magic eye doctor

Chapter 2942

The dust produced by countless volcanic eruptions filled the air, and when the sky was dark, the red magma erupting upwards like a fountain was particularly conspicuous.

The magma surges up to a height of tens or hundreds of feet, and then sprays, just like fireworks on the Lantern Festival in the world, with fire and silver flowers everywhere.

The fire demon asked himself to watch how volcanoes are formed and what is called mountains and rivers. Music rhyme stood in the air, neither angry nor angry, extremely calm.

Based on the movement route of the demonic energy, she could judge the trajectory of the fire demon's action. From the change route of the demonic energy, she found that the fire demon had the intention of attacking her, and she still took it calmly.

When the fire demon sneaked into the depths of the ground below the sky where he was standing, Le Yun didn't even move his eyelids, until the fire demon broke out of the ground again, and then calmly returned to the star core space.

The star core space became a world of its own, her figure disappeared from the spot, and her breath naturally disappeared without a trace.

The moment the fire demon broke through the ground, he had pinpointed the specific location of the human cub with great precision. When he broke through the soil layer, the aura of the human monk suddenly disappeared.

This kind of disappearance is not like the short-lived breath movement when human monks move with their innate supernatural powers, but her existence cannot be sensed in the entire area, as if the human cubs have never appeared.

The Fire Demon, who broke through the ground, had no time to stop when he lost his target, soared into the air like a gale, and rushed into the smoke and dust himself, his eyes could only peek at a radius of more than ten miles.

The fire demon stayed in the smoke and dust for a moment, and he hated that environment very much. He immediately rushed down and merged with the magma erupted from a volcano.

Hiding in the magma flame column, the fire demon absorbed the power of fire to supplement the consumed spiritual power, while searching for traces of human monks.

With the help of the underground fire veins extending in all directions with his spiritual consciousness, he searched the entire area and found no aura of a human monk, as if she had never appeared before.

At the same time, the fire demon also measured the width of the area that traps him - a radius of ten thousand miles, which is exactly the same as the number that the little cub said.

Unable to find the cub, he couldn't get out for the time being, so the fire demon turned around and drilled into the depths of the strata, and continued to hit the mountain peaks and strata, causing underground fire veins to burst out of the strata and destroy rivers and mountains.

Le Yun returned to her star core space, and has no plans to go out for the time being, so she went directly to the top floor of the nine-story altar, picked two medicine fields, poured a large amount of homemade fertilizer soil, and then turned the ground.

Plow the medicine field deeply, and plant dzi bead rice first.

There was only one Tianzhu rice stick, and the little loli broke off thirty rice grains, accelerated the germination with spiritual power, and then let it settle down in the spiritual field.

What's more, she adopted the way people in her hometown grow corn—first dig a hole and put base fertilizer on it, then place the seeds next to the soil, and then cover with a thin layer of soil.

After the dzi bead rice is planted, the trees and peanuts are planted.

The peanut seeds she planted for the experiment that day when she found tree peanuts had a 100% survival rate, and they had grown into small seedlings, which were about two inches taller than the soil.

The seedlings grew vigorously, and the peanut tree was also full of vitality. After being moved into the star core space, it grew a little taller, and the branches also grew new branches, making the tree shape more beautiful.

In order to realize the freedom of the tree peanut fruit, Le Xiaoluoli carefully selected a batch of tree peanut rice grains, soaked them in the spiritual liquid for two hours, and then used the spiritual power to produce a little bud, and then planted them.

Planted tree peanuts, and then rained for those areas in the star core space that still need artificial rainfall, and sneaked into the medicinal material planting area to collect them.

She didn't waste sleep and food in order to collect, and she was busy until the evening when she finished her work. She placed two large pots on the open space around the nine-story altar square where there were no piles of spirit stones.

The little fox and little Huihui were busy collecting in the mountains in the wild. After a hard day, they returned to the central area of ​​the sacred tree in the evening and saw the little girl, and jumped towards it excitedly.

The two little beasts, the way of expressing their intimacy remains the same as before - one is touching the face and the other is hugging the thighs.

Le Yun cut off the beard of the little fox that was jumping towards her face in the air, and then slipped the little cutie who was climbing with her legs like a tree pole into the palm of her hand, and kissed the two little cuties hard.

Still her little cuties are cute.

Like the fire demon outside, she just wants to grab it and cut it.

Beast is his own cutie, Le Yun is in a good mood, kissing the two cuties so dizzy, he took out a small bench for the two to sit on, each with a bag of fruit shells.

The two cuties held the face that left the fragrance of the little girl/lady, and laughed foolishly for a while, before hugging the cloth bag dozens of times larger than themselves, and licking it happily.

The little fox is so happy that even his eyes are drawn into a line. Although he has changed from a fox god to a manaless little poor man, he has snacks and sea snail soup with the little girl. Poor.

He's feeling a little overwhelmed now.

To tell the truth, if it is like now, there are delicious shellfish, mutated cicadas, or emerald stones as snacks every now and then, as well as spiritual food and sea snail soup, he feels that there is no pity if he does not return to the upper world.

The reason why he wanted to return to the upper realm was only because he wanted to find out who plotted against him, and then go to the culprit to avenge his shame.

Xiao Huihui squatted on the back of the chair, eating one shell and taking another, not even finding time to squeak.

The two cuties worked hard in the star core world, and Le Yun also felt sorry for their efforts. The sea snail soup had a lot of ingredients, and it took four hours for a pot of soup to come out.

When it was time to eat, the two little beasts held a ritual bowl, and buried their heads in cooking, wishing they could bury their heads in the bowl.

After eating the spiritual food, the temperature of the soup that had been left for a while was just right.

Xiao Huihui filled a small basin, leaned back, fell down with a bang, and fell asleep with her belly on her back.

Fortunately, Xiao Huihui was wearing a jumpsuit, otherwise she would have exposed her privacy by sleeping in that position.

"Little Huihui needs to strengthen his body training." The little fox poured a pot of soup into his stomach like a cow drinking water, despising the little monkey who was overwhelmed by a pot of soup.

Le Yun picked up the pot and filled the pot for the little fox: "You can continue."

"Yeah, yum!" The little fox joyfully lifted up the pot, and filled it with soup again.

A pot of soup came to an end in a blink of an eye.

The drunk-eyed little fox, still unaware, held up the basin, stood crookedly, and shouted with his tongue out: "It's's delicious, little... little girl...head, one more...have a bowl .”

Le Yun smiled and filled the little fox again.

The little fox whose demands were satisfied, stared at the fox's eyes, raised his neck, and guzzled again.

At the same time that the pot of soup bottomed out, the little fox's eyelids also closed, and he swayed to one side as if drunk.

The first time it didn't fall, it just staggered.

Barely holding on, he lost it after the second step. He subconsciously leaned back, and also hit the ground with a "bang", lying flat on his back.

The fox lay down, his two paws still clutching the eating bowl tightly.

He personally deduced what is meant by "a fox can be thrown, but a job must never be lost".

Looking at the little fox who turned his belly to bask in the moon, Le Yun smiled and showed a row of small jade teeth: "I thought you were very capable, but you were put down by three pots of soup."

There is only a "two" difference between one and three.

In the past, Xiao Huihui drank a few catties of soup each time, and the little fox drank hundreds of catties of soup. The amount of soup that the little fox drank was dozens of times that of Xiao Huihui.

This time, Little Fox only drank two pots more than Xiao Huihui, which shows how powerful her pot of soup is.

Le Yun silently recalled the recipe of the soup and kept it in mind. Judging from the clinical response of the little fox, the new recipe was very successful.

The recipe of the new sea snail soup adds the pulp made from the fruit of the tree peanut.

In addition to the obvious medicinal effects of the tree peanut, it is matched with a certain kind of plant in proportion, which can unconsciously intoxicate people or animals.

The formula of tree peanuts and some kind of spiritual plant that can intoxicate people or beasts is not only harmless to the body, but can restore spiritual consciousness and increase spiritual root value.

In order to collect first-hand information, Le Yun sealed the unfinished sea snails and put them in a storage container that can keep them warm and fresh. She sat next to the two little beasts and kept vigil for them.

She stayed overnight and collected the most comprehensive clinical response data.

The data was as expected, which made her very satisfied.

It was dawn, and the two cuties were still awake. Le Yun rubbed her little chin, and another idea popped up in her mind—try another day with fruit couple and Lingzhi sea snail soup.

She didn't have the time to experiment with new recipes, so the idea took a while.

Little Loli happily ran to the medicinal planting area to collect them, and she worked for another day. The two cuties hadn't woken up, and they didn't even change their sleeping positions. They turned their stomachs to bask in the sun all day, and continued to bask in the moon at night.

Le Yun didn't care about the two cubs, she tidied up a bit, and ate the spirit fruit to replenish her physical strength. After her spirit recovered to its peak, she stepped out of the star core space slowly. Now it's time to find the fire demon.

Appearing again under the cloudy sky, the sky was filled with floating dust, the earth became riddled with holes, volcanoes sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and red lava rivers criss-crossed.

When she returned to the star core space, the fire demon detonated the underground fire vein through unremitting efforts, and there was no intact mountain within ten thousand miles.

The fire demon sneaked into the fire veins deep in the ground to absorb energy.

Le Yun, standing in the air and overlooking the earth, was not surprised at all. No one stimulated the fire demon, and it ignited the underground fire without hesitation. Now that she stimulated its nerves, it would be strange if the fire demon did not destroy it.

After searching for a while, she found that the magic energy was five thousand miles away, so she flew over in an unhurried manner.

The fire demon hides deep in the strata under a huge volcanic mountain peak. That mountain covers more than [-] miles in a circle and is the largest mountain bee in the vicinity.

The volcanic eruption destroyed the small hills near the mountain, and the ground cracked. The magma ejected from the mountain and other volcanoes all gathered into the big crack, forming several red magma, and the rivers surrounded the mountain.

The fire aura is also the strongest there.

Le Yun flew to the outside of the mountain that turned into a crater, landed on the huge magma lake formed by the volcanic eruption, and dived into the magma without hesitation.

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