magic eye doctor

Chapter 2981

Chapter 2981
Le Yun thinks she is not the Holy Mother, but she should never shirk her responsibility because she gave Lu Shao the City Master Life Pill to make him grow spiritual roots, so she still has to worry about his cultivation.

The fairy trusted herself and entrusted herself with an important matter. The young master Lu was nervous and excited, but when he heard the fairy ask if he had any questions about cultivation, he jumped up excitedly.

Ask him if he has any questions about cultivation?

Of course!
There are many more!
In the past, I groped myself according to the cultivation methods and handwritten notes passed down from my ancestors. If I had any questions, no one could ask them. Now there are fairies to answer my questions.

Young Master Lu, who was hit by a big pie falling from the sky, immediately put aside all kinds of distracting thoughts, and asked all kinds of confusion about himself.

Le Yun answered him one by one, explaining the relationship between meridians, acupoints and spiritual roots, and the differences in the cultivation methods and the order of the practice routes, and also instructed him how to cultivate and use spiritual knowledge.

Young Master Lu eagerly absorbed knowledge about cultivation.

An hour passed without knowing it.

To solve the little monk's confusion, Le Yun took out a jade slip and taught it: "Your spiritual root is most suitable for a swordsmanship, here is a copy of swordsmanship suitable for gold-type spiritual roots, and I will also give it to you.

This jade slip can only be opened ten times. You can choose the period of sword training at your own discretion. The way to open it is very simple, just paste the jade slip into your forehead and trigger it with your spiritual sense.

The road to immortality is difficult, but if you have the ambition to ascend to heaven, one day you will be able to ride the wind for nine days, and you will be on your own in the future. "

"Thank you fairy!" After receiving the fairy's guidance, the fairy also presented the secret slip of swordsmanship, and the young master Lu plopped on his knees again, with both queens raised high on the top, and then took the jade slip.

The last mundane matter was over, Kuzhuling had nothing to worry about, Le Yun was in a good mood, and left directly with the teleportation technique.

Holding the jade slips in both hands, Young Master Lu noticed that the blue in front of his eyes was shaking, and then raised his eyes slightly, and suddenly found that there was no fairy figure in front of him, so he hurriedly looked around.

There are no fairy shadows anymore, and I am the only one in the study.

Young Master Lu stared blankly at the empty study room, bowed nine times on the ground, then slowly got up, stood in a daze for a while before walking to the desk, gently put down the jade slips, and opened the storage bag first.

The storage bag is a storage container that can be used by ordinary people. It is only three feet square, and there are two boxes of wood and jade inside.

Young Master Lu took out the wooden box bestowed on him by the Fairy and put it on the desk, and then opened the lid. Inside, there was a silver armband, a storage bag, and a book on the silver armband.

The silver arm ring is a storage device, and the fairy left a letter indicating the way to recognize the owner.

According to what the fairy said, Young Master Lu first dripped blood, and then branded his pitifully weak spiritual consciousness on it, and established a connection with Yinhuan as expected.

He wanted to check how wide the inside of the armband was. When he poked his spiritual sense in, he realized that the storage container was hundreds of feet wide. There was a pile of shiny spirit stones as high as a mountain in one corner, and three piles of magic weapons, materials for drawing talismans and arrays, and a pile of them on the opposite side. A box of pills and six robes.

Although Young Master Lu is the Young City Master of Jinxiu City, he has never seen what a Lingshi looks like, and this is the first time he has seen a real Lingshi.

He can recognize spirit stones and magic weapons because there is a note in front of each item, indicating the name and level of the item.

Seeing the items in the silver armband, Young Master Lu burst into tears.

The fairy gave him the life elixir to make him a monk, and then came to teach him how to practice, and prepared resources for him to practice. The fairy is to him, how can a sentence of kindness and regeneration be clear.

The kindness of the fairy, even if he reincarnated three times with the grass in his hand, he would not be able to repay it.

With tears in his eyes, Master Lu withdrew his spiritual consciousness from the silver armband, put the armband on his left arm, and then checked the storage bag with the armband.

The storage bag was ten feet wide, and there were several boxes of pills, one hundred low-grade, one hundred middle-grade, and thirty high-grade instruments.

Pills are the pills that monks use daily, and there are three kinds of pills that are given to mortals. Some mortals have taken Qingchen Pill to remove impurities in the body, Yangyuan Pill to nourish the body and strengthen the body, and the pill that can prolong life by sixty to one hundred. The hundred-year-old pill contained in it.

Needless to say, Young Master Lu also knows that the resources in the armband are the training resources prepared by the fairy for himself, and the resources in the storage device are the spare resources for the fairy to cultivate his confidants.

It can be seen that the fairy has worked hard for her own practice and future.

With tears in his eyes, Young Master Lu bowed nine times to the portrait of the fairy, wiped away his tears, got up, put the magic weapon and items into his armband, and sat down to study the magic book left by the fairy.

When the young master Lu of Jinxiu City got the fairy's guidance, Granny Lin of Wangzhu County was lying on the bed and shivering.

On the way home, Granny Lin heard the fairy's warning that people forbid people to use her reputation as a cover for profit. At that time, the neighbor who was driving the car stopped the deer carriage specially to listen to the fairy's admonition.

Granny Lin was frightened twice in a row, and ran back and forth twice in a row. The wind was blowing and the cold was blowing. When she got home, she lost her strength and lay down directly.

Lying on the bed, she felt cold at one moment and hot at another.

Lin Pan'an didn't know where Grandma had gone, and also found that Grandma was not well when she came back, and was completely at a loss. When Grandma lay down, she always cried cold, so he hugged another quilt to cover Grandma.

Even with two quilts covered, Granny Lin sometimes still feels cold, sometimes hot and cold, and sweats profusely.

Lin Pan'an had never experienced anything like this independently, and she didn't know what to do, so she ran to ask Grandma what was wrong.

After tossing until mid-afternoon, Granny Lin was so dazed that she couldn't even speak.

Lin Pan'an yelled several times but got no response, so he ran out to find someone in a panic. He first ran to Zhu's house, but seeing that the door of Zhu's house was still locked, he had to knock on another neighbor's door.

The neighbor's house opened the door and heard that Granny Lin was not well. The woman next door went to see Lin's house and found that Granny Lin had a high fever, so she hurriedly asked Lin Xiaolang to call for a doctor.

Lin Pan'an didn't know where the doctor was, so the woman next door asked her man to take Lin Xiaolang to find the doctor, and she helped Granny Lin change her sweat-soaked clothes.

The doctor was invited to the Lin family to see Granny Lin, and it was diagnosed that Granny Lin became ill because of excessive fear, worry, and cold.

The doctor issued a list for people to pick up the medicine.

The young man of the Lin family didn't do anything, so the woman next door had to ask her man to fetch the medicine, and then greeted the doctor on her behalf.

After the medicine was boiled out, I quickly poured it down to Granny Lin.

The doctor's medicine was very good. Granny Lin drank two bowls of medicine, and the fever subsided within a quarter of an hour.

The doctor went to check again, and ordered Lin Xiaolang to take the medicine according to the order, drink it for several days, and he went home after explaining clearly.

The man next door brought Lin Xiaolang back to the doctor and took back the medicine. Then he returned home with his wife who was still at Granny Lin's house.

The couple had just entered the door, and when they were about to close the door, they saw the adults of the Youbai family use the magic weapon of the fairy family to send the neighbor's bamboo father back, went up to say hello, and told about Granny Lin's high fever.

Father Zhu was taken aback at first, but then he guessed the reason. Granny Lin should have gotten sick because of her worry about Lin Xiaolang.

He and Miss Ying had lunch at the county government office. He originally wanted to go home, but was invited to the backyard by the monks of You Bai's family, where he met Patriarch You Bai and Young Master Qi Ji.

Mr. Qi Ji told the story of how Lin's ancestors offended the fairy and how the fairy punished Lin Xiaolang. He also told the story of Granny Lin going to the county government to return the dowry to Miss Lin after she was expelled.

Zhugen really didn't understand Granny Lin's actions. Lin Xiaolang is a good person to inherit her incense, but Miss Lin has been dependent on her for many years, and Lin Xiaolang was picked up by Miss Lin and brought up by herself. Granny Lin's family also spent on Miss Lin's elders With the spirit stone left behind and the spirit beads earned by Miss Lin, how could she do something like the Lingshi of Miss Lin?

Bamboo Root disagrees with Granny Lin's approach. Hearing that Granny Lin fell ill when she came back, she has no intention of visiting her immediately.

The monks of the Bai family heard that Lin was sick and invited a doctor, they were extremely calm, turned around and went back to the county government.

Zhugen saw off the monks from the Youbai family, exchanged pleasantries with the neighbors, and prepared to go home.

The neighbors and their husbands were not stupid, and always felt that the attitude of Father Zhu and the adults of the Youbai family was a bit wrong. They enthusiastically invited Father Zhu to their house to have a sit-down, on the grounds that they were curious about how many children from each clan had spiritual roots.

The kindness of the neighbors is hard to get over, not to mention that I am sometimes too busy and often ask the neighbors to take care of the house, but Zhu's father can't handle it, so he goes to the neighbor's house to sit for a while.

Sitting like that, the neighbors also knew that Lin Xiaolang offended the fairy, and got a comment from the fairy that he was "unsuitable for use", and knew how to treat the Lin family from now on.

Granny Lin lost her fever and was still unable to get up the next day. It seemed that the illness drained all her strength. She lingered on the sick bed for several days, and only managed to get up two days before the New Year's Day to celebrate the festival.

Lin Panhao didn't know what happened at home, and she didn't have time to think about how her mother-in-law and Pan'an would be after she left, because the fairy taught the class in person, and there was a lot of homework every day, which made people have no time to think about it.

After leaving Splendid City, Le Xiao drove the spirit boat to start the rush mode, first crossed the Mt. Tomb Mountain, entered the territory of the Dayue Empire, and then flew north.

In order to reduce unnecessary troubles, the spirit boat rose to a high altitude and flew under the sea of ​​clouds.

Considering the mood of the cubs, little Lolita did not bother the cubs that day and asked them to regulate their emotions.

The three cubs, one big, two small, were in a bad mood all afternoon, and Da Zai was also affected. The four cubs stayed in a daze for the whole afternoon, and only went from Da Zai's Ruyi house to Da Ruyi outside when they were hungry. Room.

They looked out from the door of Ruyi House and knew that it was getting dark outside.

You Bo Tranquility took out the food, and the four of them ate dinner, washed up and went to bed early.

After sleeping and waking up, Xiao Zai'er's mood also eased.

However, before they had time to think about what to do, the fairy took up the post and taught in person the talismans of the four major arts.

The cubs have not formally practiced, so it is impossible to teach drawing and making talismans, and the teaching is only to teach the most basic talisman characters and how to write them.

Talismans are immortal characters, and it is difficult for monks who have formally practiced to learn, not to mention that the cubs have not yet formally practiced, so it is even more difficult to learn.

The four cubs started their hard-earned study career.

(End of this chapter)

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