was overwhelmed by the flattery. She dragged Lin Pan'an to thank the principals repeatedly, and hurriedly took the two children to see the house.

All the principals accompanied the grandparents of the Lin family to visit the yard, and introduced the situation of the yard to Mrs. Lin by the way.

Because the little fairy didn't go, neither did Patriarch Youbai, so he stayed to talk with the little fairy.

Granny Lin walked from the front to the back of the courtyard with all the principals, and then went into the house to see it again. She liked it very much. With such a wide house, even three or four generations can live together.

If Pan'an or his descendants spread out in the future, they can build more houses if they can't live in it.

After strolling around the yard, Granny Lin was satisfied besides being satisfied.

The original owner of the house has been away for several years, and the yard has been left unattended and weeds have grown, but the house is in good condition and only needs to be cleaned before moving in.

There are a few places where the house with clutter in the backyard needs minor repairs, but that's not a problem.

On the whole, the house assigned to the Lin family's second entrance courtyard is more complete than the one assigned to Zhugen. If you don't pay attention to people, you can move in at any time.

Granny Lin and all the principals returned to the front yard, thanked Patriarch You Bai and the principals Bo again, and told Fairy that she wanted to move in directly, so as not to trouble the principals to find a place to house their grandchildren.

Le Yun had no objection, so she decided to do a good job and cleaned up all the rooms in the main house with dust removal techniques, and then put all the belongings of Granny Lin's house in the main hall.

The firewood and poultry are placed in the firewood house and poultry shed in the backyard.

Le Yun only took out Granny Lin's belongings and Lin Pan'an's belongings, and Lin Pan's personal belongings were still in the storage bag.

She didn't turn corners, and said bluntly: "Since Lin Panhao is going to embark on the road of cultivation, she will not live here with you from now on. She will temporarily live in the county government office like the other children, and she will start to learn to read tomorrow. "

Panhao gladly accepted the fairy's arrangement.

Granny Lin was reluctant, but she didn't try to keep her.

Lin Pan'an drooped his head, wanting to cry but didn't dare to cry.

Zhugen used to feel sad whenever he thinks about being separated from his son in the future, but now, in contrast, he feels lucky when he thinks that he can still spend time with his son.

After arranging a residence for the grandparents of the Lin family, Le Yun moved Patriarch Youbai, the principals and others, together with Lin Panhao, to the fan-shaped aircraft and flew over the courtyard next door.

It took some time for the grandparents of the Lin family to visit the house, and when they returned to the courtyard of the Zhu family, a large rectangular pit had been dug out by the mining array.

Le Yun, who flew into the air, moved out the three-room wooden house of the Zhu family together with the land, placed it on the top of the big pit, and let it fall slowly.

Ancestor Youbai and the boss Bo have seen the process of Fairy moving bamboo sheds and land for a group of victims moved from Wangzhu Town. At this moment, seeing Fairy moving out a wooden house and a small piece of land, nothing has changed. .

They were relatively calm. Pan Hao, who saw this magnificent scene for the first time, was stunned by the shock, the immortal is so amazing!
The ground carrying a wooden house slowly moved down from the empty country, then sank into the big pit with four sides, and finally landed smoothly.

Le Yun asked the array plate to backfill the gaps with soil, pressed it tightly, and then used a wind technique to remove all the bark from the roof of the wooden house, nailed a few citrons and sandalwood sticks, and threw a large piece of wood instead. watt.

The tiles are the native tiles of the Yunlan Realm, and they are ordinary resources that she collected casually from the empty city left behind by the victims of the disaster.

The shape of Yunlan's tiles is similar to that of Earth and Dongchen, but the size is much larger. The groove tiles are wider than the cylindrical tiles on Earth, and cover a wider area.

The tiles fell as if they had eyes, and they were neatly arranged in columns and rows.

In less than half a cup of tea, the wooden house covered with bark turned into a wooden house with blue tiles, and the grade was greatly improved at once.

After building a house for Zhumi's father, Le Yun left the aircraft in the air. She went into the wooden house alone and put some of Zhumi's father's belongings back into the wooden house.

Return the original items of Bamboo's father's house to their original places, and put the firewood and sundries in the original sundries storage room of the house.

The good thing came to an end, Le Yun also scraped off the land of a vegetable garden that used to grow vegetables, and put down a vegetable field that was moved from the small courtyard of the Zhu family.

She only took one vegetable field out, and the other vegetable fields, gourds and pepper fences all belonged to her.

Having arranged father Zhu's belongings properly, Le Yun returned, flew the aircraft back to the county government's large campus, put the principals down, and brought Patriarch Youbai and Mu Panhao into the county government.

The monks and masters of the Bo family returned to the school grounds with the masters, first sent Father Zhu back to his team, and then helped organize the area reserved for the fairy to make alchemy with the masters.

All the principals will face the gate of the county yamen and the area around their offices as a special place for alchemy. It was originally rectified, because the fairy went to clean up the plague virus and did not return. These days are used to dry things or temporarily Set up as a workshop for weaving, etc.

When the principals went to see the house assigned to Zhugen, some of the people who stayed had already organized manpower to remove some bamboo sheds and drying items, leaving only some small items or cleaning work.

The bosses who came back from a trip did not put on airs, and joined the labor team, or moved things, or cleaned the venue.

Le Yun took Patriarch You Bai and Lin Panhao into the county government office, first landed in the front yard, then collected the aircraft, and took Lin Panhao into the room where the cubs lived.

The puppets knew that their master was back, but they didn't show up, and they were still secretly guarding the county government office in their wishful house.

The patriarch Youbai followed the little fairy into the house, but the fairy didn't come back, he and the members of Youbai's family never entered the children's house, and they always called Youbai Youjing outside the house to convey to him.

The Ruyi House, where the three Ruyi Houses were placed, was kept spotless, and the items were still the same.

After entering the Ruyi House, Le Yun took out another Ruyi House and put it down in the direction opposite the door, next to Youbai's quiet Ruyi House.

The four wishful houses have different colors and are easy to identify.

After setting up the Ruyi House, she went in herself, and then placed a small Ruyi House specially equipped with a hut, and added a bed, a set of tables and chairs, and a wardrobe to Lin Panhao's Ruyi House.

Lin Panhao used to live with Granny Lin, and all the bedding and the like were left to Granny Lin. Le Yun bought a new set of bedding for Lin Panhao.

Lin Panhao had a small amount of personal belongings, which were also removed from the storage bag and placed in the house, so that Lin Panhao had time to tidy up by himself.

After finishing the chores, give Lin Pan a storage container that ordinary people can use, and teach her how to use it, and then put some food and wild fruits in it.

Lin Panhao learned how to take items from the storage bag, and treasured the storage bag close to her body.

Le Yun took Lin Panhao out of the private Ruyi House for her, to the public Ruyi House outside, and then Ancestor You Bai led the way to the side courtyard where the boys were studying.

Ancestor Bai led the way and led the little fairy to the place where the children were studying.

The small yard arranged for children to study has a small garden and a dedicated kitchenette, which is quiet and safe.

Several cubs are still in class, and a young teacher is teaching.

Patriarch You Bai led the little fairy and the girl from the Lin family to the outside of the classroom where the children were studying, and "supervised" the children outside the window.

Lin Panhao stood outside the window, his whole body was... so excited that he couldn't restrain himself.

In the house, the three little boys were listening to the teacher's lecture and taking notes very seriously.

The teacher who taught the class knew that Fairy and Patriarch You Bai were coming, so he didn't give a lecture in the middle, he insisted on finishing a class, and only let the children take a rest when it was break time.

He trotted out of the house and saluted Fairy and Patriarch Youbai.

"Mr. gave a very good lecture, thank you for your hard work!" Le Yun received the gift and praised her to show her approval for her husband.

The teacher in charge of teaching responded repeatedly: "Don't dare to be, don't be! This is the job of ordinary people."

"Sir, this girl will also go to practice with this fairy. She is not literate. From tomorrow onwards, she will come to school with a few children, thanks to the hard work of the gentlemen."

Le Yun pointed to the girl standing on the side: "This girl has passed the best age for enlightenment, and she is a few months later than the kids who leave school. She may not be able to adapt to the school for the first time, and she can't keep up with it." Please take care of the progress of the cubs."

The young gentleman hurriedly replied: "Fairy, don't worry, Xiaomin and his companions will definitely arrange the girl's lessons properly, and give the girl some extra lessons in the afternoon and evening."

"Thank you, I will leave the children in the care of Mrs. Youbo. The gentlemen will teach you with all your heart, and I am very relieved. When the fairy cures the plague and comes back to pick up a few children, the gentlemen and the principals outside will take the children at home. Come to the county government office, this fairy has a look to see if there is any spiritual root."

"Thank you fairy!" The gentlemen bowed excitedly, lowering their heads below the knees.

"You don't need to be too polite." Le Yun gave her husband a hand, and saw the three cubs running out and standing in line a few steps away. It can be seen that she has learned etiquette and knows that she is very satisfied.

Da Zai's black dog also followed the little master to school, following the little master step by step.

She called the three cubs: "Da Zai, Zhu Mi, Xiao Ning Jing, this new lady lives with you, she came late, you can also teach her when you have free time."

"Hey!" The three cubs responded, and ran to the fairy in a hurry, with starlight in their eyes, "Fairy Fairy" kept calling.

Even Da Zai's little black dog ran up to the fairy and hugged her thigh.

Le Yun picked up the black dog and weighed it, and laughed out loud: "You have gained weight, which means that the recent food is good! Don't rub this fairy's hair, or this fairy will eat your meat."

"Ho Ho", the black dog howled in fright, and jumped to the side of the little master and huddled into a ball.

Da Zai patted the black dog's head: "The fairy is scaring you, but you are serious, silly dog."

The silly dog ​​and the black dog are still trembling.

The ancestor Youbo and the young gentleman saw the black dog frightened into a ball, and they laughed from ear to ear. The black dog is very smart. The children like it, even the wives who cook for the children like it It never thought that it would tremble with fright at a word from the fairy.

After meeting the cubs, Le Yun asked the three cubs to get along with Lin Pan, left with the old ancestor You Bai, went to the outer courtyard, and set up a barrier.

After taking protective measures, he took out a pill bottle and gave it to Patriarch Youbai: "The Youbai family has a good reputation in this area, and there may be further possibilities in the future.

The old man is the pillar of the Bai family. With your guidance, the Bai family can go further.

The net value of the old man's spiritual root is slightly lower. This is a pill of purification. After taking the pill, the old man can increase the purity of the spiritual root. With the old man's understanding and determination, it is not a problem to cultivate to the golden pill. "

Patriarch Youbai breathed shortly: "Jing...Jingling Pill?!"

"Yes." Le Yun threw the pill bottle into the sleeve of Ancestor You Bai, removed the barrier, and left the county office.

She has already given a reminder that if Patriarch Bai can't seize the opportunity and chooses to leave Dan to others, it can only be said that there is no blessing for the Bai family.

(End of this chapter)

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