magic eye doctor

Chapter 2972

Chapter 2972
Lin Panhao, Da Zai, and Zhumi didn't have many belongings, so they quickly sorted them out. You Bai Ning's possessions were a little more, and it took about a quarter of an hour longer to sort them out than the others.

After sorting out what they have, the four of them got together again, drew up a list of items that they felt were missing or needed to be added, and then scribbled and wrote, adding or subtracting.

After studying for a long time, the four finally decided on the contents of the list, and then went to see the fairy.

The cubs finally showed up, Le Yun took the list and looked at it in his hand. It was quite unexpected. In addition to the clothes and shoes they wore, the list made by the cubs also included rice grains and ingredients, as well as cooking and cooking. Pots and pans for rice, knives for cutting vegetables and meat, and common agricultural tools.

The little guys are quite thoughtful, and their needs are also based on basic necessities, which is very pragmatic.

"My fairy knows, I will find a rich city on the way and go shopping." Le Yun returned the list to the cubs and asked them to keep it for themselves.

"Hey!" The four of them felt uneasy at first, but they immediately felt relieved, and hurried to Da Zai's Ruyi House to read and practice calligraphy by themselves.

The cubs learn spontaneously, and Le Yun is more satisfied.

Patriarch Youbai used the court food, so he wandered around the county government office with the county staff, and then directed the servants and the idle people of Youbai's house to separate the main house, the east and west rooms, and the two adjacent side courtyards. Unimportant items were moved out first, and then some benches were placed.

The men of the Yubai family found a brazier again and lit a charcoal fire to smoke the house.

This time, not only the families of the rich and principals who led the people in the county to save themselves brought their children to the county government office, but also the children of the government servants.

Everyone in the county government has a share, and everyone is very motivated. The servants patrolled the manpower on duty, and the rest either went shopping, or went to the big kitchen to help pack the ingredients and prepare for lunch.

The children who came today and the clansmen who escorted the children are expected to have lunch at the county office at noon.

In the early morning, the Yubai family had dispatched to the nearby restaurants and restaurants to order some lunches, but because they were not sure how many people would come, the county government also had to prepare a meal.

The people in the county government became busy, but fortunately, there were no important official duties that needed to be dealt with, and there were enough people.

At the end of the hour, the aides and servants closest to the county government, as well as a team of several wealthy families who had organized the city to save themselves, arrived at the county government one after another, and each family brought all their children under the age of 16.

Each family also knew what was good or bad, the big family had many children, and sent three or four people to lead the team, and the family of the yamen servants was led by one person.

A group of teams has more than 200 children.

Not long after, people who live a little further away also came one after another.

Around the middle of the day, the foundation-building cultivator of the Youbai family sent a group of children to the county government with magic weapons, and then went to meet the others.

Soon, a Qi-refining monk of the Youbai family took Lin's grandparents and Zhufu to the county government office, sent them to the front yard, arranged them in a room where the government servants rested during their shifts, and then went to report to the fairy.

You Bai's family is also very witty, and incidentally brought the girl who was betrothed to Zhugen to the county government office.

Leyun asks Zhumi and Lin Panhao to meet their family members.

Zhu Mi and Lin Pan packed up and followed the monks of the Youbai family to the house on the other side of the gate of the county government to meet their relatives.

Granny Lin, Lin Panhao, was waiting in the house, seeing that the adults of the Youbai family only brought Panhao and a child, disappointment appeared in her eyes.

When Zhugen saw his son, he ran a few steps in surprise, hugged the child who stepped into the threshold, and rubbed the child's head affectionately: "I haven't seen you for a while, and the bamboo rice has grown stronger again!"

The girl who made a marriage contract with Zhugen was surnamed Ying. The girl from Ying's family was originally engaged, and she could get married at the age of sixteen.

During the plague, life and death were impermanent, and the people in the city seldom talked about marriage, and Miss Ying didn't talk about marriage anymore. When the plague ended, she was already a 21-year-old old lady.

Miss Ying's family is a wealthy family in the city. She is not the eldest son, but she is also one of the descendants. Because each family is separated from each branch, her father's generation is also a little bit thin, and she belongs to a middle-class family.

Speaking of it, Miss Ying came from a big family and was married first, while Father Zhu was a poor man or a widower, so she was a low-marriage.

However, Father Zhu's son, Zhugen, has spiritual roots and is favored by the savior. Father Zhu's identity has also risen accordingly, and there are many people who want to marry him.

The girl from the Ying family is also honored by the elders of Bo's family, who is in charge of the county government.

Miss Ying came to the county yamen for a boat trip to dress up, wearing a festive brocade dress, a fur fur woven with wild goose down, combing a wishful bun, wearing Huasheng and a hosta with beads hanging down.

The adults of Youbai's family brought Zhumi and a girl, and Miss Ying also walked quickly to Zhugen's side, looking at the father and son with a smile.

Zhumi hugged her father back affectionately, and smiled happily: "The fairy asked me in the morning if I wanted to go home. I said that Father and Miss Ying came to visit me a few days ago, but I didn't expect Father and Miss Ying to visit me again. La."

"I heard that the fairy is back. I guess you will leave with the fairy soon. Your father and I will bring you some clothes and other things."

Miss Ying replied with a smile: "You father and son talk first, and then look at the package later."

Zhugen took his son's hand, and the three of them walked aside to sit down and talk about themselves.

When Zhugen met his father, Lin Panan threw himself into his sister's arms.

Lin Pan took a while to coax his younger brother to let go, and brought his younger brother to sit and chat with his mother-in-law.

Granny Lin thought that Pan Hao would not come back after leaving with the immortal, and she was heartbroken, with tears in her eyes all the time.

A monk from the Bai family led them to him, and he went to the next door to let the two families talk freely.

Zhugen was also very reluctant to part with his son, but he didn't say a single negative word, the most he said was to ask Zhumi to practice hard and take care of himself.

After talking for a while, I looked at the package again.

Father Gen and Miss Ying brought a lot of things, including six packages of clothes and shoes, and two new quilts, newly woven straw mats.

Father Zhu also brought a bag of rice and a set of bowls. He also slaughtered four chickens he raised at home and bought a sheep and slaughtered them. They made glutinous rice balls that Zhumi loves.

Zhumi was stunned.

With the help of the girl, she and Zhugen put the things into Zhumi's storage bag, and finally left four packages. She pointed to Zhumi one by one and told him that the clothes inside were made by her, and one was for Da's family. For the children, one part is for the young master of the Bai family, and one part is for the girl of the Lin family.

Then he handed a big blue package to Zhumi: "This is the clothes I sewed for the fairy with my own hands. Maybe the fairy doesn't wear the clothes of the mortal world, but it's just a little bit of my heart."

Granny Lin, who was talking to Panhao, was stunned when she heard what the girl from the Zhu family said. Who made clothes for Panhao and other children?And sew clothes for the fairy? !
Lin Panhao, who was talking to his younger brother, didn't think too much, and continued talking to his younger brother.

Zhumi hurriedly tore open the storage bag that the fairy gave her, first put the things for her friends into it, then picked up the big blue package, said something to her father and Miss Ying, and hurried to show her family respect to the little fairy.

The cub ran out of the house, ran along the colonnade into the house where they lived, entered the wishful house, trotted to the fairy, and presented the package.

His little face was flushed, and his eyes sparkled with a smile: "Fairy, this is a dress made by Miss Ying herself, and it is a little of her heart."

"It's hard for her to have a heart." Le Yun took the package and opened it in front of Xiao Zai'er.

The girl from the Ying family made a total of eight sets of clothes, two sets each for spring, summer, autumn and winter. From inner clothes to outer robes, wrapping girdles, and shoes, everything was complete. The winter clothes were also matched with fur capes.

The girl's needlework is very good, the stitches are fine and neat, and the workmanship is meticulous.

Moreover, it is probably because the clothes she wore were mainly blue, and the clothes and robes made by girls are also mainly blue, which shows that she is careful.

"He is a considerate and delicate person. Your father will be taken care of by your little aunt, so he will have no worries for the rest of his life. Go and call your father and the girl over. This fairy will make an exception and see them." I don't mind giving her face either.

"Hey!" Zhumi's eyes shone like a lit torch, and he ran out.

He ran out of the house in one breath, and on short legs, he ran non-stop outside the room where Father and the others were staying, and did not go in. He gasped and shouted outside: "Father, the girl is summoned by the fairy, hurry up!" Follow me to meet the fairy."

"Ah?" Zhugen and Miss Ying, who were waiting for their son's return, were shocked that the fairy summoned them?

Granny Lin, Lin Pan'an, was also stunned, and Lin Panhao was also startled.

Not to mention them, even the qi-refining cultivator of Youbai's family next door was taken aback.

Zhu Gen and Miss Ying were stunned, got up hurriedly, and ran out quickly.

Also because of the nervousness in her heart, the girl Ying almost tripped over the threshold when she reached the door.

When Dad and Miss Ying came out, Zhumi trotted ahead to lead the way.

Zhumi and Miss Ying also trotted along the way, and ran outside the house where the children used to live.

Zhumi also complied, and then led the people into the house, and made a report outside the wishful house, and then took the lead to enter the wishful house after getting the fairy's permission.

Ying girl lowered her eyebrows, followed Zhugen and Zhumi into the fairy's magic house, walked a few steps forward, and bowed in the direction of the fairy with Zhugen.

When Zhumi Xiaozai led the people in, Le Yun could clearly see the future bride whose father Zhumi hadn't married yet. The girl was tall and tall, with good features and a dignified face.

Zhu's father is handsome, and the girl's appearance and height match him.

Father Zhu has also tidied up, wearing a sheepskin-lined brocade robe, boots are also double-layered inside and outside, with deerskin lining inside, and brocade inlaid on the upper of the shoe, the clothes and shoes look like they were made by Ying girl.

Miss Ying is not yet married, and she has already taken care of her future partner's clothes, which shows that she is very satisfied with the marriage.

Father Zhu's appearance is very good, his foundation is good, and he will be even more handsome after a little tidying up, which also echoes the old saying "A man depends on his clothes and makeup, and a horse depends on his saddle".

He stood with Miss Ying, male and female, and others only regarded him as the son and wife of a rich family, no one would have guessed that he was actually born with mud legs.

After Zhu Gen settled down in the county seat, he rented out his own land and went to work in a workshop. Because he was literate, he did bookkeeping.

Le Yun once heard the monks of the Youbai family talk about what Zhu Gen and Granny Lin did for a living in the county. She knew that they could support a family, so she didn't pay attention to it afterwards.

"Get up, sit down." After the two saluted, they were asked to get up and answer.

The bamboo root girl agreed, stood up, moved a few steps to the table and sat down, still not daring to look up at the immortal.

The bamboo roots were better. I looked up at the fairy, saw the short hair of the fairy, and thought of the fairy's feat of cutting hair and using it as medicine to save the people infected with the plague, and my heart was shocked again.

The Youbai family and the adults in the county government have notified the whole city of the fairy house giving medicine to save the world, and the painters have drawn the transformation process of the fairy from the long hair to the ground to the hair being cut off.

The Youbai family and the rich families in the county gathered people who were good at painting in the county, copied the albums, and sold them in bookstores.

In order to let the people in the whole city and county remember the great achievements of the fairy, the picture book only charges the cost of pen and ink, and every family can afford it.

As soon as the picture book came out, the whole city rushed to buy it, and the supply exceeded the demand. I heard that the painters were still working tirelessly on the picture book, trying to make every household in the county have a picture book about the fairy saving the world.

Zhugen also has a painting album, which was sent to him by the Yubai family and masters. He has also looked up at each painting, because he once lived in the fairy's spirit boat for a few days, and his feelings are deeper.

Seeing that the fairy's hair was less than a foot long, Zhugen felt a fever in his heart. The fairy is a great virtue to save the world, and Zhumi is so lucky to be able to practice with the fairy!
Bamboo Mi Zai'er's father and Miss Ying were so restrained and at a loss after sitting down, Le Yun was afraid that they would be under too much pressure, so she took the initiative to ask Bamboo's father and Miss Ying what kind of work they were doing and what plans they had for the future.

Zhugen and Miss Ying answered every question.

Le Yun herself is not good at communication. In such a situation, if she can kill the world with just a few words of chatting, she will not have nothing to say, so she took a storage bag that ordinary people can use to give to Bamboo. father.

"I heard that you and Miss Ying will get married in February next year. It is impossible for Zhumi to leave home after you get married. This fairy will give you a congratulatory gift, and I hope that you and your husband will be united as a couple."

"The fairy saved our father and son, and took bamboo rice to practice. To Xiaomin, it is already a great favor, and I dare not accept the reward from the fairy again." Zhu Gen dare not accept it.

"Take it, it's a pill, it can prolong life after taking it."

"..." Zhugen hesitated for a while before he declined. The adults of the Youbai family said that Zhumi and the children had to cultivate at least to the Nascent Soul to be able to protect themselves, and only then could they come back to visit relatives.

He didn't know how many years it would take for Zhumi to become Yuanying Zhenjun. If he had the elixir, he could live longer, and he could wait to meet Zhumi when he came back to visit his relatives.

Zhugen took the magic weapon bag, stuffed it carefully into the inner pocket, got up and thanked the fairy.

Ying girl was so excited that she couldn't sit still when the fairy gave the gift. The bamboo root thanked the fairy, and she also sang and followed, and followed to thank the fairy.

This marriage has passed the bright road in front of the fairy, and it has to be approved by the fairy, which is already a certainty!
Except for Zhugen himself who regretted the marriage, outsiders couldn't break them up.

Miss Ying's hanging heart fell to the ground, and she kowtowed more sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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