magic eye doctor

Chapter 2940

When the fire demon broke through the ground, it was a round fireball with a diameter of about ten feet. It jumped into the sky like a sky cannon, and suddenly expanded into a huge flame ball with a diameter of more than forty feet.

The flame core of the giant fireball is blood-colored, the inner flame is the fire red of a normal flame, and the outer flame is blue-black.

A tortoise looms in the flame group, at first glance it looks very much like the flame tortoise among the fire-type monsters.

Le Yun, who stood in the air and waited quietly, witnessed the process of the fire demon breaking out of the ground, and also saw clearly its real body - it was the spiritual fire named "Blue Blood Flame".

Jade Blood Flame is an extremely rare Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire just like Master Huoyun's natal fire Pili Ziyan. It should have been born in the Demon Realm, because it was infected by demon energy since it was still a fire seed, and it naturally became a fire demon.

If the Jade Blood Flame is not the magic fire, its outer flame is blue, and the spiritual fire has fallen into the devil, and is stained with magic energy, so the outer flame is blue-black.

Because the body of the fire demon is the spiritual fire of heaven and earth, it is hidden deep in the fire veins of the ground and can be integrated with the fire veins of the earth, so that even if monks of various ethnic groups have investigated the formation of the volcano on the tomb mountain, they have not found traces of the fire demon .

When the fire demon was active in the stratum, a large hole was drilled, and the strong pressure caused the underground magma to erupt from the hole, forming a magma column as high as more than thirty feet.

When the magma erupted, the huge squeezing force also tore open cracks in the ground around the cave. The fire veins under a mountain peak less than [-] miles away were shaken, and the magma rushed up, overturning the peak, forming a A new crater.

Lava erupted from the crater, turning the sky red, and volcanic ash spewed into the air, forming a mushroom cloud of smoke.

The magma erupted and the smoke rose into the air.

The earthquake triggered by the volcanic eruption formed a small disaster.

The whole process from the fire demon jumping out of the ground to the eruption of magma, the cracking of the earth, and the eruption of underground magma under another mountain peak is just a matter of seconds. If there is no fire demon, it will be a natural disaster.

The fire demon who jumped out of the ground didn't care about the disaster he caused, and rushed into the air eagerly looking for the culprit who disturbed his cultivation.

The fire demon roared, and looked over with the fresh breath, and found the human monk standing in the air.

The irritable fire demon, seeing the figure of the human monk, flew up and rushed towards the human race.

"It turns out that you disturbed me, the little cub has a lot of courage."

Its huge flaming body fluttered in the air, and the flames flickered, drawing brilliant lights and phantoms in the air, extremely dazzling.

"This fairy has always been courageous."

A ball of raging flames came, Le Yun quickly moved away and moved to a new place. He also disliked the obstruction of the bamboo hat, and threw the bamboo hat with the curtain into the storage container.

At the same time, he also took off the cloak that concealed his breath and put it away.

She and Huo Mo were the only ones in the boundary mountain of Baixing Town, so there was no need to hide their presence.

After getting rid of the veiled cap and cloak that got in the way, Le Yun suddenly felt that there was no restraint anymore, she grabbed the machete, and then grabbed a pair of talismans and stamped it on the blade.

The mountain machete is a fairy weapon, but with various talismans attached, its power is comparable to that of a sub-sacred weapon.

With the weapon in hand, Le Yun didn't dodge any more, jumped up and took the initiative to meet the chasing Fire Demon, and decided to fight it head-on first.

The fire demon itself is a spiritual fire, and the sky thunder talisman fire that can restrain the demons can't do anything to it.

It is also because it is the same heaven and earth flame as the Thunderbolt Purple Flame, and neither the soul nor the body is damaged, so even the flame sealed by Huoyun Jinxian in the Zhuxian Baojian cannot restrain it.

In such a situation, the only way to fight it is to find a way to consume a lot of its body power, and then look for opportunities to capture it or destroy it.

The figure of the human race moved a hundred feet away in a flash, and the fire demon also changed its direction halfway and rushed over again. It hadn't gotten close to the human race, and it smelled the tempting smell of flesh and blood.

The smell of flesh and blood shook its demonic heart and excited its soul.

The flesh and blood of the human race is a great tonic.

The fire demon was so excited that he rushed towards the human monk. Because of his excitement, the flame exploded and grew several feet. When flying in the air, the flame flickered and writhed like a ferocious beast with claws and claws. It was very scary to watch.

"Little cub, you dare to provoke me even with a little golden core. You are too self-sufficient. Hurry up and get caught! Be nicer and suffer less."

A little monk like a human cub, the flesh and blood are too sweet, if she is injured during a fight, it would be a pity to lose her flesh and blood.

The fire demon was excited. Judging by the flesh and blood of a human cub, eating her was equivalent to the power he had absorbed for a hundred years lying in the lower veins of fire.

"A demon dares to be arrogant in front of this fairy. You probably don't know how the word death is written." Le Yun was not frightened, and slashed at the head with a knife, and the blade burst into a dazzling golden light and purple halo.

The sharp edge of the magic weapon swept towards the fire demon with endless killing intent.

The fire demon, who regarded the human race as his prey, saw a beam of golden and purple light attacking, and his trembling demon heart shrank suddenly, and Ji Biao's body suddenly froze.

The purple halo made its demon heart fearful.

The speed of the fire demon slowed down, and his body shrank rapidly, avoiding the golden light with a purple halo, and charged forward again.

"What demon? I am a spiritual fire! Heaven and earth spiritual fire!" The fire demon also reacted, and firmly recognized himself as a demon.

"A devil is a devil. You dare not even admit your identity. It shows that you have done too many shameful things."

Le Yun's first slash was empty, and he was not discouraged. Holding the machete, he slashed left and right, and continued to swing the machete, and the slashes slashed towards the fire demon.

"I am a spiritual fire!" The fire demon was furious.

It was afraid of the purple halo wrapped in human weapons, and did not dare to fight it when it was furious. It dodged left and right, and counterattacked while dodging, casting a flame.

The flames roared like a long dragon, rolling towards the human race.

When the fire dragon came, Le Yun moved quickly. In order to prevent the fiery snake, which was condensed by the fire demon, from measuring the body of Mars, which was full of demonic energy, it opened the defense of the immortal magic robe.

Protected by the magic robe, she was also fearless, took out a few talismans and slapped them on the blade of the mountain machete, dodged the fire snake controlled by the fire demon with her feet, and slashed at the fire demon.

The fiery snake roared, and the blade glowed fiercely.

You come and go, the wind tears the air, the wind howls everywhere,

The scorching gas of the flame evaporated the poor moisture in the air, making the air in the sky far away from the ground scorching.

Its body is the spiritual fire of heaven and earth, and it can send and receive flames freely. Sometimes it spews out a sea of ​​fire, and sometimes it spews out fireballs or fireballs, or condenses the flames into tongues of fire, or scatter sparks.

The fire demon has assembled a huge tide of fire spiritual power, and the flames seem to be endless, so that the sky is full of raging flames or sparks, or dancing fire snakes.

Le Yun has the body protection of the immortal magic robe, only dodges the attack of the fire demon body and its condensed big moves, and is not afraid of sporadic falling sparks or small fire balls flying all over the sky, and dances like a tiger with a sword.

One person, one monster, the fight was indistinguishable.

After a full clock, the fire demon let out a roar that shook mountains and rivers: "Aren't you a golden elixir?"

He always thought that the little cub was a golden core, fearing that he could not control the power and burn her to ashes with a fire and lose Dabu's flesh and blood in vain, so he never let go.

He felt that it would not be long before the little cub exhausted his spiritual power and naturally had no choice but to catch him without a fight. As a result, after fighting for about an hour, the human little Yousi showed no signs of failure.

This is clearly abnormal.

"I never said that this fairy is a golden elixir." Le Yun held up the machete, but she didn't pay attention to any gentleman just because the fire demon didn't attack her, and slashed down with a few knives.

The knife light strikes, the knife knife is fierce.

The fire demon jumped up and down, avoiding the attack, and the flames roared in anger: "Ahhh, how dare you lie to me! I will burn you and burn you!"

"Just because you want to burn this fairy, you don't do it like this in your dreams." Le Yun retorted lightly, she couldn't help the fire demon for a while, and the same fire demon wanted to burn her to death, but she only showed his prestige.

The fire demon is good at fire, she has nothing to fear, she has a magic weapon.

The fire demon was so angry that it exploded with a bang, turning into hundreds of copies, interweaving them into a net, and besieging the human cub from all directions.

Hundreds of fires, raging flames, and turbulent waves.

Those flames with the power of the fire demon body are hundreds of times hotter than before, and the air is scorched as if it is about to burn. If there is a living thing, it can evaporate the water in an instant and turn into a mummy.

The temperature of the fire demon's flame was too high. There were some living trees on the ground more than a thousand feet away, but they couldn't resist the scorching heat. The water lost rapidly, and the branches and leaves dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The fire demon released high-heat flames, and the water vapor in the air within a radius of three hundred miles was evaporated to nothing.

Even with the magic robe isolated, Le Yun still felt the burning sensation, and she also analyzed that the temperature of the flames of the fire demon was even higher than that of the underground fire cave in the remote ancient secret realm.

Such a high temperature is very unfriendly to plants and humans.

The fire demon was not friendly to him, and Le Yun was not prepared to negotiate friendly with the demon, so he took out a few talismans and slapped the machete on it, swinging the knife.

The purple halo bursting out from the knife light is even thicker.

Moreover, the fireballs that she did not split out from the fire demon, only avoided but did not attack, and their targets were directed at the fire demon's body.

The human cub avoided his clone, and precisely chased and slashed his own body. The fire demon was furious, and once again separated a large number of flame balls.

Countless balls of flames were densely packed together, interweaving into a sea of ​​flames.

Le Yun, who was wrapped in the circle of flames, escaped from the flames with the teleportation technique, appeared not far from the fire demon's body, and gave it a few knives.

"Damn little cub, have you realized the talent of space?!" The little human cub escaped from the sea of ​​flames he set up quietly, and the fire demon floated away angrily, and once again summoned the flame ball to besiege the little cub.

"I've learned a lot, don't run away, take my knife first." Le Yun held the big knife, only staring at the main body of the fire demon, and slashed wherever it went.

The fire demon was so angry that the flames exploded several feet long, and flew away with a whirr, spewing out large swaths of sparks.

Xinghuo couldn't confuse Le Yun either, she knew where the fire demon's body was with a glance of her eyes, moved over, and launched an attack in a sneak attack like a cold-blooded way.

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