magic eye doctor

Chapter 2941

The main body of the fire demon is a spiritual fire, and its speed is very fast. Even if it encounters a Dzogchen monk in the late Mahayana period, it has an innate advantage. Unfortunately, it is unlucky to meet the earthling Le Yun.

Little Lolita not only has eyes that look like cheats, but she also has talents in the light and wind elements. Not to mention being as fast as light, her speed is definitely comparable to the wind.

The fire demon's body has an innate advantage in speed, and the little loli has an acquired talent for comprehension, and her speed is comparable.

One is good at controlling fire, dances with silver snakes, fills the sky with fire, sparks start a prairie fire, various fire spells emerge in endlessly, and the sky is full of flames, as if to force the human monks to have no place to stand.

One is good at making use of one's strengths, moving and attacking without mistakes, letting it be full of flames, as if it can come and go freely, the real thing is to pass through thousands of fires, and the sparks will not touch the body.

One person and one devil, you chase after each other, with big moves constantly, the sky is often turbulent, and often the flames are burst by the collision of the two sides, just like a meteor shower in the sky, full of stars flashing randomly.

The fire demon was furious at first because of his misjudgment. When he no longer suppressed his body strength and let go of his hands and feet, he wanted to educate the little human cub so that she would know that he was not easy to provoke, so as to prove his strength.

However, even if the flame of the body was not suppressed, even if it was unscrupulously spun out, it was still tied with the monk like a little human cub, which made him very angry.

From embarrassment to anger, it seems that fighting does not use spiritual power at all, and uses flames to attack continuously.

In terms of the battlefield, it is beneficial to the fire demon. Its body is a spiritual fire, and it is close to the fire vein. When fighting, the fire demon consumes spiritual power while absorbing the power of fire [supplementary consumption, currently its output and input speed are almost the same.

Le Yun was not in a hurry, and responded calmly. The speed at which the fire demon consumes spiritual power is equal to the speed at which it absorbs spiritual power, but this situation will not last long. Aura is limited.

Besides, her spiritual root is special, and she can also absorb the aura of fire for her own use.

When the spiritual energy absorbed was not enough to fill the gap, the little loli decisively imitated the hero little Nezha, throwing a formation plate on the bottom of each of her feet, throwing a pile of spiritual marrow and top-quality spirit stones in the formation plate, fighting and fighting. Absorb the aura.

Little Nezha is on the Hot Wheels, and Little Lolita is on the array plate. The difference lies in the shape of the magic weapon, and... Little Nezha is a boy with a small head, and Little Lolita is a girl. With a small bald head.

Le Yun had an idea to add an energy-providing array under her feet, and manually clicked 120 likes for herself. Look, how clever she is!
The fire demon can absorb the power of fire, and it is impossible for her to be exhausted in a short period of time. She has countless spiritual stones and marrow, and she will not be exhausted even if it takes hundreds of years.

Seeing the operation of the human cub, the fire demon was so angry that the flames exploded, and directly used the inner flame flame.

The red flames condensed into fire dragons and countless small flame clusters, turning the twenty-mile-wide sky into a sea of ​​flames.

The temperature of the red flame is higher than that of the outer flame.

The scorching breath came from all directions, and Le Yun also felt that her muscles were scorched by fire through the magic weapon of the fairy.

With the cold ice to cool down, he disappeared from the sea of ​​flames with the knife on his shoulder, moved to the side of the fire demon, and slashed over without saying a word.

The fire demon sensed a faint wave of spiritual energy around him, and roared away again. Looking back, there was another sea of ​​flames, and his face was distorted in the flames: "Damn little cub, who is your ancestor?"

The little cub has a magic robe that can resist the spirit fire, and the attack magic weapon in her hand is not ordinary, and she also wears the magic weapon as a spear, so extravagant, she must be the descendant of some fairy craftsman.

"You don't have the right to know yet." Le Yun was not discouraged when he chopped the air with a knife, and continued to chase the fire demon with the knife on his shoulder.

She is very persistent, and she will not give up until the fire demon is stabbed.

The sea of ​​fire couldn't trap the little cub of the human race, couldn't burn her to death, and couldn't catch her. The fire demon was very angry, and annoyed, when he approached a mountain peak in the dodge room, he ran into it in a fit of anger.

The fire demon passed through the halfway up the mountain about [-] feet high, and the powerful impact and vibration caused the mountain to collapse.

The mountain collapsed and the ground cracked, and magma from the depths of the stratum entered through the gaps, tearing open the tiny cracks, and surging magma columns gushed out.

In an instant, the beautiful green hills turned into an active volcano.

The fire demon destroyed a mountain with little effort, and triumphantly threatened the human monk: "Little cub, if you don't let go, I will destroy all the mountains and turn millions of miles into barren land."

"You can do whatever you want." Le Yun didn't even frown. The fire demon likes to destroy the mountain so he can destroy it. Anyway, she has locked the boundary of Wanli with magic treasure town, and when it destroys the mountain, it also destroys all the peaks within ten thousand li.

It is a pity that the mountain bees with a radius of thousands of miles were razed to the ground, but sacrificing a small area is better than letting the fire demon detonate all the mountains in the deep underground where the fire veins are distributed.

What's more, most of this ten thousand li wide area is composed of volcanic mountains, and there is only an area less than two thousand li wide where the underground fire veins have not yet erupted.

In exchange for the calm of the underground fire veins in the entire area with the smallest generation, this is already the best result.

If there is no Baixing Town Jieshan, Le Yun and the fire demon will fight. If the fire demon penetrates deep into the ground to make trouble, she is confident that it will not be able to stop it. It keeps detonating the underground fire veins, and the area affected by it will definitely be more than ten thousand miles wide. .

The fire demon hesitated for a moment in the air, the little human cub didn't care about the life and death of the human race?
He thought the human cub's reaction was a bit strange, but he didn't think too much about it. The human cubs didn't mind the life and death of the human race, and he didn't care much.

The fire demon soared up and crashed into a mountain not far away. It took only half a breath to hit the mountain. With the shaking of the ground, the mountain collapsed and the underground fire erupted.

The magma ran rampant, the trees where it passed were swallowed, and even the rocks were melted, and the magma fluidized into a fiery red river flowing wantonly.

The fire demon easily destroyed a mountain, and rushed to another mountain without stopping. After a few breaths, another volcano appeared on the ground.

Smoke billowed in the air.

Le Yun quietly watched the fire demon die. It is rampant now. When the spiritual power of the fire is exhausted, when she settles the general account, it will be as miserable as it is now.

The little cub of the human race didn't stop himself, the fire demon happily destroyed the mountains, collapsing one after another of the mountains, triggering underground fires to erupt, forming volcanoes one after another.

As the mountains collapsed and the magma collapsed, the thick smoke in the air was like a cotton mountain piled up with cotton wool. The magma ejected from the crater or many cracks in the ground formed a series of red rivers, rushing turbulently.

The forest was ignited, and the flames rose to the sky.

Seeing his achievements, the fire demon was so excited that his body swelled up again, crashing down one mountain after another with a thunderous momentum.

When it destroyed another mountain about [-] feet high and wanted to hit another mountain about [-] feet high, it bumped into an invisible barrier.

The fire demon slammed into the invisible barrier. Because of the excessive force, he was stunned, so that the body was bounced back and flew more than ten feet away.

When the fire demon hit the barrier of the boundary mountain in Baixing Town, Le Yun moved, and his figure suddenly disappeared from where he was standing, and then moved to the fire demon's side.

The fire demon that flew upside down hadn't stabilized yet, and suddenly felt the danger of death, so it instinctively avoided dodging.

When it dodged, a long knife appeared out of thin air, and stabbed at its demon heart. It dodged quickly, avoiding the flame heart, and the purple halo knife cut into its body, and the light of the knife pierced the outer flame. Straight to Huanglong, directly to the inner flame area.

Wherever the blade glow with the destructive aura passed, the power of the fire demon was vanished into nothingness.

When the light of the sword shined, the soul of the fire demon burst into pain, causing it to scream and fly away. After flying several hundred feet, it suddenly turned around and glared at the human race: "Little cub, are you... a formation cultivator?"

"That's right." Le Yun finally slashed Huo Mo with a knife, and she was in a good mood: "To tell you the truth, this fairy has sealed off a territory that is thousands of miles wide, and no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to escape this ten thousand miles."

"Impossible!" The fire demon suspected that the little cub was talking nonsense, and wanted to disrupt his mind by attacking him, and immediately rushed in the opposite direction.

The speed of the fire demon was extremely fast, hundreds of miles in an instant, and after a few breaths, he reached the area thousands of miles away from where he hit the invisible barrier, and continued to fly forward.

He ran into an invisible barrier again.

Once again, the fire demon, who was stunned by the collision, flew upside down more than ten feet away, stabilized, and flew forward again in disbelief.

Unsurprisingly, he hit an invisible barrier again and was dizzy again.

"The human race is despicable!"

The fire demon is furious, and the human race is the most insidious, offering magic weapons and setting up formations at every turn!

The fire demon, who was so angry that he rose to the sky, turned around and flew down, and fell into the crater of a mountain, and then followed the magma into the stratum, and drilled all the way to the depths of the house.

When he escaped to a depth of [-] feet in the stratum, no matter how hard the stratum was to move, he naturally could no longer continue to escape further.

This time, Huo Mo believed that the human monks really used some formation to seal the ten thousand li territory. If they want to get out, they must either kill the human monks or destroy the large formation set up by the human monks.

Knowing that he was trapped, the fire demon was so angry that his heart almost exploded.

"Damn little cub, I'm going to roast you into jerky!"

The ship capsized in the gutter, and the fire demon was so angry that it swelled, and the powerful force caused the formation to crack open, causing an earthquake. The magma deep in the formation penetrated everywhere, rushing into the crack, or tearing the crack wider , or gush out of the ground, forming new craters.

The fire demon triggered a geological disaster, flew quickly from the underground fire channel, and soon sneaked into the underground fire channel in the area of ​​the human monk Xiangzai.

Dive near the human monks, the fire demon aroused the flames of the body, causing the underground fire veins within a thousand miles to riot, and the magma erupted suddenly.

The underground magma that spanned more than a thousand miles was active at the same moment. Amid the deafening noise, the ground collapsed, and countless crimson magma columns rushed straight into the cloud debris.

The flames erupted from the fire intertwined with thick smoke, and there was no skylight for thousands of miles.

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