magic eye doctor

Chapter 2936

Chapter 2936

The patriarch Youbai did not know how long he had practiced after serving the alchemy, but Granny Lin, who moved to Wangzhu County on the first day, suddenly lost hope to be by her side, and lived like a year.

A fairy helped to clean the upper room of the house. After the fairy and all the principals left, Granny Lin took Pan'an to clean the kitchen and use it.

Cleaning the kitchen doesn't have to be tiring.

But because Pan Hao, who had been dependent on each other for more than ten years, suddenly left home, Granny Lin felt so empty that she slept soundly at night.

Lin Pan'an was also listless because her sister was not at home.

Granny Lin was upset, but life had to go on. The next day she cheered up again. She first organized her belongings, planned the yard, and went out for a walk on the street to familiarize herself with the street.

She kept herself busy and felt less melancholy.

Lin Pan'an was busy with grandma's work, and couldn't get up all the time, until she went out for a few laps with grandma and went to a nearby school compound once, and her desire to go to school washed away her sadness.

Granny Lin has time to be sad, but Lin Panhao has no time to be sad at all. After the fairy left, she was arranged by her husband to go to school with the three children.

It was the first time for her to enter the school, and she was so nervous that she sat in on a class and was completely confused.

The husband also knew that the girl must be uneasy when she came to the school for the first time, and he arranged for her to attend the class to let her get acquainted first, and he didn't ask her how she felt after the class.

After class in the afternoon, my husband and four children, big and small, went to the dining hall for dinner.

The daughters-in-law in charge of the kitchen knew that a child had been added, and they also increased the amount when cooking.

Lin Panhao followed the three children and the husband into the dining hall, only to see the other gentlemen, who were even more restrained. She didn't know the rules and etiquette, so she followed the three children to learn.

You Bai Jiqi was not at the county government office because of other tasks that day, and the children had their evening meal and were sent back to the front yard by another monk from the You Bai family.

The cubs returned to the front yard, ran into Ruyi's house in a hurry, and asked questions around Lin Panhao, asking her where she was from, whether there was any disaster in her hometown, and what relatives were there at home, etc.

Lin Pan knew everything, and told the cubs all about it.

The three cubs didn't hide, and told each other about their situation.

After chatting for a while, the big and the small ones get along more harmoniously.

The three cubs didn't forget their mission, so they gave Lin Panhao a make-up lesson that night, and they made up a whole hour's lesson as soon as they made up.

After being forcibly indoctrinated with knowledge for an hour, Lin Panhao also gained something, at least she changed from knowing nothing to being able to know a dozen words.

Of course, it is generally recognized that there are more than ten characters, and it is impossible to write them.

Even so, Lin Panhao was also very excited.

The three cubs were equally excited when they became teachers once. They woke up after a nap, and took an assessment before going to school. Because Lin Pan passed the test, they were also very excited.

The four cubs, one big, three small, were escorted to the academy again in the early morning, where they had morning food before going to class.

The gentlemen who teach first go to class as usual, eat lunch at noon, and then teach the girls a little cooking, and teach the basics in extra classes.

You Bai Jiqi didn't return to the county office until mid-afternoon. He ran to the school and found that there was an extra girl among the children studying. He almost thought he had gone to the wrong place.

The one who was frightened was Bai Jiqi, who turned into a gust of wind and ran to the school grounds, looking for the ancestor with a shocked face: "Old ancestor, ancestor, why is there an extra girl in the school?"

"That's a good seedling brought back by the fairy. Why are you making such a fuss?" Patriarch You Bai glared at him angrily. He is a monk after all, why is he so restless.

"?" A series of questions popped up in Bai Jiqi's mind. That girl must be sixteen years old, and she can enter the eyes of a fairy. What kind of spiritual root does she have?
In the end, he didn't ask anything, and was about to go back to the county government office to be his little guard, when suddenly an invisible force dragged him towards the magic circle where the white smoke curled up.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" You Bai Jiqi was shocked and struggled wildly.

Seeing You Bai Jiqi rushing towards the formation, Patriarch You Bai jumped up, sweating profusely.

Just when he didn't know why Bai Jiqi flew to the magic circle and was burning with anxiety, he heard the familiar voice of the fairy - "What are you crying and howling, come in."

It turned out that it was the fairy who called the auspicious period into the battle!
Patriarch You Bai instantly felt at ease, and then became ecstatic. The fairy summoned You Bai Jiqi to her alchemy formation. Does it mean that Jiqi is a man who can be made?
You Bai Jiqi, who was struggling fiercely at first, was as quiet as a chicken. The next moment, his eyes were dizzy, and after a while, his vision was clear again.

Feeling that the restraining force on his body disappeared, he looked around immediately, and saw more than [-] large and small medicine cauldrons lined up in the magic circle that prevented outsiders from prying, and the flames in the furnace of each medicine cauldron were blazing.

A piano case was placed not far from the medicine cauldron, and a fairy in a blue dress and a blue cloak sat behind the case, spreading out silk cloth, and was finalizing a painting.

The scent of medicine inside the big formation is stronger than that outside, and that scent makes people feel calm and calm.

After finding out where the fairy was, Bai Jiqi tidied up his appearance in a panic, and stood there respectfully waiting for orders.

The little monk had a respectful attitude, Le Yun ignored him, finished the last stroke of the talisman he was drawing, then put down the pen, and asked straight to the point: "You are the spiritual root of earth and fire, suitable for practicing talisman and formation. Have you ever practiced these two arts?"

The fairy asked what he had learned in practicing the Four Arts, and Bai Jiqi was so nervous that he was sweating: "Little... Xiaomin has poor aptitude, and he doesn't have much talent in the Four Arts. He only knows about it, but has never practiced it."

"Your soil spirit root is [-]% and [-]% pure, and fire spirit root is [-]% pure. Compared with ordinary monks with spiritual roots in the mortal world, your aptitude is not too bad.

It is difficult for you to advance in cultivation because the exercises you practice do not fit well with your spiritual roots. This fairy taught you a set of exercises suitable for people with earth and fire spiritual roots to practice. "

With a thought, Le Yun came to You Bai Jiqi, and tapped his finger on the little monk's eyebrows: "This exercise is the special exercise of monks with earth and fire spiritual roots. If you practice according to this exercise in the future, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. .”

Fairy... Fairy wants to pass on his skills?

You Bai Jiqi was so shocked that he couldn't speak. When the fairy's finger touched his eyebrows, he felt something rushing from the fairy's fingertips into his brain, and the speed was as fast as the wind blowing past him.

A pile of unfamiliar knowledge was stuffed into his head, he felt swollen, and his eyes felt dizzy.

When he felt that he was about to faint, he heard the fairy's voice in his ears: "Sit down, calm down, hold on to Yuan Yi, and feel the route and sequence of spiritual power flow."

You Bai Jiqi sat down on the spot, with five hearts turned upward, and followed the route that the fairy said to feel the movement of spiritual power.

The spiritual power in his body is not his, but the fairy instilled in him a portion of spiritual power to run the exercises in order to let him remember the operation route of the new exercises.

The spiritual power enters the dantian first, and then slowly travels along the meridians according to a certain law.

With Bai Jiqi's intentional induction of the route of spiritual power, he naturally found that the order of several meridians was inconsistent between the exercises given by the fairy and the exercises he practiced.

The spiritual power traveled through the whole body three times.

You Bai Jiqi also memorized the route, and then practiced in the same way.

The little monk fell into samadhi, and after Le Yun returned to the desk, he continued to draw talismans.

Cultivation does not know the years.

Once Bai Jiqi entered the samadhi, he settled for two full days and two nights. When he finished practicing for a few big cycles, he felt light all over his body.

At the same time, there is another feeling—hungry.

He only felt that his stomach was empty, and he was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back.

Bai Jiqi, who was hungry, pulled up his long body, looked around, and saw that the fairy was still writing behind the case, and the fire in the medicine chamber was still blazing.

He wanted to go out to find something to eat, but he didn't dare to speak out, hesitating.

"Go out." Le Yun knew that the little monk had finished his comprehension, and sent him out of the defensive formation with his spiritual sense.

Before Bai Jiqi could react, there was another burst of dizziness. After the dizziness passed, he saw the ancestor.

Ancestor You Bai was so excited that his own child was summoned into the magic circle by the fairy, and he pretended to be calm, and the old god was sitting on the ground waiting.

He waited for two days and two nights, his heart went from excited to calm, and then to surging.

Seeing the junior who suddenly appeared in front of him, Patriarch You Bai jumped up, his voice trembling with excitement: "Auspicious period?"

The master Bo and the principals in the school field also saw Bai Jiqi enter the magic circle clothed by the fairy with their own eyes. Seeing that he did not come out after entering, they also guessed that Mr. Jiqi must have benefited a lot.

Seeing him coming out at that moment, they all surrounded him, staring at Mr. Ji Qi with burning eyes.

"Old ancestor." Seeing the ancestor, You Bai Jiqi couldn't help grinning: "Old ancestor, fairy...the fairy gave me a practice method."

"Okay! Great! Have you ever thanked the fairy for the gift?" Patriarch Youbai's voice trembled with excitement. The skill, it is a stepless treasure that is more precious than elixir!
The elixir is gone after being taken, but the cultivation method can be passed down from generation to generation.

Possessing a practice method is equivalent to owning the ladder to becoming a fairy.

"No...not yet." You Bai Jiqi stammered, he was given cultivation skills by the fairy as soon as he entered, and after that he practiced. He was sent out just after the cultivation, and he didn't even think about it.

"You bloody child!"

Ancestor You Bai yelled, grabbed his younger generation and knelt down: "The fairy bestowed on you a skill, which is like a kindness to reinvent you, so why don't you thank the fairy!"

You Bai Jiqi also realized it, and kowtowed loudly: "You Bai Jiqi thanked the fairy for her gift!"

"Come on, let's practice better in the future. I hope that you and the descendants of the Youbai family will never forget your original intention and inherit the family tradition of the Youbai family. When a certain place needs you in a difficult situation, you will have compassion and stand up to protect one side without hesitation. The people are safe."

The monks of the Bai family were grateful, and Le Yun received his great gift. One of the exercises she taught the little monk was the earth fire exercise, and there were other exercises that the spiritual root practiced.

The exercises come from the collection and sorting of the seniors of Yaoguang Palace, the main credit is from the predecessors, and she is a disseminator, and she also has the merit of enlightenment, and she can bear the great gift of the little monk of the Bai family.

"You Bai always remembers the fairy's words." The ancestor You Bai also respectfully thanked the fairy for his teaching. The immortal is willing to give You Bai a lesson, which shows that she recognizes You Bai's principle of establishing the world. This is You Bai's honor.

You Bai Jiqi said yes again and again, and knocked his head several times, until the fairy said "Get up" again, and then he respectfully responded and got up.

After he got up, he immediately ran back to the county office to perform his guard duty.

(End of this chapter)

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