magic eye doctor

Chapter 2944

Chapter 2944

Le Yun's words of killing the fire demon are really not alarmist. If the evil energy and sins on the fire demon can be purified, the spiritual fire can be restored to its original cleanliness.

If the spiritual fire returns to the fire-seeding state again, it is like a phoenix after nirvana once, and then enters a period of deep sleep, and will wake up again after a certain period of time.

Purifying the tinder once is actually equivalent to being reborn once.

If it can't be purified, or if the fire demon is determined not to cooperate and accept the purification, then it can only be wiped out. After all, it is already possessed by the demon, and it is a demonic fire. If you keep it, you don't know how many creatures will be harmed.

The fire demon itself is indeed a spiritual fire, but the evil it has done in the bitter bamboo collar is too serious, and it is impossible to let it go. Therefore, there are only two ways for it to be given by Le Yun, either surrender or die.

The little cub of the human race was domineering and ruthless, and the fire demon was furious: "I don't want to start a real fire with you, a little cub, so I proposed peace talks with you. You don't even know what's good!"

He is a magic weapon in the hands of the little cubs of the human race, but that doesn't mean he is a coward.

Angry in his heart, the fire demon launched an attack regardless, summoning large swaths of true flames to greet the little human cubs.

The fire demon fought desperately with him again, and Le Yun happily accepted the attack with a kitchen knife. She didn't have much experience in fighting people in the depths of the earth, so this is a good opportunity!
An exasperated man who just wanted to kill an opponent who threatened his life, Mammo threw it out as if he didn't want money.

A leisurely and self-satisfied, purely treating the other party as a training partner, carrying a sword in both offense and defense.

Although at the beginning, because she was in the magma flow, she was not as comfortable as she was in the air, and she felt a little restrained, and Le Yun was sometimes forced to be in a hurry, but she became more and more handy as she fought.

After fully adapting to the magma environment, she moves like a fish in water.

One person and one demon fought in the magma flow of the underground fire vein. The collision of the true essence shook the ground and shook the mountains. Many places with thin layers were collapsed or cracked by the force wave, and the underground magma spurted out thinly, turning into magma one by one. lake or lava river.

Many mountains that had been made crumbling by the fire demon and hadn't yet collapsed were shaken again, bursting, sliding, collapsing, or being destroyed.

The collision of forces in the depths of the formation also made the earth tremble, and the magma lake or magma flow on the surface also oscillated, or collided with sparks, or smashed the shore like a wave of water, or the surface of the magma was as smooth as the surface of the sea. Wave after wave, the waves are magnificent.

In areas where there are rocks or soil solidified, because of the compact structure and strong bearing capacity, there is no collapse or tearing of cracks, but because of the soil, the rocks are crushed into air by force waves, thus forming tunnels of different sizes and lengths .

The fire demon feels that he has an absolute advantage in the underground fire veins, and he also absorbs the spiritual power of fire for his own use at any time, while the human cubs are limited in their movements deep in the ground, as long as he can drag her until her spiritual power is exhausted, he will be unable to continue He could easily capture her alive.

However, he and the human cub fought in the underground fire vein magma for a whole day and night, and the cub didn't show signs of lack of spiritual power. Instead, she became more energetic and faster.

He was also sure that the cub of the human race was not a pure fire-type spiritual root, and the fire aura she absorbed was very little, which was nothing compared to the spiritual aura he absorbed.

It also proved that the aura absorbed by the human cub from the spirit stone can supply her consumption, and her own idea of ​​consuming the cub to death is simply not feasible.

It is impossible to exhaust the cub's spiritual power in a short period of time, so the fire demon can only continue to fight the cub for a long time.

One person and one demon fought in the underground fire veins without sleep for a day and two nights, and then drilled out of the ground from the depths of the stratum, and continued to fight on the ground or in the air.

From the depths of the stratum to the surface, then into the air, from the air to the ground, then to the depths of the stratum, and then from the underground to the ground, it goes back and forth like this.

Because of the constant battle between humans and demons day and night, the area of ​​underground fire veins and formations was destroyed more and more. The land and mountain peaks were crushed into dust or ash by the power of humans and demons, or melted by underground magma.

As a result, the land within a radius of ten thousand miles is either magma lakes, magma rivers, or large and small pits. Looking around, the ground is full of holes and devastated.

The dust in the air is flying all over the sky, the density is as thick as a super-level dust storm, and the entire enchantment is dim, as if the end is coming, and it seems that the world has returned to chaos.

As time went by, the aura of fire became less and less.

The battle lasted for nine days and ten nights, and within ten thousand miles was completely razed to the ground. There was no rock or gravel dust mound with a height of more than [-] meters on the surface, and the sunken potholes were all lava lakes.

Many small and medium-sized magma lakes have solidified or are in the process of solidifying, and the large magma lakes are still red, and the scorching high temperature is gradually decreasing.

The fire demon finally reacted - the fire aura has been exhausted!The spiritual power of fire he absorbed could no longer make up for the consumption, and he became unable to make ends meet.

The reason why he didn't notice the abnormality before was because his body was a spiritual fire, and his body power was powerful, so he naturally used his body power when the supply of external spiritual energy was not enough.

Before he knew it, nearly half of his main body strength was consumed!
Suddenly realizing that the battlefield was not good for him, the fire demon was extremely angry: "The little cub is easy to calculate!"

The demon finally came to his senses, Le Yun was still wielding the kitchen knife one after another as before, laughing until his eyes became crescent moons.

"Hey, each other. You have been dragging this fairy to fight in the underground fire veins, aren't you plotting against this fairy and wanting to use up my true energy?"

What kind of idea is the devil playing? God knows what she knows. God knows what she is thinking. Everyone has their own calculations. Whoever wins depends on means and luck.

"I'm fighting with you!" After spending half a month with the human race, and being tricked by the human race, the fire demon was furious, arousing the power hidden in the demon heart.

His body and demon heart expanded rapidly, and the blue-black color of the outer flame became more and more intense, almost as thick as black ink.

"You said how good it was for you to blew yourself up at the moment this fairy told you to blew yourself up, and you actually wasted half a month of time." Le Yun watched the fire demon's body grow, and said sarcastic remarks while holding a kitchen knife.

She was not idle either, calmly took out the treasure of Zhu Xian and hid it in her sleeve, and quickly injected a large amount of spiritual power.

The fire demon was angry and annoyed, and roared maniacally: "Ahhhhhhhh—"

With his roar, his body swelled faster, just like a balloon being blown up, getting bigger round by round.

"Your devil's heart not only contains aura but also accumulates devil's energy. The power is majestic, which is quite good." She commented again.

Typical standing and talking without back pain.

The fire demon was even more angry.

A certain demon was so angry that he was about to lose his mind, and Le Yun was very calm, and happily studied how the fire demon controlled the power of the demon heart.

The fire demon summoned all the demon energy contained in the demon heart, and even the outer flame turned black.

When wisps of pure black devil energy surged from the devil's heart to the flame's heart, Le Yun took out the Zhu Xian Baojian hidden in her sleeve and pointed it at the fire demon.

The dazzling golden light from Zhuxianbao's Jianyan was aimed at a large fireball that had expanded from several tens of feet to a diameter of about two hundred feet.

The golden light shone on the black outer flame of the fire demon, and the jet-black black flame made a "chichi" sound, then turned into wisps of black smoke, soared into the air and dissipated.

At the moment of the golden light, the magic heart of the fire demon that was transmitting power suddenly shrank, abruptly interrupting the transmission of magic energy.

Sensing a mighty force, the fire demon was also shocked. His spiritual consciousness looked at the magic weapon in the hands of the little human cub, and was almost "blinded" by the golden light.

He sensed that the magic weapon in the human monk's hand was only hiding some kind of power that was also a spiritual fire, so he didn't move away immediately, but when he wanted to fly away, he found that he was sucked and flew towards the golden light.

The fire demon struggled in terror, but no matter how hard he tried, he only slowed down his speed of flying towards the golden light, and he couldn't break free from that powerful pulling force at all.

"Little cub, make peace! Make peace! I sincerely want to make peace." The fire demon yelled in panic, fearing that he would be wiped out by the magic weapon of the human race.

"Reject. This fairy said long ago that you either submit or die. You don't choose. Now it's up to you." Le Yun held a kitchen knife in one hand and the mirror handle of Zhu Xianbaojian in the other, and leisurely refused the negotiation request.

The fire demon, who was sucked so close to the magic weapon in the hands of the human race, let out a heart-piercing cry: "Don't kill me—"

As soon as the terrified roar was heard, the huge fireball that swelled into a ball was swallowed by the mirror, and the dazzling golden light quickly converged, making the mirror surface calm.

The magic weapon mirror returned to its normal mirror-like appearance.

Locking the fire demon into Zhuxian Baojian, Le Yun is in a happy mood. The Jade Blood Flame is as rare as the Thunderbolt Purple Flame. Demon, but when half of the power of the fire demon body is consumed, that's another matter.

She fought with the fire demon for nearly half a month, invisibly consumed the fire demon's body strength, and then attacked it when it was about to explode, and the fire demon couldn't escape even if it wanted to.

After catching the fire demon, Le Yun didn't even blink. A ray of divine consciousness entered Baojian, and found that the fire demon was trapped in the mirror enchantment, swearing, and sent "warmth" in a friendly way-throwing Pili Ziyan over.

"Damn little cub, goddamn little cub, I curse you with thunder and bangs..."

The fire demon fell into a dark enchantment, and found that he was not dead. When he was excited, he found that his spiritual power, magic energy, and soul were sealed and could no longer be used. He cursed non-stop.

Just as he was swearing wildly, a ray of purple flame suddenly appeared, turning into a huge ball of flame and enveloping him.

"Thunderbolt Purple Flame, Impossible, Impossible..." Seeing the lightning-shaped purple flame, the fire demon showed a devilish expression.

In the entire Yunlan Realm, the Thunderbolt Purple Flame has only appeared once in 50 billion years, and it was finally acquired by a human race and became the natal fire of a human monk.

He, Bi Xueyan, was born in the same period as Pili Ziyan, the heaven and earth spirit fire.

Thunderbolt Purple Flame obviously ascended to the Immortal Realm with a certain Human Race Golden Immortal. After that, Yunlan not only did not give birth to Thunderbolt Purple Flame, but also never gave birth to Purple Spiritual Fire.

(End of this chapter)

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