magic eye doctor

Chapter 2935

Chapter 2935
Patriarch Youbai has lived for more than a hundred years, and has never seen a pie falling from the sky, but it happened today, and the huge pie fell directly on his head.

Patriarch You Bai, who was unprepared, was dazed by the big pie that fell from the sky, and the words "Jing Ling Pill" echoed in his mind over and over again.

The ancestors of the Youbai family may have taken the Jingling Pill once, but after the family was broken up into pieces, no one in his branch has ever taken the Jingling Pill, and he has never even seen it.

Now their Youbai family has declined, and they can't even afford the Foundation Establishment Pill, let alone other high-level pills, such as Jingling Pill, which they can't even imagine.

However, the fairy gave herself the kind of panacea that their family could not even imagine!
Patriarch You Bai, who was in shock, was in a trance, unable to think for a moment, just stood there in a daze, only the red light on his face showed that he was not calm.

Young people from the Youbai family came in and out of the county government office. When they saw the old ancestor standing alone in the courtyard of the front yard, they thought that the old man had some insight, and no one dared to approach him.

The monks of the Bai family knew about it, and immediately sent a monk to guard not far away to prevent others from going to the ancestor's side, so as not to disturb the ancestor's perception.

Patriarch Youbai stood there for a full quarter of an hour, and the words "Jingling Pill" dangling in his mind slowly calmed down, and he finally came back to his senses.

Relieved, the figure of the fairy was no longer in front of his eyes. He couldn't help but retracted his hands into his sleeves, and tightened his grip on the pill bottle in his sleeves.

The pill bottle made of jade is as slippery as cream and cool to the touch.

The slight coolness also made Patriarch Youbai's surging mood slowly settle down.

Net panacea!

Unexpectedly, in his lifetime, he would be able to touch a elixir of the level of Jingling Pill!
In an instant, Patriarch Youbai's first thought was to give the Jingling Pill to the children who had already established their foundations.

Being able to successfully build the foundation means that the foundation is good. If you take the Jingling Pill and increase the net worth of your spiritual root, you may be able to break through the Nascent Soul in one fell swoop in the future.

If the family can produce a Nascent Soul cultivator, their Youbai family will rise again, enough to become a famous family of cultivators in this country, so that other clans of cultivators will no longer dare to underestimate them.

As soon as he had the idea of ​​giving the Jingling Pill to the foundation-building cultivators of the family, Patriarch Youbai hesitated again. He remembered that the fairy had specifically said that Youbai could only go further with his guidance, and he also clearly stated that the pill was given to him. of.

If he gave the Jingling Pill to other monks in the family, what would the fairy think of him?
Do you take the pill yourself, or serve the foundation cultivator?
There was a battle between heaven and man in Patriarch Youbai's heart.

The long-term prosperity of a family depends to a large extent on the vision and mind of those in power. Regardless of the distance of blood origin, the key to the prosperity of the family is to select the best and train the younger generation.

As the patriarch of the family, he privately wanted to give the Dan to the Foundation Establishment cultivators. After taking the Pill, the Foundation Establishment cultivators would go further in the future and naturally develop the family even more.

But the fairy once said that again, if because he gave the pill to the younger generation, the Youbai family missed the opportunity to rise...

Ancestor Youbai repeatedly recalled the fairy's words, stood for nearly a stick of incense, and finally made a decision - take the pill by himself.

He decided to take a gamble.

If the bet wins, maybe the Yubai family can take off, and the Yu family is a big gainer.

If he lost the bet, he would have wasted a precious elixir, but it would be no loss to the entire Youbai family.

With a decision in his mind, Patriarch You Bai jumped up and flew back to the backyard of the county government office. He told the monks of the family that he wanted to retreat for enlightenment, and left the county government office without hesitation.

Without stopping for a moment, he rushed back to the Youbai family's house, and went to the most secluded cave in the back mountain where the family's monks retreated.

The Yubai family took turns to arrange people to go back to the house to clean and take care of it. The family house was clean and tidy. The caves in the back mountain were not taken care of, with some dead leaves accumulated, and there were traces of birds, beasts and mountain rats.

Patriarch Youbai roughly cleaned the cave, took out the simplest talisman and pasted it on the entrance of the cave, entered the cave by himself, sat down and took out the pill bottle.

Danping is as white as suet, with a touch of moist luster.

Ancestor You Bai's hand holding the pill bottle was not very flexible. He stared at the pill bottle for a while, mustered up the courage to pull out the bottle cap, and poured out the elixir.

The granules are round and round, and the danxiang is elegant.

Patriarch Youbai was worried that the granule would lose its medicinal properties if left for a long time, and even more worried that he would change his mind, so he simply closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, stuffed the granule into his mouth, and swallowed it in one gulp.

After swallowing the pill, he stuffed the pill bottle into his sleeve pocket and sat cross-legged.

Having taken the elixir, Patriarch Youbai abandoned all distracting thoughts and sank into the state of cultivation, thus entering a state of utter ecstasy.

He himself didn't know when his body began to expel impurities. When he suddenly smelled a pungent smell and recovered from his cultivation, he found the source of the smell.

Patriarch Youbai wanted to see what was going on with him, and felt that his eyelids were stuck with something, so he used the dust removal technique on himself, and it took three times in a row to remove the sticky things from his eyes.

He checked himself, and saw thick layers of black dirt on his body, the original blue robe turned black, and his whole body was like a half-dried clod of silt in a rotten mud pond.

It's okay to be dirty, but what's even more unacceptable is the stench!
The stench was so strong that even Patriarch You Bai felt sick when he smelled it.

The thick dirt on his body also shows that the medicine pill is powerful.

The stench was strong, and Patriarch Youbai used the dedusting technique on himself dozens of times. His spiritual power was almost exhausted, and the dirt had not been completely removed.

Being forced to do nothing, the only way Ancestor Youbai could come up with was to go back to the Youbai family's house to find a change of clothes.

He didn't know how long he had been practicing, but the sky outside should be noon, and the sun was hanging in the sky.

The sun in winter is not scorching, but it is warm light for winter plants.

Patriarch Youbai flew down the mountain with an indelible odor, hurried back to the house, returned to the yard where he lived, went back to the room to find clean clothes to change, and burned the dirty clothes without saying a word.

His cultivation base is low, and he only knows the simplest dust removal techniques, fire-type spells, and earth-type spells.

After disposing of the dirty clothes, I searched for soap locusts for cleaning again, and went to the wild river to wash my hair several times. I felt that my hair was finally clean before giving up.

After tidying himself up, Ancestor You Bai rushed back to the county government office.

He returned to the backyard of the county government office, and before he had asked him how long he had been in confinement, the monks and daughters-in-law of the Bai family showed incomparably surprised eyes and bowed together.

"Congratulations to the ancestors for leaving the customs!"

The daughters-in-law of Youbai's family were extremely shocked, the old ancestor turned out to be 20 years younger after retreating!
The monks were also very excited, the appearance of the ancestor has become younger, which means that he must have realized something!
"Get up." Ancestor You Bai saw that his children and grandchildren were all surprised, and asked, "How long have I been in seclusion?"

"Old Ancestor, you have been in seclusion for five days!"

There was a foundation-building cultivator from the Bai family who saw the ancestor's cultivation and was shocked: "Ancestor, you have broken through two small realms in five days of retreat, and you have reached the ninth level of Qi refining in one fell swoop. Congratulations!"

"?" Patriarch You Bai was taken aback, he...has reached the ninth level of Qi refining?

He suspected that he had heard it wrong, so he hurriedly felt his true essence, and suddenly found out that it was really refining the nine layers!

When he reached the seventh level of Qi refining, it was difficult for him to advance an inch. Who would have thought that taking a pill would not only expel a lot of dirt from his spiritual roots and body, but also directly break through two small realms in a row.

Patriarch Youbai was so excited that he couldn't restrain himself, he turned around and ran out. He spun out of the county government office like a gust of wind and arrived at the school grounds.

The bamboo shed on the school yard facing the gate of the county government office was removed, and a white cloud of smoke appeared on the vacated site, and a huge cloud appeared in the sky above the white cloud of smoke.

That cloud is like a ball of white cotton, sometimes scattered and sometimes caged, changing into various shapes.

A strong medicinal scent escaped from the white clouds and smoke on the school grounds, and those scents permeated the sky in the entire city center, and were still penetrating in all directions.

The townspeople on the school grounds are infected by the smell of medicine every day, and their bodies are also covered with the smell of medicine.

Ancestor You Bai, who rushed out of the county government office, stood about a foot away from the white cloud and smoke, and did not dare to get closer. He knew that the white cloud and smoke should be a phantom array set up by fairies.

The fairy made alchemy in the white cloud and smoke.

Youbo Laowang stood there for about two breaths, and went to the bamboo shed where the directors lived.

Boss Bo and the principals all knew that Patriarch Youbai had gone into seclusion. When Patriarch Youbai appeared, his pupils shrank suddenly—Patriarch Youbai became younger!

Originally, Patriarch Youbai was near the end of his lifespan and had several age spots on his face. He retreated for five days and came out again. The spots on his face were gone, his skin was fair, and even his gray hair was black and shiny like a young man's!
Patriarch Youbai must have had a great opportunity!And the chance must be related to the fairy!
Fairy is a high-level true monarch, and she can give ordinary little monks a lifetime of endless benefits by giving them any resources. If you give some panacea to Patriarch Youbai, it will not be difficult for Patriarch Youbai to improve his cultivation.

Boss Bo and his staff immediately had a guess, but tacitly no one went to inquire, and congratulated Old Ancestor Youbai in unison: "Congratulations to Ancestor Youbai for leaving the customs!"

"Thank you for your concern." Ancestor You Bai responded politely, and asked the masters: "During this old retreat, what orders does the fairy have?"

"No." The principals answered in unison.

The fairy went to the county office to see the cubs who were going to school that day, because they hadn't cleaned up the venue, the fairy had the pleasure of walking around the bamboo shed where weaving bamboo products.

The fairy also showed some bamboo products to the bamboo craftsmen who are good at bamboo strips, and asked the bamboo craftsmen to help weave some.

The fairy needed some bamboo products. The monks of the Bai family hurried up the mountain to cut fresh bamboo, and the bamboo craftsmen started to weave the finished bamboo products according to the fairy's instructions.

The fairy went to the bamboo shed where weaving bamboo products for a walk, turned around and cleaned up the place they had sorted out with fairy methods, and then set up a formation method to start refining the elixir for the plague.

The fairy didn't have any special instructions, and Patriarch Youbai immediately felt relieved, and he didn't go back to the county office. He moved a chair and sat in the bamboo shed, waiting for the fairy to come out.

(End of this chapter)

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