magic eye doctor

Chapter 2943

The underground fire vein was detonated by the fire demon, and the heat was emitted through the crater, and the temperature of the magma was several degrees lower than that in the sealed state.

Le Yun is protecting her body in the fairy robe. When sneaking in the magma flow, she feels that the temperature of the magma is almost the same as the temperature of the volcanic magma in the center of the ancient secret realm. The temperature of the magma will not cause any harm to herself.

Because she was not in a hurry, she practiced the teleportation technique in the magma by the way.

It is also possible to move in magma, but it is not as fast as moving in the air above the formation, and if there is an error in the calculated distance, it is most likely to cause mistakes.

The result of the mistake is that it moved into the soil layer or rock, as if it was "buried" in the mud layer or "embedded" in the rock. If it accidentally "suffocates" and dies, whoever digs it out after hundreds of millions of years will die. It is a miracle no less than the "terracotta warriors" among the eight wonders of the world.

Le Yun tried to move it a few times by herself, and accidentally moved it into the rock several times and was bound so hard that she could hardly get out. She was really about to suffocate, and maybe she would become a living fossil in the future.

There were also a few times when she moved farther and was embedded in the soil layer. If her fairy robe was a coffin, she would become an "ancient person" who died on the ground.

Fighting the risk of becoming an "ancient person" or a "living fossil", Le Yun finally figured out the knack of moving in the rock veins, knowing how to determine the distance and control the speed.

You can move freely in the magma, and if you fight the fire demon in the underground fire vein, you will have more confidence.

There is another confidence, which naturally makes people feel happy.

With no pressure in her heart, Le Yun happily walked with the teleportation technique, and moved to the area where the fire demon was hiding in a short while.

The magma in the underground fire veins of the Tomb Mountain Group is more than [-] feet from the surface. Under normal circumstances, because the underground fire veins are hidden so deep, the possibility of natural eruption is extremely low.

Even if one day the strength of the underground fire veins accumulates to the critical point of the surface load, if the underground fire veins really erupt on one day, then it must be the softest and weakest area of ​​some soil or rock.

The area of ​​an active volcano formed by such a natural eruption is much smaller than the area of ​​the current volcano caused by the fire demon, and the degree of harm will naturally be reduced by several steps.

After all, there must be signs of earthquakes or mountain cracks before a volcano erupts. The creatures living in the area that is about to become a volcano have discovered some unusual signs and will take some measures to avoid danger.

Baixing Town Jieshan Magic Treasure Mountain locks the land for thousands of miles, and its mana array penetrates [-] feet deep underground. It is like enclosing a [-]-foot-thick magma in the barrier, cutting off part of the magma flow from the underground magma flow .

The fire demon is hiding in the magma flow of the fire veins underground. Because he couldn't find the human cub, he didn't know when she would appear and destroyed the mountain peaks above the ground, so he lurked up to absorb the spiritual power of fire and accumulate energy Keep sharp, waiting for a decisive battle with the human monks.

It didn't fall asleep, and its spiritual consciousness monitored the movement around it.

When the human monk sneaked not far from his hiding place, the fire demon found her and did not attack immediately. It was not until the little cub entered his hiding place that he suddenly launched an attack.

The fire demon's body flame burned with the magma, and the temperature of the magma suddenly rose.

Le Yun, who escaped into the underground fire vein, did not deliberately conceal her whereabouts. She swaggered into the magma flow and sneaked into the underground fire vein.

When the fire demon was in trouble, she didn't panic, and threw two formation disks filled with spiritual marrow and top-quality spirit stones at her feet, and moved quickly by stepping on the formation disks.

In a blink of an eye, Le Yun moved outside the area covered by the fire magic power. Le Yun took out the sub-divine bone cutting knife Caihen, added a dozen talismans, and chopped towards the magma flow with the enlarged kitchen knife.

The bone cleaver, which was magnified dozens of times in size, slashed towards the flaming magma with a dazzling golden and purple halo.

Not to mention earth-shattering and weeping ghosts and gods, that knife also has the potential to thunder.

The big kitchen knife slashed down heavily, and the light sank into the magma like a broken bamboo. The dazzling light of the knife separated the magma sharply, forming a deep ditch about ten feet wide.

As soon as the human monk's weapon appeared, the fire demon's devilish heart frightened for a while, even if he blocked his edge, he immediately ran away.

Even if he reacted very quickly and retreated when he saw the situation was not good, although he was not hit by the magic weapon, he was swept by the light of the weapon, and the fire aura of the body was swallowed up.

Knowing the power of the human cub's magic weapon, the fire demon did not dare to merge with the magma any longer, while shrinking in size, and took advantage of the human cub's time to withdraw the knife, he rushed towards the human cub.

In the underground fire veins, he has an absolute advantage, and his speed has reached the limit. In a flash, he rushed to the human cub, turned into a fire net, and covered the human race.

Le Yun, who cut out a knife, missed the main body of the fire demon. When he retracted the knife, he found that the fire demon had come to his side.

With her left foot as the center of the circle, she spun around in a circle, and the knife glow followed her to draw a circle.

The sword light swept across, sweeping away a large area of ​​the fire demon's spiritual power again.

After drawing a circle, Le Yun's hand holding the handle of the knife moved slightly, and the kitchen knife quickly changed its position, with the tip of the knife facing upwards, stabbing at the fire demon's body.

The fire demon consumed a lot of fire spiritual power by the magic weapon's light, and was so angry that the demon's heart was about to burst. When he found that the power that could threaten the demon's heart was coming, he immediately fled to thirty feet away.

Attacked twice in a row, not to mention returning without success each time, but was consumed by the little cubs of his fire spirit power, a typical example of losing his wife and losing his army.

The fire demon was so angry that the flames burst into "huhu" and roared angrily: "Little cub, I won't eat you anymore! Let's talk!"

"Don't talk about it." Le Yun didn't stab Huo Mo's delicate body, and took a step forward with the kitchen knife, which covered a distance of more than twenty feet, and the big kitchen knife greeted Huo Mo again.

The little human cub rushed forward, but the fire demon fled away, and suddenly appeared thousands of feet away, shouting again: "Little cub, let's make peace, I can give you a spiritual fire."

"Don't talk about it." Le Yun was unmoved, moved over, raised the knife and slashed over.

The fire demon walked another thousand zhang away and roared angrily: "What do you really want?"

"The purpose of this fairy is very simple. One is to obliterate you, and the other is to purify you. You have only two choices. One is to surrender and accept the purification willingly, and the other is to die calmly."

Le Yunqi chased and killed the fire demon relentlessly, while "negotiating peace" with the fire demon: "You choose to die, and there are two ways, one way is that you blew the devil's heart yourself, so that you will suffer less.

The second is that this fairy hacks you to death. In this way, you can see with your own eyes how your spiritual power and magic energy are eliminated by this fairy little by little. His hands were beaten out of his wits. "

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