magic eye doctor

Chapter 2980

The principals of all ethnic groups thanked the fairy, and their eyes were red when they got up.

Everyone in the Youbai family who was entrusted with the important task was full of joy. The fairy gave their family a magic weapon to test the spiritual root, and asked them to teach children how to practice. This is the greatest trust given to the Youbai family!

The mundane affairs are over, Le Yun directly moved to the spirit boat above the main courtyard with the teleportation technique, and raised her voice to inform the whole city: "This fairy is about to leave, and I have something important to inform before I leave. The mountain set up a large array to calm the danger of the volcanic eruption of the tomb mountain.

In order to prevent another earthquake or the eruption of underground fires on the gravehead mountain, this fairy cast a curse. From now on, all creatures who intend to destroy the graveyard and detonate the underground fire veins will be struck by lightning.

The curse of this fairy has been proved by heaven and earth. From now on, creatures of all races are not allowed to destroy the mountains and rivers of Fengtou Mountain, and are not allowed to mine various mineral veins in the territory of Fengtou Mountain.

Fentou Mountain is not a livable place. Wang Zhuang and other Daiben fairies spread the news everywhere, warning the people who escaped from Fentou Mountain not to return to live in the original place, and the people who are closer to Fentou Mountain will not go to pick it in the future. Dig all kinds of ores in the territory of Tomb Mountain.

The fairy also entrusted some real kings and great powers in the world of cultivating immortals to send a message to the people in the counties and towns around the tomb mountain to inform the people of the tomb mountain that the fairy cursed the magic circle. Presumably in a few days, the cultivators will also I came to Wangzhu County to spread the word, and I hope that the people in the county will also spread the news to each other, so that people from south to north can spread the news further.

This fairy once again warns all sentient beings that in the future, because this fairy once stayed in Wangzhu City for a period of time, she will not use her name to swindle and deceive people outside, or use this to seek personal gain. Anyone who uses this fairy's guise to do evil At the least, it can be bad luck, the family business is withered, or the sky is struck by lightning, or the children and grandchildren are cut off, and the family is wiped out.

Those who don't listen to the advice will suffer retribution. Even if he wants to repent, I will be far away from Zhuzhou at that time, and the voice of his repentance will not be heard, and no one can save him. "

After leaving a warning, Le Yun threw out two scrolls, hung them over the main courtyard of the county government with a flying talisman, and once again notified the whole city: "This fairy left a prescription to prevent and control the plague. The bosses of the county government keep it on their behalf, and in their spare time, they invite gentlemen from the city to copy it, and send it to various parts of the county for rubbing and selling.

The purpose of this fairy's prescription is to relieve the suffering of all living beings. No one is allowed to sell the prescription under any name for personal gain. I hope that you will have good intentions and let the prescription be widely known and benefit all beings.

This Fairy performed a ritual ceremony on Mt. Mt. Mt. Tomb, which eliminated the bad luck and resentment in this area, and made the souls of the victims rest in peace.

If the heart is kind, good luck will come, and I wish the people around Fengtou Mountain to be free from illness and disaster, live and work in peace and contentment, and continue to multiply! "

Le Yun returned to the spirit boat after saying "if the heart is kind", the last word fell, and she drove away in the spirit boat, leaving Wangzhu County in a blink of an eye.

The matter of inspecting the spirit root for the child was over, Patriarch Youbai and the principals of various ethnic groups were about to invite the fairy to a banquet, but the fairy disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Then a voice came from above their heads, everyone looked up at the sky, saw the fairy standing in the sky above the main courtyard, and all looked up to listen to the fairy's oracle.

Knowing that the fairy has set up a large array on the grave to prevent the underground fire from erupting again and endangering all living beings, everyone is happy, but when the fairy said that she left a curse, they were shocked.

When the fairy warned against acting in her name, all of them tensed their hearts.

People inside and outside the entire county heard the fairy's voice at the same moment.

No matter what the people inside and outside the city were doing, they rushed out of the house to listen to the voice of the fairy.

The hearts of the people ebbed and flowed with the fairy's words. When they heard that the fairy had left a prescription to prevent and control the plague, countless people were overjoyed at first, and then shed tears.

The common people bowed to the ground and thanked the fairy for her kindness.

In the county government office, the patriarch Youbai heard the fairy's blessing, bowed down too, and shouted: "Youbai obeys the decree of the fairy!"

Everyone in the side courtyard and the main courtyard knelt down, and the response was as passionate as the waves of the sea.

Patriarch Youbai thanked him with a big salute, but he didn't see the fairy's sign. He looked up and saw that the spirit boat in the sky had disappeared.

Patriarch You Bai prostrated himself heavily on the ground again, his voice trembling: "Congratulations to the fairy! The immortal life of the fairy is boundless!"

Zhugen knew that the fairy had left when he heard Patriarch Youbai shouting to send the fairy off.

He didn't give up on the child, and he didn't cry out in public. He wiped away his tears and worshiped together with the crowd.

Everyone in the county office, even though they were mentally prepared, knew that the fairy would guard against it sooner or later. When the fairy really left at this moment, deep reluctance welled up in their hearts. No matter where they were, they knelt down on the spot and choked up. Shouting: "Congratulations to the fairy! The fairy life is boundless!"

After everyone's shouts, the county government was completely silent, and the fairy's gentle response was never heard.

Patriarch You Bai stood up and called everyone to get up, and then hurried to the main courtyard with the principals of various ethnic groups, and they all saw two unfolded scrolls hanging above the courtyard.

The picture scroll hangs in the air, as stable as a rock.

Patriarch Youbai called Qi Ji to his side, and led someone to drive a flying fan to fetch the scroll in the air.

There was no protection for the scroll hanging in the air. Ancestor Bai rolled it up and held it in his hand. When it fell to the ground, holding the scroll in his hand, he walked slowly into the main hall of the county government office, and first enshrined it on the desk in the main hall.

The principals of all ethnic groups also went into the main hall to pay homage to the painting scrolls to thank the fairy for her benevolence, and went to sit with the ancestor Youbo.

When sitting at the banquet, Bamboo Father, Ying Girl, the seven children with spiritual roots and their families were invited to the upper room of the main courtyard and sat on the west side of the main hall.

Fairy left, and everyone quickly adjusted even though they were extremely reluctant. Fairy saved the world and lived in Wangzhu County, which has made the county government full of glory, and they are satisfied.

After the plague was over, the Youbai family and the principals of all clans finally got together again. After the catastrophe, there was another happy event, and everyone was in a good mood.

When the people in Wangzhu County Yamen were having a lively dinner, student Le Xiao was walking on the way to Jinxiu City.

One big, three small and four cubs studied their homework according to the order, and didn't know what was going on outside. They didn't know that the fairy was going to leave until they heard the fairy's warning to the people in the city.

The four of them didn't go out to have a look, because they were afraid that they would be reluctant, after all, they don't know when they will be able to return to their hometown, and if they went out to see, they might be even more reluctant to leave.

Da Zai is fine, he has no relatives, and the only black dog he depends on is by his side, so he doesn't feel any reluctance.

Zhumi is reluctant to part with his father, and Youbai Ningjing is reluctant to part with his ancestor.

Lin Panhao's heart was also sour, with nostalgia for his hometown, and unexplainable emotions.

The mood of the first and second elementary school was a little low, and they were not in the mood to review their homework for a while.

Le Yun spared her spiritual consciousness to wait and see the cubs and ignored them. Since the cubs want to embark on the road of cultivation, they have to adapt to the life of monks.

Parting is an extremely normal state for monks.

The spirit boat braved the wind and snow for about four to ten minutes, and arrived at the wilderness outside Splendid City. Le Yun shrunk the spirit boat and stuffed it in her sleeves, and entered the city with teleportation.

Splendid City covered by heavy snow has also become a "wax figure" among the original wax figures.

Splendid City in winter is quiet, even the crowing of cocks and the barking of dogs are not as frequent as before.

The snow is cold every day, the city residents are recuperating, and many shops on the street are closed early.

Carriages and pedestrians are seldom seen on the big lanes in the city, but children are not afraid of the cold, and children playing or busy catching birds can often be seen.

Le Yun appeared in the City Lord's Mansion, and then went to the courtyard where the City Lord Lu lived.

The city lord's mansion was also very quiet, even the gatekeeper stayed in the room and dozed off with the brazier in his arms, and the servants went to rest except those who had work and those who had no work.

When the immortal came to Jinxiu City to save the world, the Lord Lu led a team to purchase medicinal materials to seek support. On the way back, he rested in a city.

When they returned to Jinxiu City, they found out that the fairy had come to their city to treat the people long ago, so they were very pleasantly surprised.

The city lord Lu returned to the city, and the young master Lu handed over the official affairs to his father. He retreated and took medicine in the name of recuperation.

Young Master Lu "rested" for three months, and then he also stepped into the monkhood.

Danglu City Lord knew that his son could also practice, and almost fainted with excitement. Except for discussing important matters with his son, he never bothered him with trivial matters, allowing his son to have a lot of time to practice.

Relying on her breath, Le Yun found Young Master Lu's yard, and went directly into his study.

The upper room in the courtyard faces south from the north, with a beam-lifting structure and a colonnade on the outside. The study room is on the east side of the upper room. The interior is quite wide and filled with bookshelves, each of which is full of books.

There are three large book cases under the branch window in the south, a door in the east corner, and a piano case under the window in the direction of the west wall.

The west wall of the study is located about three bookshelves away from the south window, and there are no bookshelves in the southwest corner. A painting is hung on the central wall, and an altar is set in front of the painting, offering incense burners and exquisite porcelain vases.

To the north of the altar are several painting jars, to the south is a long book case, and several sets of the Four Treasures of the Study.

The young city lord of Jinxiu City was wearing a white fur robe and was sitting facing the south window, with a book in front of him, gesticulating with his hands while reading.

Young Master Lu, who was busy learning the techniques and handprints, suddenly saw a blue light in the corner of his eyes, turned his head suddenly, and suddenly found a girl with short fluffy hair and a light blue dress in front of the painting table enshrined in the west.

Young Master Lu stared blankly at the girl who had appeared out of thin air, and then at the painting on the wall. The painting was a picture of a fairy saving the world, and the face and height of the girl in blue were similar to the fairy in the painting.

However, the hair...

Young Master Lu stared at the fairy's head for a full three breaths, jumped up from the chair, and landed with a thump, his voice trembling with excitement: "Fairy, fairy..."

"Excuse me, get up." Looking at the frightened young man, Le Yun smiled and moved to the desk, and sat down on a chair next to the seat of the young monk.

Young Master Lu hurriedly got up and saw the fairy seated, how could he dare to sit down, he stood respectfully, not knowing where to put his hands.

Le Yun took the book on the desk and flipped through it casually: "You have awakened the golden spirit root, and the gold-type spells are your natal spells, and the earth and water-type spells are also compatible with your spiritual roots, and you can also practice them." Wind spells.

Metal and wood are incompatible, you are not suitable for learning wood-type spells, but it is necessary to understand the production method of wood-type talismans, and the same is true for thunder, light, dark, and ice-type spells. Know yourself and the enemy, not to mention invincible, at least crack It's easier to get up.

Theoretically, fire and metal can restrain each other, but in fact, gold and fire are also the closest brothers. For example, people with two spiritual roots of gold and fire are most suitable for refining weapons.

This spiritual root of yours is best cultivated in places where the aura of gold and earth is strong. "

Young Master Lu couldn't even hold his breath. After listening to the fairy's advice, he suddenly felt enlightened and enlightened. No wonder he couldn't learn the simplest little magic technique no matter what.

"Thank you Fairy! Thank you Fairy!" Young Master Lu was so excited that he plopped down again.

"Don't kneel and kneel, you are not tired, this fairy looks tired." Le Yun was angry and funny: "Your spiritual root purity is very high, reaching [-]%, and your talent is also very good, no one points out He also succeeded in drawing Qi into his body, and even reached the second level of Qi Refining in a short period of time.

Your family's spell book is the lowest level of spells, just a few common small spells, which are not very useful. This fairy will give you a spell book, and you can explore it by yourself in the future. "

Le Yun took out two wooden boxes, two spirit discs, and a storage bag and put them on the desk: "There is another book about cultivation methods, suitable for all kinds of spirit roots.

The two magic weapons are spirit testing disks. When your cultivation level is higher, you can test the spiritual roots of the children in the whole city. If you find that the spiritual roots are good, you will gather together and teach them how to practice. "

Young Master Lu, who was just about to get up, was so shocked that he knelt upright again, and couldn't move.

The little Qi Refining Cultivator was tongue-tied and looked silly, Le Yun couldn't bear to look directly at him, so he blew a wisp of spiritual energy into the Baihui acupoint on the top of his head.

After being empowered by the aura, Young Master Lu shuddered, and his exhausted brain finally woke up, but he still couldn't utter a word.

"This fairy has something important to entrust to you. There are two boxes in this storage bag. The box with the City of Eternal Embroidery on it is a gift for your cultivation resources. You will keep the other box first.

The disaster at the tomb mountain was concealed by the relatives in power of the empire. The king with a different surname who was entrusted to the tomb mountain did not know about it. In the future, the king with a different surname came back after hearing the news. Then you took this box to meet him and handed it to him.

If he has no people in his heart and does nothing, the box belongs to your family, and it will only be opened after a thousand years.

This matter is a secret, you must keep your mouth shut, and it is absolutely impossible for anyone to know, not even your parents, can you do it? "

Young Master Lu's pupils dilated to the extreme, almost suffocating himself, slowed down, and kowtowed heavily: "Lu Wuyou is willing to swear with his life that he will live up to the fairy's entrustment!"

"That's good. If the king with a different surname has the ambition to protect the people and fight for the leader of Kuzhu, you can follow him, but you have to remember one thing. If you are an official, you must keep in mind that 'the people are more important than the king' , and, girls from your family will never be allowed to enter the palace as concubines.

Can you do this request? "

"Fairy, Lu Wuyou thinks he can do it, and he can make the descendants of the family dare not disobey the ancestral precepts, but there will inevitably be times when the king's order cannot be violated." Young Master Lu honestly confessed his worries.

"If you are a wise king, you will not chill the hearts of the heroic family, let alone make the descendants of your family bear the infamy of violating the precepts of the ancestors."

Le Yun smiled, and instead of mentioning that, she asked the little monk if he had any questions about cultivation.

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