magic eye doctor

Chapter 2948

Finding a suitable training place for Jade Blood Flame, Le Yun stepped into the air and flew to the center of the fire cave, then descended above the surface of the magma lake, and then jumped into the hot magma again.

When a person fell into the magma lake, the calm and waveless magma layer turbulent for a while, creating a circle of ripples. When the person sank into the magma, the ripples became slower and slower, and soon returned to calm.

The magma in the fire cave is denser and more viscous than the magma in the criss-crossing tunnels. Leyun sinks into the magma flow, and the magma sticks to the surface of the robe like glue, with great resistance.

Of course, no matter how much resistance there is, it can't stop her from diving, at most, her walking speed is slower.

After diving more than 8000 feet in the thick magma, I finally reached the bottom of the fire cave.

The fire cave looked like an ordinary fire cave, and the bottom was the same reddish-brown color as the cave walls.

But in Le Yun's eyes, there is a secret hidden at the bottom of the fire cave-there is an invisible enchantment at the bottom.

The invisible barrier is about one foot wide, invisible, colorless, and without aura fluctuations. In Le Yun's eyes, it looks like a layer of luster on the surface of a rock.

But it is undoubtedly an enchantment.

Le Yun was able to find where the enchantment was because the aura on the ground corresponding to the fire cave where it was located was a little thicker than other areas, and there were more ores around it, and the quality was purer.

Of course, she could only distinguish the intensity of the aura, and didn't know what was in the fire veins. Even if she found the destination, she could only tell that the aura in the central area of ​​the fire cave was the strongest.

She also thought that there was a gestating fire hidden deep in the magma, and she only knew the secret realm of the fire cave when she dived to the bottom of the cave and saw the invisible barrier.

Dive to within reach of the enchantment, Le Yun sensed it, the invisible enchantment was stable and strong, and could not sense any fierceness.

The light of the enchantment is as thin as a cicada's wing, but Le Yun's sight cannot penetrate it. It is a natural enchantment naturally derived from the mighty power of heaven and earth, not man-made.

There is a natural barrier formed by the mighty power of heaven and earth, which means that there must be spiritual objects or treasures in the barrier.

The natural enchantment is located under the fire cave, and the spiritual objects or strange treasures of heaven and earth are related to fire.

After a little analysis, Le Yun made a bold guess—there is a very high possibility that some kind of rare kind of heaven and earth spiritual fire or spiritual fire is bred in the barrier.

With a guess in her heart, she was also a little excited.

In order to prove whether her guess was correct, Le Yun entered the barrier without hesitation.

In and out of the man-made enchantment, for safety reasons, she often follows the characteristics of the formation to walk through the door of life and the auspicious direction, and there is no taboo to go to and from the natural enchantment.

Entering the enchantment is not subject to any repulsion, but the feeling of dizziness and earth spinning cannot be avoided.

After a short moment of dizziness, Le Yun entered a silent world, and saw only a red rock wall.

The crimson red of the rock wall is dazzling, like a red light with a special effect of [-] cents, which makes people's eyes unable to look directly at it.

Scarlet red is warm and unrestrained, dazzling and luxurious.

"Fire element...Lingjin?" Le Yun saw the crimson rock clearly, moved to the wall in shock, and couldn't help reaching out to touch it.

The rock wall is as smooth as a mirror, red as a burning flame, exuding a scorching breath.

Touching the rock wall, Le Yun also confirmed that it was not her own eyesight, and the red rock wall was pure fire-type spiritual gold.

At the same time, even with the protection of the immortal magic robe, she still sensed the fiery energy coming from the heavens and covering the earth. People in the magic robe light shield are still like staying in a sauna room. Sweating.

The temperature inside the barrier is dozens of times higher than the temperature of the magma outside the barrier. If an ordinary person is thrown down, it will burn to ashes within a minute.

The temperature inside the barrier was too high, and Le Yun couldn't stand it, so she wiped off the fine beads of sweat oozing from her forehead, took out two array plates and threw them under her feet, and then reluctantly took out a piece of ice bone and put them on the array plate Cool down.

At such a temperature, billions of years of ice would not have much effect.

As soon as the ice bones appeared, there was a hint of cold air, and the cold air immediately drove away the heat, causing the temperature inside the mask of the robe to drop sharply.

With the ice bone, the inside of the mask of the robe becomes an air-conditioned room, which is very comfortable.

After adapting to the temperature change, Le Yun observed the environment.

She landed in a solid cylindrical cave with a diameter of more than one mile. The walls are all pure fire-element spirit gold, and a thin barrier is about [-] feet above her head.

Looking down, the cave is like a bottomless pit, with no end in sight.

Fire-element spirit gold is very exciting, but Le Yun resisted her desire to be a mining rat and walked down the cave.

The cave is very deep. She flew down [-] feet, and the fire element gold on the wall of the cave turned into a kind of turquoise spirit gold mine. The black spirit gold mine.

About four thousand feet further down, the black spirit gold mine turned into dragon pattern black rock god gold.

Seeing the familiar black rock god gold with dragon patterns, Le Yun had a hunch that the bottom of the cave should not be far away!

As expected, the flight was less than [-] feet, and there was a faint red light below. As it continued to move down, the red light cluster became bigger and brighter, and the temperature in the cave also increased steadily.

Flying down for more than [-] zhang, the vertical cylindrical cave reached the bottom.

Below is a vast underground sea of ​​fire, above the sea of ​​fire is a dome like a sky curtain, and the cylindrical cave seems to have opened a skylight in the dome.

The ceiling of the dome above the sea of ​​fire is full of black rock god gold with dragon patterns, and the surface of the sea of ​​fire is about nine thousand feet away from the ceiling.

The magma in the sea of ​​fire is like sea water, and there are waves even without wind. The magma waves oscillate layer by layer, forming countless vortices.

In the central area of ​​the sea of ​​flames is a huge vortex. At the center of the vortex is a huge rock with a diameter exceeding ten thousand feet, shaped like a mountain, and transparent as crystal.

The giant rock is truly colorful, surrounded by raging fire, and ordinary spiritual eyes cannot penetrate the flame layer. The color of the fire is the standard flame color, but it has condensed into a layer of fire-attributed enchantment, which protects the huge rock tightly.

A lotus-shaped spark condensed in the center of the flame, and in the center of the lotus spark floated a fire seed the size of an adult man's fist.

The fire was translucent, with a faint cyan color under the reflection of the fire, and it seemed to be gray.

Le Yun entered the large underground cave of Liaodong from the vertical cave, and found that the temperature was too high, and there was not enough ice bone, so she took out another ice bone to cool down.

With the second ice bone to resist the heat, she flew downwards, and when she was about ten thousand feet away from the underground sea of ​​fire, she took out dozens of billion-year-old ice and threw it into the array plate to cool down.

Flying down to about [-] zhang away from the surface of the sea of ​​fire, Le Yun stood in the hot fire hole, looking at the fire seed protected by raging flames, the whole person was... dumbfounded.

"I think I must the wrong place."

After staring at the kindling for a while, Le Yun said to herself, do you know what kind of spiritual fire that kindling is?

That fire, if I'm not mistaken, its name is "Taixu is really fire".

Taixu Zhenhuo is divine fire, it can return all things to their original origin.

Taixu Zhenhuo was born in chaos with Chaos Spiritual Fire, Nine Nether Cold Flame, and Dongxu Qingyan. It is the earliest spiritual fire in the world.

The Taixu True Fire fire seed in the center of the underground sea of ​​fire flames, naturally cannot be the Taixu True Fire that was born in the ancient times, it can only be a new fire seed bred by nature.

Recognizing Taixu's true fire, Le Yun suspected that the way she came in was wrong, so what, did she step first with her right foot or left foot when entering the barrier?
She doubted herself once, and without further ado, she quickly took the little fox out of the star core space. Her little heart was frightened. It is better to be alone than to be happy alone, so the little fox must be amazed.

The little fox and the little monkey are busy collecting fruits and medicinal materials in the star core world every day, taking care of rare spiritual plants and cultivated snow fat blood and fruit shells, leaving early and returning late every day.

After a hard day, I slept soundly at night.

He was sleeping soundly. He was moved out of the star core space by the little girl and was still holding his big tail upside down. Sleepy, he yelled: "Little girl, little girl, why don't you be a human again!"

"Little fox, take a look, look at what amazing treasure I found." Le Yun grabbed the little fox's big tail and lifted a fox upside down, letting him face the flames in the sea of ​​fire.

The sleepy little fox, when he heard that he had found a rare treasure, immediately regained his energy, regardless of the fact that the tail was still in the little girl's hand, he hung upside down and raised his head to look over.

He saw the endless sea of ​​flames, saw the lotus-shaped sparks in the raging fire ball, and his eyes were fixed on the translucent fire seeds in the sparks.

"Tai... Taixu is really hot?!"

The little fox murmured, and turned to yelling: "Every day... oh my god, it's really hot to be able to breed Taixu in this world?! How is it possible!"

"Why is it impossible?" Le Yun lifted the little fox's big tail, swinging it like a swing, very happy, hey, the little fox was also frightened!
The little fox's reaction was more intense than hers, which meant that it wasn't that she was so rare.

She is mentally balanced.

"Taixu True Fire and Chaos Spirit Fire are the most difficult spirit fires to conceive in the myriad worlds. The conditions for their birth are very harsh. The place of birth must be a fully sealed natural fire cave. Not only must the spirit energy be sufficient, but there must also be enough The Primordial Qi is absorbed by the fire.

After the germs of the fire are condensed in the fire cave, it will take billions or even tens of billions of years of gestation before they can be successfully condensed into the fire.

During the breeding process of the fire, if there is any accident, such as the sealed place is opened, or the primordial energy is insufficient, or the fire spirit is thin, the temperature has changed, etc., even if the fire is about to be bred, it will eventually fail.

Don't say that Yunlan almost fell into the world, even if it is still a spiritual world with rich aura, there is no place that has enough chaotic aura to breed such a divine fire as Taixu Zhenhuo.

The temperature and sealing conditions of this fire cave meet some of the conditions, but it is clear that there is no chaotic aura, and it is impossible to breed Taixu True Fire just because of this. "

With a pair of golden pupils open, the little fox also doubted that he was alive. The spiritual energy in this place is obviously not too strong, and there is no chaotic spiritual energy. How did the fire successfully conceive?

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