magic eye doctor

Chapter 2949 Burning Moon

As a fox god who has proved the Dao, the little fox thinks he is well-informed, and he is quite confused at the moment, completely unable to understand why things that are obviously impossible have become possible.

Perhaps, he was behind the times?

Or maybe, because of the little girl, it became possible even though it was impossible?
Unable to find the answer, the little fox was so entangled that he pulled his beard.

"Is it possible that it is not a new kind of fire that has been bred here, but that it has drifted here for some reason, and it is a fire that has entered a dormant flame."

The little fox swears that it is impossible for the fire cave to breed the fire of Taixu and Real Fire, and Le Yun also doesn't understand. Putting the little fox on his shoulders, the two study the origin of the fire together.

"It's possible." The little fox, who couldn't think of the reason himself, agreed with the little girl's point of view.

Le Yun pointed his sword at the burning flame again: "Little fox, there is no chaotic aura here, but there is a divine crystal in the flame, which is a colorful divine crystal."

"What?!" The little fox almost fell off the little girl's shoulders, he quickly stabilized his body, stood up, stretched his neck, and stared at the raging fire.

"You said there is a colorful crystal in the fire?! Where is it?" Why didn't he see any crystal?
"The god crystal in the flame has ten attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, ice, thunder, light, darkness, and wind, and it glows with a colorful halo, which is very beautiful.

The part of the Shenjing above the magma has a waist diameter of about [-] feet and is in the shape of a pagoda. The part submerged in the magma cannot be seen completely, so the exact size cannot be determined.

If this part of the god crystal that only exposed the magma surface exploded, it would be enough to blow up the eastern hemisphere of the southern continent. "

The divine crystal in the flame is very beautiful, Le Yun doesn't know how to describe it, but can only briefly describe its attributes and size.

The little fox was stunned: "So it is like this! There are ten attributes of the god crystal, so isn't that the Chaos God Stone? If there is the Chaos God Stone, what kind of Chaos Spiritual Energy is needed!"

He muttered to himself, and then shouted: "Oh my god, little girl, are you sure that the divine crystals in the flames have ten attributes?"

"That's right, it's all attributes, but it's beautiful, the color and luster, I feel that there is nothing more beautiful in the world than it, I want to pick it up and put it in my pocket, and I will look at it every day. The spirit of chicken blood."

"Oh, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and pull it back!" The little fox anxiously stretched out his little paws and pushed the little girl's head, wishing that she would fly over and snatch Shenjing back immediately.

"I really want to pull it back, but unfortunately, this treasure cannot be moved." Le Yun sighed, do you think she doesn't see money?

That is impossible!

When she first saw the rock in the flames, she had the idea of ​​digging it back into her pocket, but her intuition told her that the rock could not be moved.

If the speculation is correct, this fire cave has gone deep into the heart of the earth, and the all-attribute god crystal in the fire cave is the source of Yunlan's thousands of underground fire veins.

Without the all-attribute divine crystal, it is equivalent to cutting off the source of Yunlan's fire veins. In the future, the underground fire veins in the entire Yunlan world will become ordinary fire veins, and it will be difficult to breed spiritual fire tinder.

Le Yun thinks, if she dares to take that divine crystal for herself, Yunlan's heavenly will have to split her into a scorched outside, scorched inside, tender inside, tender inside.

She didn't want to stimulate Yunlan's way of heaven, so she had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​digging the god crystal.

The Chaos Divine Stone itself contains the most primitive way of heaven and earth, as long as he is given a small piece with a radius of ten feet wide for him to refine, he can break through the divine prohibition that seals mana.

"It didn't summon creatures to come here to get the treasure. I guessed from the weak changes in spiritual power that something was wrong somewhere, so I found it myself."

Le Yun told the truth that the spirit fire had matured, but it didn't send out any signal to find a destined person, so she found it by herself, not by an invisible call.

If the spirit fire intends to find a benefactor, it will leave the fire cave in the center of the earth and wait for the destined person in the underground fire vein of the tomb mountain in the bitter bamboo collar.

Because of the slight difference in the aura somewhere, she followed the clues to find the natural barrier in the underground fire veins, and came through the barrier because of its special attributes.

On the whole, she was an unexpected guest.

The little fox did not give up, and asked hopefully: "Little girl, can you take a small part?"

"I can't." Le Yun looked at the god crystal in the flames, and was suffocating with heartache: "That piece of god crystal is covered with god patterns, and there is a layer of protective barrier, as long as it touches it, it will trigger some kind of protective barrier. Taboo, whoever touches it will die."

"Ahhh, what kind of torture is this!" The little fox's heart was shattered by the blow, and he lay down powerlessly.

"Little fox, don't be discouraged. The god stone can't be moved. You can get the tinder. You can help me out. There are six pots of sea snail soup with different flavors, and three thousand catties of hand-fried shellfish." Le Yun endured the pain in her heart. In pain, I negotiated with the little fox in a friendly manner.

The little fox drooped his head, and responded weakly: "Liuguo is a bit small."

"Eight pots, this is the maximum."


The little fox didn't have to haggle with every inch.

Le Yun flew down again, took out a formation plate when it was about a hundred feet above the magma sea, put two pieces of ice bones and two large basins of ice cubes of hundreds of millions of years on the formation plate, and then put the little fox on the formation plate , let the array fly to the flame in the center of the sea.

The closer to the flame in the center of the magma lake, the higher the temperature, and the ice on the formation plate melted into water at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Cooled by icy bones and ice, the little fox could withstand the high-temperature moxibustion, and when the array was still more than ten feet away from the flame, the fire exploded tens of feet high with a "huh".

Le Yun reacted quickly, and when the flames flickered, the formation disk flew away at a high speed. Even so, a tongue of flame still rolled towards the formation disk.

The formation plate was touched by the tongue of fire, like plastic meeting fire, it melted quickly.

One disk was scrapped.

When the array was engulfed in flames, the little fox hugged his head and yelled, "Help, little girl!"

Noticing that something was wrong, Le Yun used the teleportation technique to move to the vicinity of the array, and raised the little fox and Bing Bone with his spiritual sense, and was about to retreat, when he heard him calling for help, he almost threw him out, the little fox is a fox fairy anyway, no Saying that death is like home, at least you have to have a bit of a high-spirited demeanor, right?
The stock fell all the way and then fell to the limit. The image of the little fox in her heart fell to the mortal world at the speed of a rocket.

Le Yun, whose Three Views were refreshed once, quickly lifted the little fox and Bing Bone back into his defensive mask, and then sent the little fox back to the star core space without any explanation.

She also put away the formation plate that her feet were stepping on, put a piece of ice bone on the instep of each foot, and walked towards the flame by herself.

As she approached, the whirring flame dwarfed itself.

"?" A big bold question mark flashed in Le Yun's mind. Before the little fox approached, the flame exploded. When she came, the flame fell back by itself. Is this a differential treatment?
Flame was very friendly to herself, and she tried to take another step forward, and the flame in front of her fell short again.

This time, Le Yun was sure that the flame did not mean to hurt her, and she happily stepped forward, seeing the flame lowering down in circles, she simply withdrew the defense of the fairy robe.

She had just removed the defense, and the flames surrounding the god crystal were also withdrawn, revealing the lotus-shaped sparks at the top.

The spark moved and bounced like a spring, and the spark floating in the center of the spark flew up and flew towards the human race.

Seeing the fire coming, Le Yun stood still and stretched out her hands.

The tinder flew to the palm of the human race.

Le Yun's hand moved up slightly, holding the fire in the palm of his hand.

The tinder is not hot to touch, but warm and warm, quite like the feeling of sunbathing in spring.

The fire fell into the palm of the human race and rolled slowly.

Holding the tinder that was rolling around and playing, Le Yun was a little confused. Does the tinder mean happiness?
Staring at Tinder for a few seconds, she silently scratched her right thumb, and was about to press Tinder, but Tinder jumped and stuck to it.

The tinder stuck to the human's thumb, happily sucking blood.

He sucked a few mouthfuls of blood, a rune lit up in his transparent body, and a moon-white flame burst out from the seed, and the fire and the seed disappeared together.

Le Yun looked at her empty hand, then looked down at her abdomen, Linghuo signed a contract with her, and with the power of the contract, he ran to her dantian to settle down.

Through the abdomen, "seeing" a ball of moon-white flames floating happily in the dantian, the whole person was shocked: "You don't have a name?"

Each kind of fire has its own name when it is born.

However, her new Taixu is really popular without a name.

"No." Shenhuo, who was flying around in the new home, answered calmly.

"You didn't give yourself a name?"

"I have been staying in the fire cave in the center of the earth since I was born with wisdom. I have never come into contact with other creatures, so I can't think of a good name. You can name me."

The spirit fire flew in a circle, jumped to the top of the reduced version of the contractor's Nascent Soul, and stopped happily.

"Hey, your long hair is ten thousand times more beautiful than your bald head! I really want to see your long hair hanging down to the ground."

Linghuo happily stroked the hair of the contractor Yuanying. He is a contractor with boundless merit and virtue. He is a rare lucky person. He doesn't dare to jump on the contractor's head. The Nascent Soul is close.

Le Yun: "..."

Linghuo ran away and set up a home on the head of her Nascent Soul, which is a typical true portrayal of what people say "dominating on the top of the head"!

Although the spirit fire is lively and active, it moves silently and has no effect on her Nascent Soul.

Le Yun also simply let Linghuo fiddle around, and then discussed with him after thinking of a name: "Is it possible to call it Burning Moon? Burning is burning burning, and the moon is the moon of the bright moon."

Shenhuo can't read, but he understands the meaning and jumped up happily: "Okay, okay! As far as I know, there used to be a flame of my type called Burning Sun.

The word "burning the sun" is super powerful, but it's a pity that he used it first. He burned the sun, and I burned the moon. "

"?" Le Yun was stunned, so, her Shenhuo friend is also... a super ambitious kid?

Fortunately, it's just a name. If the little friend of Shenhuo is really going to burn the moon, she will be accused by thousands of people, and she will have to bear the infamy that will last forever.

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