magic eye doctor

Chapter 2945

Chapter 2945
There are also grades of spiritual fire, which are earth grade, heaven grade, immortal grade, and god grade, and each grade is divided into lower, middle and upper grades.

The earth-grade spiritual fire is still an ordinary fire, and the sky-grade spiritual fire is a real heaven and earth spiritual fire.

Thunderbolt Purple Flame and Jade Blood Flame are both natural spiritual fires, and when they are born, they are low-rank spiritual fires in the heavenly rank.

After Pili Ziyan formed a contract with the human race, he continued to grow, and before Huoyun Jinxian left Yunlan, he had grown into a divine spirit fire.

Jade Blood Flame was born in the Demon Realm. Although it devoured countless fire seeds and fire-attributed demons or spiritual plants, it grew to the top-rank spiritual fire and never advanced again. It is still a top-rank spiritual fire.

The man's name, Ershu Ying'er, and Huoyun Jinxian's name are like thunder in Yunlan's ears, and his natal fire, Pili Ziyan, is also a unique purple flame, which is also well-known far and wide.

The body of the fire demon is also the spiritual fire of heaven and earth, and it was also a spiritual fire born at the same time as Pili Ziyan, so it is impossible not to pay attention to Pili Ziyan.

In the tens of millions of years after the Tianhuo Calamity, there are still various kinds of heavenly spirit fires born in various places in Yunlan.

After that, because the spiritual energy became thinner and thinner, Yunlan rarely saw the heavenly grade spiritual fire, and the spiritual fires bred in the fire veins and fire caves everywhere were also the earth grade spiritual fire.

In the era when the heavenly spirit fires were all phoenix hairs and scales, one can imagine how terrified the fire demon was when he first saw the thunderbolt purple flame of the once famous divine spirit fire in the mainland.

Especially the Thunderbolt Purple Flame was burning him, directly threatening his soul.

Sensing the danger brought by Ziyan, the fire demon was terrified. Could it be that the little human cub is the reincarnation of the master of Thunderbolt Ziyan, Huoyun, or the little cub is the clone of Huoyun Jinxian left in Yunlan?
As soon as Zi Yan appeared, the scolding sound of the fire demon stopped abruptly, Le Yun raised her eyebrows, did she recognize Zi Yan's origin?

The fire demon stopped yelling, and she didn't show mercy. She sent dozens of talismans into the mirror space, let the talismans fly into the purple flame, and burned the fire demon together with the purple flame.

The purple flame itself had already terrified the fire demon. With the blessing of the talisman, the flame suddenly rose several feet, and the lightning-shaped flame enveloped a layer of dazzling purple halo and golden light.

The Thunderbolt Purple Flame with rune power added has increased its power by more than ten times, and the flame tongue swallowed the black outer flame of the Jade Blood Flame.

The outer flame turned into nothingness, the fire demon let out a cry of pain, and the demon's heart trembled.

The purple flame engulfed in the talisman fire, like a crocodile that hasn't eaten for a long time, devours the fire demon's flame, and strengthens itself with the swallowed flame.

Zi Yan absorbed the power of the same kind of spiritual fire, the flame became more and more solid, and the purple color became thicker and brighter.

The fire demon's true flames disappeared one by one, and his body became less and less.

Le Yun stared at Baojian, while observing the changes in the magic energy of the fire demon, while inputting spiritual energy into the mirror to strengthen it, throwing talismans into the flames from time to time.

The Thunderbolt Purple Flame, blessed with talisman power, mercilessly burned the fire demon.

The fire demon wailed helplessly, watching helplessly as his true flame was devoured bit by bit, and his body shrunk round and round, powerless.

Suddenly, he also remembered what the human cub had said. She said that she would let him watch her body's strength be exhausted, and then beat him to pieces.

The shadow of death fell, and the soul and heart of the fire demon trembled. The fear of death and the strong resentment for not being able to advance, the two emotions and Linghuo's self-esteem tore each other.

As the spiritual fire of heaven and earth, he has his pride, and he is unwilling to surrender.

However, he is not reconciled, it is also a spiritual fire of heaven and earth, why can Thunderbolt Ziyan grow into a spiritual fire of divine grade, but he cannot?
In the end, the unwillingness to die and the unwillingness to perish without becoming a god-level spiritual fire prevailed. He sacrificed his dignity and let out a heart-piercing cry: "Surrender, surrender, I surrender... Woohoo, I surrender..."

The fire demon's shout made Le Yun slightly stunned, oh well, the fire demon seems to be in a bit of a mood, could it be that it was stimulated, and its sanity, which was polluted by the magic energy, regained a little clarity?
Whether it's the fire demon's consciousness regaining a bit of clarity, or the instinctive fear of death, it can't escape the baptism of purification.

Thinking for a while, Le Yun responded indifferently: "You decided to surrender, although it's a bit late, but fortunately, it's still barely in time. For the sake of your sincerity, this fairy only purifies you, not obliterates your soul and spirit. tinder.

You said how easy it is for you to choose to surrender from the beginning, and you have to die before you surrender.

You surrendered from the beginning, so you didn't have to fight for so long. Now you look at Qiu, how badly you have ruined this area.

Just relying on the mountains, rivers and land you destroyed, taking out your soul and whipping it hundreds of times, and destroying your fire ten or eight times is not enough to atone for your sins.

That is to say, this fairy has a kind heart, and it is not your intention to think that you are falling into the devil, so I am willing to give you a chance. If the master of the Thunderbolt Purple Flame is here, you will not be called a soul, and even the tinder will not leave you with a little scum. "

The fire demon was stunned. He destroyed the mountain peaks within ten thousand miles, but the collapse of the underground fire veins and the ground was obviously caused by the fight between the human cubs and him, and the cubs should bear half of the responsibility. How can it be all blamed on him?
The little cub of the human race was unreasonable and put the blame on him. In order not to be wiped out, the fire demon had to help take the blame against his will and silently admitted the accusation.

Who called the little cub said one thing too rightly, as the master of Thunderbolt Ziyan, it is impossible to give him a chance, Tyrant Thunderbolt Ziyan will devour him to strengthen himself.

Just like him, if he has a chance to defeat Thunderbolt Purple Flame, if possible, he will devour Thunderbolt Purple Flame to enhance his own strength.

During the growth of the spirit fire, it can devour heaven, material and earth treasures to strengthen itself, and it can also increase its rank by devouring other spirit fires.

Swallowing spiritual fires of the same level or higher is the best way to improve one's quality.

Pili Ziyan can grow into a divine fire, he has swallowed at least one kind of fairy fire or kindling, and may even swallow Gan Zhong's divine fire or kindling.

For the chance of surviving, the fire demon once again expressed his sincerity: "I have also swallowed some spiritual fires, and I still have a few tinder seeds. I will spit them out for you."

Huh?Le Yun was very surprised, the fire demon still had kindling?

Huo Mo expressed her sincerity, and she was also very angry, and immediately transferred Huo Mo from the mirror space. She was not afraid of Huo Mo's scheming. During the heyday of Huo Mo, he couldn't escape the blockade of Baixing Town Jieshan, let alone his strength is weakened now. Seventy-eight out of ten.

Besides, she can use Baojian to catch it once, and if it wants to run away, it can naturally catch it again.

With her own chance of winning, Le Yun was not afraid of the fire demon's tricks, she moved it out without sealing it or restraining it with spiritual consciousness, and put it in the air directly, giving it freedom.

After being burned by the purple flame and the talisman, the fire demon's huge body shrank severely, from a large fireball with a diameter of nearly two hundred feet to a small fireball with a diameter of less than nine feet.

Moreover, its outer flame is gone, and even its inner flame has been swallowed up, leaving only the flame power of Yanxin.

Suddenly freed from the threat of Zi Yan, his body and soul were also freed from restraint, Huo Mo froze for a moment before he was sure that he had appeared in the sun again.

He glanced at the little human cub complicatedly. The little cub was really cruel, but she was really... big enough, even dared to release him from the magic weapon, and she was not afraid of him running away.

Will he run?

of course not.

Not to mention whether it is possible to escape, his self-esteem does not allow him to escape.

The fire demon was stunned, and opened his mouth to spit things out. Accompanied by the sound of exhaling, several crimson or reddish-brown balls flew out of the flames.

Those dumplings are the seeds of tinder.

The fire demon devoured the power of the spiritual fire, leaving behind the seeds of the fire.

Le Yun was already prepared, rolled up her consciousness, wrapped up the tinder seeds that flew out of the fireball, and then pulled them in front of her to observe carefully.

The fire demon kept eight tinder seeds, three of which were intact and as big as a baby's fist; he also fused part of the power of five seeds, so the seeds also shrank, only half the size of a walnut.

There are three complete seeds, one should have a white flame core, a circle of cyan flame seeds on the outer flame, one is an ice blue flame seed, and the other is a spiritual fire seed with a gray core and a reddish-brown flame.

Those three kinds of flames are also well-known spiritual fires in Yunlan, they are Qingxiao Bairiyan, Lanbingyan, and Brown Huaiyuhuo.

Among the three kinds of spiritual fires, Qingxiao Bairiyan and Bei Brown Huaiyu fire are both real fire-type fires, while Lanbingyan is an ice-type fire, a rare kind of cold fire, which is stronger than the other two kinds of flames. rare.

The seeds of the three spiritual fires are ordinary, like stones, Qingxiaoyan is a blue stone, Lanbingyan is a blue stone, and Brown Huaiyuhuo is a reddish-brown stone.

Throw out the three fire seeds, if the monks didn't use their spiritual sense to sense them, even if they stepped on them, they wouldn't take a second look.

Treasures are sometimes self-obscuring for self-protection, and spiritual fire also protects itself. The seeds grow into stone shapes, which is the way spiritual fire protects itself.

"You are amazing, you actually found the blue ice flame with the ice attribute." Le Yun analyzed the attributes of the three complete fire seeds, sighed, and sympathized with the fire demon: "You can find the blue ice flame, It proves that there is luck, but unfortunately you didn't control your greed and swallowed it up."

Seeing the little human cub researching the tinder seeds, the fire demon felt a little uneasy. He was very proud to hear that he was lucky. His luck has always been good.

Hearing what the little cub said, it seemed that he shouldn't devour the blue ice flame. The fire demon was somewhat unconvinced: "I'm looking for other spiritual fires to strengthen my own strength. Isn't it normal to find the blue ice flame to devour it?"

"It's normal for spiritual fire to devour spiritual fire, but you are the opposite of Lan Bingyan." Le Yun is not afraid of the fire demon's demon heart being broken, and reveals the truth without sympathy: "Your body is blue blood flame, which is of fire attribute. You are hot, but the blue ice flame is ice-type fire, which is cold fire.

Water overcomes fire, and ice is born in water and colder than water. Ice-attributed blue ice flame is the nemesis of fire-attributed spiritual fire. The ice-attributed flame you fused will imperceptibly restrain your body, so that you can stay in the sky. No matter how difficult it is to break through the flame. "

(End of this chapter)

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