magic eye doctor

Chapter 2970

All the monks of the Youbai family ran from the back yard to the front yard like a whirlwind, standing in the snow, waiting for the fairy's spirit boat to land.

Patriarch Youbai flew into the Ruyi House where several children lived, went to the house where Youbai Tranquility lived, woke up people, and asked Xiao Tranquility to wake up his little friends.

Youbai Tranquility was forcibly dragged out of the warm nest. Hearing that the ancestor Xiaoxianzi had returned, his mind, which was still in a daze, instantly woke up, and he grabbed the robe and ran while wearing it.

Patriarch You Bai woke up the little great-great-great-grandson, and hurried back to the courtyard to greet the little fairy with the family monks.

Le Yun originally wanted to park the spirit boat in the air and wait until dawn to find the members of the Youbai family. At this moment, seeing that all the monks of the Youbai family had taken the lead, they landed the spirit boat directly on the front yard of the county government office. .

She didn't turn off the defense array, and walked out of the spirit boat by herself.

Patriarch Youbai led the monks of his family to greet him with a bow: "Welcome to the return of the Fairy!"

"Excuse me." Le Yun flicked out her spiritual power with a snap of her fingers, and helped up the monks of the Youbai family.

The monks of the Yubai family stood up straight after saluting.

The Youbai family is a large family. Counting those minor branches who do not live in the county, the population exceeds [-]. After the plague broke out, their family was also inevitably affected, and more than [-] people were lost in total.

Such a prosperous family has less than 70 monks.

Most of the members of the Youbai family in the county government and the school grounds have returned to their family's house, a few monks are also sitting in the family's side, and others follow their ancestors in the county government.

The monks in the county government gathered in the front yard.

Le Yun already knew about the cultivators of the Youbai family in the air, and did not study them any more after landing, and directly ordered: "It is now Maoshi, and it is not long before dawn. Lao Zhang arranged for the young monks of the family to run errands to inform You The Bai family made concerted efforts to lead the people in the city to save themselves, and asked them to bring their children to the county government after dawn.

Some families are far away, and the foundation-building monks of the Bai family will also help pick up the children after dawn, so it is better for everyone to gather in the county government office before noon. "

"Follow the fairy's law!" The monks of the Youbai family all took the order.

There is no need for Patriarch Bai to arrange it personally. The monk who established the foundation personally led the team, divided into several teams, and separately went to notify each household in each district.

In the end, there are only Patriarch Bai and Bai Qiji in the front yard.

Le Yun asked the two to talk to the wishful house where the children lived.

The three of them had just walked into the room where the wishful house was placed, and the four boys, one, three, and younger, who had experienced a lot of turmoil, also rushed out of the wishful house.

Seeing the fairy, the four of them who had finished their clothes and didn't have time to comb their hair were stunned before respectfully saluting.

The movements of the four cubs saluting well, it can be seen that they have learned etiquette well.

"Etiquette is well learned." Le Yun nodded in approval, without stopping, and slowly walked into the wishful room.

The fairy recognized the children's etiquette, proving that the etiquette homework was passed, and Patriarch Youbai heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly followed the fairy into the wishful house.

The four cubs also ran into the wishful room, pulled out the chairs beside the table, invited the fairy and the two members of Youbai's family to sit down, and then busily lit the stove to boil water and make tea.

The black dog in Ruyi's house ran to the fairy and decisively hugged her legs to show her affection.

Le Yun patted the dog's head and let it play while she talked to Patriarch You Bai.

Talking about the current situation of the people in Huixian County, the ancestor Youbai took out a storage bag and presented it: "This is the supplies collected by the little old man's family, 20 pieces of bamboo fabrics, and 11 pottery."

"Collecting so many pottery, the monks of the Bai family must have gone to many places." Le Yun was a little surprised, the Bai family had collected more than [-] pieces of pottery, which shows that they put their heart into it.

Patriarch Youbai was extremely modest: "The pottery and other things are all daily utensils. The pottery shops in the city are stocked, and it didn't take much effort."

On business, Le Yun took the storage bag and poked in to check it with her spiritual sense.

The pottery collected by the monks of Youbai's family are all jars and jars. They worked very hard, stacking the jars and jars neatly.

The most important thing is that the quality and raw materials of the pottery are excellent. There are more than 31 pieces of pottery, and only [-] pieces have microtrachoma or defects.

Those small trachoma and small warts are all in the middle layer of the wall, which belong to air holes or fine cracks, and the vat can still hold wine and water.

Bamboo fabrics are mostly bamboo baskets, bamboo baskets, dustpans, bamboo sieves, and bamboo baskets, each of which exceeds [-] pieces. There are [-] hardcover bamboo carrying boxes, [-] luxurious bamboo mats, and [-] exquisite needlework baskets.

There are [-] tea cans made of bamboo tubes and [-] bamboo wine tubes for wine. The body of the tubes is carved with flowers and the surface is all painted. They are both works of art and daily necessities.

There are also exquisite small handicrafts such as bamboo fans, bamboo baskets, bamboo baskets, bamboo bowls and bamboo cups, all of which are exquisite.

After seeing a bunch of bamboo products, Le Yun is very satisfied. There are a lot of bamboo baskets, and she will not worry about having no tools to store yak dung, bamboo charcoal, anthracite and other items in the future.

Patriarch Youbai showed the storage bag containing the books to the fairy for inspection.

The Youbai Family Gang collected a lot of books, pens, inks, papers and inkstones, but they collected a copy of all the books in Wangzhu County, and some books were manuscripts of rare books collected by various families.

After the fairy received the books, Patriarch Youbai showed the fairy the item list and unused spirit stones.

In order to reassure Youbai's family, Le Yun took the item list and checked it, checked the number, and collected the remaining spirit stones.

Another enchantment was placed to cover himself and the Youbai family, and he took out two storage containers to the ancestor Youbai: "This is a gift from the fairy to the Youbai family."

The fairy suddenly used some magic weapon to keep the four children out. Patriarch Youbai also guessed that the fairy might have something to say, so he listened attentively.

When the fairy gave the gift, Patriarch Youbai received it with both hands, and checked one of the storage containers with apprehension. When he saw the piles of various magic weapons, he was so shocked that he broke out in sweat.

He hurriedly checked another storage container, and there were hundreds of pill bottles piled up in the other storage container, such as Zhuji Dan, Xijing Fasui Pill, Guji Pill, Xugu Pill, etc., all of which were from the Youbai family. A elixir that can be admired and admired.

There are also more than a hundred pieces of robes, boxes of talismans, and some talisman-making materials.

There is also a box containing spell-making books and spell-making books.

Patriarch You Bai couldn't sit still, his buttocks seemed to be burned, he stood up suddenly, holding the ring-shaped storage container, his hands trembling: "Fairy, this... this is too precious, no merit is worth it!" Shoulu, little old man... dare not accept the gift from the fairy."

"Take it away, this fairy gifted Youbai family resources because the Youbai family is well-established, and I hope that the Youbai family will rise one day and still stick to the Dao heart and not forget the original heart.

You must warn your family and descendants not to do evil in the name of this fairy, otherwise no one will be able to save him. "

Le Yun waved her hand, so that Patriarch Youbai would not have to be nervous. The gift of resources from the Youbai You clan was part of the resources she got from the Kan family and the vassal families, which was really nothing to her.

"Fairy, you don't need it, these children around you will need it in the future." Patriarch You Bai was very panicked, feeling that the storage utensil in his hand weighed more than ten thousand catties, and he was almost out of breath.

"They have their own opportunities and avenues, so I don't have to worry about them. I have a lot of resources in my hands, and it's not a problem to support a dozen or so cultivating families."

The fairy is rich and powerful, and the patriarch You Bai held the storage vessel and bowed down: "Thank you Bo for the gift from the fairy!"

You Baiqi was in a daze, and when he saw the ancestor salute, he also thumped on the ground.

Le Yun received the great gift from the Youbai family, and warned again: "In a few years, the identity of this fairy will be known to the people in this area, and one day it will be known to the whole world.

You don't have to guard against arrogance and arrogance, let alone seek personal gain in the name of this fairy.

You'd better keep your mouth shut about the resources that this fairy gave you today. If it spreads out, it will be a trivial matter if the resources are taken away, and I'm afraid there will be a disaster of extinction. "

Patriarch Youbai's back was tense, and he answered "yes" respectfully.

"There are many branches of the Bai family. Although they are of the same blood, but since the families have been separated, it's better for them to live their own lives. Don't make wedding dresses for others."

"Fairy, little old man... I don't quite understand what you mean?" Patriarch Youbai was astonished. Does Fairy mean that other members of the Youbai family are unreliable?
"No, you understand, you just don't want to believe it, and you don't want to face it squarely." Le Yun looked down at Patriarch You Bai: "We are both direct descendants, why did your branch fall to this point?
You have the heart that the same race should support each other and treat each other sincerely. Has he ever returned his sincerity? "

Patriarch Youbai slowly lowered his head.

"This fairy has another warning. The matter is of great importance. You need to keep it in your heart and never reveal it."

"I would like to listen to the edict of the fairy."

"In this disaster at the Fendou Mountain, the courtiers of the empire deceived the top and bottom, concealed the truth, and concealed the king with a different surname whose fiefdom was in the Fendou Mountain, who was far away on the border of the Zhenqi Empire in the opposite direction from the Fendou Mountain , he did not know.

If the king with a different surname is repaid, if he has the people in his heart, dares to seek justice from the royal family for the people, dares to raise a knife to the powerful officials, if he dares to rise up, the Bai family can assist him. "

Ancestor Youbai suddenly raised his head: "Fairy, you... you mean, the Youbai family has a chance to be a minister of the founding of the country...?"

In the past, the Yuba family had a precedent of assisting the founding emperor to build an empire.

You Bai Qiji felt that his blood was about to burn. The founding minister, doesn't that mean... the You Bai family has a chance to regain the glory of their ancestors?

"There are chances, it depends on whether you can listen to the good words of this fairy, and whether you can hold on to the opportunities that belong to you. This is what this fairy said."

Le Yun revealed the opportunity that could be revealed, and lifted the enchantment she had set up.

Patriarch You Bai wanted to ask again, but seeing that the enchantment of the fairy cloth was gone, he swallowed all the questions, put away the storage container, saluted heavily, and got up again.

He didn't dare to sit, but stood and listened to the fairy's instruction.

The patriarch was standing, but Bai Qiji would not dare to sit, he also stood.

The two stood there like wooden pillars, which affected the mood too much, Le Yun waved her small hands: "It's not yet dawn, and this fairy also took the opportunity to test the homework of the cubs, you go back first."

"Yes." Patriarch You Bai hurriedly responded, grabbed You Bai Qiji and walked out of Ruyi House, then flew out of the house, and ran all the way back to the backyard of the county government.

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