magic eye doctor

Chapter 2946

When little Lolita is kind, she is the most caring child in the world. When she is not a good person, she is definitely the one who can stab the knife the most.

At this moment, she stabbed the fire demon with a knife without any pressure.

The knife pierced the fire demon's heart, and the fire demon was pierced by the knife: "What do you mean... I haven't advanced to the immortal or divine rank for a long time, because I devoured the blue ice flame? "

The music rhyme, which has never been surprising and endless, did not consider whether the fragile heart of the fire demon would collapse, so he nodded simply: "Yes."

The fire demon didn't collapse, but the whole fire was swaying around, denying himself: "Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible! I have integrated the power of Lan Bingyan, and I don't feel repulsive."

The fire demon didn't believe that it was Lan Bingyan who was able to overcome everything, Le Yun continued to stab the knife unhurriedly: "The flame energy of Lan Bingyan is fine, if you fuse the flame spiritual power, it is yours.

The problem is the particularity of the fire like Lanbingyan.

Some creatures or natural treasures are born with curses. Blue Ice Flame is a spiritual fire that is born with curses. If you swallow it, you will naturally be branded with curses.

The curse of Lan Bingyan will not be lifted, and you will be stuck at the level of Tianpin Linghuo for the rest of your life. "

"Ahhh—" the little human cub's reassurance caused the fire demon to collapse, frantically fluttering in the air, and hit the ground a few times.

When Pili Ziyan was promoted to the Immortal Spirit Fire, he was not jealous, and even disdained to increase his energy by devouring other Spirit Fires, because he believed that sooner or later he would become an Immortal Spirit Fire.

However, he has worked hard for millions of years and has not advanced.

At that time, he was still not impatient, and felt that he only needed to practice down-to-earth, step by step, and one day he would advance to the immortal rank.

It wasn't until he heard that Pili Ziyan was promoted to the divine rank, he finally couldn't bear it, and embarked on a cultivation method that he had disdained before - devouring other spiritual fires to increase his strength.

He devoured a lot of spiritual fire, but now someone told him that all his efforts were "planting green onions on the slate-wasting effort" just because he fused the blue ice flame.

This kind of news is even more difficult for him to accept than hearing the flames of Thunderbolt Ziyan's advanced god grade.

The fire demon was going crazy, hitting the ground frantically.

It fell from the sky and hit the ground, was bounced up again, hit down again, bounced up again, and hit the ground like crazy, as if it would make him feel better.

Seeing a ball of fire stumbling and repeating, Le Yunmo, the fire demon is crazy!

She didn't think that the fire demon was driven crazy by herself.

She just told the truth with a kind heart. The fire demon knew the truth and couldn't bear the blow. Whether he lost his mind or blew himself up, he couldn't blame her for it.

Le Yun, with a heart of stone, originally didn't want to care about the fire demon who couldn't think about it, but he tossed and tossed and bumped into it at most, making his head dizzy, and tossing the demon energy away.

The fire demon is tossing around, it's a waste of time.

Time is precious, and Le Yun doesn't want to waste her precious time. Seeing that the fire demon has not disappeared, she gives it another dose of medicine: "You don't have to be so overthinking, the curse of Lan Bingyan is not impossible to remove. , Pull out the curse, purify the demonic energy in your body, return the essence, practice hard, and still have the opportunity to advance to the immortal rank, if you don't do evil in the future, it is not impossible to advance to the divine rank."

A ball of flames that crazily hit the ground stagnated in the air, and the fire demon asked blankly: "Is there any help for me?"

"If you meet someone else, it's hopeless. Even if someone wants to save you, they can't save you. If you meet this fairy, it depends on whether you are willing to save yourself."

"How to say?" Huo Mo asked the human monk nervously, and he had already completely forgotten the grievances between him and the human monk who wanted to fight to the death.

"If you want to save yourself, then accept the purification. Purification not only removes the curse mark on your soul, but also eliminates the demon energy in your body's spiritual fire seeds. This process is very painful. If you can keep your mind clear during the purification process , after the purification is complete, your soul will be reborn.

Although your soul may be weak for a long time after purification, your soul and memory can basically be preserved, at most you will fall into a deep sleep, when you wake up, your soul and fire body are now of you.

If you can't hold on after the purification, and you lose your soul, then the only thing left is a kindling called Bi Xueyan's spiritual fire. The kindling will accumulate strength again, and it may not be you that will give birth to sanity again in the future. "

Le Yun didn't intend to fool or deceive the fire demon. Through observation, the fire demon was burned by the purple flame and the talisman, and a lot of magic energy was removed. The body belonging to the blue blood flame was partially awake. The current thinking of the fire demon is still very clear.

After hearing this, the fire demon was in a daze.

He was stunned for a while, and then he went all out: "This gentleman... is willing to bear the pain of purification."

"You are willing to endure the pain of purification. This fairy will tell you the steps first. The first step is that this fairy will remove the curse brand from your soul. This step is very important. You need to open your soul voluntarily. You must not have the heart to resist , so that this fairy can find the curse brand.

The second step is purification. Purification is like before, burning your body with Thunderbolt Purple Flame and Talisman Fire to get rid of evil energy.

With all the demonic energy removed, only a small wisp of your true flame may remain. "

Le Yun is really not alarmist, the fire demon was born in the demon realm, his soul and kindling were infected by the demonic energy, purifying the demonic energy would kill most of his life.

Having suffered the pain of being burned by flames, the fire demon can also imagine how painful it will be when he is truly purified, but he is still willing to give it a try. He is not reconciled if he has not advanced to the immortal rank!
"I am willing to suffer the pain of burning my soul once." In order to one day advance to the rank of Immortal Grade Divine Grade Spirit Fire, as long as the soul is immortal, other pains are acceptable.

"Okay, here is covered by the magic weapon of this fairy, and there will be no outsiders and objects to disturb it. It is the safest, and this fairy is here to purify you.

After the purification is completed, if you still have the energy, it is convenient to absorb the aura of this fire vein. "

"Okay." The human cub was frank, and the fire demon had no objection.

He fell from the sky, stopped when he was about to touch the ground, and asked a question: "I... I want to ask you something before the purification. How did you find me?"

"Demon energy. Your body is the spiritual fire of heaven and earth. You are hidden in the underground fire veins and merged with the magma. The monks of other clans have not found you.

This pair of spiritual pupils of the fairy can see through all kinds of dark and false things in the world. The magic energy in your body escapes along the underground fire vein magma, so naturally you can't escape the magic eyes of this fairy. There are demons hiding everywhere, and I know where you are hiding. "

Le Yun didn't expect that the fire demon would be very kind to solve the fire demon's confusion because of such a problem: "If you are not the spiritual fire of the fallen demon, but other pure heaven and earth spiritual fire, hidden in the underground fire veins and mixed with magma Fusion into one, if this fairy does not enter the underground fire veins, she may not be able to succeed."

"So that's how it is." The fire demon realized, no wonder the monks of all races who passed by this area didn't find him, but the little human cubs found his hiding place, and it was the devil's energy that leaked his whereabouts.

Knowing the reason, his mood was extremely complicated, he didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

He was naturally happy, because the demonic energy leaked his whereabouts, and he was discovered by a human cub, so he had a chance to return to the purest spiritual fire.

Sadness is also there, just because the demonic energy leaked his hiding place, he was discovered by a human cub, and he had to experience not only a spiritual blow, but also a soul-burning pain.

With an incomprehensible mood, the fire demon landed, restrained the real flames, and turned into a ball of flames less than three feet in size.

When the fire demon was ready, Le Yun moved two steps and stood in front of the fire ball, making sure that the fire demon was mentally prepared before approaching it with his consciousness, and then slowly "walked" into the fire demon's sea of ​​consciousness.

The fire demon's consciousness is relatively strong, like a huge lake, the lake is divided into two parts, the lower part is a golden liquid soul power, and the upper part is gray black magic energy.

Also because the foreign consciousness entered the sea of ​​consciousness, the sea of ​​consciousness of the fire demon was not calm, and the power of the liquid consciousness fluctuated like real liquid water, but it did not throw out the foreign consciousness or attack the foreign consciousness.

Le Yun has a pair of external eyes, and she already knew where the curse mark was, but she didn't act immediately when she entered the fire demon's sea of ​​consciousness. large areas of the nail.

That small area is where Lan Bingyan's curse brand is located.

Lan Bingyan's curse brand is invisible, so it was branded in the sea of ​​consciousness of the fire demon, and the fire demon himself did not notice it at all.

Le Yun's consciousness turned into a net to wrap the invisible curse imprint in the void of the Fire Demon Sea of ​​Consciousness, and then quickly evacuated, moving Lan Bingyan's curse imprint out of the Sea of ​​Fire Consciousness.

The moment the human cub's consciousness left his sea of ​​consciousness wrapped in nothingness, Huo Mo felt something violently stir in his sea of ​​consciousness, and then gouged out a ball of his consciousness, his soul. It hurts sharply.

The pain was more intense than his meridians had been cut off, and the pain made him feel dazed for a while.

He managed to slow down, but his consciousness was still throbbing.

The fire demon took a deep breath, looked at the human monk, and saw that the human cub took a few talisman papers and spread them in the air. When the talisman papers glowed with golden light and purple halo, her consciousness would be snatched away from his divine sea. A cloud of spiritual power was thrown above the talisman paper.

The group of spiritual power thrown onto the talisman paper by the human cubs instantly appeared, it was a group of gray and white power group.

The gray-white ball was ordinary, like a gray-white light, and even exuded his divine sense, but he felt extremely uncomfortable looking at it.

Reappearing from the invisible state, the gray-white power group trembled sharply, then spun sharply, turned twice, smelled the breath of the fire demon, and flew towards the direction of the fire demon without hesitation.

Seeing the gray-white light cluster flying in his direction, the fire demon swished away and hid behind the human monk.

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