magic eye doctor

Chapter 2938

Chapter 2938
According to the direction pointed by little Lolita, Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and the beast friends found Wangzhu County without any effort, and flew over the city wall into the city in a spirit boat open and aboveboard.

Yan Shao drove the spiritual boat into the city from the direction of the west district, arrived at the school ground in front of the county government, and entered the phantom formation that cut off people's sight.

Outside the phantom array of white smoke, the ground is covered with snow, and the light is as bright as a bright moon.

Inside the formation, hundreds of medicinal cauldrons were constantly burning, and the fiery breath permeated the air, accompanied by the strong medicinal fragrance, which made one almost suspect that it was a scorching summer.

After entering the formation, they eagerly jumped out of the spirit boat's defense mask to run to find the little fairy. The four humanoid beasts sneezed a few times due to the scent of the medicine.

Regardless of the sneezing four humanoid beasts, they floated from the air like the wind to the little fairy who was sitting behind the academy, and graciously helped her beat her shoulders and squeeze her arms.

Yan Shao put away the spirit boat, and when Xuan Shao and the three beast-like Mahayana beasts flew to the ground, there was no place for them around Little Lolita.

The two young masters set up a large round table not far from Little Lolita's desk, took out fried nuts, and happily ate pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.

The four humanoid beasts surrounded the little fairy, chattering in a chattering voice.

Le Yun listened to the stories of the beasts while drawing talismans. She was able to play both purposes with ease. After drawing the lines of talismans that should be done in one go, she put away the props and desks for drawing talismans, and sat down at the big table with the little beasts.

She took a big wooden basin and put a pot of stir-fried shellfish, and rewarded the two handsome guys and the beast.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and the beasts happily ate shellfish.

The people and beasts who were eating the shells talked about which cities they had collected the bones for, and handed over all the collected crops to the little loli/little fairy.

A pot of fruit shells quickly bottomed out.

Xuan Shao, who was addicted to eating snacks, ran to a corner far from the medicine stove, put a formation plate, and set up a dozen stoves to make spiritual meals.

The beasts cheerfully undertook the job of helping Xiaoxian and Brother Xuan manage the fire.

After Major Xuan put some ingredients into the pot, Le Xiao also added a batch of medicinal materials to the medicine furnace, and together with Yan Shao and Xuan Shao went to see the teams of victims who were transferred to a safe place by the two young masters.

The victims who were transferred from the immortals to the area far away from the fire-covered area of ​​Fengtou Mountain have been resettled in a livable place, and are in the process of working together to build their homes.

In order to get it done once and for all, the victims divided the foundation before building the house, and each family purchased a house base of a corresponding area according to their own needs and capabilities.

Basically, the minimum area of ​​each site is enough to build a two-entry house, and the large house site is enough to build a three-entry or four-entry house.

The foundation of the house is spacious. If the head of the household increases the population in the future, he can directly build additional houses on his own house foundation.

After choosing the housing base, each family first builds a bamboo shed on their own private foundation to live temporarily, and then slowly builds their own home.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao were familiar with the terrain, and took little Lolita straight to the area where Chu Jiaji lived.

Chujiaji was merged with several collections, with a population of more than 20, and the settlement was located on the west side of the future big city.

The victims planned their new homes very well, dividing them into small areas, houses in rows, main and branch roads criss-crossing, and horse-drawn carriages can go directly to the gate.

At present, all the houses have laid the foundation of the house, and only a few families of Miao Miao have completed the project of securing the vertical columns.

The common people settled down in the new homes to be built with a brand-new mentality. The popularity is very high, and there is a light of luck in the sky above the residences.

Le Yun zoomed in on the spirit boat tens of miles away from the new city that hadn't yet built a city wall, and let the golden spirit boat fly over the residential area in a shining way.

The common people carried limited food when they fled, and after they settled down in their new homes, they reclaimed a lot of land and planted cold-resistant crops.

The surplus food of each household is not abundant, and they usually save money and save food, but in order to welcome this first New Year's Eve in their new homeland, every household has made arrangements.

In snowy days, most of the people nest in bamboo sheds to warm up, or several families get together to warm up in order to save some firewood, and some young and middle-aged people take advantage of the snow to go out to hunt.

Many children are not afraid of the cold and have fun in the snow.

When the spirit boat arrived, a sharp-eyed child or an adult who was outside the house due to something found it, and shouted excitedly to inform the adult or the neighbors.

In the area where the spirit boat was visible on the ground, men and women came out upon hearing the sound, looking up at the huge fairy boat in the sky.

When the men and women in Chujiaji heard that the immortals were coming, they rushed out in full force. When they saw the familiar spirit boat in the sky, they knelt on the snow and worshiped piously, regardless of the heavy snow covering the ground.

"Exemption." Le Yun stepped out of the spirit boat, using spells to spread her voice for hundreds of miles: "I have gone to the north since I parted from the people of the Chu family, and a plague broke out in the three counties of Wangzhu, Tingzhu and Wenzhu. There were countless casualties. Although you were forced to leave your hometown, it is a great blessing that no one is infected with the plague.

The companions of this fairy will arrange you and help the fairy to treat the people infected with the plague, collect the bones of the sentient beings who died in the disaster, and have no time to help you build your homeland.

The source of the plague in the three counties in the north has been wiped out, and this fairy is still refining the elixir to cure the plague in Wangzhu County. Because the rice grains you brought with you when you fled were limited, this time I took the time to send you some winter grains.

This fairy will place the winter grains in the homes of your leaders or respected villagers, and each of your families will assign one or two laborers to distribute the grains.

This batch of food is the life-saving food that my companions went to the abandoned cities near the tomb mountain to collect the life-saving food. It is hard-won, and I hope you will cherish it. "

"Thank you fairy!"

People from different districts who were not in the same district as Chujiaji and didn't know that there was an immortal coming, ran out of the huts one after another when they heard the voice coming from nowhere, and knelt down to thank them.

"It's cold every day in the snow, everyone go back to the house, don't catch a cold." Le Yun instructed, and walked from the air to the head of the Chu family.

When the people in all districts heard the words of the immortal, the old people returned to their houses one after another, and the young and middle-aged people either waited under the eaves, or even sent one or two people to the head man's house.

The leaders of each district and each collection, men and women, went to battle, opened the gate of the bamboo shed, or moved the items in the main hall, or opened the bamboo shed that was built for daily discussions or once piled up collective materials, and prepared to receive winter food. preparation.

After hearing what the fairy said, Chu Ji got up and yelled at his family to open the bamboo shed where the collective grain was stored before, as well as the main hall of his own bamboo shed.

He just wanted to ask someone to boil water to make tea, but the little fairy who had met once had already floated down in his courtyard. The fairy was still wearing a blue dress like water, wearing a cloak, with a fairy air. .

Chu Jizheng fell to his knees with a plop, and fell to the ground to thank him: "Thank you for the kindness of the fairy! The fairy first saved us from the danger, and now he has sent winter food to help the people survive the winter. This kind of kindness is deeply appreciated by Xiaomin and others. Within five years, there is nothing to repay, but I can only pray that the fairies will live forever!"

"The old man is serious." Le Yun helped Chu Jizheng: "This fairy and his companions intend to help the victims rebuild their homes, but the plague in the three counties of Wangzhu, Tingzhu, and Wenzhu has lasted for many years, and there are millions of dead. This fairy is too busy." You have no time to clone, and your companions can't come to help you.

You have done a good job, the new homeland has begun to take shape, and if you continue to work hard, you will definitely be able to build a big city that is not inferior to the county seat in the future, or it is also possible to become a new county seat in the future. "

When helping the old man, he conveniently put a pill bottle into the old man's hand: "Building a new home requires an elder like the old man to command and sit in the town. This is the pill that this fairy gave you. After taking it, you can increase your life by five or sixty years. This fairy hopes that you and the leaders of each episode will lead the people to unite and build a prosperous city."

"Fairy, building a home is the job of the little people. We have already received your great favor, so we dare not ask for anything else." Chu Jizheng did not dare to accept the elixir given by the fairy.

"Take it. You and the Jizheng and the leaders of each episode will live a long life. Only with the leadership of you venerable elders can the city be built more perfectly."

Le Yun forced the pill bottle to the old man, turned around and entered the main hall of the bamboo hall, threw out a large pile of grain, then went to another bamboo shed used as a warehouse, and transferred the grain in the storage bag to the bamboo shed for stacking .

There are tens of thousands of people in one Jizheng, and the land of Jizheng’s house alone cannot accommodate all the food allocated to a Jizheng. Then I went to Chu Jizheng’s left and right neighbors’ houses, and piled up a portion of grain in the main halls of each family.

People who can live next to people like Jizhengli are basically big families or people with high reputation in Jili.

Le Yun didn't treat them badly after requisitioning other people's homes for food, and gave each family a small box of health pills.

Chu Ji was chasing the little fairy, but his speed couldn't keep up. Later, he brought a stag horse, and rode the stag horse to chase the fairy from house to house, noting how many houses had stored food.

Dividing the food distributed to Chu Jiaji, Le Yun walked through the air, and then went to other districts.

Although the episodes are merged, they still live in clusters.

For those who are not familiar with it, it is difficult to find the former director or leader of each episode, but it is effortless for the little loli.

There is a trick to find Jizheng or the headman. Monks can find them by looking at their breath, and non-monks can distinguish them by their residence. The house where Jizheng or the headman lives will have banners embroidered with words on the front door or on the roof. flag.

For example, the Jizheng family of the Chu family collection hangs flags embroidered with the word "Chu". For those collections with more surnames, the former collection name is embroidered on the flag.

Little Loli found someone to find the right one, and ran from place to place, delivered the food to Jizheng and Jizheng neighbors for stacking, and gave each Jizheng a centenary pill, and a small box of health care for the person who took care of the food Dan.

After running one area, drive the spirit boat to another area.

It took about two hours to run around several common people's settlements.

Jieyin took out a large amount of food and distributed it to the victims, and most of the food collected by the handsome guy and the beasts in the vicinity of the grave head mountain was also gone.

The food is taken from the disaster area and used for the victims.

More than half of the food was donated to the victims, and the rest was their own. Xuan Shao and Yan Shao finally felt at ease.

After distributing the food, Le Yun didn't stay any longer, and returned to Wangzhu County in the spirit boat.

The timing of their rush back to Wangzhu County was also very good, and they only stayed for less than a quarter of an hour, which was the time to add a new batch of spiritual plants to the medicine stove.

Xuan Shao hurriedly went to work to make spiritual meals, while Yan Dashao quietly set fire to the firework.

After finishing her work, Le Yun went outside the city first, and sent the food harvested for the victims from the south field of Wangzhu Town to the residence of the victims, and handed it over to the leader they elected to manage.

Going back to the county government again, the Lingzhu who bought houses for Zhumi's family and Lin Panhao's family was first paid to Zhu Bo and others who were in charge of county affairs.

Before she was busy refining medicine, the owner of the county government office and bureaucrats were also busy counting and checking the population of the whole city, and dealing with various affairs after the city residents returned home. Beads were put aside in advance.

The master took the spirit beads that the fairy had paid in advance, and went to the Lin family with his colleagues to deliver the official house deed.

Little Lolita handed over the Lingzhu to the officials of the county government, and sneaked back to the school grounds to refine the medicine with peace of mind.

Amidst the busyness of the people inside and outside the city, it is the last day of the year-end in a blink of an eye.

Not long after dawn on this day, people from all districts in the city either walked or rode deer horses to the county government office in groups to give New Year gifts, or to send poultry eggs, or to send their own food prepared last night, or New clothes cut by myself for fairies and so on.

Each family put their things on the open space outside the school grounds, and without making a sound to disturb the fairy who was making alchemy, they kowtowed and left quickly.

"They are all people who know how to be grateful." Xuan Shaoyan was filled with emotion as he watched the people coming and going like a tide.

"You don't have to be envious. You helped the fleeing victims, and they also set up longevity tablets for you." Le Yun accepted the New Year gifts and wishes from the people frankly.

Regardless of the severe cold, the common people braved the snow to send things on New Year's Day to thank her for saving their lives. If she returned them all, they would not lose their sincerity.

"What? They set up longevity cards for us?" Xuan Shao was stunned.

"Yes, you just don't know. Although the images carved by the craftsmen are somewhat different from your real people, they are indeed your longevity tablets."

Le Yun looked at the two handsome guys and smiled. The hard work of the two handsome guys was not in vain. The victims set up longevity cards for them, and they also gained a little power of faith.

The power of belief of the Yunlan natives is like a talisman to the two commanders. If the gods used to give them a sigh of relief when they were displeased and sent lightning to strike them, then the gods would be merciful when they strike them again. Give people two breaths.

Don't underestimate the difference in "one breath". In fact, this difference is tantamount to a big difference.

"Ahhhhhh..." Xuan Shao was so excited that he screamed like a marmot, oh my god, he was also enshrined as a fairy? !

So excited.

Extra meal, must add meal to celebrate!

Excited, Xuan Shao had to run to the place where he made spiritual meals, and added a big stove, and happily stewed a pot of mushroom and chicken soup.

Young Master Yan: "..." Young Master Xuan expresses his happiness by making a spiritual meal, what should he do?Could it be possible to ask him to add some firewood?

It is not allowed to add more firewood. If the fire burns the pot and ruins a pot of spiritual meals, it is less of a problem. If the medicinal soup in the medicine stove is burned, little Lori will have to send him thousands of miles away .

Therefore, he should quietly be his handsome fireman.

(End of this chapter)

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