magic eye doctor

Chapter 2971

Chapter 2971
Patriarch Youbai took Youbai Qiji to the backyard, left the foolish child behind, and went back to the bedroom by himself, counting the resources bestowed by the fairy with his beating heart.

Ancestor Youbo has read books and can read and write. However, when he counted the resources, he suspected that he had not learned the spells well, so that he was almost inaccurate.

Do you know how many magic weapons there are?

The magic weapons presented by the fairy include weapons, swords, guns, hammers, halberds and axes, three hundred low-grade magic weapons, two hundred middle-grade magic weapons, and one hundred high-quality magic weapons!

Fifty defensive arrays and fifty flying instruments.

He didn't look carefully before, there is a box that contains not materials for making talismans, but two wishful houses!
There are two storage bags under the box containing the books of spells, and one bag contains fifty spacers for storing things. The inner dimensions of the spacers range from fifty to one hundred feet.

Another storage bag with a width of one hundred feet was filled with a bag full of spirit stones.

Patriarch Youbai had never seen so many magic weapons and spirit stones in his dreams. He couldn't stabilize himself, and his whole body trembled slightly as if struck by lightning.

Fairies give too much!
There are more resources than he can bear psychologically.

The fairy gave him the elixir, and also gave the Youbai family cultivation skills through Youbai Qiji. The fairy gave the Youbai family a great gift, and now she gave him a resource. The ancestor Youbai felt ashamed of receiving it .

His rationality told him that he could no longer accept it calmly, and should send the resources back to the fairy, or give them to Youbai Tranquility first, and let Xiao Tranquility return the resources to the fairy in the future.

But he was reluctant in his heart. With so many resources, not to mention cultivating Jindan monks for the family, it is no problem to cultivate Nascent Soul!
After going through a battle between heaven and man, Patriarch Youbai finally succumbed to the huge temptation of making his family strong, and pocketed the gift of the fairy.

He stopped meditating, and went to wake up everyone in the family, telling them to go shopping quickly, and asking the women to get up and look for food.

The men and women who were awakened knew that the fairy was back, their sleepiness disappeared, they got up in a hurry, cleaned up and performed their duties, or killed chickens and sheep, or hurriedly went shopping, or hurriedly sewed clothes and made shoes, and put away the unfinished work. Finished, or into the kitchen to make breakfast.

The members of Youbai's family became busy, which also woke up Zhu Bo and others who lived in the county government office. Zhu Bo and others guessed that there must be a big event, so they hurriedly put on their clothes and got up to inquire.

When it was known that the fairy had returned to the county government office from Mt. Their family members will be notified to send their children, so they don't have to go home in person.

Bai Qiji, who was thrown in the yard by the ancestor, stood there for quite a while before his dazed mind regained clarity, and his whole body was not well.

The ancestor took him out and threw him in the snow. What does that mean?

Could it be that he wanted to blow the wind in the snow to wake him up?
Unable to figure out the meaning of the ancestor, You Baiqiji walked slowly towards the yard where he lived, recalling what happened not long ago, walking faster and faster, and finally rushed back to the room, closing the door, the whole person relaxed Come down and sit on the ground.

The opportunity for the rise of the Bai Family has come!
The ancestors and the clansmen often talked about the glory of the ancestors, saying that if the family had enough resources, they would definitely be able to cultivate Nascent Soul monks, so that the family could regain its glory in the past.

Unfortunately, the Yubai family has no resources!

Now, pie from heaven, the family has resources!

Thinking about the secret revealed by the fairy, the time when the Youbai family will fly to the sky is just around the corner.

You Baiqiji was so excited that his heart almost jumped out of his heart, and he couldn't calm down anymore.

The little qi-refining cultivator of Youbai's family was in a difficult mood, and Xiao Le was very calm, so he had time to watch the cubs boil water and make tea.

The four cubs, one big, three small, have not formally cultivated yet, nor have they drawn their energy into their bodies. They are still mortals and are not bound by certain rules and regulations.

In the future, after the cubs become monks, two cubs are destined to be good fry cooks because of their spiritual roots, and even the best ingredients for them will be dark dishes.

There may be no difference between the tea made by the cubs now, but in the future, with the same tea leaves and the same water, the tea brewed by two cubs will become "different".

The cubs are not monks yet, and Le Yun didn't vaccinate them in advance, smiling and watching the cubs work together to boil water and make tea.

After a while of busy work, the cubs finally boiled water and made tea.

Lin Panhao was the oldest, with a steady hand, and she served the tea.

The cubs also ran to sit at the table.

Lin Panhao first presented the tea to the fairy, and then gave the boys and himself a cup each, learning how to taste tea.

The tea is provided by the Yubai family in a friendly manner. The tea comes from the cleanest spring water that has just been drilled out of the soil in the mountains. The tea cups are hand-carved bamboo cups.

The tea soup is yellow-red in color.

Picking up the small bamboo cup and smelling the tea fragrance, Le Yun took a sip, tasted the tea soup, and nodded slightly: "In terms of the length of time you have studied, your skills are barely passable.

The next time you make tea, don’t be in a hurry when boiling water. The fire should be uniform. After the fire is lit, put the teapot on it when the fire is stable, and then keep the fire on medium until the water boils.

After the water is boiled, you can't make tea immediately, you have to wait for a while before brewing tea.

This refers to the combination of ordinary tea leaves and mountain spring water for making tea. If it is spiritual tea and spiritual spring water, it is another matter. After you reach the corresponding level, you will learn how to prepare spiritual tea. "

The fairy was talking about the tea ceremony, and the four cubs listened with pricked ears. At the end, they kept nodding their heads to show that they remembered.

Le Yun still remembered the business, drank a cup of tea, asked the cubs about their studies, and asked them to bring the books, so she could read them in person.

Scanning the textbooks of the cubs, I know what they have learned roughly, and I can count them in my mind, and I will test the school homework on the spot.

The cubs go to school in different order. You Bai Ningjing goes to school the earliest, Lin Panhao is the last to go to school, and the homework for the school exam is also done according to their learning progress.

The four cubs, one big, three small, are very serious about their studies and do well. Even Lin Panhao, who is the last one to go to school, can write well.

In the spot check, if you don't say that the answer is in the stream, you can generally answer five or six out of ten.

Classmate Le Xiao expressed dissatisfaction. The foundation of these cubs is too weak. She may need to personally teach them for a year or so before they can successfully learn various books in Yunlan's cultivation world.

The two oil bottles she brought back at the beginning had zero foundation in language, and she also taught them hand in hand. She is experienced in how to teach the cubs and knows how to start.

The teaching of the children has to be postponed, and the school exams are still the top priority.

Time slipped away quietly in the homework of the little loli exam school kids. When it was dawn, the exam was not over yet, and it didn't end until the middle of the day.

When the fairy checked their homework, the four children did not dare to breathe. When the fairy let them move freely, the four cubs scrambled out of the wishful house and went to the yard to breathe.

Oh, they are so nervous!

The four of them stood in the yard, blown by the cold wind in the early morning, and their minds, which were a little confused due to nervousness, were completely clear.

They were about to go back to Ruyi House, when they saw Bai Qiji coming, they stood still again.

Bai Qijifei ran to the front yard and was shocked to see Miss Lin and three children standing in a row in the snow. Could it be that the fairy was dissatisfied with the children's homework and punished them to think about it in the snow?

You Bai Qiji, who was taken aback by his guess, ran to You Bai Tranquility, and asked softly, "Little Tranquility, have you... been punished?"

"No, the fairy has just finished her homework, so let's come out and take a breather." You Bai Jingjing was afraid that his uncle would say something earth-shattering again, and urged him to leave: "Uncle, hurry up and go about your own business."

Now, with Bai Qiji's more definite information to avoid guessing, the children must have been punished, otherwise Xiao Anjing would not be in such a hurry to drive him away.

Let him leave because he doesn't want him to see how embarrassing they are being trained.

Children save face, so you Bai Qiji dare not leave. He stood respectfully in the snow, facing the direction of the house and tremblingly reported: "Fairy, the people of You Bai's clan have prepared the morning food, and the ancestor ordered the villain to invite you." The fairy moved to the flower hall of the county government to have dinner."

"No need, if your clansmen want to tell You Bai Tranquility to take him there, and bring the meals for Zhumi and the others to the front yard." Le Yun didn't want to strengthen her relationship with the You Bai family, so she declined the invitation to eat.

In addition to being connected with the original family, the monks should not have too much contact with the immortal cultivating family in the mortal world. Otherwise, it is easy for people to tie the two together, thereby increasing the cause and effect in vain.

She is more special than other monks, and it is even more inappropriate to have too much contact with the cultivating families in the mortal world. If you give the Youbai family too much face, it will only fuel their ambitions.

The reason why the little cub will be placed in the Youbai family is also because Youbai Tranquility is a child of the Youbai family, otherwise she might not let the Youbai family take care of the child.

The Youbai family helped her teach the cubs, and she gifted the Youbai family with rich resources, and also ended the only cause and effect.

Le Yun is clear-headed and sensible, even if Patriarch Bai treats her, she may not have other intentions, and she is not going to make face to Mrs. Bo.

The fairy refused to show her face and entered the courtyard where Mrs. Bo lived, and Bai Qiji responded, and hurried back to the backyard to report to the ancestor.

Patriarch Youbai pondered for a while, and asked people to pack most of the meals in boxes or boxes, and then he put them into the storage bag where some meals were stored, and sent them to the front yard in person.

After Youbai Qiji left, Lin Panhao, Dazai, Zhumi, and Youbai Ningjing also returned to Ruyi House.

The patriarch Youbai consulted the fairy in the courtyard before entering the wishful house. He didn't dare to look at the fairy's face, took out a meal and put it on the table, and then gave the storage bag containing the meal to Youbai Tranquility.

The women of the Bai family worked hard for more than an hour, cooking a rich breakfast, steamed five-color eight-treasure rice, and eight dishes and one soup.

The fairy didn't keep the meal for herself, so Ancestor You Bai prepared the meal, and floated out of Ruyi House lightly, to eat the morning meal with Zhu Bo and others.

Patriarch You Bai went out, and the four children, one big, three young, hurriedly took bowls to serve rice.

The first person filled a bowl of rice and presented it to the fairy, and then took a bowl to make a bowl for himself, and after serving the rice, they sat down one by one, and no one moved their chopsticks.

The etiquette and rules of the cubs are very good, Le Yun took the bamboo chopsticks and ate the shredded gourds and melons with the chopsticks, and ordered lightly: "Dinner."

"Yes." The cubs picked up their chopsticks and started eating.

The four of them ate in the learning institute of the county government before, and they also followed the teaching of the gentlemen, "Don't talk about food". They were very quiet when they ate, and they ate neither fast nor slow.

What's more, the little guys are very smart. They used to wait for the gentlemen to eat before they put down their chopsticks, but now they wait for the fairies to finish eating before they finish their meal and clean up the table quickly.

They didn't need to wash the dishes, they tidied up the dishes and chopsticks, put them in the suitcase, and then went out and put them under the eaves, and then took the food for the black dog to feed the domestic dog.

Da Zai's black dog is also a smart dog. He never jumps around when the fairy and the little master are eating. He just sits next to him and waits. When it's his turn, he jumps around to eat.

The four little friends guarded the black dog after eating, and then helped it clean the basin, and put it back in Da Zai's wishful house.

The little ones went outside to wash their hands and rinse their mouths before returning to Ruyi House to wait for the fairy's orders.

One big, three small ones stood in line, Le Yun looked at the four and asked, "If there are no accidents, I will take you away this afternoon. Do you have anything to say to your family?"

Da Zai and the black dog depend on each other for life, and he has no family, which is naturally an exception.

Zhumi, Lin Panhao and Youbai Ningjing all replied: "No."

They didn't know when the fairy would leave, and they were ready to leave at any time, and they had already spoken to their families if they had anything to say.

"Zhumi Linpan, you two want to go back and say goodbye to your family?" You Bai's quiet family is in the county government office, and he can go to say goodbye to his family at any time. Zhumi and Lin Pan are far away from home, so they have to say goodbye to their families Hurry home.

The fairy asked, and Zhumi answered quickly: "No need, I just met my father a few days ago. My father found me a little girl who will probably get married next year. My father brought a girl to the county government to let me We met once."

Xiao Zai'er smiled happily, and Le Yun was immediately happy: "Your father is fast enough, and found you a suitable little mother so quickly."

The little boy nodded like a chick pecking at rice: "Yeah, my father is good-looking, and I heard that he is very popular with girls. This girl who may become my little aunt is the guardian of the uncles of the Tranquility family." The matchmaker is a relative of the Bo family, the head of the county government."

Xiao Zai'er has no heart, so she has nothing to say, Le Yun didn't ask any more questions, and she was a little surprised that Lin Panhao didn't plan to go back and say goodbye to her family.

The fairy looked over, and Lin Panhao also guessed that the fairy was asking her if she wanted to go home, so she took the initiative to explain: "My family is very good, my mother-in-law found a job in a silkworm workshop, and my younger brother went to school. He is very good at reading. Work hard, I have nothing to worry about at home."

The two cubs were not ready to go home, so Le Yun stopped asking, and asked them to think about what they still lack for their favorite supplies.

One big and three small ones ran back to their Ruyi House to sort out their belongings and see what was missing.

The monks of the Youbai family hadn't brought the children from each family yet, taking advantage of their free time, Le Yun planned the little boy's learning course plan, took the jade slips, and recorded the teaching materials with spiritual knowledge.

Store the knowledge in the jade slips, and then use the learning device invented by Grandmaster Huoyun to teach, so that you don't have to do everything yourself when teaching the children in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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