magic eye doctor

Chapter 2947

The fire demon found that the gray light that should be a curse was rushing towards him, and it was an instinctive reaction to run behind the human monk and hide.

He found the safest hiding place in his subconscious mind, and then leaned out from behind the human race towards the gray light.

The gray-white light wanted to pounce on the fire demon, but when it was about to touch the light of the talisman paper, it retracted as if it had seen a ghost, and flew in another direction, and when it approached the light of the talisman paper, it shrank back again .

If one direction fails, it changes another direction. It explores in all directions, without success once.

"Hey, it's the curse of Lan Bingyan? Does it even have intelligence?" The fire demon looked at the grayish-white light group jumping left and right in the circle of light of the human spell, and was extremely surprised.

"It has no wisdom, only spirituality." Le Yun used the talisman to make Lan Bingyan's curse appear, and she was also quite entangled in how to deal with it.

Lan Bingyan's curse is a good thing, if used properly, it is a good weapon against the enemy.

How to save is the problem.

"Oh." Lan Bingyan's cursed power couldn't go out of a certain range, but the fire demon still didn't want to get close, and still hid behind the human monk without any sense of shame.

Seeing that ball of light jumping up and down, he was very happy, that thing attached to his soul so much that he couldn't advance, now it's all right, it fell into the hands of a more powerful human race!

Le Yun's mind turned tens of times, still reluctant to give up Lan Bingyan's curse power, took out a box made of Lingshi, put a few pieces of talismans engraved with talismans into the box, and then spread another layer Talisman paper, and then glued talismans inside and around the box lid.

After the preparations are complete, use your spiritual sense to wrap the talisman and the gray-white light cluster in the air and move them into the box, and then withdraw your spiritual sense after closing the lid.

For the sake of safety, I found another box made of fire and earth, put the talisman in it, put the box containing the curse power in it, sealed the outside with a talisman, then put a box hewn from stone, and pasted it symbol.

After doing triple protection and making sure that nothing goes wrong, Le Yun put the box into a storage container for dark things, and put it on the shelf first.

The fire demon witnessed the process of the human cub sealing the cursed power of Lan Bingyan, and after confirming that the thing would not come out to harm him, he quietly slipped in front of the human monk.

Properly absorbing Lan Bingyan's curse power, the next step is to purify the fire demon. Le Yun tidied up a place full of broken stones and bricks, then buried talismans in all directions, and laid a circle around the center of the formation. Talisman paper.

After setting up the magic circle, send the fire demon into the soul-killing treasure mirror space, then put the treasure mirror in the air in the center of the magic circle, and then activate the magic circle.

The formation was activated, glowing with golden light and purple, and all the light was cast on the soul-killing treasure mirror.

The soul-killing mirror transferred the power of the circle into the interior, turned it into a beam of strong light and shone on the fire demon, and at the same time, the thunderbolt purple flame also enveloped the fire demon again.

The first time he was burned by Thunderbolt Ziyan, the fire demon was terrified of death, and was burned by Ziyan again. He no longer had the fear of death in his heart, only fear of Ziyan.

The second time Zi Yan burned his body, the pain was not weaker than the first time. No matter how painful it was, the fire demon did not howl, and persisted in the double burning of the raging flame and the golden purple flame.

He has only one belief - he must be promoted to the Divine Grade Spirit Fire!

It is his ultimate goal and his unchanging belief to promote the divine fire.

That belief is like the root of a tree, deeply rooted in his soul and body.

All kinds of suffering are just a test on the road to becoming a god-level spiritual fire.

Huo Mo sticks to his beliefs, and always maintains a trace of sobriety.

He watched the flames of his own body weakening round by round, watched the demon heart being burned and shrunk round by circle, watched the devil energy in the devil's heart disappear, and watched the black color of the devil's heart gradually fade.

His demon heart is actually the seed of spiritual fire.

The spiritual fire seeds were infected by the demon and turned black. When the demon energy was cleared little by little, the seeds appeared little by little.

As the person in charge of the purification work, Le Yun guarded the purification formation and shared a ray of consciousness to observe the fire demon in the mirror. Seeing that it was suffering in the raging fire, he didn't howl, and was quite admirable.

At the same time, it also proved that the way I chose to purify the fire demon and let it return to the real body of Jade Blood Flame was correct.

The Jade Blood Flame was born in the Demon Realm. It is the fire seed bred in the Demon Realm. On the territory of the Demon Realm, it has no other choice but to grow into a fire demon.

Just like a human being, when he was reincarnated, he was put into the womb of a mother who was full of five poisons. He was infected by the five poisons in the womb, and he was also a person with all five poisons around him. With the guidance and education of more talented people, do you think people can grow crooked in such an environment?
Because the fire demon was born in the Demon Realm, and because it became a fire demon due to the environment, not his intention, Le Yun was willing to purify it and give it another chance.

If the Jade Blood Flame was not born in the Demon Realm, but it had voluntarily fallen into the Demon Realm, even if it was a rare spiritual fire of heaven and earth, she would not take pity on it, just because of the evil it did in the bitter bamboo collar, needless to say, it would be wiped out directly.

With the passage of purification time, the demonic energy of the fire demon's body became less and less, and the blood red that belonged to the Jade Blood Flame Fire Seed became clearer and clearer.

The true flame of the fire demon is getting thinner and thinner.

When the purification work was coming to an end, only a small ball of the true flame of the Jade Blood Flame remained on the finger, as thin as gauze, shaped like a lamp that was about to run out of oil, and seemed to be extinguished at any moment.

The tinder seeds are also less than normal tinder, and finally returned to their true colors - red as blood.

When the last ray of devilish energy from the tinder seed was pulled out, Le Yun removed the Thunderbolt Purple Flame, and then moved the Jade Blood Flame out of the mirror space, placed it on top of the formation that had not exhausted its mana, and added another talisman.

The newly added talisman turned into a raging fire.

The green blood flame with a small ball of true flame attached to the seed slowly absorbed the magic fire, and the thin ball of true flame became a little more solidified.

Sending some energy to the weak Bi Xueyan, Le Yun calmly asked: "Bi Xueyan, are you still awake?"

"Wake up...waking up." A voice thinner than the wind came from the flames: "Thank you sir for giving me a new life! I have recovered my original real body, my strength is exhausted, my consciousness is very weak, and I am about to fall into a deep sleep. It may take a long time to wake up again. .”

Even if the soul is weak, Bi Xueyan also sincerely thanked the human monks.

Although this burning pain made it fall directly from the Mahayana stage to the beginning of refining, it saw its true body.

It turned out that his original body was so pure.

After a burning pain, he was born again.

"Go ahead and sleep. The fire spirit in the underground fire veins here is rich. This fairy will send your fire seed into the fire veins deep in the ground to grow for a few days. You should absorb as much ground fire power as possible."

"Thank you sir." The real flame of Jade Blood Flame flickered, then got into the fire seed, and there was no more movement after that.

After analysis, Bixueyan fell into a deep sleep, and Le Yun added a few requiem talismans to the magic circle, so that the Jade Bloodyan flames would continue to be illuminated by the light of the magic circle.

After waiting for about one stick of incense, the power of the magic circle was exhausted, and the talisman paper was turned into powder.

Le Yun put Jade Blood Flame's kindling into a box, and left the space blocked by Jieshan in Baixing Town.

It was already night outside, and through a layer of dust, one could see a clear moon hanging on the high sky, surrounded by stars.

The stars and the moon are bright and clear.

However, the sky of Mt. Tombs is filled with dust, and the brilliance of the stars and the moon cannot be sprinkled on the ground, so the light on the ground is dim, and ordinary people cannot see things at such nights.

Le Yun stood still in the air for a while, observed the starry sky, took out a team of puppet people and puppet beasts, and ordered them to clean up the volcanic ash, collect usable stones and dry firewood due to the dry climate.

The small team of puppets spread out, ending in the direction of the central area of ​​the gravehead mountain, and went to work to collect the fire ash mountain, stones and dead trees.

The dust in the Boundary Mountain of Baixing Town has not yet settled, Le Yun temporarily confiscated the Magic Treasure Mountain, took out the spirit boat to travel, and sent the puppet army to the various districts of the volcanic mountainous area of ​​the Tomb Mountain.

Arranging a task for the puppet group, she flew to the eastern area of ​​the Mt. Tomb Mountain Volcanic Group and stopped by the magma lake of the largest active volcano.

After observing the temperature and ups and downs of the magma, he put away the spirit boat, opened the defense of the fairy robe, and jumped into the magma lake.

The red magma is surging, and people can't see anything else except the red magma in the magma flow.

Le Yun, who entered the magma flow, calmly took out the seed of the Jade Blood Flame, and stuck it to the glossy surface of the fairy robe with divine sense, so that the fire seed could absorb the spiritual power and heat of the fire.

The power of the fire seed is exhausted, and naturally he will not refuse the opportunity to "eat", and greedily absorbs the fire aura and fiery fire energy.

With the help of fire to absorb heat, the aura consumed by the fairy robe on the defensive cover has also been doubled.

Le Yun followed the magma flow and dived all the way to a depth of nearly fifty thousand feet before reaching the underground fire network.

The fire veins are far away from the surface. With such a stratum thickness, under normal circumstances, without earthquakes or impacts from external forces, it is difficult for the underground magma to break through the suppression of the stratum by itself.

The underground fire veins are criss-crossed and shaped like a maze. In the absence of a contrast object, it is difficult for ordinary monks to dive into it to distinguish their directions.

Le Yun is unrestricted, sneaks into the vein line area of ​​​​the fire vein network, and walks eastward along the magma tunnel.

Because some tunnels are not connected, and some tunnels are branch roads, sometimes you have to turn back after entering the branch road at the end, so you can only move forward by groping.

After going around and going around, after three days and two nights of groping, Le Yun finally found the destination - a fire cave in the underground fire vein.

The radius of the fire cave is about two hundred miles, and above it is the dome of the sky, which is about ten thousand feet high.

The walls of the cave were originally ordinary rocks. After countless years of baptism and refining of magma, the rocks absorbed the spiritual power of fire and became high-temperature-resistant spiritual mines.

On the contrary, the magma in the fire cave is relatively calm, resembling a calm lake, that is, there are no magnificent scenes, and there are no spiritual things such as flame lotus, fire crystal, and fire spirit land.

On the surface, Huo Cave looks like a huge underground cave.

Le Yun went around the fire cave, found a suitable spot, dug a small hole in the stone wall, and placed the Jade Blood Flame in the small stone hole to let it absorb the fire power.

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