magic eye doctor

Chapter 2937

Mr. Jiqi slipped away, and Ancestor Youbai was present, and the principals congratulated Ancestor Youbai one after another, congratulating Youbai's family on their great opportunity.

They envy Bai's good luck, but they don't have any jealousy. After all, they don't have spiritual roots, even if they are given a kung fu, they can't use it, let alone keep it.

The ancestor Youbai was very excited, and said that after the plague, the Youbai family would hold a banquet for the principals from various districts and bring their young family members to the Youbai family as guests.

The principals also instantly understood that the Yubai family was intending to recruit disciples, and if their children had spiritual roots, they could also be taught by the Yubai family.

Knowing what Ancestor You Bai didn't say clearly, all the principals were overjoyed.

You Bai Jiqi only avoided the principals outside, but could not hide from his family members. As soon as he slipped back to the county government office, he was caught by the family monks and went to the meeting place to ask questions, and almost didn't question him.

He was bombarded by the language until he was one head and two big. When he finally got out of the crowd, he immediately ran to the academy and hid himself, resolutely not showing his face.

Even when the gentlemen finished extra lessons for Miss Lin at night, he escorted the girl and the three cubs back to the front yard, but he didn't dare to go back to the back yard, the cat was in the front yard.

You Bai Jiqi did not dare to set foot in the backyard where the clansmen lived, and the monks of the You Bai family would not let him go, and ran to him every day to "exchange" his cultivation experience.

You Bai Jiqi, who had been "cared for" by the monks of the same clan, was miserable, and was forced to seek help from his ancestors. Only the ancestors came forward to calm down the monks, so that his ears could be quiet.

As the mastermind who caused You Bai Jiqi to be cared for, Le Xiaoxiao, she gave away the pleasing-looking little qi-refining monk's exercises, and after she gave him the pleasing little Qi-refining monk's exercises, she no longer cared about how he cultivated, and just boiled medicine.

The elixir that the people of Wangzhu County had been looking forward to had been boiled for another seven days, and finally reached its peak in the middle of the night one day.

The decoction that had been brewed for half a month was out of the oven. Le Yun transferred the decoction to some other tripods or jars, took out some spirits and implanted the furnace, and started the furnace to cook the medicine again.

Because the alchemy site will be reserved for the people in the city as a gathering point, the medicine furnace for boiling medicine again is first placed in a spirit boat.

When she was free, she asked the puppets to use syringes to suck up the medicinal soup in batches.

The puppets filled the magic weapon with medicinal soup and stood by in their spirit boats or wishful houses.

Le Xiaoliu meditated for an hour, and when it was dawn, he first took back the array disk placed on the school field, removed the mask, and then flew to the sky to announce to the people in the city that the medicine for the plague had been successfully brewed, and let all districts Hundreds of people are ready to receive treatment.

In order to improve work efficiency, at the same time, the ugly words were explained first, and the treatment method was explained once, and the treatment itinerary was drawn up. First, the people stationed in the county government school were treated, and they could be cleaned up after receiving the treatment. The things go home, so that the school grounds can be vacated to give her alchemy.

Then go to the resettlement site for the victims outside the city first, then start from the south of the city, go to the west, north, and east, and finally treat the people in the central area of ​​the city.

The reason why the city center area is arranged at the end is because she refines the elixir in the school grounds, and the fragrance of the medicine almost covers the city center area. The people in the city center area have smelled the fragrance of the medicine, and their body's ability to resist the plague is stronger than the people in other areas. Some.

The people inside and outside the county were overjoyed when they heard that the fairy had refined the medicine to cure the plague. They didn't need the heads of the districts to come and ask them, and packed up the spare items that might be needed at the gathering place.

The townspeople in the city center also have no objection. The fairy will continue to refine the elixir in the city center, and they can still smell the fragrance of the medicine for a while. This is a great thing that people in other districts can't ask for.

They took a big deal, and whoever is dissatisfied is simply ignorant of good and evil.

A group of city residents stationed on the school grounds in front of the county government office, because they were the first batch of people to receive treatment, were so excited that they didn't even have breakfast. They each brought something to keep out the cold and waited early at the agreed meeting place.

There are tens of thousands of city residents stationed on the county government school grounds, and they gather in teams.

The people closest to the county government naturally gathered in the open space allocated for the fairy to make alchemy, and the city residents in the school grounds alone were divided into eleven groups.

The patriarch Youbai, the monks of the Youbai family, and the masters and officials inspected each team to see if anyone was lost.

Zhufu, Dazai, Zhumi, Youbai Ningjing, and Lin Panhao have already received treatment, and they stayed in the county office and did not go to line up again.

Le Yun looked down from a high altitude and saw the people on the school grounds gathered and lined up neatly, and sent [-] gold-armored puppets to the school grounds to give people needles.

The townspeople had known for a long time that Fairy sent her guards with magic weapons to give them needles and medicines. They didn't panic when they saw the man in golden armor. Do your own injections.

The common people actively cooperate, and the puppet people can just stick the needle directly when they come to anyone. There is no need to wait for someone to roll up their sleeves, which also saves a lot of time.

The medicine for treating leprosy is also a special medicine, and it takes less than half a cup of tea to take effect immediately after a person injects it.

Moreover, the clinical reaction of people suffering from leprosy after injection of the medicine is relatively simple, basically fever and sweating, and only a few people have symptoms of fear of cold or nausea and dizziness.

Those symptoms come and go quickly, and usually last for about half a cup of tea to a cup of tea before disappearing automatically.

There are 10,000+ people stationed on the school grounds, and Little Lolita sent [-] puppets to work as nurses. One puppet was in charge of a dozen people, and they quickly completed the task.

The puppet who finished the work flew back to his own spirit boat which was parked on the master's big spirit boat and stood by.

Classmate Le Xiao flew out of the city in a spirit boat and went to the resettlement area for the victims of the Dongcheng Gate. First, he sent a puppet team to give needles to the victims team, and then transferred to the resettlement area in the south to release the puppets.

She airdropped the puppet team to the disaster resettlement area outside the city in a clockwise direction, then returned to the east gate, waited for half a stick of incense, and then went along the road to pick up the puppet team.

Picking up the puppet is also a follow-up visit.

Along the way to the refugee resettlement area outside the west city gate, a special person with a special antibody was found. The blood type of that person was the same as hers. It was a special and rare blood type in the O blood type and was immune to certain drugs.

That person was also infected with leprosy, but because the medicine for treating leprosy happened to be immune to a certain blood type, he had no obvious effect after injecting a dose of the medicine juice.

Without further ado, Le Xiao took out two kinds of medicinal soup, recombined a dose of medicine, and handed it over to a puppet guard to inject him with a booster injection.

In the resettlement area for the victims outside the city, there was only one person with a special constitution, and one dose of medicine for the others was more than enough.

After walking all over the disaster-stricken area outside the city, he returned to the southern part of the city and started the treatment mode.

Little Lolita still airdrops the puppets to the gathering points of various residents in a clockwise manner, and then picks them up in a clockwise manner.

The districts in the county are densely populated, even if Le Yun has puppet guards as nurses to give needles to the people, it will be mid-afternoon after he has visited the four districts of the south, west, north, and east of the city.

It was also because most of the day had passed that the townspeople stationed on the school grounds of the county government also dismantled many bamboo sheds. Residents who were nearby sent their belongings home first, and then went back to help other teams dismantle the bamboo sheds, pack them, and install boards. car and so on.

The monks of the Yubai family also dispatched to help dismantle or carry large bamboo sheds and other objects.

Little Le Xiao watched the busy crowd on the school grounds from the air and didn't pay attention. He ran from place to place, airdropped the puppet team to various residents' gathering points, and then went to pick them up.

The population in the middle of the city is the densest, and it took about two hours to shoot the potion for Chengmin Island.

The puppet who successfully completed the task called it a day.

Little Lolita returned to the school yard in front of the county government office, landed in the emptied area, cleaned the ground with dust removal techniques, placed a defensive array, first surrounded a piece of land, and moved the medicine stove from the spirit boat to the ground to place it.

Half of the teams stationed on the school grounds withdrew that day, and some people still stayed overnight on the school grounds that night, and they were busy for a long time the next day. After noon, the last team also evacuated.

Residents stationed in the school area all returned to their respective homes, and the principals also dispersed to various districts to assist the management personnel in each district to direct the people to dismantle the bamboo sheds and assist them to return home.

The people who survived the plague inside and outside the county returned to their homes where they had been away for several years, and their hearts were finally at ease. While remembering the dead relatives and friends, they also looked forward to the future with confidence.

The people who survived the catastrophe began to get busy again, and the popularity of the whole city became more and more prosperous day by day, and the vitality became stronger every day.

The people on the school grounds were evacuated, and Le Xiao happily took over. He used the dust removal technique to clean up the traces of the residents' life, remove the smell, and expand the array to protect the school grounds.

She put out more than 500 large and small medicine stoves, and started the great business of refining medicine.

Little Lolita turned on the alchemy mode, and the scent of the medicine became stronger day by day.

The strong smell of medicine spread from the school grounds in all directions, first covering the city, and then spread to farther places. Half a month later, not only the sky above the county town was filled with the smell of medicine, but even the outside of the city could smell the smell of medicine.

The people inside and outside the city fell asleep and woke up in the fragrance of the medicine every day, sleeping soundly at night and full of energy during the day.

It was already the end of November when little Lolita prepared the elixir for the residents of Wangzhu County. The residents returned home, packed up their houses, and then they were busy for the New Year's Eve.

During the plague period, no one in the city celebrates the New Year.

The people who survived the catastrophe are celebrating this year's New Year's Eve with great enthusiasm.

As the New Year's Day gets closer, the festive atmosphere inside and outside the city is also getting stronger.

The little loli, who is busy refining medicine, occasionally releases her spiritual consciousness to run around the city in her spare time. She is also sincerely happy to see Wangzhu county town transform from a stagnant pool to a vibrant one.

Due to its geographical location, Zhuzhou is not too cold in winter. In November and early December, the temperature fluctuates around [-] degrees. By the end of the month, the daytime temperature remains at [-] to [-] degrees.

Three days before the New Year's Eve, the area near Mt. Tombs ushered in the first snow. Wangzhu City and the neighboring counties were covered by snow, and everything was covered in white makeup.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and Beast and Beast’s friends collected the abandoned crops in the planned route area, and went to collect the remains of those cities that died of plague or other disasters in mid-December. After the snowfall, they had to temporarily suspend their work , Go to Wangzhu County to meet Little Lolita.

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